Exodus Blue Kennels

Welcome to Exodus Blue

Well I've returned to Furry Paws again and rebranded to Exodus Blue named after my favorite Destiny 2 Map. I'm UK Based and usually online and available from 7am to 12pm FPaws time (weekends can be different depending on what adventures i get dragged out on), any requests or messages received outside of that time will probably be dealt with the next day. Please ensure that breeding or bids are done in a timely fashion so I can deal with them when I am most active.

Breeding at Exodus Blue

So many new things to consider since I have returned o.O we have definately moved on from the FP of old. Anyway I have now expanded my kennel and I'll be introducing new breeds, starting lines from scratch.
* I'm currently tracking aptitude on my Great Danes with breedings at 98 and 110
* I'm currently breeding for health on the Pugs
* New French Bulldog line
* New Lhasa Apso line

There will also be litters available from my diversifier achievement dogs

About Me

My name is Sam (short for Samantha) I'm a Gamer.. or is that addict?

I'm a self employed/freelance Web and Graphic designer in the UK, its all good fun i suppose.. but since becoming a full time self employed person the cats have viewed this as having a full time slave!

Mainly right now I'm playing Destiny 2 I've played it for years but I havent been here to update!

I'm still owned by 3 cats but sadly while I was away both Molly and Trinity passed away, I still have Pudding and he has 2 new friends in Rasputin and Nova if you want to see them they have their own instagram account @overlordpudding

Exodus Blue Stud's

All my Studs are locked by 1pm FPT on Day 100! so if you requested a breeding on a public stud please ensure do you do the breeding before this cut off

I'm only putting up public studs with 2 or less unfocused days, they will only be available between ages 90-100 fp days I would appreciate you aptitude test the litter and let me know how many had the same aptitude as the stud you used.

Studs now have their individual breeding fee's calculated, between 90 and 100fp days their fee takes into account their HH/hh, XPM, final level and estimated aptitude. Aptitude is not guarantee's as there are always glitches in the matrix, so its a 'best guess' based on their show results.

Dogs 100fp days and over are not available for public stud unless it's a day when I am using them myself, they will then be available until 5am FPT the next day.

Game Time

12:26am on Mar 4

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