Canile Prezioso


A Wild Kitsume Has Appeared!

.Throw Bait? .Throw Rock? .Throw Llama?

The Lowdown

Name: Kitsume [notice the peeve if you spell it with an N]
Gender: Female
Birthday: May 25,1991
Side Account: 80556

Status: Existential Crisis and Chill
Education: B.A. in Foreign Languages & Literatures | Italian Studies, Graduated in 2014
Favorite Color: Magenta
Favorite Animal: Cheetah
Likes: Philosophy, shiny objects, spiral trees, heart shaped sunglasses, unicorns, bubbles, rainbows, glow sticks, herbal tea, anything relating to Alice in Wonderland, open-minded people, stuffed animals, plush fabrics, well-written literature that makes one think, film, writing, music with beautiful lyrics
Fursona:icon_kitsume.pngView all Characters and Tags @ My Website :3

Visit my best pal! strawNin

A Few Favorite Tags


The 411 on Il Canile Prezioso

Main Breeds Golden Retrievers, Belgian Malinois

Side Breeds German Shepherds, Belgian Sheepdog, Belgian Tervurens, Border Collies

Preferably, my males go up for stud at level 50. I do not like to breed below level 30 [except for Achievement litters]. I like to think my dogs are very well cared for. They were well known for their quality and accomplishments during FP Beta and it is my aim to return to this reputation.

Conditions for Purchasing a 789 Dog/Puppy

.You usually must be Elite, but sometimes I make exceptions. Private message me to inquire if your kennel will allow for an exception.
.You must not breed below level 25. Preferably, level 30. Exception allowed if it is for a Progenitor litter.
.You must be a Competitor job class and no lower than User Level 10.
.I prefer that you do not inbreed.
I kennel check to see that you show your dogs in the maximum amount of shows, care for your dogs to maximum happiness, and groom them daily. I expect you to lock when you are unable to care for your kennel.
.99.9% of the time my litters are advertised on the Dog Sales board [with rules tailored to fit each litter individually] if puppies are available from the litter. Please check there before messaging me with inquiries.
If I find out that you abandoned a 789 dog to the Humane Society or that you re-sold a dog without asking me first, I have the right to deny your purchase of future 789 dogs.

FAQ [Please read before messaging me these questions]

How did you get "Furry-Paws Addict" in your reputation on your account 80556?
I won it ages ago in a FP trivia scavenger hunt. ;P

Will you be my friend?
Probably not, especially not if you just ask me outright like that. I am very approachable and prone to random conversation, but please don't just pester me to be your friend.

Will you give me ______?
Would you go up to random strangers on the street and ask for money or items?

Er...hullo? What exactly is it that you want? I really hate getting these pointless messages and then having to clean out my inbox even more often than usual.

No. Please don't message me in all capital letters or using chatspeak, or I will most likely ignore you. If I do reply it will probably just be to reprimand you.

Why didn't you accept my bid on your dog?
Most likely it wasn't for sale. Please do not bid on my dogs unless they say FOR SALE in the name. If a dog is for sale [definitely] and I still didn't accept your bid, you probably don't meet my buyer requirements.

Buy my ______!!!
Despite popular belief, I am not made out of money- Especially after the impacts of the merge. If I am in need of that particular type of dog or item, I will seek it out myself and contact you if I am interested. Not the other way around. It is against FP code of conduct to advertise to random strangers in messages.

Will you sell your account?
Literally no. Never. I will never sell either this account 789 nor will I sell 80556 (my very first account when I began this game in November of 2004 which also is a FE Account).

Do you have any pets?
I do. I have 1 kitty named Alice. I also have an 8 year old rescue pup named Ember who is the light of my life.

Game Time

04:07pm on Mar 9

Welcome Guest

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