Windcutter Down Kennels

Welcome To Windcutter Down Kennels!

Hear at WDK we aim to raise a high quality line of border collies, with a side line in Toy Fox Terriers.

About the Kennel

WDK (previously WcDK) was started back in 2010 when I joined FP, I began to raise a shop bought line of border Collies (represented by Swift and Fern in the memory garden) but in the end had to give that origenal line up due to RL restraints, my current Collies are descended from the lines of Kspad2 (represented by all other BC's in the memory garden), a friend of mine from FP beta.

I began to breed Toy Fox Terriers in 2011 as a sideline as I aquired a pair with quite good geens (see Thyme and Fennel in the memory garden), now they're my other breed and I have big plans for them.

I often have to lock my dogs due to RL things, I use FP as a de-stresser and I'm not deadly serious about it :P

My Kennel is named after a real place in Devon England owned by a farmer friend of mine, his dogs starred in a childrens programme franchise called 'Mist, Sheepdog Tales' Click for a trailor for Mist

Kennel Standards

  • All dogs (with the exception of locked dogs) are shown to the maximum everyday
  • No breeding until 88 FP Days
  • Propper level appropriate food and collars for all dogs

Rules for buying:

  1. You must specialize in the breed or give me a valid reason why you want the dog
  2. Your dogs must be cared for and shown properly
  3. If you no longer want the dog please offer it back to Windcutter Down


  1. learn the ropes (working on it)
  2. make it to level 20 ()
  3. Get at least 1 dog to level 30 ()
  4. Get at least 1 dog to level 35 ()
  5. Have a litter with all excelents and 24 HH(x)
  6. Achieve Elite again ()

Game Time

09:35am on Feb 16

Welcome Guest

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