schauzer kennel

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Dynamic Blinkie Text Generator at hi:) i am a Girl.... well duh lol,I am 15 and have a poodle named max:) this is a kennel for schnauzers!:) if u have any schnauzers forsale please let me know! I BELIEVE IN JESUS,HE SAVED US FROM YOUR SINS HE LOVES US EVEN IF YOU DONT LOVE HIM,ITS AWESOME TO NOW THAT WE HAVE A GOD WHO LOVES US SO MUCH NO MATTER WHAT WE DO CROSS Pictures, Images and Photos ~ART~ ~PLEASE DONT STEAL MY ART~ DIDNT MAKE THIS ash ash a male wolf, he loves hunting and running. His favorite toy is a bird chew toy. After a long day he likes to curl up on your lap and go to sleep. he is calm and go with the flow kind of guy. He was abondoned and thats when i found him. cute as a little baby and sweet maggie is a female aussie based and lined by crestie and colored by me Prince is a male wolf. Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Game Time

05:08am on Mar 4

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