Glorfin Kennel

Nightlight the cat has been missing since May 1, 2021. He is now one of my characters. Image by Oakridge.

To-do List:
Fluffykin gifs
Fluffykin breeding
Adopts from Ivy's lines
Other adopts
Make my own of open species
If I owe you art, please remind me!

I get my name, Glori from Glorfindel in The Lord of the Rings. If you're thinking, "I don't remember any Glorfindel--did they make up that name?" then you probably haven't read the books. Go do it. Now. Btw, Lara Loamsdown is supposedly my Hobbit name. :p I also love dogs, horses, Star Wars, snow, forest, lakes, movies, books--especially classics, but new stuff too--Redwall, Pirates of the Caribbean, Rigoletto, Thoroughbred, archery, swords...generally the whole medieval period. I don't have a favorite breed of dog or horse, but border collies, German shorthaired pointers, collies, huskies and beagles are really cool.
Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo.

Breeding calculator

Background story / Backstory part 2 / Backstory part 3
The character story ~ As of 7/21/15
Aesop Finally did what he was threatening to do: he went on a "Star Quest." On a night with no moon, with only starlight to guide him, he set off in search of who-knows-what. Almeisan saw him leave and quickly informed Demon, but quick as the red and black horse is, Aesop had too big a head start on him. He enlisted Ivy to track the fox down, but she lost his trail at the river.
Discouraged, the horses and spaniel returned to the kennel until dawn, when they told Ian what had happened. The winged lion set out to search for their fox friend with the newcomer Vanya tagging along.
When they finally found him, Aesop was already on his way home, and he had a surprise for everyone. He told us that a little after dark he went into a trance, and he doesn't know how long he wandered by starlight, but he finally arrived at a cave in a hillside. In the cave he met a horned corgi called Saturn. Saturn has been living in the cave since before I built my kennel here, and according to Aesop he is wise and friendly. Ian is intrigued by this news and determined to find Saturn for himself and speak to him. Update, July 2022: Saturn has gone to a new owner! The others gave him a farewell party.

Meanwhile, Blues is still enjoying town life, meeting new friends, teaching them to dance and playing poker with them. Waltz has come to visit Ivy a few times, and invited the shy spaniel to one of her performances in town. If Aesop will go with her, I think she may accept.
Jasper the Fluffykin is bouncing around my property. :)
Anubis the jackal is settling in nicely.

Ianbymoiety Ivy_Ref.png
Czech Brother2
Saturn Ref Corgi Saturn

Layout by Cliffs Edge (#233752) made for Glori ONLY, no stealing! Message Cliff for your own, only 30k!


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RL Sketches

I can make pencil sketches of your RL pets! I charge $5 per picture (usd; less if it turns out badly). You send me photos of your pets, I draw them and send you a sketch. Message me for details. :)



Poem by me!

His feet are handfuls of grain Hitting the sifter again and again. He runs to the riverbed Like a fawn to its mother. The stream speaks life to him And to every other That seeks refreshment there. It has secrets to share.

My tags!

tLdA9UB.png N9fm1jM.png ONUDFii.png deigc5v-962763a4-1164-47fb-b91d-7d338a1b zQKeqlw.pngh0svtlZ.jpg e73njTn.png pdXwIkr.pngGlori.gifdrunk.gifglorioxob9.pnggatorgloriey7.gifponyheadgloritz9.pngmonkeytaggloritg7gn4.gifgloria.pngTagBalto_Glori.pngTagBalto_Glori2.pngglorilines-1.png

Game Time

02:02am on Mar 12

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