Indian Summer Sky

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Indian Summer Sky was once (in the days of FP beta) among the best kennels that bred Labrador Retrievers, Bull Terriers and Bloodhounds. I finally transferred from the old site and now I hope to regain some of my kennel's old glory. Bloodhounds are currently locked and moved to my side account.
I bred most accomplished dogs from my old kennel to get my starter dogs and gave them my kennel prefix. Other ones are super imported and store bought dogs from my side accounts.
Pembroke Welsh Corgis are the most recent addition to my kennel. After further kennel expansion Xolos from my side accounts will also be added :)

Breeding & Selling Rules (copy/pasted from my beta site, rules may change when get reacquainted with the game.)
Since my kennel is revamping no litters are currently available for sale. (some litters are exception to the rule)



1.) My minimum breeding level is set to 30, but I prefer to breed dogs on higher levels.
2.) I have maximum of two litters per bitch (88 and 100 days old), but in some cases I make exception of 3 litters per bitch.
3.) My non store bought males with +20HH will occasionally (depending on my breeding plans) be available for public stud at level 30, so your dog must be at least level 30! I'm in different time zone so please make your request a day or two sooner.
My store bought dogs are never put for public stud.
4.) If I see that you breed any of your dogs below level 10 your request will be rejected.
5.) Your dog must have good to excellent health clearances, and all dogs in your kennel must regularly be cared for and put to maximum number of shows. If your kennel doesn't meet my standards I have the right to decline your request with no further explanation.
6.) My females are never available for stud.

1.) I don't put my dogs on public sale.
2.) I'm selling only to showing kennels. It means that all dogs in your kennel must have overall condition at 100% every day and put to maximum number of shows.
3.) Your minimum breeding level must be at least 10. I'll turn a blind eye if you did breed your L1 dogs as a rookie mistake because I did the same when I started playing the game, but if you repeatedly do the same then my dogs are not for you so don't even ask. And don't try to fool me, I do kennel checks.
4.) All puppies bought from me get my kennel prefix so I can keep track of them, exceptions for some of my friends are possible.
If you think you meet the above terms please message me if you see a puppy you like or place a bid on her/him. I'll check your kennel and if I think you meet my terms I'll keep him/her for you.
5.) If you no longer wish to play the game for any reason, or want to sell your dog bought from me I would appreciate if you'd offer him to me first.

If you don't meet my demands and have a history of bad dog care, not entering your dogs in show you'll get a chance to better your kennel, but if you go about your old ways you'll get on my black list and can never buy a pup from me again.

Game Time

12:40am on Mar 25

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