Dog Asylum

Information on the Dog Asylum's kennel:

Breeding With My Dogs:
-My dogs will only start to accept breeding requests at age 88.
-To breed to one of my dogs, your dog must be at least level 5.
-Breeding to my dogs costs a base of $5,000 + $5,000 for each "E" and another $50,000 for 24HH.

Buying My Dogs:
-My dogs are always on public sale so you know you'll get the dog as is.
-Dogs start at a base price of $5,000, price will go up based on multiplier and health. ($1,000 for every multiplier point over 1.000x + $5,000 for each "E")
-24HH dogs priced by multiplier with 100k added.
-If you are interested in a dog but can't afford; you may send me a message asking for a lower price. I will then look at your kennel and if it looks nice (Dogs well cared for, nicely leveled, properly equipped for their level, bred at older ages). I will then accept a lower offer since I see the dog will go to a good home.

Game Time

11:55pm on Mar 5

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