M Pack Alpha Cave

You slowly approach cave with a small opening just barely able to will a 5'2 human female to pass through it.Two Bullmastiffs enter a threatening stance and growl deeply,"Be silent Chardonnay,you too Champagne"a small female voice sounds from in the cave.A few moments later a 5'2 Caucasian 19 year old teenager with long chocolate brown hair and deep hazel eyes and a well developed figure emerges from the cave entrance,"Hello and welcome to the M Pack Alpha Cave,I am Madolyn the caregiver and trainer for the pack"she greets softly as a little of 5 small BullMastiff puppies peek their head out, all looking you over curiously,"Your more than welcome here,please come in"she says stepping aside allowing you entrance into the alpha cave leading to the M Pack Grounds.

Game Time

06:49am on Mar 12

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