Starlight Sky Kennel

Name: Its a secret xD
Age: 14
Location: Earth.
Likes: Most people, animals, the color lime green, books, FP (of course).
Favortie Artist/Song: Drake all the way baby ♥. And my favorite song atm is Unforgettable by of course Drake (:
Real Life Pets: Milo he's a pug. This is a picture of him. Isn't he cute with his tounge hanging out ? Lol xD
Hobbies: Volleyball, hanging out with friends, singing, reading, and playing FP of course xD
I love making people laugh, so people without a sense of humor kinda annoy me. I enjoy meeting new people and random messages. Its how you makes friends. (:


Will you be my friend
Maybe, I love getting messages but please not too much chatspeak it hurts my eyes xD

Will you give me -insert item here- ?
Plain and simple. No.

Will you buy my -insert item here-?
Lirl, probably not.

What do you do on FP ?
Talk to friends, search the boards, color tags.

July 3, 2010
Got this amazing new layout today. I love it. c:
Get 10fpp at one time [X]
Get 15fpp at one time [X]
Save up 20 milllion [X]
Save up 40 million [X]
Save up 60 million [ ]
I dont have many interesting goals :P


Ordered a new ref from Kindred (65216)
*not payed. total cost = 23 million/28fpp.
Date ordered- 7-22-10
Ellie is like my best friend on FP. She's always been there for me. I love her art and thats how we started talking (through art). Ellie is fuuun to talk to and she's just the bestest. ily ellie. < 3

What can I say ? Neon is amazing. She is also another of my best friends on FP. She's done a ton for me. Isn't it funny how I make most of my friends through art ? I love Neon's (real life) puppy chance. He's my butter ball turkey. And one day Neon's gonna let me borrow him. I just know it :P

I just started taking to Bones a little while ago but she is a great friend. I love talking to this girl she always keeps the conversation going. I love her kitty Leo cccc:

Game Time

03:07am on Mar 20

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