reichert's Merchant Kennel

Visit my main account at 587001 to know more about me. x clickie x

The greater the aptitude your dog has, the more focused nights and less unfocused nights will occur when showing. Keeping track of how many focused vs. unfocused nights your dog receives over lifetime can Help you determine if your dog has a low or high number of homozygous recessive gene pairs for that sport.
***All links here are broken while I convert from the OLD FP site to the new one. This guide may not work at all anymore. **

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Welcome to A&H Newbie Guide!

Here you will learn everything you need to know about surviving on FP [Furry-Paws] from start to elite! ^^
~~~If you can see this, you already are signed up and have an account login and password. You should know that FP is a free sim game dedicated to the joy of raising, breeding, training, and showing dogs. If you didn't do the official tutorial yet, I suggest you do. You will recieve an money prize for completing it, too.

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First and foremost, I want you to know that this is constantly under construction. You can message me if you have any ideas or commentary you think should be added, but remember I am working on this in my free time. I look forward to hearing what you have to say, as my goal is to make this guide as helpful and easy to use as possible.

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While surfing FP, you probably noticed the navigation bar. Here I will describe each section in order, and what fun each will bring you. ^^

. The Kennel is the heart of FP. It contains the basis for this whole sim game - the dogs! The About page on a kennel is where you can personalize your kennel. You can chose to post a layout if you know how, your breeding level requirements, buying rules, and a bit about who you are. You could choose to put anything here you'd like, there are no rules outside of the Terms of Service. To edit this page, go to the Settings link in the kennel.
. The Kennel page is where you get to show off your real skills. Here you can wholly view all of the dogs ages, breeds, and levels. If you have no dogs, this will be empty instead. Litters are posted here, but dont start breeding yet!! If you increase kennel sizes by moving to a bigger Neighborhood (which costs more money), you can start to host competitions and build training areas and open more than one type of kennel... But I'll focus more on the basics for now.
. A few handy tools that I use in the kennel section is the "Overview" link, located on your Quick Links to the right of the screen. It gives you a quick and detailed overview of your dogs' happiness and hunger, as well as vaccination status. I will cover the importance of this later in the guide [For showing your dogs]. For now, just nod, smile, and remember where the "Overview" link is located. ^^
. The Owner page shows off a bit about you. Your Guild choice, your profession, level, status, etc. I rarely view my own page, but I often check other people's Owner page. So keep yours looking pretty by introducing yourself and being an accomplished player :) . Your History page will hold the dogs you've raised or weened in the past. Keep your kennel looking sharp by having high standards. Show every dog every night, and only breed dogs at higher levels. This would help you gain respect from accomplished trainers, who in turn may be willing to help you. . On the Manage page, you can increase the size of your kennel. Each change you make costs a big lump of money. If you build something, it costs money to demolish it before you can use that space again, so be very careful here. You can gain more building spaces by moving to a larger neighborhoods (more available by gaining levels, so BE PATIENT!) You can access your Breeding and Grooming Centers, as well as host competitions (with a training area) and collect the revenue. You can register your kennel if you wish, which allows you to add your specific unique prefix to each dog you raise and track where these dogs go and how well they are raised. A dog can only have ONE prefix. All of these options cost a lot of money - Dont spend a lot when you first start out, or you will struggle. A few dogs at the start is enough.

. First and foremost, the Atlas is the place that contains the bulk of your essential links! It is where you will be training and preparing your dogs, as well as setting goals, checking progress to Elite-dom, and showing that you are a real member of FP. :] The first link you should notice, since you are new, is the Helpers place. This is a place to ask all of your questions! Just remember, these are normal players like yourself, so be kind, are use common sense!
. Jobs are a great way to make money, and be self-efficient. No one likes a begger - get a job!! You may want to check out Starya's guide to Getting a Job but I have a few quick tips for you, too. Be aware of all the benefits and drawbacks for each job, and realize that the only job that a showing kennel should have is the Competitor's job! It gives each dog extra show points each night, which means leveled dogs in a shorter amount of time! Also, since you may have 3 accounts on FP, I recommend getting a Merchant and a Master Breeder job on your spare accounts, as these will come in HANDY when you need either of these services, which may be often. :]
. Once you have been around a while and have gotten the hang of how things work, it is best to help others out! You can use the Mod Box to notify mods of any issues, whether a wrong-board-post in chat, or a bad link on the site. Or you can help out other FP players [newbies] by signing up to be a Newbie Helper at the Helpers location!
. The FPP exchange is important because FPP's are important, haha! A Furry Paw Point is expensive currency, approximately $500k for every 1 FPP. It takes 40 to help you get Elite and 20 for the Show Entering Form, which I hope are the goals. At the FPP Exchange, you can also see the Elite FAQ, or transfer FPPs.
. The Image Bank is a great place to look at all the purdy dogs of FP. You can even submit your own professional drawings to earn FPPs. If you submit (and get accepted) 100 images, you get a Forever Elite. -gasp- Not many have actually achieved this. I want to!!
. The Hall of Fame and Achievements (Scores) boards are awesome! You can check to see if your dogs are at the top of your breed specialty. Your champions could just be THE best! Make a few goals to get your kennel name up there. It is possible with some effort - just try for it!
. Stats at the bottom of the Atlas is useful to those who are trying to 1) Be the best with less effort or 2) raise the stats of a specific breed. "How do you do this?" you may ask. Simple. Read the stats % above level 1. These breeds need improving by having more dogs above level 1. Read the Highest Level column to see which breed needs to be further mastered...with less effort, hehe. Great way to legally cheat your way onto the Achievements boards!
. The Training building, attached to the Training Area, is the place to start when showing your dogs. Here you can give your dog a sport to show in! Be careful, you can not redo the sport, so be wise...
. The Ruins... collect all the pieces, and see what happens. You'll need a dog to get in, and you can only go back once a day.
. Gene Tests are important for anyone who is serious about showing and breeding their dogs! The price is very small compared to the time it will save you with buying dogs. There are many posts on the help board about genetics, so I suggest you have a look-see.

. The Junkyard, oh goodie! Check here at random times for free items. You can go to your inventory and select an item to "discard" to put an item here. How nice of you!
. The shops (Food, Pets, Toys, Training, Grooming, and Accessories) are restocked every hour. Be on the look-out for good deals. I suggest using your merchant account, since you get an extra 25% off.
. The Shop-ping mall has shops listed in the order of customers served. If you sell enough items, you could make it to the top of the list! :o
. Starting a Shop is a great way to make extra money. It costs 3k I believe, but just keeps giving back! In your shop you can Stock items, price your Inventory, look at the shopper history, and collect the money. If your shop description is messy, you can also reset your shop.
. My Stuff (the same as Inventory listed at the top of every page) contains everything you own. If you cannot find your item there, try the Attic. Store important rares out of eye's reach for safe keeping in the Attic. Select an item and send it to a friend or discard it to the junkyard. The sorting features allow you to quickly look through certain types of items with ease.
. Oh, the Search tool! Not the Search on the navigation bar, but the holy Shop Search in the market! This feature allows you to quickly find the best deals on all of your favorite items in the click of a button! Note: These are all user shops, so it may not have the BEST prices. Look at the regular shops, too.

. Comming soon.

. Kennel/ID.
. Dog ID - important not to loose dogs.
. Saw a great rescue and you want to go back! Dont remember their kennel number? Kennel/nickname search!
. Dog Search: great for mate searching, rescuing, and up to date statistics.
. Litter search: a fun way to find other breeders with litters, see colors of a breed,
. Prefix search - never used it, but a fast way to find the owner of a dog witha certain prefix.
. Specialization search - a sadly deceiving way to look for people who breed the same dog breeds as you. It often comes up with false information, as there are a lot of frozen or unused accounts, and a lot of people just do not update. Try at your own risk.

. All the latest and greatest from the maker herself. Keep up to date with what is going on around FP. There are sometimes games (with sweet prizes) posted here! Go to your kennel profile and select Recieve News Alerts: Yes to get the News alerts messaged to you when they are updated. Convenient, huh?

. Tutorials: Great for just starting out.
. Guides: Never really used these guys, but you could have some luck with them.
. Reset Kennel Page: Ever had a layout that covered your "edit kennel description" button? Well fear no more, you can safely reset your kennel, while loosing all of your precious coding! Yay!
. Account Locking: Another angelic gift from Kah! Here you can lock your dogs in a time-freeze while you are away from FP. Your dogs will not age, and you can continue showing when you get back. Your dogs gain Real Life days however, so watch out for the age differences. (Dogs may only breed if they are within 100 read days of eachother.) "Why wont it lock?!" You cannot have any dogs up for sale in order to lock it. Also, you will loose all show entries upon locking, trick and sport.

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There are many options to consider when looking to adopt. When I first started FP, I had no idea where to turn, nor what my options were, so I went straight to the pet store to adopt 2 pups. There are more options!

...[Humane Society HSFP]
At the HSFP, there are tons of dogs that are looking for love. If you adopt from the pet store, these dogs will remain abandoned. Why not adopt from here if you are just looking to give love? Sometimes there are even top quality dogs!

...[Pet Store]
...[Search Feature]
Search boxes

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~Dogs&Care (Show/train/feed/clothes/kennel space/standards)

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Showing And Leveling

No problem ^^
There are a few things to know first:

Step 1:On each dog's page, there are a list of stats below the fee/play/etc menu. Pick out which 3 are the highest, and remember those 3. Go to the show info booth in the left hand side of the atlas, and highlight the 3 stats in the major stat category. Select search. A sport or list of sports will pop up. That is the sport that dog should be entered in ^^

Step 2: Go to the blue building with the T on in in the middle of the atlas and select the dog and the sport. The cost is 3k to train it, but it's worth it (only a one time fee!). After your dogs are trained in the correct sports, go to the next step.

Step 3: For all of your dogs already trained or once that have just been trained, you may now enter them in shows!! Go to the big trophy in the bottom right corner of the atlas, and select 1 dog's show level and type (ex: NM = Novice level Musical Freestyle). Select the fee range you are willing to pay, and for now that will be good. Leave everything else alone, and click search. Being non-elite, you may choose 30 shows for each dog, but choose the ones with the least amount of entries for quicker leveling!

Step 4: Once all of your dogs have been entered in their max amount of shows, wait until approximately 1AM FP time or later to see how well they have advanced! Some dogs level in a day, others take a few days. Repeat Step 3 each day to reach your dog's highest level!

Step 5: For even better showing results, visit the bulletin under the Help Board of the Chat boards. Look for the one that is titled Collars, Leashes, Food, Toys, Grooming & Training Areas. This post will give you many different ways to advance your dog's showing potential via use of special food/collars/leashes for EACH dog! Also, remember to run your dogs through training area each day to possibly gain extra stats for your dogs!

Once you already know how to enter them in shows, there's only a few more tips I can give you:
-enter them in their max amount of shows a day. For a non-elite, that's 30 shows each dog. It is essential to do this to get them to level fast.
-Enter your dogs in shows with the least amount of entries. It's easier to go to the back of the shows list, as this is where many of the shows have few entries.
When shows have less entrants, it gives your dogs a better chance of winning :) Also, having dogs with Excellents, or being a start competitor, gives your dogs special boosts in shows.
Training page + Stat Ref
Dog Sport Info
points needed for leveling

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Kennels & Goals

goals keep you motivated to achieve things such as trickster (Acheiv.Board) or successful rescue, etc.

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~Kennel/Shop Appearance/Ettiquette/custom dog pic

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How to Make Friends

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How to Make Money

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:: Tips to get elite ::

The Privilege of a Sponsor Are you looking for a sponsor? Thinking about making a post about it? Please, instead of saying "Can I have a sponsor, PLEASE?!" perhaps you could sound more convincing, and FULLY plan out your post before you ask. Here's a few tips in making a more convincing argument:

- Can you do art? Say so! Also post examples, but watch out - you don't want to stretch the page by having very large art up. Make sure to say if the work is 100% your own, if it was a collab, or whatever.

- Can you do html/webdesign? Displaying your knowledge for even the littlest things in html will key in to a sponsor that you are deserving, because you learnered something on your own! Be sure to kee everything neat though - you don't want things to look unprofessional.

- What kind of services can you provide? If you want to work for the FPP/FPD, list what kinds of things you are willing to do! Do you already have empty comtainers? Offer container filling; maybe hop around the advertisement boards and see what others are doing. Maybe you could do those too! not copy word for word what otehr people post though; they may get mad!

- If you have said no... to any or all of these above questions, please reconsider posting so soon. Take time to research how you can get better. Ask others how they do a service if you don't know. Look for guides on FP or the internet to learn html. And practice practice practice your art! There is no such thing as "too good" in the art world. Try offering free manips or free tags for practicing purposes.

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Others' Help Guides

Furry-Paws Help by Nicole #634525
General FP Help Guide by Tornadohare #95061
Food, Accessories, Toys, Grooming, Special Items by Yna #433
Step-By-Step Guide to Leveling Dogs by Frivolity #157278
A collection of helpful posts! by Rianne #4092
Spread the Light... Don't Extinguish the Flame! by Flurpy #92299
points needed for leveling by Starya #193681
Guide to Selling Dogs by Akka #478332

Ten Ways to be a Responsible, Successful Dog Owner and Trainer [from player #25210's kennel page]:

1. Always treat your dogs as if they were real! Just because you can't touch them doesn't mean you shouldn't care the same for them as you would your real dogs.

2. Become a Star Competitor! This is super important ESPECIALLY for non-elites because it helps boost the points your dogs gets in shows.

3. Know the difference between a Pupper Stuffer and GOOD FOOD!

4. Always feed canned food or treats to your dogs! This boosts their chances of success considerably by boosting their stats and giving them an advantage over other dogs in competitions!

5. SHOW SHOW SHOW!! Always enter your dogs in shows! Always always always!! It is super important to the success of your dogs and their offspring that you show them in the max amount of shows you can get them in each day!

6. Know your limits as to how many dogs you can effectively care for at once. Though that lonely little pup on the add board might pull your heart strings, there is a good chance you will buy him and all his buddies. This could hurt your chances of producing award winning dogs, or flat out caring for your dogs period!

7. Always Feed, Play with and Run your dogs through your training area BEFORE you enter them in their daily shows. Their happiness rating is factored into the amount of points they get when the shows are judged! This means that a first place could come down to two dogs and the one who is happy will most likely win!

8.Try and buy your puppies as young as you can! Whether they are store bought at 6 days or reserved from a Master Breeder, This added bonus of "time" allows you almost two weeks to feed/train/run them through training areas and get a general "feel" for the dog while there is no pressure for him/her to succeed. Get familiar with his/her choice of toy and know what stats he/she needs to have improved before it ever sets foot in a show ring.

9.When feeding your dog, feed foods that correspond to the three stats that are judged in the type of game it is trained in. There are those out there that have trouble just plain feeding their dogs, so for those people I suggest merely finding the time to feed them something at all, but for everyone else who is trying to succeed at this game and produce award winning dogs, then make sure you take every chance that if offered to you to raise your dogs stats. Every little bit helps regardless of whether or not it is a large amount.

10.And finally we get to number ten on our list. The last, and certainly most important rule to succeeding at Furry Paws and becoming a wonderful trainer and player is this:

Trust me, you can run this game like a business, where everything is done with a straight face, drill sergeant attitude, where everything is formulated, planned for and calculated. Where this can work, and for a few people I know, it has done them and their dogs wonders. However, for the average player who is just trying to play the game to the best of their ability, succeed at their own pace, savor small, personal victories such as a dog going up a level or seeing their tags on other players profiles and who are not try to prove to everyone that they are the best of the best, having fun and rolling with the punches is more then half of what makes Furry Paws so addicting, challenging and fun to play!


Those that can have fun and still succeed are the ones who find true success in all their endeavors.

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LJ #93152 for links to various help guides listed on the kennel page.
Luciferous G. #25210 for submission of "A collection of helpful posts."

Rare Item Messages: Just for Fun
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Birthday Hat
You place the Birthday Hat on Jampa SCH's head, securing the strap firmly under its chin. Jampa SCH wags its tail happily as a warm blue glow begins to envelope it. Worriedly, you reach for the hat to pull it off, but before you are able to remove it the item bursts into a cloud of amazingly bright light. All of the dogs in your kennel appear overjoyed, maybe they even know what the birthday hat symbolizes -- three years of Furry Paws! Your dogs eventually settle down, but looking around, the Birthday Hat is no where to be seen. Happy Third Birthday Furry Paws!

Heart Shaped Box of Biscuits
You pass out the yummy biscuits from the heart-shaped box to all of your dogs. All of them look quite satisfied! Due to the magical properties of cookies from such a lovely box, they have all gained 3 points in speed.

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HA@SD [Aussies/Labs]
HA@SD Rescue/Foster
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04:04am on Mar 27

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