Shen's Treehouse




Name; Shen
Gender;  Female
Birthday; June 11th
Age; unspecified
Ethnicity/Nationality; American
Location; Illionois
Likes; nature, music, writing/reading, drawing, Pokemon/HG/MLP/Mario/Sonic, bike riding, company, making others laugh
Shen is...
X. Outgoing
X. Tomboy
X. Sensitive
X. Stubborn
X. Adventurous
X. Friendly

The Dogs

Uh. Hello. Someday something will be in here. 8I
da derp.
Um, hotdogs... mmm...


Comissions closed. Lazy to put details.. maybe later?

My Randomness

*takes deap breath*
Burp. 8I hehe excuse me. Um. Hi. *taps screen* o-o Creepy. Uh. Do you like hotdogs? Yummy. Mmm. Hmm. How are you? Why bother, I can't hear you. Um. *dumbstruck* :B *drools* I'm bored. I need energy... CAKE OH CAKE YEAH. >w< *break dances* ... this is awkward. Ah. Um. Uh. Hi again. ;_; What's with that horrible outfit? Gross. Ick. No offense. :s ... PURPLE WAVES PURPLE WAAAVESS. x3 oh god... make it stahhpp.
...... *awkward silence*


PitaPata Dog tickers



12:19am on Apr 8
Finished homework, so relaxing. ^u^ 60 today. Eeeek.
Signing out- Shen
10:32am on Apr 7
I'm feeling sick slightly and i have homework to finish. I will try to stay offline. I bet i will anyhow. :P
Signing out- Shen
01:12am on Apr 6
*yawns* I'm up 12 o' clock in the morning typing this. *stretches* I'm tired and bored. Getting off soon... hopefully. ;_;
Signing out- Shen


-Doodle (#650865)
-Jiwne (#76385)
-Topaz (#872041)
-Yorkie. (#529242)
-Buddy1000 (#30817)
-Cova (#996018)
-novak (#683015)
-Nisshoku (#340082)
-Zanna (#1081876)
-Miki (#1068596)
-Zei (#15468)
-Kazuki (#752336)
-Vernula of Deus (#833265)
-Heart Broken (#423101)
-Kiro (#341858)
-Hollow (#762349)
-ShadowD (#689115)
-Reconsider! (#411576)
-Neytiri. (#807942)
-Faomella! (#874672)
-Koinupuppy (#982664)
-Kye (#1454)
-Cheye and Zambii (#1061038)
-Miko (#1091790)
-Island Breeze (#21)

Honorable Mentions

My best friend since I joined during FP Beta. :) She was my very first friend, ever. Doodle has been with me through it all. She's sweet, cuddley, an awesome roleplayer, and a SEXY BOOTIFUL THANG. ;3 I would be lost without you. If you didn't join FP, I would be gone by now. You keep my heart pacing and me moving step by step. Love ya girl! <3

Oh my goodmess. Kaitlyn is a handful of me. ;) I love her to bits and we talk nearly everyday. Kaitlyn, also known as Riley (omg luff dat name), is caring, honest, extremely generous, sweet, and AWESOMELY AWESOME. 8D Loves ya and hope to see you one day girlie! ^^ <3

Paz is my one of a kind sister. She's kind, fun to talk to, trustworthy, and of course adventurous! :3 I wish Paz didn't quit Fpaw, sadly. But that changes nothing between our friendship. <3 Paz is my fav girl to share secrets with. ;) She's been helping me off my feet and leading my way to life. Love you sis! ^^

Current Sales

None right now. :(

Working on...
-Collab with Wahotts


Currently updating character site. ;) Be patient!


Border Collie pictures (c) Cynnalia-Stock @
Corgi picture (c) jettstock @
Layout Made & Coded By: Oliver #537488
Layout Design & Coding (c) Oliver #537488

Game Time

05:57pm on Mar 21

Welcome Guest

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