Memories of Nobody









layout by ME, Bleak #947673

Memories of Nobody. 947673.

my kennel :: kennel history :: my profile :: message me
Current Status: dying of homework and midterms someone please save me
"Do you know like we were saying, about the earth revolving? It's like when you're a kid, the first time they tell you that the world is turning and you just can't quite believe it 'cause everything looks like it's standing still. I can feel it... the turn of the earth. The ground beneath our feet is spinning at a thousand miles an hour. The entire planet is hurtling around the sun at sixty seven thousand miles an hour. And I can feel it. We're falling through space, you and me, clinging to the skin of this tiny little world. And, if we let go... "

Wir sind gewohnt, dass die Menschen verhöhnen was sie nicht verstehen.
Jetzt ist es so wie es immer war; wir gegen die Welt.
Weck uns nicht auf wenn der Morgen kommt. Sind wir allein, wir wollen lieber Träumer sein.

"Luigi is, unflinchingly, superior to Mario. The modern evolution. Harder, better, faster, stronger. Luigi is the unsung heroic foil to Mario's archetypal "man against the world" complex. Mario seeks to be a sourceless identity, but he is the most vapidly lauded "main character" there can be; nothing but the filled shoes of a tired protagonist role. Luigi, on the other hand, needs no illusion of a central role in his universe to have fulfillment. He quietly excels and derives deep joy from the passions of tennis, karting, and general exploration of himself and his world, for no purpose but the experience itself. Luigi is the one whose inner universe makes sense in a post-madness age, while Mario clings to the dead story of being a slayer of dragons; a savior of princesses. The new world has no dragons, and nothing worth saving. Luigi understands this." - Michael Quinn, readme CMU Satire News, Issue #188

Kennel Awards

BOB Ainu Dog Aokakesu -- 4x, Feb. 5, 2013
BOB Ainu Dog Aieko -- 22x, Jan.2014
BOB Ainu Dog Eiketsu -- 17x, Dec 2016
BOB Ainu Dog Akatsuki -- 2x, Dec 2016
BOB Appenzeller Mountain Dog Shosei -- 22x, April 24, 2013
BOB Shikoku Maka -- 1x, May 2014
BOB Shikoku Soul -- 1x, April 2014

Highest Kai Ken, Okuyama, L48
Highest Shiba Inu, Rise Against, L44 ::

In the words of Bender, "I'M BACK BABY". After something like 30 months...? Anyways. College is hard.

About Me

... because you care about me, right? My name is Bleak. Not really. But for the purposes of being online, that's been my name here for like 6 years, so I'm not changing it now. I'm a human being, pronouns they/them. Most people would probably call me gay, but since I'm not super into labels, you can call me whatever you want as long as it's not homophobic slurs. ;) I'm currently a comp sci major on scholarship to Carnegie Mellon in Pittsburgh in da USA. My birthday's December 31st, which is pretty much the only cool thing about me. My life currently consists of homework; listening to Rise Against, the Beatles, Tokio Hotel, Mayday Parade, Angels & Airwaves, Green Day (favorite songs right now are Wake Me Up When September Ends and Good Ol' Fashion Nightmare by Matt & Kim); hanging out with friends; reading anime/watching manga; and playing computer or PS3 games. I watch sherlock, numb3rs, supernatural, big bang theory, psych, the avengers movie series, star trek (old and new) and others I can't think of right now. I WATCHED GLEE AND I LOVED IT. I read original marvel comics, mostly X-Men. I'm semi-fluent in Mandarin Chinese, Japanese, and German, besides being very fluent in English. :)

Messaging Me...

Feel free to PM me about something not stupid or spamming. I don't mind answering newbie questions. I DO mind harrassment. You know, like all human beings do. I like PMing about anime/manga, and I like reading/watching/talking about Naruto, Bleach, Death Note, Black Cat, One Piece, Soul Eater, Full-Metal Alchemist, Inuyasha, Black Butler, Witch Hunter, Itsuwaribito and others... (Props if you know where my kennel name came from.) Also, if you've never read it, check out the webcomic Knite on deviantart. One of my friends told me about it, and it's amazing. My favorite characters are Shirosaki, Ulquiorra, Light, Near, Death the Kid, and Train from Black Cat. Also a major shipper of Fenris/Anders, Roy/Ed, Kurt/Sebastian. Yup. Mostly people that can't stand each other in canon, but you know. It's fanfiction. We can write whatever we want.

About the Kennel...

Well, this has been my kennel name since FP Beta, so it seems to be working pretty well so far. If you don't know what it is, google it (it's not a song name or band name). This kennel is active only in Japanese breeds, and almost all of them have been bought, uncared for, from public sales. This is not a rescue, though: I don't "rehome" all the dogs I buy. Once I buy them, I treat them like my own dogs. I level all dogs to at least level 30 before I retire them. I work with three Japanese breeds: Ainu Dogs, Kai Ken, and Shikoku. I'm also trying to breed specific colors (silver Kai Ken, chocolate Appenzellers).

I do not sell dogs from the breeds I specialize in or puppies I've bred except under special circumstances. I breed dogs at 97 and 109 days old.

As well as Japanese dogs, I occasionally work with random breeds that I brought over with FP Beta descendants, dogs for monthly casso breed boosts, or whatever strikes me as fun at the moment. I WILL NOT SELL DOGS TO YOU EVER IF YOU BREED ANY DOGS BEFORE LEVEL 20. I don't care if the sire is level 76 and the dam is level 12. I don't care if it's for achievements. I don't do it.

Game Time

03:29pm on Feb 26

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