Duke Bandit Kennels

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Dogs Bred By Duke Bandit Kennels

LockedAT *DBK* "Aloha"Border Collie2146
LockedPnH *DBK* (R)S/W(P)w/ISadBorder Collie1339
LockedAPnA *DBK* *Cocoa*Border Collie919
LockedMA *DBK* *Cody (22/0) KbrkBorder Collie2969
LockedJPnP *DBK* *Ll 24HH Isabella's WishBorder Collie671
LockedWCO 10HH/12Hh/2hh lala 3xintNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever5699
LockedNA *DBK* 11HH R/W Isabella Sable lala EGEEAustralian Shepherd327
LockedNA *DBK* 14HH EGEG Red and White (Irish) with Isabella Sable *Breedable*Australian Shepherd19
Locked14HH llaNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever16
LockedND 16HH llaNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever18
LockedNO 17HH llaNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever19
LockedJPnFl 22HHBorder Collie615
LockedJAA WwF 24 HHBorder Collie1634
LockedAFr *DBK* 24HH F JasmineBorder Collie1732
LockedPnT T-H AdeleBorder Collie957
LockedExH *DBK* Aika's Perfect Silence 21HHBorder Collie3298
LockedAFr RoRe Alexis (16/1)Cavalier King Charles Spaniel1666
LockedAO *DBK* Allons-yBorder Collie2244
LockedARO RoRe Ally (15/2)Cavalier King Charles Spaniel1766
LockedJPnH *DBK* AmyBorder Collie645
LockedNA *DBK* As You WishBorder Collie211
LockedJPnM *DBK* AstraeaBorder Collie720
LockedJAH *DBK* AsunaBorder Collie1589
LockedNH Ax*1 *silvCatahoula Leopard Dog17
LockedJAFl *DBK* B Isabella with Red P(EEEE)21HH~Tamara~Border Collie1430
LockedAPnA *DBK* B/w irish Kkbr Ee cwcw LL *24 HH*Border Collie1323
LockedAT *DBK* Bayanzürkh, KhövsgölBorder Collie2153
LockedAPnH *DBK* BenBorder Collie13111
LockedFor StudNH *DBK* Besti [EEEE/24HH]Border Collie322
LockedMH *DBK* Bigger on the InsideBorder Collie2662
LockedAH *DBK* BiscuitCatahoula Leopard Dog2253
LockedJAH *DBK* Black BeautyBorder Collie1561
LockedExH *DBK* Blessings In DisguiseBorder Collie3893
LockedNT *DBK* Blue RavenBorder Collie319
LockedAFl *DBK* BlueberryCatahoula Leopard Dog1954
LockedJPnA *DBK* BobBorder Collie641
LockedMH *DBK* Bored! (20HH)Border Collie2577
LockedAPnFl *DBK* Bowties are Cool 22HHBorder Collie1353
LockedAFl *DBK* Breaking DawnBorder Collie1865
LockedAH *DBK* Brindle Silver with Black Saddle and Mask 24HHBorder Collie2668
LockedJAFl EJRTK BrinIsabl-SilvrPts/Msk (bb/dd) (Eme/cwcw) 17/2 Lla (EGGE)Border Collie1552
LockedAFl *DBK* BrinSlvr-IsabellaSabl/Msk (bb/dd) (Eme/cwcw) 15/9 Ll (EEEE)Border Collie1560
LockedJAFl *DBK* Broken HallelujahBorder Collie1547
LockedIPnHT DSgK Bulid me up, ButtercupNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever917
LockedJAA *DBK* Call Me When UR SoberBorder Collie1523
LockedAO *DBK* CamilleBorder Collie2353
LockedJASh ChloeCavalier King Charles Spaniel1533
LockedIPnFl *DBK* choc merle/w irish with ticking KKbr bb Dd Mm cwcw LL *24 HH*Border Collie1020
LockedPnFl ChocMrl (bb/DD) (EmE/Ccw) 20/4 Lla (EEEE)Border Collie1177
LockedNA *DBK* ChopinBorder Collie312
LockedAPnFl *DBK* ConnieBorder Collie1327
LockedIPnA *DBK* DaenerysAustralian Shepherd1351
LockedJPnSc MO RoRe DaneelGerman Shepherd Dog3184
LockedNSh *DBK* Dapple keepBorder Collie157
LockedAP N_MK DashNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever2051
LockedNH *DBK* Dawn RisingBorder Collie441
LockedIPnH *DBK* DeAnira (brndl)slv,w/isaS-msk (EEEE) LLBorder Collie1142
LockedNT *DBK* DeltaBorder Collie127
LockedMFl *DBK* DenverBorder Collie2658
LockedAP Detroit's Put Out The FireBorder Collie2299
LockedNT *DBK* DogBorder Collie110
LockedJAFl *DBK* DogBorder Collie1284
LockedANA *DBK* DogBorder Collie633
LockedANH *DBK* Don't BlinkBorder Collie618
LockedNA *DBK* EchoBorder Collie127
LockedNH *DBK* Echoing Star's Taking ChancesBorder Collie319
LockedFor Public SaleJPnP EGEE llBernese Mountain Dog714
LockedAFr *DBK* EGGE LL agispd/stmagiBorder Collie1995
LockedFor Public SaleNS EGGG LlaSiberian Husky16
LockedNFl *DBK* EllaBorder Collie411
LockedNH *DBK* EllieBorder Collie110
LockedFor Private SaleAA *DBK* ElmoBorder Collie1841
LockedAA *DBK* ElsaBorder Collie1945
LockedNFl *DBK* EMERSON 14/3Border Collie530
LockedNT *DBK* EnonBorder Collie127
LockedAPnFl *DBK* EPBorder Collie1224
LockedJAO *DBK* Fairy LandBorder Collie1643
LockedNT XR FancyBorder Collie110
LockedIPnH *DBK* FeliciaBorder Collie1252
LockedAPnP *DBK* FermataBorder Collie1128
LockedPnH NA *DBK* Fern Island HarperBorder Collie517
LockedJPnFT Fez (EEGE lala)Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever615
LockedJAFl *DBK* Flames in TrackBorder Collie1542
LockedAA *DBK* FortunaAmerican White Shepherd2046
LockedFor StudGCFl *DBK* Fox 24HH 0hhBorder Collie4487
LockedAFl *DBK* FrancescaBorder Collie2473
LockedFor Private SaleNH *DBK* FrankieBorder Collie634
LockedAFl *DBK* Fresh Turn OverBorder Collie2056
LockedIPnS G2 StepSiberian Husky719
LockedNH *DBK* GalifreyBorder Collie313
LockedJPnP GEEE lalaBernese Mountain Dog512
LockedFor Public SaleNP GEEE llaBernese Mountain Dog16
LockedJPnP GEEG lalaBernese Mountain Dog715
LockedFor Public SalePnSh GEEG LlNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever1122
LockedANP GEGE lalaBernese Mountain Dog312
LockedJAP GEGE LlaBernese Mountain Dog1534
LockedIPnO Geronimo! (EEEE 12HH Ll)Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever918
LockedJPnFr GGEE LlBernese Mountain Dog412
LockedANSc GGEG lalaBernese Mountain Dog312
LockedFor Public SaleGGGG llaNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever16
LockedJPnH ghostBorder Collie6108
LockedJPnRO *DBK* Golden SunriseBorzoi596
LockedJPnFl LDPK Goldenglow EstateBorder Collie817
LockedFor Public SaleAFr *DBK* Good Time Charlie 18HHBorder Collie1651
LockedAH *DBK* GrassBorder Collie1940
LockedFor Private SaleNH *DBK* HankBorder Collie524
LockedNH *DBK* Happy TailBorder Collie221
LockedJPnS HarrySiberian Husky518
LockedNH *DBK* HikaruBorder Collie333
LockedANH *DBK* HoneyBorder Collie518
LockedMA *DBK* Hope~24HHBorder Collie2878
LockedAFl *DBK* I Ain't Getting 'em Dusty!Border Collie1860
LockedNH *DBK* Isabella and White (Irish)Border Collie331
LockedNA *DBK* Isabella n White Irish Kk Eme bb dd slsl atat sisi mm rr tt Ccch gg uu Lla GGGEBorder Collie438
LockedJAFl *DBK* Isabella-TanPts (bb/dd) (Ee/cchcw) 15/2 Lla (EGEE)Border Collie1384
Locked*DBK* Isabella/WhiteBorder Collie145
LockedANT *DBK* IzzyBorder Collie442
LockedMT *DBK* Jeanne d' Arc (Silver) (EEEE) (20HH)Border Collie2993
LockedAP Jelly Baby (EEEE 12HH Ll)Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever2450
LockedChH *DBK* Jill EEEE lala 24HH 1.037xBorder Collie4189
LockedFor Private SaleJPnFl *DBK* JoBorder Collie746
LockedIPnP *DBK* K-9Border Collie1017
LockedJAA *DBK* Kippy's flee of falling forceBorder Collie1566
LockedANH *DBK* KitzuBorder Collie456
LockedJAH *DBK* Lable me freakBorder Collie1643
LockedPnA *DBK* Lady Blue Choc Merle/White Pbld w/ red pts kk EE bb Dd slsl atat spsw Mm rr tt CC gg uu lla GGEGBorder Collie860
LockedMA *DBK* Laika •Border Collie3678
LockedMA *DBK* LaylaBorder Collie2570
LockedJAO *DBK* Life's GoodBorder Collie1531
LockedNFl *DBK* Lightly SugaredBorder Collie463
LockedJPnH *DBK* LikalynBorder Collie717
LockedAPnA *DBK* LilacBorder Collie1324
LockedNFl *DBK* Little RavenBorder Collie327
LockedJPnT *DBK* Little SunflowerBorder Collie752
LockedJPnH *DBK* Love and LossBorder Collie447
LockedAM MalyaNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever2144
LockedAPnT *DBK* MazurkaBorder Collie1340
LockedAH *DBK* Merle From Fast And The Furious Borders(10HH-Blue Merle- Bb Dd Mm cchcch)Border Collie1366
LockedFor StudAH *DBK* Mi Amor del ChocolateBorder Collie2050
LockedNFl NABW MiaSaarloos Wolfdog116
LockedANH *DBK* MinuetBorder Collie512
LockedFor Public SaleJPnT *DBK* Mozart (23HH)Border Collie715
LockedAA *DBK* Muñoz 14HH 1hh Ll EEGEBorder Collie1766
LockedIPnH *DBK* NocturneBorder Collie931
LockedJPnA Noroestes Crown JewelBorder Collie818
LockedExFl *DBK* Ohana 24HHBorder Collie3588
LockedFor StudJAT *DBK* Old BlueBorder Collie1544
LockedFor StudJAH *DBK* Perfect SilenceBorder Collie1458
LockedPnA *DBK* PinataBorder Collie1224
LockedAP Pond (EEEG) lalaNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever1939
LockedIPnFl BSAK PoppyBorder Collie919
LockedMT PP Unwanted DesireBorder Collie2871
LockedFor Public SaleJPnP *DBK* Prisoner ZeroBorder Collie714
LockedNA *DBK* Puppy 1Border Collie16
LockedPuppy 1Bernese Mountain Dog17
LockedFor Public Sale*DBK* Puppy 11Border Collie16
LockedNH *DBK* Puppy 2Border Collie16
Locked*DBK* Puppy 3Border Collie16
LockedFor Public SalePuppy 3Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever16
LockedFor Public SalePuppy 3Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever16
LockedFor Public SalePuppy 3Great Pyrenees16
LockedFor Public SalePuppy 4Great Pyrenees16
LockedPuppy 5Bernese Mountain Dog16
LockedNA *DBK* puppy 7Border Collie112
LockedIPnT *DBK* Rawr I'm A Dinosaur 24HH LlaBorder Collie1022
LockedJPnT *DBK* RedBorder Collie846
LockedExH R A K Red ShadowBorder Collie3499
LockedJPnA DNR RETIRESaarloos Wolfdog615
LockedAFl *DBK* Rhea {24HH/Ll}Border Collie1947
LockedNT *DBK* Rising HunterBorder Collie16
LockedNH *DBK* Rising SunBorder Collie321
LockedIPnO Rory EEEE 17HH llNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever819
LockedJPnH *DBK* RoseBorder Collie616
LockedFor Private SaleNH *DBK* RosieBorder Collie536
LockedFor StudMT *DBK* Rumplstiltskin || Isabella and White (Irish)Australian Shepherd2461
LockedNFl *DBK* RunningvortexBorder Collie112
LockedJPnFl *DBK* SaccatoBorder Collie719
LockedNH *DBK* SageBorder Collie333
LockedNFl *DBK* Sally Merle Chocolate 14 HH lalaBorder Collie18
LockedFor Public SaleJPnH *DBK* Sarah Jane SmithBorder Collie713
LockedAA *DBK* SellBorder Collie1845
LockedsellBorder Collie16
LockedsellBorder Collie16
Locked*DBK* sellBorder Collie16
LockedAH *DBK* Sequoia {24HH/ll}Border Collie1947
LockedNFl *DBK* SforzandoBorder Collie313
LockedJPnA *DBK* ShayBorder Collie569
LockedNA *DBK* ShikamaruBorder Collie451
LockedFor StudAPnH *DBK* Show StopperBorder Collie1330
LockedAPnH ROSAS ShrekBorder Collie1061
LockedJAA *DBK* Signal Circuit of HallestonBorder Collie1648
Locked*DBK* Silent MistBorder Collie122
LockedJAH *DBK* Silver DollarBorder Collie15119
LockedJAFl *DBK* Silver Flash of Light in the Snowy depthsBorder Collie1594
LockedNH *DBK* silverbulletBorder Collie537
LockedNT *DBK* SilverfireBorder Collie330
LockedAA *DBK* Smokin' GobletBorder Collie3070
LockedPnFl Something's Gotta GiveBorder Collie1023
LockedJAO *DBK* SonataBorder Collie1431
LockedJPnO Spoilers (EEEE 14HH lala)Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever614
LockedFor StudAPnW Still Not Ginger {24 Hh LL}Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever923
LockedNH *DBK* Strawberry RavenBorder Collie18
LockedNFl sadie Strobe 19HHBorder Collie16
LockedExA *DBK* Study In PinkBorder Collie3873
LockedMFl *DBK* SupersonicBorder Collie2658
LockedJPnFl *DBK* SvenBorder Collie832
LockedAPnSc RKS TatsukiGerman Shepherd Dog1331
LockedAPnH *DBK* TemariBorder Collie1355
LockedPnFT Ten (EEEE 11HH lla)Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever819
LockedAPnO The Face of Boe (EEEE 8HH lla)Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever1222
LockedAH *DBK* The Heart Whispers My NameBorder Collie1740
LockedJAO *DBK* The Planet MidnightBorder Collie1642
LockedMT *DBK* TruffleBorder Collie3493
LockedNFl *DBK* TwizzlerBorder Collie157
LockedMH *DBK* Warm Winter's NightBorder Collie2972
LockedIPnFr *DBK* What Time is It?Border Collie639
LockedJAH *DBK* Whispering of FaithBorder Collie1738
LockedJAH KR4 Whispering WindsBorder Collie1740
LockedAFT Wild WandererNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever1642
LockedJPnT *DBK* Winter PrincessAmerican White Shepherd715
LockedJPnFr *DBK* Witness The Flame Of A FoxBorder Collie724
LockedGCSc NW *DBK* XFall's ChangeX B2 *SCHUTZHUND*American White Shepherd4391
LockedNT YellowBorder Collie17
LockedNO *DBK* ZoeBorder Collie127
LockedGCA *DBK* [Mixup] *DogBorder Collie50100
LockedFor StudWCP GCFl PRST \Havsrå/Bernese Mountain Dog55100
LockedAPnH *DBK* ~SLK You're Not SorryBorder Collie1334
ChT "Ireland" Brindle Red and White (Irish) with Black Saddle EEEEBorder Collie364182
MFl *DBK* "Man on the Moon"Border Collie293534
MA *DBK* "Sane A. Savage"Border Collie293534
AH *DBK* $1000Border Collie273901
ChA -DHK- (Agi) Holindaise - 14HHGerman Shepherd Dog403326
AT *DBK* (EEEE 14HH)Border Collie183976
AH *DBK* (EEEE 17HH)Border Collie193966
PnH *DBK* (EEEE 21HH)Border Collie113659
NA (EEEE) 13HH KK Eme BB Dd slsl atat sisp mm rr tt CC gg uu Ll stmint stmagiBorder Collie44457
APnFT (GGGE) LlNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever112423
ChSc -DHK- (Int) Devo Silk - 14HHGerman Shepherd Dog413326
NA *DBK* -GS- DeathbedBorder Collie43282
NH *DBK* -GS- Fire for the CrematedBorder Collie13256
ANA *DBK* -GS- Once A Zombie, Always A ZombieBorder Collie53272
APnA *DBK* 11HH EEEG lala Never BredBorder Collie134001
AA *DBK* 15HH LL Mm 3int bb ddBorder Collie203937
IPnH R A K 15HH Lla EEEEBorder Collie73647
JPnFl 15k - EEGG - Blue Merle & White (Irish) w/ Tan pts & TickingBorder Collie44181
AT *DBK* 19HH (Brindle S w/ Isabella Sable & Mask) Kbrk Eme bb dd slsl Ayat SS mm rr tt cwcw gg uu LlaBorder Collie243914
NFl *DBK* 21HHBorder Collie13386
NH *DBK* 21HHBorder Collie13555
NA *DBK* 22HHBorder Collie13555
ANH *DBK* 23HHBorder Collie53647
GCFl *DBK* 24HH EEEE Iris [Lla] stragi stmagiBorder Collie463114
CCH *DBK* 3.24. CommersoniaBorder Collie452982
JAA 4E 13HH llBorder Collie124174
JPnFl *DBK* A Timelord's HeartbeatBorder Collie82196
IPnA *DBK* AceBorder Collie93977
PnH *DBK* AceBorder Collie133981
JPnFl Against the Odds (EEEE) 15HH KK ee BB DD slsl atat swsw mm rr Tt Ccch gg uu LL intstm spdagiBorder Collie54483
JPnT *DBK* AlyssaBorder Collie63981
ExFT AndyNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever312958
NFl *DBK* Angel's TigressBorder Collie63087
JPnT *DBK* AnnabethBorder Collie83311
AT AnnalieBorder Collie183946
MA AnubisBorder Collie234247
AH *DBK* ArchdukeBorder Collie223340
JPnH AFl *DBK* AristophanesBorder Collie253804
APnH *DBK* ArthurCatahoula Leopard Dog114035
IPnFr ArthurNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever81755
MH *DBK* Ashton (17HH)Border Collie313873
MA *DBK* AustenBorder Collie303504
IPnT *DBK* AvalancheBorder Collie103858
JAP RWRT BaltoSiberian Husky162580
WCW MKPW BarbieNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever442606
NFl *DBK* BelleBorder Collie23993
MFl *DBK* Berrytail 11HHBorder Collie263952
JPnT *DBK* BertCatahoula Leopard Dog63980
AP *DBK* Big Old Doe EyesBorder Collie183966
IPnSc TVH BiscuitGerman Shepherd Dog93560
APnT Black and White (Irish) (EGEE) Kk Ee BB DD slsl atat sisi mm rr tt CC gg uu LL stmcha stragiBorder Collie104509
JPnH Black Fire (EEEE) 16HH Kk EE BB Dd slsl atasa Ssp mm rr tt Ccch gg uu lla chastm intintBorder Collie64483
JPnA BlackearBorder Collie54190
AP Bleeding Out 5/5 lalaBernese Mountain Dog211939
NFl Blue (GEEE) kk EE Bb Dd slsl atasa sisp Mm rr tt CC gg uu lla agistr intagiBorder Collie34478
AFl *DBK* Blue FuryBorder Collie173820
AFl Blue MerleBorder Collie174139
JAH *DBK* Blue moonAustralian Shepherd161550
JAA *DBK* Blue/w Kk Ee Bb dd slsl atasa sisi mm rr tt cwcw gg uu Lla EEEE 7HHBorder Collie124100
AO JAFr *DBK* BoilermakerBorder Collie181806
AFl *DBK* BoulderBorder Collie213334
MH *DBK* Bree (14HH)Border Collie313877
MH *DBK* Brindle Isabella Merle with Silver Points and MaskBorder Collie253743
APnFl *DBK* Brindle Silver with Chocolate Saddle and Mask 19HH Eme bb Dd slsl asaa SS mm rr tt cwcw -TBB-Border Collie123824
AH *DBK* BRM&W(I) w/BluS EGGE Ee Bb Ayat llaBorder Collie243899
MH Brndl R/W w/ Blck Sbl Kbrk EE Bb DD slsl Ayat sisw mm rr tt Cce gg uu LL (EEEG)Border Collie234193
PnA *DBK* Broken Hallejuha [16HH] [i]Border Collie122624
ANT LPR BuddyBernese Mountain Dog52039
JPnT *DBK* CaesarBorder Collie83980
NA Caisy (GGEE) Kk EE bb Dd slsl atat sisi mm rr tt Ccch gg uu LL intstm stragiBorder Collie34475
JPnFl MA *DBK* CamrenBorder Collie313537
MO CarolinaBorder Collie264332
MH ChaolCatahoula Leopard Dog313538
NSh charcoleAkita33652
JAA *DBK* CharlotteBorder Collie164028
NT *DBK* ChaseBorder Collie43962
MH *DBK* ChikiBorder Collie263762
IPnH *DBK* Chilling WinterBorder Collie83981
JAFl *DBK* Chloe*Border Collie163970
AT *DBK* Chocobo Cocoa PuffsBorder Collie193982
PnFl Chocolate CreamBorder Collie123652
ChFr *DBK* Chocolate KissesBorder Collie402051
AA *DBK* Chocolate(Light)Border Collie253773
AH *DBK* Chocolate(Red)Border Collie183782
IPnRO Cloud Watcher (EEEE) 9HHBorzoi74501
NA Cold Copper ggeeBorder Collie14498
ASh FLF Cole EEEE 19HH LlaCavalier King Charles Spaniel222550
PnFl *DBK* CookieBorder Collie123953
ChH Creme de MentheCatahoula Leopard Dog344273
JPnH BSAK CrM&W(P) w/BluS EEEG Bb Ayat spsw cece LlBorder Collie42968
JPnP *DBK* CyrusBorder Collie42392
NFr *DBK* DaisyBorder Collie53984
ChP KotRS Dancing LeavesNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever402994
MT *DBK* DanielBorder Collie283868
AFl *DBK* DawnBorder Collie181563
NCFl *DBK* Derby 22HHBorder Collie542881
MA *DBK* DerrikBorder Collie303504
PnH DestinyBorder Collie94330
APnA Dixie's Time To Shine (GEEE) KK Eme BB DD slsl aa sisp mm rr tt CC gg uu Ll chacha stmchaBorder Collie114492
PnA DL's The Thunders Roar - VoliCatahoula Leopard Dog84366
AFl *DBK* DodgerBorder Collie213864
NH *DBK* DogBorder Collie63730
ChA *DBK* DogBorder Collie433678
NT *DBK* DogBorder Collie33870
GCT *DBK* DogBorder Collie463741
IPnFl *DBK* DogBorder Collie93920
NP *DBK* DogBorder Collie13965
NH *DBK* DogBorder Collie33482
NM *DBK* DogBorder Collie13071
GCA *DBK* DogBorder Collie463678
APnT *DBK* DogBorder Collie134014
NA *DBK* DogBorder Collie13850
NFl *DBK* DogBorder Collie33719
JPnA *DBK* DogBorder Collie83938
GCH *DBK* DogBorder Collie443765
GCFl ANH *DBK* DogBorder Collie463714
NA BSAK DogBorder Collie13951
MFl DollyBorder Collie284366
NFl *DBK* DominoBorder Collie13955
GCSc *DBK* DoraGerman Shepherd Dog433650
ExH *DBK* Dorie of Night DancersBorder Collie372946
PnH *DBK* Dots 'N DashesBorder Collie123970
ExH *DBK* Drop of SnowBorder Collie323620
NFr DukeBernese Mountain Dog13596
APnP DynamiteNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever133608
AT *DBK* East StreetBorder Collie263933
GCH EavanBorder Collie384341
ExH *DBK* EdanBorder Collie372778
NFl Ee bb Dd cecwBorzoi24462
JAO EEEE 13HH B/m Red points mask tickingBorder Collie134331
JAFl EEEE 14HH black n whiteBorder Collie114158
AH PUPDS EEEE 16HH SilvershellBorder Collie232530
*DBK* EEEE 21HHBorder Collie13990
APnT *DBK* EEEE 22HH)Border Collie143697
NT *DBK* EEEE 23HH Kbrk EE BB DD slsl atat sisi mm rr tt Ccw gg uu LLBorder Collie43954
AH *DBK* EEEE 23HH/0Hh/0hh lala Bowties are Wibbly-WobblyBorder Collie213159
AH *DBK* EEEG 16HH CoalfurBorder Collie222539
IPnP EEEG lalaNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever102589
MA *DBK* EEGE LL SamBorder Collie273560
AT EGEG 14HH [intint intagi] Blue Merle and White (Irish) with TickingBorder Collie174235
PnP RARE EgertBernese Mountain Dog103419
EGGG LlaNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever13388
JAH *DBK* ESR The RiverBorder Collie143578
JPnH R A K Excellent MeekBorder Collie63646
JPnT *DBK* Excellent, LlaBorder Collie73055
ChFr *DBK* F - 17Border Collie412714
JPnT *DBK* F - 21Border Collie102712
ANH *DBK* F - 45Border Collie72700
ChT *DBK* First Snow FallAmerican White Shepherd403068
IPnFr First Snowfall (EEEE) 12HHBorzoi74496
NFr FloBorzoi14371
JAH *DBK* For The Love Of A DaughterBorder Collie153414
AFl *DBK* Free From It All (EEGE)Border Collie204031
ChFl *DBK* FridaBorder Collie403792
ExH *DBK* Frozen PondBorder Collie353320
MA *DBK* Further ConfusionBorder Collie323935
MFl *DBK* GalaxyBorder Collie283863
APnH *DBK* GalaxyBorder Collie133084
AFl *DBK* GGEE 12HH BluewaveBorder Collie232544
AFl GGEG 9HH bb dd CC lala [spdstr spdcha] Isabella Merle and White (Irish)Border Collie164106
IPnT GGEG AlienAkita93643
AP PuPaR GingerNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever19601
APnP RARE GloriousNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever113424
JAH *DBK* Gold on The CeilingBorder Collie173960
APnA BELLS Golden OldieAkita143640
PnH Greater Love (EEEE) 12HH Kk ee Bb DD slsl atat sisw mm rr tt cchcch gg uu LL intstm stmstmBorder Collie94490
ExFl *DBK* GrimbleBorder Collie382523
PnR Heatbeats Accelerating [17HH]Borzoi94463
AA HersheysBorder Collie164286
PnA *DBK* Hidden Silence [12HH] [i]Border Collie122625
AH HoneyBorder Collie243973
JASh HooperNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever143179
PnA Hope Springs Eternal [19HH Kbr Bb Lla]Border Collie94159
NCH TM's Hostile WitnessBorder Collie542706
ExM «gw» I Wish I Was the MoonNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever452554
JPnFl *DBK* If loving you a sin, then send me to hellBorder Collie73893
CCSc *DBK* Inny 24HHAmerican White Shepherd572753
JAT *DBK* isa HollywoodBorder Collie201628
AFl *DBK* Isabella and White (Irish)Australian Shepherd183873
MH *DBK* Isabella and White (Irish) Kkbr bb dd cchcw LL 13 HHBorder Collie342088
MA *DBK* Isabella Merle and White (Irish) KK bb dd Ccw Lla 7 HHBorder Collie343216
MH *DBK* Isabella with Silver Points kk bb dd cwcw Ll 16 HHBorder Collie332088
CCFl *DBK* IvyBorder Collie533628
JPnA *DBK* Izzy (8/3)Border Collie71230
MA *DBK* JacobBorder Collie313504
NH *DBK* JadeBorder Collie43884
JPnFT JanessaLabrador Retriever74485
JAH *DBK* JanieBorder Collie153710
AA *DBK* JasperBorder Collie272694
AA JennaSaarloos Wolfdog242557
JPnH *DBK* JuneBorder Collie73906
NCH TM's KamikazeBorder Collie542863
PnA KandyBorder Collie103782
AH *DBK* KaramelBorder Collie203986
MA JPnH *DBK* Katanas and Daggers Don't Hurt DearBorder Collie273826
NFl *DBK* Kbrk Ee bb dd slsl atasa sisp mm rr Tt cwcw gg uu lla EGEEBorder Collie43933
NA *DBK* KbrKbr Ee bb dd atat Tt cwcw LL (GEEE)Border Collie53910
AT *DBK* KK Ee bb dd slsl asaasa sisp mm Rr tt cwcw gg uu LLBorder Collie173986
ExW TASK4 LaneyNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever272598
NFl *DBK* LaraBorder Collie13587
NH *DBK* LatviaBorder Collie13570
ANT Leap of Faith (EEGG) kk EmE BB DD slsl Ayat sisi MM rr tt Ccch gg uu ll intstr agiintBorder Collie44481
JAA *DBK* LillifeeBorder Collie153723
NH Lips Of An AngelBorder Collie34134
NA Little Bug- AdoptableBorder Collie24303
AA *DBK* Little LotusBorder Collie253065
NH LolaBernese Mountain Dog13596
NFl *DBK* lovdayBorder Collie13954
JPnH *DBK* luckyBorder Collie73929
JPnA *DBK* LukeBorder Collie73844
APnH *DBK* LunaBorder Collie133972
ANH *DBK* LuneBorder Collie43647
JPnT IPnH *DBK* MalikBorder Collie92649
JPnT MarioBorder Collie54212
JAFl *DBK* MarkusBorder Collie173449
IPnH Master of Shadows (EEEE) 18HH KK EE Bb DD slsl atat Ssw mm rr tt Ccch gg uu Lla strspd intintBorder Collie74428
ExFl *DBK* MaxBorder Collie353836
JPnT *DBK* MelanieBorder Collie43215
AT *DBK* MellowBorder Collie181561
GCA *DBK* MerlotBorder Collie473805
ChA *DBK* MertonBorder Collie413663
JPnFr AM HVOND Message Man (EEGG)Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever203051
JPnA *DBK* Milky Way GalaxyBorder Collie73958
ChSh WndK Misjudged IdeasCavalier King Charles Spaniel412849
ANA Missy BingoBorder Collie54513
IPnH MistyBorder Collie84332
IPnM Mixed Emotions (EEEE) 14HHBorzoi74501
NFl *DBK* Mona Lisa smileBorder Collie33038
NCFl *DBK* Morning DoveBorder Collie532606
AFl *DBK* MountainBorder Collie174084
GCO Vixy My Love BoatNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever453301
ExA Naira Isa 11HH 1hh cw Ssi Lla 61Border Collie304204
ANH *DBK* NoelBorder Collie53911
AP *DBK* NumblerBorder Collie213597
IPnFl On Eagle's Wings (EEEG) kk EmE Bb DD slsl atat spsw Mm rr tt CC gg uu Ll stmspd stragiBorder Collie84486
ExFl *DBK* OvercastBorder Collie373024
NH *DBK* PacoBorder Collie33884
MA *DBK* Pale HistoryBorder Collie303887
ExT *DBK* PandemicBorder Collie363002
PattyBorder Collie14490
ANO *DBK* PearlBorder Collie43647
NH *DBK* PhoenixBorder Collie12581
CCSc *DBK* Pummy 24HHAmerican White Shepherd592757
ChFl *DBK* PuppyBorder Collie423552
NH *DBK* Puppy 1Border Collie43583
Puppy 1Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever12410
APnA *DBK* Puppy 2Border Collie143980
*DBK* Puppy 2Border Collie13887
Puppy 6Border Collie14488
MP *DBK* QueenBorder Collie303306
ChA *DBK* Queens HistoryBorder Collie41811
ANA Quiet HunterBorder Collie74377
IPnH *DBK* RaceBorder Collie93609
ANH *DBK* RageBorder Collie73969
MT *DBK* Raina of Night DancersBorder Collie362964
ASc *DBK* RainbowGerman Shepherd Dog213474
ExT RainstormBorder Collie314316
MT GMars Raven ThunderBorder Collie302013
ANH *DBK* RayzBorder Collie43955
NT Reach For The Stars (GEEE) Kk EE bb DD slsl atat swsw MM rr tt CC gg uu Lla spdstm agistmBorder Collie44473
MP *DBK* Ready to FlyBorder Collie262788
AFl *DBK* Red and White (Piebald)Border Collie173826
GCFl *DBK* Red and White (Piebald) || 19HH || LlaAustralian Shepherd483737
GCO OCSK Regain the Glory DaysAkita413436
MA *DBK* RESCUE LilyBorder Collie253982
ExT *DBK* ResearchBorder Collie383606
JAT *DBK* RexBorder Collie153160
NH *DBK* Ricochet RiverBorder Collie13048
AA *DBK* Ricotta CreamBorder Collie243165
JAH *DBK* Rivenwood MasterfulBorder Collie143314
AT Roaming Moonlight's Into The DarkBorder Collie184323
JPnFr Roaned Blue Merle and White (Irish) Kk Ee BB Dd slsl atasa sisp MM Rr tt Cce gg uu EEEE 17HHBorder Collie74444
ExFl *DBK* Roaned Brindle Silver and White (Piebald) with Black Saddle EEEE 24HHBorder Collie332895
NP *DBK* roaned brndl silver merle/w extrm pbld choc saddle and mask Kbrk bb Dd Lla *24 HH*Border Collie13619
MH *DBK* Roaned Cream and White (Piebald) with Blue SaddleBorder Collie271995
NA *DBK* RockyBorder Collie43647
APnP *DBK* Rolling CorpseBorder Collie123279
JPnD RoseNewfoundland72581
AH R A K RoxieBorder Collie163399
MA *DBK* RoxyBorder Collie263442
PnFT RufusNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever93616
ChH *DBK* RukiBorder Collie433831
AH *DBK* Runner of the WildBorder Collie253969
JAA *DBK* RyewhiskerBorder Collie153065
JAFl NFl AH *DBK* Sabelle's Strawberry BattleaxeBorder Collie242946
MH *DBK* SableCatahoula Leopard Dog343794
NT *DBK* SakuraBorder Collie43986
JAO *DBK* SamBorder Collie153985
JAH R A K SamsonBorder Collie153399
ExO SamuelGerman Shepherd Dog333621
PnP SandyNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever132572
ExH *DBK* Sarah 24HHBorder Collie372545
AH SassyBorder Collie164147
ChH JAA *DBK* SchliereBorder Collie453529
NA *DBK* SellBorder Collie13967
APnFl *DBK* sellBorder Collie113055
NO *DBK* sellBorder Collie1176
AT *DBK* ShadowBorder Collie203405
NCP EV<3 ShadowsSaarloos Wolfdog412571
MH *DBK* ShakiraBorder Collie333892
PnFl *DBK* ShastaBorder Collie102851
NH *DBK* ShelbBorder Collie43647
NP *DBK* Silver BabyBorder Collie33840
ExT *DBK* Silver Kk BB Dd cwcw lala 10 HHBorder Collie333216
ExH *DBK* Silver Kk Bb dd cwcw ll 13 HHBorder Collie342088
PnFl Silver Moon (EGEE) Kk Ee BB Dd slsl asaa sisi Mm Rr tt CC gg uu Lla strcha intchaBorder Collie94486
MH *DBK* SilvertongueBorder Collie313838
MT *DBK* SimbaBorder Collie293873
PnFl *DBK* SKAS Silver chocolate beautyBorder Collie133973
JPnA *DBK* Skys the Limit FrencoisBorder Collie72875
PnH *DBK* Slate 15HH 8Hh 1hhBorder Collie123828
IPnT SledgeNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever102422
IPnA *DBK* Snow DustBorder Collie92948
APnA *DBK* Snowflakes in the Night SkyBorder Collie133640
NP *DBK* SnowstormBorder Collie23828
JPnFl *DBK* Spaghetti & MeatballsBorder Collie63952
PnT Speeding Bullet (EGEG) Kk Eme BB DD slsl ata spsp mm rr tt CC gg uu Lla stmstr agiintBorder Collie104489
AT *DBK* Springtime in ParisBorder Collie213987
ANH *DBK* Star From the Peagus ConstellationBorder Collie43582
AFl Stardust' IðunnBorder Collie154286
NT *DBK* Starts The SparkBorder Collie11566
IPnA *DBK* StraxBorder Collie103625
IPnH *DBK* StraxBorder Collie112943
APnFl *DBK* Subtle Cries 15HH 9Hh 0hhBorder Collie123869
AH *DBK* Sunset (EGGG)Border Collie183427
IPnFl Surrender the RainBorzoi84487
MA *DBK* The Impossible AstronautBorder Collie323221
CCFl *DBK* The Legend of ZeldaBorder Collie593571
WCT The Rose of Peace [int spd stm]Border Collie494309
JPnA *DBK* TicoBorder Collie73971
JAT *DBK* TigerBorder Collie15527
IPnT *DBK* TigerBorder Collie103161
ExM *DBK* TiggerBorder Collie373848
PnA TitanAustralian Shepherd94251
IPnH *DBK* TitanBorder Collie93903
GCT *DBK* Trai [16HH Lla 2spd/strint 0.982x]Border Collie472318
ANM *DBK* TulipBorder Collie72705
NT BSAK valerieBorder Collie23884
GCH *DBK* VanquishBorder Collie443790
MH *DBK* VelvetBorder Collie323442
ChT ADF WandsworthBorder Collie413647
APnH *DBK* WanitaBorder Collie113060
PnH *DBK* Whispered Heart [22HH] [i]Border Collie112621
NT *DBK* Whispers Queens Runner9Border Collie43766
AH *DBK* White Chocolate (Chocolate; EEGG)Border Collie233814
MFl *DBK* Wibbly-WobblyBorder Collie35242
NCP *DBK* Wingardium LeviosaBorder Collie532567
AO *DBK* Winter WonderlandBorder Collie203790
JPnFr *DBK* Wish and Luck [8HH] (5th)Border Collie63979
JAA *DBK* Wonderland Artic Night EEEE 18HH 0hh (cream and white *EP* w/ticking)Border Collie163785
APnH *DBK* Wonderland Chasing Time EEEE 18HH 0hh (roaned cream and white *irish*)Border Collie163781
MFl Wonderland Dirty Harry EGGG 13HH 3hh (roaned fawn and white *irish* w/blk sable)Border Collie294206
IPnA *DBK* Wonderland Jack the Ripper EEEE 21HH 0hh (brindle blk and white *I* w/silve pts)Border Collie103805
JAM NH *DBK* Wonderland Quoth the Raven EEEE 18HH 0hh (roa.brin blk and W *I* w/cream pts)Border Collie173759
ExA Wonderland Smoke and Mirrors GGEG 9HH 3hh (blue and white *irish*)Border Collie334177
PnH *DBK* WW Tidal WavesBorder Collie133667
ARO JEMCK XavierCavalier King Charles Spaniel213654
NFr XionNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever13328
AH *DBK* ZenobiaBorder Collie213087
APnH *DBK* ZoeBorder Collie133449
NH *DBK* ZolaBorder Collie53954
NCP NCFl PRST \Harpy/Bernese Mountain Dog553160
GCT {dd} Belated BirthdayBorder Collie394154

Game Time

06:21pm on Jan 31

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