Back Stage Pass Kennels


VIP Noteworthy

VIP's First 1st Place Most Accomplished Overall Dog - VIP Life's A Hoot "Tawny"
VIP's First Level 100 Dogs APBT - VIP Heez Simply Serpentine and VIP Red Dead Redemption
VIP's First Elite Champion APBT - VIP Heez Simply Serpentine
VIP's First Best of Sport Golden - VIP Arke Iridescence "Arke"
VIP's First Level 100 Golden - VIP WhimseyShimmer "Shimmer"
VIP's First Level 90 Dog Golden - VIP Blarney Starfire "Starfire" Level 92
VIP's First Level 90 Standard Poodle - VIP Rumor Mill Ready "Miller"
VIP's First Star Champion APBT - VIP Heza Sight For Sore Eyes "Pirate" *Beta
VIP's First Star Champion Golden - VIP "Mythical" *Beta

Best of Breed Honors Golden Retriever

11xBOB VIP Smooth Criminal "Slick"
3xBOB VIP WhimseyShimmer "Shimmer"
2xBOB VIP Surefire's SciFi "Scifi"
5xBOB VIP Sweet Emotion "Aero"
BOB VIP Egypt's Divine Kingship "Pharaoh"
8xBOB VIP Surefire's Moral Mystery "Mystery"
2xBOB VIP Ode To Alkirk "Odey"
BOB VIP Alkirk's Puzzled Passion "Puzzle"
BOB VIP Alkirk's Egyptian Falcon "Horus"
BOB VIP Alkirk's Egyptian Amunet "Amunet"
7xBOB VIP Alkirk's Solar Kehpri "Kehpri"
4xBOB VIP Kiss In The Rain "Kiss"
2xBOB VIP Free Your Mind "Vogue"
2xBOB VIP Grand Jete "Jete"
BOB VIP Duke of Drakestail "Duke"
BOB VIP Blarney's Swanky Sumatra "Swanky"
5xBOB VIP SureFire Fable of Flames "Fable"
BOB VIP Egyptian Isis "Isis"
4xBOB VIP Spunky Pirouette "Pirouette"
8XBOB VIP Blarney Sweet Satine "Satine"
2xBOB VIP Alkirk's Avalanche "Avalanche"
BOB VIP Saturn's Rings "Saturn"
7xBOB VIP Wynter Wonderland "Wonder"
2xBOB VIP Blarney Stone "Blarney"

Best of Sport Honors Golden Retriever

5xBOS VIP Smooth Criminal "Slick"
2xBOS VIP Surefire's Moral Mystery "Mystery"
6xBOS VIP Kiss In The Rain "Kiss"
7xBOS VIP Mine At Last "Etta"
6xBOS VIP Free Your Mind "Vogue"
7xBOS VIP Kamora Puff "Kamora"
2xBOS VIP Toussaint L'Ouverture "Touss"
2xBOS VIP Blarney's Extravangant Knack "Knack"
BOS VIP Shining Phaethon "Phaethon"

Most Accomplished Honors Golden Retriever

2x2nd Place Most Accomplished VIP Mine At Last "Etta"
3rd Place Most Accomplished VIP Toussaint L'Ouverture "Touss"
3rd Place Most Accomplished VIP Blarney's Extravagant Knack "Knack"

Most Experienced Honors Golden Retriever

2nd Place Most Experienced VIP Alkirk's Egyptian Isis "Isis"

Best of Breed Honors Standard Poodle

3xBOB VIP Rumor Mill Ready "Miller"
5xBOB VIP Rumor Has It "Reba"
5xBOB VIP HighTide Red Sky At Night "Sailor"
12xBOB VIP HighTide Hide N Seek "Seeker"
5xBOB VIP The Hero We Deserve "Gotham"
BOB VIP HighTide's UltraMarine "Marina"
BOB VIP Red Night's Song "Carmine"

Best of Sport Honors Standard Poodle

BOS VIP Once In A Blue Moon "Luna"
BOS VIP HighTide Seeing Red Again "Red"

Most Accomplished Honors Standard Poodle

2x1st Place Most Accomplished VIP Life's A Hoot "Tawny"
2x2nd Place Most Accomplished VIP Life's A Hoot "Tawny"
2x2nd Place Most Accomplished VIP Once In A Blue Moon "Luna"
3rd Place Most Accomplished VIP Once In A Blue Moon "Luna"

Best of Breed Honors American Staffordshire Terrier

2xBOB VIP Miata "Miata
13xBOB VIP Hennessey Venom "Henny"
6xBOB VIP Olympia Blue "Olympia"
3xBOB VIP Lambo Veneno "Veneno"
BOB VIP Lykan Hypersport "Lykan"
4xBOB VIP Occasional Mistake "Missy"
7xBOB VIP McLaren GT "McLaren"
BOB VIP Mercedes Benz "Mercedes"
2xBOB VIP Bugatti La Voiture Noire "Noire"
10xBOB VIP Pretty Blue Beemer "Beemer"
8x BOB VIP Two Black Cadillacs "Carrie"

Best of Breed Honors APBT

7xBOB VIP Heez Simply Serpentine
13xBOB VIP Another One Bites The Dust "Dusty"
3xBOB VIP Heez Got A Poker Face "Aces"

Most Accomplished Honors APBT

2x2nd Most Accomplished VIP Heez Simply Serpentine

Best of Breed Honors Ibizan Hound

9xBOB Cairo

Best of Breed Honors Whippet

BOB VIP Let's Show Them Speed "Racey"

Best of Breed Honors Miscellaneous

BOB Scottish Deerhound "Callan"
2xBOB Pointer "Elara"
2xBOB Kerry Blue Terrier "Kerry"
2xBOB Black Mouth Cur "Corryn"
10xBOB Chinese Shar-pei "Sharpie"
3xBOB Kooikerhondje "Kiki"
7xBOB Kooikerhondje "Kooky"
3xBOB German Pinscher "Reina"
4xBOB Mastiff "Major"
BOB Newfoundland "Lando"
BOB Otterhound "Otter"
5xBOB Yorkie "Yaya"
BOB Chow Chow "Chow Hound"
BOB Russell Terrier (sold)


Occasionally we have highly desirable Golden Retriever, APBT, AmStaff, and Standard Poodle Puppies for sale. These puppies are typically from highly leveled parents; frequently having earned Best of Breed or Best of Sport Honors. Please keep on eye on the Dog Sales board for litter announcements. VIP Often has Achievement Dogs and Puppies available for sale!


Min Breeding Level is set to help prevent the overpopulation on FP and to keep my dogs from becoming overbred. If there's a dog you'd like to breed with, please message me and perhaps we can work it out!

About VIP

VIP BackStage Pass Kennels is a proud breeder of high quality Golden Retrievers, APBT's, American Staffordshire Terriers, and Standard Poodles. VIP has been active since 2009 and our Goldens and APBTs can be traced back to FP Beta! There are often additional breeds in kennel, including Border Collies, several Sighthound breeds, and Diversifer or Achievement oriented miscellaneous breeds.

All About Stella

Hello there! So you want to know more about me, huh? Creeper... XD lol! I compete in agility, rally, obedience, and conformation irl with my GoldenDoodle Bernese Mountain Dog, and my Standard Poodle. I also have 2 Ragdoll cats (brother and sister).


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Game Time

03:07pm on Mar 28

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