Birds of A Feather


About Dolce ma non Troppo Kennels

About Dolce ma non Troppo Kennels
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I'm so lazy =P

This is my side kennel. I don't do much on her =[

But I love this layout and so I'm keeping it her for safekeeping and so I can look at it ^^

And enjoy this quote~

"Today I will be as happy as a seagull with a french fry"

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My Characters

My Characters
I will eventually make personal refs for all my characters! All of my characters were designed by me and I don't usually buy characters ^^ It feels weird. I'm sure a time will come when I fall in love with someone's character and will buy it, but for now I just make my own to keep or sell ^^

Maestro is basically my fursona and I steal her name a lot. My name is flute, but you can call me Maestro =] It doesn't bother me at all! Her lovely ref was made by Nay <3


A ref of Panieure by Katie ^^ Photobucket

All my fox characters have the two dots above a vowel in their name. I put a line above the e in my name and therefore the two dots in Maestro's name. Then I just never stopped.

Characters not shown here are Ruphius, Vosir, and my fox charrie with no name. I will make refs of all my characters.... someday XD

Oh, and this is Scout ^^ I was going to sell her, but then I fell in love =D She's also gives me a reason to buy tags I wouldn't buy. I usually only buy wolf, fox, and GSD type tags for my foxes so now I can buy every other tag for her =3



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Commission Information

Commission Information
Commissions aren't open yet, but they will be eventually ^^

litter commission for Kindra and Likewise is all finished and paid for ^^

Thank you guys so much =3

Revamping a char for Kira (972525). Finished =3 Thank you~

Mes Chiens

Mes Chiens

I will put info about my dogs and their achievements here ^^

Notable dogs I've raised

Rough Collies

Dolce ma non Troppo (She was my pride and joy. I loved her to death and for the longest time she was my best dog ^^)

Rushka (First Dog to reach title of WC and one of the highest leveled dogs I've had)

Dutch Shepherds

Secrets of the Shadows (Excellent store bought Shepherd)

Silent Trickster (Another notable Dutch Shepherd)


I've just started to raise them again ^^

Here is an old one I loved =]

Iris (Fist dog to reach a stat of 100... I was pretty ecstatic back then XD)

I don't raise Cardigan Welsh Corgis anymore, but I thought I should mention one who was one of my best Tricksters =3



Here's a basic idea of who I am...

I'm not short =D

I'm bitterly sarcastic and seem to be cold hearted.

I love to talk, but people who don't know me think I'm very quiet XD

I don't mean to be mean. I don't think I am, but people seem to be offended by me...

I love being in solitude, but I don't like feeling lonely.

I don't open up easily and am an extreme introvert and very shy.

I love classical music and playing my flute <3

I recently got a 3,000 dollar wooden piccolo O.O

I don't have a lot of money though and I work hard.

I am a Junior at Seaside High School.

I love the ocean and know that I'm lucky to live so close to the sea.

I am not religious and I'm pro-choice.

I have two Budgies whom I adore plus one German Shepherd (whom I train and show) and one chubby tabby =3

Game Time

12:25am on Mar 21

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