

Hello. I'm Éter~ I enjoy pleasantries such as The Icarus Account, The Hunger Games, Doctor Who, Sherlock, role-playing, giving hugs, rain on windows, watching films, looking after people and sailing (especially when it's really windy). I've been playing Furry Paws since 2004 so I'm pretty well established here, too - but I'm lonely, so you can drop me a message if you fancy it! I like a good chat. Also, please feel free to check out the role-play game that i co-own: WHITTINGTON.


To be honest, they're nothing too special, but I take care of my Corgis as best as I can. :) I'm not aiming to please anyone or get any amazing standards, this kennel is purely for taking everything it as it comes; levels, stats, genotypes... the whole shebang. It's simply keeping up a tradition that I started back when I was 9 - playing FP for fun, not competition!


OLSO is a very energetic and mischievous young teenage Greyhound that loves the company of others. He is lanky, like any other dog of his breed, but he never minds towering over other dogs too much. Oz is uber friendly and his good-hearted nature always leaves others content in his company. Though he looks similar to any other natural-coloured dog, his blazing blue-green eyes make him stand out from the rest. Other than being a well-balanced boy, Olso takes keen interests in as many sporting activities as possible.


PARIS is a creative and reclusive tween-aged Border Collie often seen wearing her trademark plain red bandana. Her personality is quiet and reserved, but once she gets to know you, she is just as friendly and hyperactive as the next confident dog. Paris has a special talent for creativity, and therefore her interests include drawing, writing, painting and dancing. Other than that, she enjoys the finer things in life such as sunbathing, holidays and shopping - the one thing she hates the most is rain - it gets her fur all wet and matted!


EFFEE is a Pembroke Welsh Corgi x Border Collie mix - she has adopted her Collie father's floppy ears and fluffy tail, but her height and petite build from her Corgi mother - absurd but true! She is a young puppy, and one with boundless energy and excitement. Effee is truly the definition of hyperactive and her interests include trademark kid things such as crushing on Disney boy bands, running around like a lunatic and gossiping. However, whoever Effee bestows her friendly presence upon immediately inherits her childish traits, which means Eff is great fun to be around.


Game Time

02:18pm on Mar 3

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