Pogue's Salem Sledding and Herding

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Dogs Bred By Pogue's Salem Sledding and Herding

LockedAS EDDY (E's) SassyGreenland Dog2042
LockedFor StudNHT AceAkita260
LockedIPnRO V.A.L BranchfurCaucasian Ovtcharka515
LockedANM CDK Aiden GEEGAkita512
LockedMM CDK Aila GGEEAkita2457
LockedJPnFr CDK Aislyn GGEEAkita411
LockedANM CDK Anita EEEEAkita411
LockedANHT CDK Aragorn GEGEAkita512
LockedAHT CDK Archer GEEEAkita1642
LockedJPnFr CDK Arlo EGEEAkita512
LockedJPnHT CDK Asa GEEGAkita513
LockedJPnFr CDK Asher EGEGAkita619
LockedFor StudMP JPO ChampGreenland Dog2697
LockedIPnT ChevelleBeauceron615
LockedNH CK Lady EEEEBorder Collie111
LockedNT CK Landry EEEEBorder Collie111
LockedNH CK Lara EEEEBorder Collie111
LockedNT CK Largo EEGGBorder Collie111
LockedNH CK Lennox GEEGBorder Collie111
LockedNFl CK Liam EEGGBorder Collie111
LockedNT CK Lilo GGEEBorder Collie111
LockedNFl CK Lise EEEEBorder Collie111
LockedNT CK Logie GGEEBorder Collie111
LockedNFl CK Lolo GGEEBorder Collie111
LockedNT CK Luke GEGEBorder Collie111
LockedNFl CK Lyra GEEEBorder Collie111
LockedNFl CK Lyrica GEGEBorder Collie111
LockedJAS Creamsicle DreamGreenland Dog1027
LockedFor StudJAS Creamsicle MeltGreenland Dog1027
LockedIPnSc DanikaBeauceron616
LockedASc DarwinGerman Shepherd Dog2165
LockedMP RBK*R Delilah EEEEGreenland Dog3076
LockedAFl ABR div 0.992 |Greenland Dog2254
LockedFor StudIPnSc DixonBeauceron616
LockedExS Hear the CallGreenland Dog2562
LockedFor StudJAP Huntress in the TundraGreenland Dog1635
LockedAFl It's a Greenland WinterGreenland Dog2048
LockedAP Keep with WinterGreenland Dog1842
LockedIPnA FEN KrissieAustralian Koolie719
LockedFor StudIPnFl Merry IglooGreenland Dog10108
LockedAFl MurphyGreenland Dog2046
LockedIPnT NadiaBeauceron515
LockedFor StudJAFl Bird Nana's Fuzzy BuddySiberian Husky1324
LockedAFl *KaR NataliaGreenland Dog1847
LockedIPnHT NefAkita516
LockedExFl Perfe NikkiGreenland Dog3292
LockedMS PatchesSiberian Husky2294
LockedJAFl Pogue's AmaroqSiberian Husky1232
LockedNA Pogue's ArtemisIcelandic Sheepdog110
LockedNH Pogue's BaileyAustralian Shepherd16
LockedNW Pogue's BalePortuguese Water Dog16
LockedNFl Pogue's BanditAustralian Shepherd16
LockedNP Pogue's BarenPortuguese Water Dog16
LockedNO Pogue's BastianMiniature Schnauzer16
LockedNA Pogue's BeauAustralian Shepherd16
LockedNW Pogue's BeowulfPortuguese Water Dog16
LockedNH Pogue's BiancaAustralian Shepherd16
LockedNH Pogue's Blue StahliTibetan Mastiff16
LockedIPnFl Pogue's Breaking BenjaminSiberian Husky822
LockedNH Pogue's BrinleyAustralian Shepherd16
LockedNFl Pogue's CalypsoSiberian Husky16
LockedNT Pogue's CheyenneAustralian Koolie39
LockedNH Pogue's CocoaTibetan Mastiff39
LockedFor StudAPnP Pogue's ConnorGreenland Dog820
LockedNW Pogue's Cracker JackPortuguese Water Dog16
LockedMM Pogue's DahliaAkita2359
LockedNH Pogue's DanikaAustralian Koolie16
LockedNS Pogue's DanikaSiberian Husky16
LockedAP Pogue's DanversSiberian Husky1642
LockedNH Pogue's DaredevilTibetan Mastiff39
LockedNFl Pogue's Dark AngelPortuguese Water Dog16
LockedNP Pogue's DayshaTibetan Mastiff16
LockedNT Pogue's DelilahAustralian Koolie16
LockedNW Pogue's Evans BluePortuguese Water Dog16
LockedNW Pogue's EviePortuguese Water Dog16
LockedNFl Pogue's GarnetSiberian Husky16
LockedJPnS Pogue's GraverobberSiberian Husky517
LockedNFl Pogue's IroquoisSiberian Husky16
LockedNO Pogue's KalinaTibetan Mastiff16
LockedNH Pogue's KatarinaTibetan Mastiff16
LockedANP Pogue's KavikSiberian Husky310
LockedJPnH Pogue's KipperTibetan Mastiff410
LockedJPnP Pogue's LakotaSiberian Husky410
LockedPnFl Pogue's MayaSiberian Husky921
LockedNFl Pogue's MontanaAustralian Koolie39
LockedNT Pogue's My SharonaAustralian Koolie310
LockedJPnFl Pogue's NataliaGreenland Dog614
LockedANO Pogue's NatashaTibetan Mastiff39
LockedNP Pogue's NovaPortuguese Water Dog16
LockedANP Pogue's NukaSiberian Husky310
LockedNO Pogue's OnyxMiniature Schnauzer16
LockedNH Pogue's PandorumTibetan Mastiff16
LockedNT Pogue's RemmyAustralian Shepherd16
LockedFor StudAS AP Pogue's Remmy EGEG 10HHSiberian Husky1747
LockedNH Pogue's RevaTibetan Mastiff16
LockedNA Pogue's RhonaAustralian Shepherd16
LockedJPnH Pogue's RigginsAustralian Koolie516
LockedNP Pogue's RubySiberian Husky16
LockedNH Pogue's Sadie MaeAustralian Koolie16
LockedNA Pogue's ShaylynnAustralian Koolie39
LockedNFl Pogue's ShenjiSiberian Husky39
LockedJAP Scorn Pogue's Shenji (GGEE)Greenland Dog1132
LockedANH Pogue's TanyaAustralian Koolie39
LockedNO Pogue's TariqMiniature Schnauzer16
LockedIPnFl Pogue's TazAustralian Koolie717
LockedIPnT Pogue's TimothyAustralian Koolie717
LockedAPnS Pogue's TrinitySiberian Husky923
LockedNH Pogue's Vin DieselTibetan Mastiff16
LockedNFl Pogue's VulcanPortuguese Water Dog16
LockedFor Private SaleANH Pogue's WhistlerIcelandic Sheepdog315
LockedMP Promise of WinterGreenland Dog2355
LockedFor StudIPnSc PusciferBeauceron723
LockedFor StudJPnT RafeBeauceron515
LockedAP DIXI Rayne 12HHSiberian Husky1748
LockedFor StudPnFr RosalieAkita869
LockedMSc MariK SalemGerman Shepherd Dog2881
LockedIPnT SalemBeauceron619
LockedAS Scootch Yer BootchGreenland Dog1736
LockedNO SH Kahlua GEGECaucasian Ovtcharka211
LockedNH SH Kallen GGGECaucasian Ovtcharka311
LockedNP SH Kami GEEGCaucasian Ovtcharka311
LockedNH SH Katarina GGGECaucasian Ovtcharka311
LockedNH SH Katrina EGGECaucasian Ovtcharka311
LockedNO SH Kaveletti GEGGCaucasian Ovtcharka311
LockedNO SH Kolona GGEGCaucasian Ovtcharka311
LockedNH SH Kolson EGGGCaucasian Ovtcharka311
LockedNH SH Krystal GEGGCaucasian Ovtcharka311
LockedPnT SHK Sinderella EGEGGerman Shepherd Dog1021
LockedFor StudNFr SkunkersAkita155
LockedFor StudNHT SkunkyAkita157
LockedFor StudJAS The Last SunriseSiberian Husky824
LockedFor StudJAS Through the SnowGreenland Dog1027
LockedJPnFl Underneath the Urban SkyGreenland Dog715
LockedAFl VashtiGreenland Dog2253
LockedJAS White Out SoonSiberian Husky924
LockedMS LILAC Wicked GamesGreenland Dog2046
LockedNSh Winchester's Black DahliaTibetan Spaniel39
LockedNSh Winchester's IrisTibetan Spaniel39
LockedNSh Winchester's MagnoliaTibetan Spaniel39
LockedNRO Winchester's OrchidTibetan Spaniel39
LockedNRO Winchester's ZekeTibetan Spaniel310
LockedMP Winter Poise and GraceGreenland Dog2048
LockedMFl WintersongGreenland Dog2360
LockedFor Private SaleMT XavierGerman Shepherd Dog2672
ChFr .:: Marilyn Manroe ::.Akita334145
ExFl 209 .:: Samoan Blunt ::.Siberian Husky404032
WCHT 429443Akita543478
WCS SPITZ 83.33 AngeloGreenland Dog504123
WCFl SPITZ 83.33 AnyaGreenland Dog484127
ChM AlvinAkita403527
IPnP AnastasiaGreenland Dog92272
AM AnnieAkita144282
MP AshantiSiberian Husky204267
WCP Bye Bye BabyGreenland Dog494351
JAH FMCGH CK Liza GEEGBorder Collie152302
MP Cochise 15HH 1spd EGEEGreenland Dog281066
AS CBKS Come To The River*Greenland Dog153969
GCHT MDZ Cream with Black Sable and Light Undersides || 7HH || LLAkita433450
NP DanikaSiberian Husky14446
JAS Davy JonesGreenland Dog84281
AFl DioneGreenland Dog192280
GCS DustinGreenland Dog324339
JAP Beaux Emerald BlazeGreenland Dog103956
PnFl Four Pine TreesGreenland Dog112341
GCS Grey DaySiberian Husky334376
UCP Hard to HandleGreenland Dog484349
NCS HazelSiberian Husky364166
JAT RRose Here for RevengeGerman Shepherd Dog162148
JPnS IcecapGreenland Dog52277
GCFr KaedeAkita354294
NH RRose KandorCaucasian Ovtcharka32301
MS KavikSiberian Husky204177
NCS KennyGreenland Dog401167
MSc MariK LillyGerman Shepherd Dog283866
NFl Little BearIcelandic Sheepdog32338
AS LucienGreenland Dog154295
MP GHD MayaSiberian Husky212799
ExS MegaraGreenland Dog353925
AS CBKS My Own Little World*Greenland Dog163970
MS NalaSiberian Husky244229
JAFl Night ShadowGreenland Dog152336
MFl NikitaSiberian Husky224180
AH Nína EGEE 7HH (3.)Icelandic Sheepdog154265
NA Pogue's AphroditeIcelandic Sheepdog62319
AS Pogue's ApocalypticaGreenland Dog171691
MP Pogue's AsherSiberian Husky194334
AFr Pogue's AxelAkita144122
PnS Pogue's BelladonaGreenland Dog84392
PnS Pogue's CalebGreenland Dog74392
JPnT Pogue's ChandlerIcelandic Sheepdog72217
NA Pogue's DamianIcelandic Sheepdog12269
NA Pogue's DawnIcelandic Sheepdog42319
IPnH Pogue's GiselleIcelandic Sheepdog72323
WCFl Pogue's KarinaGreenland Dog404294
NH Pogue's KellynIcelandic Sheepdog52319
NH Pogue's NanookIcelandic Sheepdog42332
NT Pogue's NeferetIcelandic Sheepdog42319
AHT KIRK Pogue's NoelleAkita163771
ANT Pogue's PrincetonIcelandic Sheepdog32338
NCP Pogue's Rayne (EGGE)Greenland Dog354411
MFl Pogue's Reid (5HH LL)Siberian Husky224379
NH Pogue's RomeoIcelandic Sheepdog12149
AA HMB Pogue's RoxetteIcelandic Sheepdog192255
WCFl Pogue's SaharaGreenland Dog404294
PnH Pogue's SawyerIcelandic Sheepdog84291
ASc Public SchutzhundBeauceron173428
ChP RazielGreenland Dog304349
JPnP RenjiGreenland Dog44407
ExS RimmerGreenland Dog264325
IPnFl Rowing UpstreamGreenland Dog112322
JAFl Running in a BlizzardIcelandic Sheepdog114302
GCM RyokoAkita364294
AT RRose SHK SocratesGerman Shepherd Dog212335
MFl MWWD SilverGreenland Dog292254
ChFl |TH| SneGreenland Dog391895
JAFr R&S Snow GEGEAkita132302
NCHT DAER Spinach OmeletteAkita433914
PnS Splendid SurpriseGreenland Dog72125
GCS DIXI Spotted HazeSiberian Husky373884
JPnFl TucoIcelandic Sheepdog52332
JAT |TH| VivianIcelandic Sheepdog152266
MP WhiteGreenland Dog244298
NCM MDZ YuryAkita483566
MM *LwK* ZaldoAkita283618
PnT LOV-E ZephyrIcelandic Sheepdog102285

Game Time

05:31am on Feb 21

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