Spring Valley's Kennel

Hello everyone, My Kennel is now open for rescues. I have decided that it would be a good experience to take in rescues and I enjoy looking after dogs. Rules that I follow Feed, water, groom and play with your dogs each day (unless you can’t make it on then you lock your kennel.) Show your dogs at least 5/7 days (unless again if you can’t go on Furry-paws lock kennel) Train your dog in two sports DON’T breed until level 10 Breed Rules To breed with one of my dogs you must: Be at least level 10 up No poor’s or fairs Look after dog most days 100% happy Buying Most show dogs most days (lock kennel if not) 100% most days (Lock kennel if not) MUST NOT breed until level 10 Trained in at least one sport Fostering To foster a dog from my kennel you must follow the rules from Buying and breeding. About me Hello everyone I am 15 years old and I live in a very cold place in Australia. I used to have a Rough Collie Female called Lassie, but unfortunately we had to give her away as we were moving. When we settle into our new place we are planning on getting another Rough Collie female.

Game Time

05:02pm on Feb 11

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