my characters

A Kennel that rescue unhappy, unhealthy, dogs and makes them happy healthy!
I also have 2 show kennels 93643, and 91188

You're a "Yellow Angel" which means
you're probably really motherly. You're not
like a soccermom or anything but you're
protective of those you care for and you'd do
anything for them. You're usually the wiser one
in your group of friends and you're a good
psychiatrist because you've been through a lot
of stuff and know the best thing to do in every
situation. But you don't take any crud from
other people and they respect you for your
ability to stick up for yourself and others.
What Color Angel Are You? (ANIME PICS)
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You are a smoke grey cat. You're very peaceful and
comfortable to be around, and you like to spend
time in quiet places.
What color of cat are you?
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Aristocat! You're a sophisticated cat, proud to
hold your head up high even when somebody ruins
your day. You do have your bad hairball days,
but instead of freaking out over something,
you'd much rather take it in stride and move
What kind of cat are you?
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You're an Autum. You're much more laid back then
most and you're very comfortable in new
situations. You rather let things go with the
flow than try to change them. You have a lot of
close friends who love you because you can help
them with their problems. You're a very patient
person and it take a lot to get you rattled.
You're deffinately a lover not a hater.
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Your Beauty lies in Nature. Down to earth, laid back and a natural beauty. You have no need for make-up or accessories that most others do. In fact you most likely find them a nuisance. You are probably a little tom-boyish in your jeans and tees with a great love for nature. You probably know more about plants and animals than most people and you'd rather spend your times outdoors and in the sun, independent and free. You can be a bit distant with people, preferring the company of animals over people, which isn't always the best thing. You can be kind and sweet, but not many see that side of you as you often have misunderstandings with people. You are very go-with-the-flow sort of person and usually try to avoid fights even if it means changing your opinion or belief. Still, you are you look your best actually without make-up and in casual clothes. Very few can say that. Be proud.
Some Things That Represent You:
Element: Earth, Wind
Animal: Horse
Color: Green, Purple, Earth Tones
Song: The Memory Of Trees by Enya
Expression: Cool Smile
Gemstone: Emerald
Mythological Creature: Fairy, Elf
Sign: Saggritarius
Planet: Earth
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Bright Green
Quote: "Horses love me. Cowboys fear me."
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If I were a cat, I would be a… Puma! The Puma (Felis concolor) is an unmarked, tawny cat which possesses, along with great elegance and agility, many commonly used names. The most widespread of its labels are Cougar, Panther, Mountain Lion, and Catamount. They live over a broad range in all of the Americas.Being the Puma (or whatever you want to call it!), you are a very strong individual and have a great capability of succeeding at whatever you wish to accomplish. You are cunning when in sticky situations and adept at puzzles and riddles. - TAZL.com - Take the Quiz -

What breed of horse are you? Find out!
Well something about me are, I like the outdoors, swimming, ride horses, reading, watching TV, and play on the computer. I like helping animals and people. I have rescued to this day 58 animals total, break down 25 cats,5 dogs,8 hamsters, 2 rats,5 Bunny's,3 fish,2 guinea pigs, 3 Hermit crabs,2 lizards and 3 mice. I keep 36 of them the rest I found loving homes for. I live with my dog, Sadie Rose. I rescued her from the death row at the pound. What want do in life is finish college which I'm taking criminal justice class
Casso Iam part of:
Wierd Allergies
Rescuers Association
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