Sparrow Falls Kennel


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  1. ordered list
  • unordered list


These are all my characters. Message me to trade, or offer..

List of Characters on my Website. (:

Things I Need To Remember.


All dogs manip.
Mini Aussie manip.
Cobalt Large Art
Tag Large Art; Joie
Tag Large Art; Aebi
Sprinkles' Human Art.
Weldon's Large Art!
More of Weldon's art.

The Important People.


Iridescent is basically my best friend on Furry-Paws. She's my Nutella buddy, & my ranting buddy. Wouldn't be here if it weren't for her. (: Iridescent is basically my best friend on Furry-Paws. She's my Nutella buddy, & my ranting buddy. Wouldn't be here if it weren't for her. (:

To Do;

List of Things To Do;

Vida Infra x Irreversal
Rusted Embrace x Temple From Within


Game Time

07:58pm on Feb 14

Welcome Guest

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