Shadows and Stars

Welcome to Shadows and Stars Kennels!

I am Spotted Demon and I am raising American Cocker Spaniels (bred at level 7/8/9, ~30, ~40, ~50), Miniature Australian Shepherds, and a lot of other dogs that I have acquired to show and train, which will not be bred.

As of 8/24, I am stud breeding only with friends.


I'm starting a new project called Project: 24hh, where I will raise and breed dogs for the goal of reaching a 24hh litter (all poor stats). This is just for fun, and I will be doing it with a randomly picked breed.
I will purchase a few starter dogs from either the pound or other users.
I will start with dogs who have more than 5HH, so that it's a challenge. :)

Starter Dogs:

  • Sweet Serendipity ,
    Male, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
    Start age: 7 fpd
    Start level: 1
    Stats: 7HH, 13Hh, 4hh
  • Take It All ,
    Female, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
    Start age: 7 fpd
    Start level: 1
    Stats: 7HH, 14Hh, 3hh
  • I will purchase two more starter dogs of this breed


  • Reach level 10 with starter dogs

Note: I did purchase another female, who is older than the other two, and will probably just be a showing dog as she is more leveled. I didn't look at her age before I bought her! (oops)

Interested in doing Project: 24hh with me? Send me a message!

- Spotted Demon :)

Game Time

10:25pm on Mar 24

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