Moxie's Kennel

All 24HH male dogs are put up for stud at around level 50. Senior dogs will not be locked for breeding purposes, and will age out and be retired after 110 days. Female dogs will not be put up for breeding.
I will generally accept all breeding requests if your dog is taken care of.
Stud fees will always be $5k.

My current residents are: CLDs, Pulik, Canaan Dogs, Croatian Sheepdogs, Smooth Collies.
Residents are the 24HH dog lines I have bred. I may be continuing to work on improving their genetics. They will be trained and leveled. I usually breed resident females twice, with the first time at 90 days or above.
Most residents will remain with me until retirement.
Resident dog litters may have puppies for reserve. I will generally not accept bids of under $10k. In addition to bid price, status of your current dogs and previous ownership of the resident dog breed will be considered.

My current projects are: Canaan boosts, Croatian boosts.
Project dogs will generally be bred at lower levels and lower ages.
Most project dogs will go up for sale after a certain age. Prices can range from $500 to $5k, depending on level and genetics.

Why are all your resident dogs the same age?
It's easier for me, because I can do mass breedings and will not have to remember a lot of different days. It also looks more organized.

How do you name your dogs?
I use a random word generator and sometimes tweak the results a bit.

What new dog breeds will you be breeding in the future?
Not considering new breeds at this time.

Can I have x for free?
Unless I have explicitly offered something for free, no. Please do not message me asking for donations/handouts.

Bolshie (Canaan Dog) x1
Reef (Catahoula Leopard Dog) x10
Prelapsarian (Puli) x10
Griego (Croatian Sheepdog) x1
Measure (Canaan Dog) x3
Solleret (Canaan Dog) x6
Overall (Catahoula Leopard Dog) x3
Forestaff (Catahoula Leopard Dog) x6
Snowslip (Puli) x10
Apprized (Canaan Dog) x2

CLD - aptitude, leveling
Puli - leveling, aptitude
Canaan - boosts, leveling
Croatian - boosts, leveling
Smooth Collie - boosts, leveling

Game Time

12:39am on Mar 25

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