Forever Loving Soulmate

Welcome to my Kennel, Forever Loving Soulmate!

My second account, Seraph Serenade (Seraphic Heaven Kennels)

About Me:
I'm Soul Rhythm, but everyone can just call me Soul. ^^

I'm a 21 year old girl and German, so feel free to message me in German as well as in English. :)
I've loved animals since I was a small kid and dogs always had a special place in my heart. I have a lot of other interests, but there are just too many to list.
Some of my hobbies are drawing, reading, swimming and biking. I absolutely love Anime and Manga and I have a fascination for Animation.
I'm very shy, but I try my best to be open. I just really have a hard time expressing myself, but other than that, I'm not too complicated haha. So just hit me up, if you need help or just want to chat.

In real life, I own a dog and a cat. My dog is a mixed breed (Border Collie + Harzer Fuchs) and her name is Kylie. Harzer Fuchs is a Old german herding dog that is not that well known, as it isn't classified as a real breed by the FCI. The Harzer Fuchs is quite rare and in danger of becoming extinct, because of that. Giro, my cat, is a European Shorthair, so he is a pretty common kind of cat.
Those two are my babies, my treasure and I love them oh so much. <3

About Forever Loving Soulmate:
Since 2009, I've been a member of FP, but I've been on and off the site. The last time I was active was quite some time ago, but I'm back now.

I haven't specialized on any breeds before, but I decided to do after all. I won't really be that serious though. I don't exactly have the time and mind for all that business with genetics and so on, so I will do it more for fun. I will at least try to get lines with 24HH and high XPM dogs though. ^^

Dogs I mainly specialize in are:
• Border Collie
• Shetland Sheepdog

I will also breed other Drovers as a "side project". They are as follows:
• Australian Shepherd
• English Shepherd
• Australian Koolie
• Rough Collie

• Smooth Collie
• Lapponian Herder
• Kelpie
• Miniature Australian Shepherd
• Canaan Dog

Dogs that aren't Drovers, but I may specialize in as a Mini Project:
• Alaskan Husky
• Alaskan Malamute
• Greenland Dog
• West Siberian Laika

I also own some dogs from other breeds, but those are far and few in between.
I know it's a lot, but what can you do. There are just so many cute dogs. If I could, I'd own even more. c:

On my 2nd account, I breed Aidis and some other breeds. I also own any other dog breeds I like that aren't in the Drover category on that account, with a few exceptions that I have on this kennel. I hope that this kennel won't get too cluttered this way even though it's not the best arrangement. ^^

Breeding Policy:
My males will be but up for breeding requests once they reach level 20. I won't breed my males when they're under level 20. I prefer to breed them when they're at least level 25 or 30, but I'm fine to breed them as long as they're level 20.

My females won't be bred until they're 98 days old and will only be bred a second time when they're 110 days old. In other words, like most users do on the site.

Well then. I'm sorry for the huge wall of text. Thank you for reading and may you have lots of fun with your dogs. ;)

You can also find me on:
dA | FA | CS | Flight Rising | Lioden

Game Time

03:27pm on Mar 6

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