Rainwolfeh's Kennel

Order By:

Dogs Bred By Rainwolfeh's Kennel

ANH Apache MountainBorder Collie44413
JPnFl Autumn SunsetKooikerhondje64481
IPnHT Autumn's DancerKooikerhondje74495
JPnA Caramel SwirlBorder Collie64485
NFr Cherry BlossomsKooikerhondje14376
NA Chocolate DanceBorder Collie14376
PnA Chocolatte ChipBorder Collie94493
NFl Dancing in the RainMiniature Australian Shepherd14293
Designer SkylineKooikerhondje14373
JAH Falcon's FlightBorder Collie114516
NRO Hazelnut FudgeBorder Collie14466
NH Little WallabyKelpie14293
APnFr Meteor ShowerKooikerhondje104516
ANA Mocha ChipBorder Collie44413
NFl Muddy BanksMiniature Australian Shepherd14293
JAO Muddy SplashesKooikerhondje114508
NA Native DancerBorder Collie14466
JPnH Northern StarBorder Collie54481
JPnHT Oakleaf TwirlKooikerhondje54413
APnFl Snowbound LeapBorder Collie94493
IPnH Spring Falcon's SwoopAustralian Cattle Dog74495
APnFl Stream of PebblesAustralian Cattle Dog104515
Summer Night FirefliesKooikerhondje14466
NFl Sunshine through LeavesAustralian Cattle Dog14466
IPnHT Technicolor PhaseKooikerhondje64464
JPnFr To the SkyBorder Collie54481
NH Wild BrumbyAustralian Koolie14293
ANA Winter SunshineEnglish Shepherd44413
Winter SunshineEnglish Shepherd14376

Game Time

12:10pm on Dec 28

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