Jackalope Ranch



Welcome to Jackalope Ranch, home of show quality hunting dogs. Established in August 2009, the Ranch. has gone though many names and breed specializations, but one thing has remained the same: we are dedicated to raising quality canines that can compete with the champions. Come on in and have a look around!

Our Facility

Jackalope Ranch is located in the deserts of Nevada. Our main kennel is large enough to house fifty dogs while also leaving them room to run around. The side kennel is currently unused but can house up to twelve dogs if we needed to.

Also located on our grounds are two, two-star training areas: one for obedience and one for tracking. We frequently hold competitions for both of these sports here!

Overall, the facility is a big one, big enough to accommodate the activity levels of the dogs we raise. As we progress and grow, there's always a chance of expansion and additions made to our kennels, so stay tuned.

Our Dogs

Currently we are working with West Siberian Laikas and Akitas.

The Ranch's Laika and Akita breeding programs are fairly new ones, but they're ones that have high expectations nonetheless. Our Akita lines are bred for Hunting Trials while our Laikas are strictly Show dogs. All our dogs are gene tested as puppies to ensure that their hips, elbows, eyes, and ears are nothing less than good. Our dogs are kept on diets tailored to their individual needs and are exercised and run through training courses daily. They are kept clean, happy, and their kennels are always neat and tidy.

Breeding and Sales

As our programs are just getting started, you probably won't see very many dogs or puppies up for sale. However, once we get our lines up and going, there may be more to offer.

There will probably be a lot of low level breeding around here while we get our lines established. Once we get the kickstart we need, our bitches will only be bred twice: once at 88 days, and again at 100 days. This is to ensure that puppies born to our dogs are of the highest quality possible. In the future, litters born at 88 days will be placed up for sale.

About The Owner

HELLO I'M Yuriy. I've been on this site for way too long.

I'm college student studying to get my degree in sports marketing. My special interests are sports and the Cold War. Feel free to come say hi if you want to chat!

Game Time

04:38pm on Mar 6

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