Starry Sunshine Kennel

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Here at Starry Sunshine Kennel, we strive to bring you the greatest, healthiest puppies we can. I've Got Quality Jack Russell Terriers on
We have our top-notch competition jack russells that we breed here at Starry Sunshine, breeding excellent puppies for you to take home and enjoy.
Our dogs now are trained in either Agility or Earthdog Trials, and we train them with expectations for them to succeed.
We breed our dogs when they are at their peak of excellence, and that can make the age range very wide.
Starry Sunshine Mates: None At This Moment
Want A Starry Sunshine Kennels Jack? Please read the rules below.
~ SySsK pups are reservable only.
~ SySsK pups must have Starry Sunshine Kennel's prefix.
~ SySsK pups will only be available at a set price. Negotiating is permitted
~ SySsK will be doing kennel checks before we sell puppies.
~ You MUST send a request letter to SySsK asking to be on the list of kennel checks, including which puppy you were looking to buy in your letter.

We even have our own shop where you can find everything that you'll need for picking up your new puppy. Stop on by if you're a new puppy owner or even an experienced owner, because our store has reasonable pricing for all your puppy needs.
Starry Sunshine Kennels' Goals

~Reach 15 Million FPD

~ Breed a 23HH dog

~ Have one dog reach Best of Breed Award

Game Time

11:01pm on Mar 3

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