Walker Kennels

Walker Kennels is dedicated to excellence, specializing in anything that is shiny with the goal in mind of double stat boosted, lala, 24HH dogs. Our standards of achievement have seen many dogs rocket up the Breed Ranking boards to take the gold and stay there. One of our most notable is a CLD bitch, A Queen in Rags, who took BOB at 80 FPdays and stayed there till her retirement for a twenty day streak! Other notable dogs include a GSD bitch by the name of Bright Lights who took Best of Sport (Shutzhund) for a 3 day streak and retired at level 52. And then there is Will Not Go Gentle an Azores Cattle Dog (AzCD) who, even now at age 77, holds the third place rank and as the two dogs above him retire (He is posed to overtake the second even now) he will become the first ranked AzCD on FPaw and has the potential for another twenty day streak! His half brothers, Light at the End and The Immortal Son are just as accomplished and are right behind him in the rankings. The last dog I'd like to mention is Running Down Comets, a bloodhound bitch out of Fawx's Finish Line and Galaxy (Owned by #1061028), who held BOB for 15 days! Her pup (DOB 02/06/14) a male named Stars Lost in Memory, is most certainly going to fallow in her footsteps. If you couldn't tell even though we are barely at our 3rd gen in some cases we already have some big names and plan on carrying these legacies into the future. I'm totally not obsessed at all.
Breeding Requirements, Sales and Other Policies; All dogs up for stud will not be bred to any bitch under the age of 75 and no at least lvl 25. If a bitch over 75 days of age they must be at least lvl 15. Any less and the request will be refused. All dogs are sold with the idea that they will be shown, trained and bred reasonably. I will kennel check. I will not lower a set price.

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04:35pm on Mar 12

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