Trisha Art Website(Website is currently under construction.)
Current Custom Tag Sale: TBA
My Characters
Atilla the BunIzumiTaiCrimValhalla
About Me
Trisha's my real name. I'm a 40 year old trained agricultural technician and freelance artist in Canada. I have a grey tabby, Shaun, and a bunch of fish. My best friend, Bean, a Papillon, passed away this July 2021. Love him forever. I enjoy singing karaoke, drawing things, and growing things.
Cavalier Kennels
I started in FP Beta with Papillons, Neo Mastiffs, Pharoah Hounds and Weimeraners under the kennel Black Orchid Kennels with the prefix
~BOK. Honestly I shouldn't have changed the name because I don't think they register in my history lol. Retired the Neos, but still have Paps, Pharoahs, and Weim lines from Beta.
I'm constantly trying to improve my dog lines without inbreeding and always adding new blood to my line. I try to breed my dogs 2 or less times and as high a level they can get.
Puppies & Adoptions
I don't accept $0 bids on puppies and only accept from kennels that take care and level their dogs. If you don't want to keep your dog any longer, I will take them back for the price bought from me.
I will occasionally have foster dogs which will be available for adoption from Lvl 15 for a minimal price.
