
Odyssey Banner
Click for My Characters! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MAIN TEXT COLUMN:


The Will Of The Everlasting Gods

Henlo henlo, and welcome to Odyssey!
Zeph / Ace
26 and no idea how to Adult :)

There Is A Time For Many Words

I love to write in my free time. I enjoy writing short stories, personalities, little random tidbits. I've put a lot of work into my characters and who they are, I adore each and every one of them.
I offer writing commissions. My current post can be found Here. I'm willing to haggle prices as I'm not completely sure of a solid price.

And There Is Also A Time For Sleep

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// J E S S E //
Jesse Krause is a seasoned Hunter who uses dry humor and a casual, but arrogant, approach. He has the haunted look of a young man who's seen many a dark thing; Given the nature of the situation, he doesn't give second chances, it's near impossible to gain his trust and easy to break it. His first response to confrontation is a threat thinly veiled behind humor; He's very dark and nihilistic beneath it all. Many in the Bayou know him for his deadly skill with snipers.

// A C E //
Ace Visconti is quite the charmer. The characteristic is woven into the fabric of his very being; the product of an unforgiving childhood. He learned to lie, steal, and cheat his way through life from an early age of poverty. Born an opportunist, Ace don't believe in a scam being too risky if it means getting him one more step closer to the high life of luxury he seeks. The land of opportunity, after all, is limitless to those who seek it.
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Odyssey Kennels

I am currently working on raising my own 24 HH lala litters. I'm slowly leaning about genetics and the best way to breed my dogs. Most will be personal litters, but feel free to contact me about buying a litter pup you have interest in. I'm more than happy to sell them for a cheap price! I could always use the extra FPD to buy supplies and care for my lines. :)

Odyssey Lines

Breeds I'm currently working with;
- American Pitbull Terrier
- Boxer
- Smooth Collie
- Pharaoh Hound
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Breeding and Care

I will not breed level 1 dogs. I would like to get the most potential out of my litters, and will wait for as long as I feel necessary until I breed them. I am hoping to build quality breed lines on my own and am excited to see my progress. I'm also looking to breed for special colors and markings, and integrate the rarer ones into my lines. All dogs from my kennel will have my current new prefix [ODSY] whether it is a puppy being sold from a litter or my own personal dogs.

Breeding Requests

- I will Never take breeding requests for my females. Sorry! :c
- Males will be up for breeding at level 5 for 5,000 FPD and will increase 1,000 FPD per 1 level. I only charge to raise funds for my lines.
- Minimum breeding requirement will be level 5
- I am open for contact at any time if you wish to request breeding, to work out a deal, or to provide any information from me you need. Don't hesitate, I am a very chill and open individual!
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Header Type One

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------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DO NOT EDIT:
layout by Tamra (#1318780)
space image by resurgere at deviantArt
mountain range by Free-Photos at Pixabay

Game Time

12:28am on Mar 12

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