Faded Mystics Eternity

About Kiyoshi

Kiyoshi is a procrastinator. Kiyoshi is a very sarcastic person. Kiyoshi is an introvert. Kiyoshi is a very nice person. However, do not use yur.harhar.zomgwhut.whatever.kthxbai. on her please, she implores you.
Kiyoshi is from Singapore

About FME

There is one dog. Left from the previous owner of this account. Collecting pixel dust. #143097 is my old showing account. Currently locked due to my very busy life. Very. I do admit I am a procrastinator, but procrastinators can be busy procrastinating too.
Planned Breeds: Finnish Spitz. Japanese Spitz. Norfolk Terrier. Kuvasz. Shiba Inu.
Must-have Breeds: Siberian Husky. Shetland Sheepdog.

This, is pure entertainment


Make 'em rrr-rrroarr~ Make 'em scrrrr-ream~

Current Layout Sales

Collabs (Coder): Open
Collabs (Graphic): Closed
Coding service:: Closed
1FPP ~ 3FPP :: 1 USD :: 2 SGD
Custom Layouts: Closed
15FPP ~ 30FPP :: 5 USD :: 7 SGD

Hazel #819101

Starting / Unconfirmed

In progress

Finished - Awaiting payment

Baking ♥ Nom ♥
Layout Tips Advice

If you don't know how to link properly in FP, don't call yourself a professional coder.
If you make layouts with bright hot pink, heavily contrasting colours such as lime green and black that blinds any human or animal eye, don't call yourself a professional layout maker. Being a layout maker is fine. Just leave the professional part out.

Redundant, but don't take offence to what I have said. Hm,but it's similar to saying "Forgive me for robbing your immaturity."
All of these great wonders belong to the mighty hands of Kiyoshi #81205, #142449, #143097.
Any unauthorised actions, self-help or any similar manner will result in a definite terror which I would enjoy.

Game Time

09:37am on Mar 11

Welcome Guest

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