Kennel Howling

Latest update: I was in an accident this summer, and damaged my fingers on an electric saw. Luckily it was on the left hand, and only 1 finger was damaged serious. This caused me to be inactive in this game for the past few months, naturally. Now I'm still on a sick leave from work, but slowly trying to get back on track, but I don't dare to unlock all my dogs yet. For now I focus on working towards the achievements (except from the performer) while I'm working towards being able to play this game to the fullest again, as well working towards a more normal life and getting back to work.

Hello, and welcome to my corner here at FPaw! I played this game a lot before, but then I have been inactive for several years. But now it seems I'm on a good path againa, so hopefully I won't be inactive for a long period of time as it has happened before!

I am 30 years old woman, living in Norway. I currently working as a software developer, and a designer. I recently bought my first house so a lot of my time goes into upgrading my house, as well as my animals. Currently I have two dogs, Kiska the 10 year old German Shepherd and Haru the 1 year Border Collie. But I also spend a lot of time with my boyfriends dog, Logi (3,5 years) the Icelandic Sheepdog, which I also train and doing courses with. I've been training and owned dogs for 19 years and have a lot of courses and school related to dog and dog training. Otherwise I have 7 rabbits which I compete with in Rabbit Show Jumping, and are a board member of Norway's National Association of Rabbit Show Jumping, as the financial manager (earlier head of the association). I also have 2 corn snakes. I love being creative, but after years battling depression I have yet to come back to that, but I get to be artistic and creative during my work and studies at least. I am a enthusiast photographer as well, but for now there's not so much time for me to do that.

The kennel name - Kennel Howling - is actually something old. I probably wouldn't use it now if I could make a new choice, but I also find it hard to change it. So it will probably always be Kennel Howling (prefix KH) here!

My 3 main breeds here at FPaw:
German Shepherd: aiming for lala 4STR 24HH - Schutzhund Aptitude.
Border Collie: aiming for lala 4AGI 24HH - Agility Aptitude.
Saarloos Wolfdog: aiming for lala 4STM 24HH - Tracking Aptitude.

New projects I've started on FPaw:
Australian Koolie: aiming for lala 4STM 24HH - Hedring Aptitude.
Alaska Husky: aiming for lala 4SPD 24HH - Sledding Aptitude.
Norwegian Lundehund: aiming for lala 4INT 24HH - Hunting Aptitude.
Berger Picard: aiming for lala 4AGI 24HH - Flyball Aptitude.

Highest level own bred dogs:
Alaska Husky: Level 72 - ICS KH Xeric Condition "Xeric"
Berger Picard: Level 84 - WCFl KH Theme Song "Thea"
Border Collie: Level 83 - WCA KH Queen Bee "Bee"
German Shepherd: Level 80 - UCT KH Most Desired "Desirée"
Jack Russel Terrier: Level 74 - ICE KH Canopy Dream "Canopy"
Norwegian Lundehund: Level 74 - UCHT KH Precise Step "Priscilla"
Saarloos Wolfdog: Level 79 - WCH KH Nevermind Me "Mindy"

Best of Breeds:
WCH KH Knowing Better "Wia", Australian Koolie
UCHT KH Precise Step "Priscilla", Norwegian Lundehund - x4
ICE KH Canopy Dream "Canopy", Jack Russel Terrier
WCT KH Sailor's Sea "Sean", Saarloos Wolfdog
WCT KH Knight Rider "Ryder", Saarloos Wolfdog - x5
WCT KH Nottingham Castle "Hamlet", Saarloos Wolfdog - x4
WCFl KH Willy Wonka "Wonka", Icelandic Sheepdog - x9
WCP KH Xylene "Lene", Alaskan Husky - x2

I've Got Quality Border Collies on Furry-Paws.comI've Got Quality German Shepherd Dogs on Furry-Paws.comI've Got Quality Saarloos Wolfhounds on
I've Got Quality Australian Koolies on Furry-Paws.comI've Got Quality Berger Picards on Furry-Paws.comI've Got Quality Alaskan Huskies on Furry-Paws.comI've Got Quality Norwegian Lundehunds on Furry-Paws.comI've Got Quality Czechoslovakian Wolfdogs on

Game Time

01:55pm on Mar 13

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