De Nederlandse Polder

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Dogs Bred By De Nederlandse Polder

LockedMFl d*NP >2 LSilken Windhound3076
LockedPnFr d*NP 11HH 1hh Ll EEEGSilken Windhound1019
LockedIPnFl d*NP 13HH 1hh Lla EEGESilken Windhound1026
LockedIPnFl d*NP 13HH 2hh lla EEGGSilken Windhound1020
LockedIPnFl d*NP 14HH 1hh Lla EEGESilken Windhound1026
LockedIPnA d*NP 14HH 2hh ll EEEG)Australian Cattle Dog1023
LockedANA d*NP 16HH lala EEEE Sleep Like A CatBorder Collie513
LockedFor StudAFl d*NP 19HH lala EEEE Dirty In The MudBorder Collie2243
LockedIPnA d*NP 19HH lala EEEE Nice As A RoseBorder Collie924
LockedPnO d*NP 3HH 4hh Ll EGGGAustralian Shepherd1023
LockedJAFl d*NP 5HH 2hh lla GGEESilken Windhound1333
LockedPnA d*NP 5HH 6hh lala GGGGDutch Smoushond1037
LockedPnH d*NP 6HH 3hh LL EGGEAustralian Koolie1023
LockedPnH d*NP 8HH 6hh lala EGGGAustralian Shepherd1024
LockedAPnFr d*NP 9HH 4hh LL GGGEWest Siberian Laika1332
LockedJAT d*NP 9HH EEEE Spider WebBorder Collie1535
LockedAFr d*NP Aurora's CherryWest Siberian Laika2156
LockedAPnSh d*NP AutumnMudi1348
LockedFor StudAR d*NP Barry AllenSilken Windhound2363
LockedIPnR d*NP BreezeSilken Windhound933
LockedIPnH d*NP Brindle Baby (lla, 11HH, EGGE)Border Collie1074
LockedANR d*NP Brindle Red and White (Irish) with Isabella Sable and Light UndersidesSilken Windhound412
LockedMFr d*NP Can Run For Gold- Vili [14HH] GEGE/ Brndl Crm and Wht (Irish) w/Isa Sbl and MskSilken Windhound2988
LockedNP IPnO d*NP CoryDutch Smoushond1433
LockedPnT d*NP Dancing River (Black and White (Irish) with Light Undersides; GGGE)West Siberian Laika1230
LockedPnT d*NP DejaMudi1247
LockedNA d*NP DIV 11HH EGEE LlWest Siberian Laika26
LockedFor StudAPnA d*NP EclipseWest Siberian Laika1354
LockedMFr d*NP Grayscale*West Siberian Laika3057
LockedAM d*NP Grizzly BearWest Siberian Laika2145
LockedIPnT d*NP Joy From Hunting [20/1] lalaBorder Collie1038
LockedMSh d*NP Just a Bit o' Axle GreaseGreat Pyrenees2557
LockedMFr d*NP KarnavalIbizan Hound3066
LockedNFl ¤REVI LolaBorder Collie116
LockedNR d*NP LongStripeSilken Windhound18
LockedIPnFl d*NP LucyWest Siberian Laika926
LockedExR d*NP Mayor Jr *(Ll stmagi intstm 12/1) 2:2* Fr kk EE Bb DD slsl AyAy spsp Ccch UuSilken Windhound3786
LockedNM d*NP MileyWest Siberian Laika16
LockedAH d*NP Milkyway GalaxyBorder Collie2261
LockedNFr d*NP MylesWest Siberian Laika16
LockedNM d*NP OreoWest Siberian Laika16
LockedMFr d*NP OttoWest Siberian Laika2885
LockedPnH d*NP Red FudgeCatahoula Leopard Dog1329
LockedNR d*NP RunningDustSilken Windhound16
LockedMSh d*NP SadieWest Siberian Laika3168
LockedPnM d*NP SalomonWest Siberian Laika1231
LockedAM d*NP Snowworld (Fawn and White (Extreme Piebald) with Black Sable, Mask, and Light Undersides; GGGE)West Siberian Laika2458
LockedNFr d*NP StynWest Siberian Laika16
LockedNFl d*NP TeddySilken Windhound113
LockedAH d*NP ZabiniMudi1742
LockedIPnFr d*NP ZipSilken Windhound1039
LockedIPnRO d*NP | EEEE | 05HH, 19Hh | Chocolate and White (Irish) with TickingGerman Shorthaired Pointer888
LockedAPnFl d*NP | EEEE | 07HH, 17Hh | Red with Steel Blue GrizzleAfghan Hound1276
LockedJAH d*NP | EEEE | 10HH, 14Hh | Brindle Red and White (Irish) with Black SableBorder Collie1752
LockedAPnM d*NP | EEEE | 13HH, 11Hh | Red with Black Grizzle and MaskAfghan Hound1176
LockedJAP d*NP | EEEE | 13HH, 11Hh | Roaned Black and White (Piebald)Border Collie1553
LockedPnA d*NP | EEEE | 13HH, 11Hh | Roaned Blue Merle and White (Piebald)Border Collie1241
LockedJPnA d*NP | EEEE | 15HH, 9Hh | Roaned Black and White (Irish)Border Collie817
LockedAA d*NP | EEEE | 17HH, 7Hh | Nice stats, breeds in 9 days.Border Collie2380
Lockedd*NP | EEGE | 11HH, 11Hh, 2hh | WhiteAfghan Hound152
LockedNR d*NP | EGEG | 10HH, 12Hh, 2hh | Steel Blue with Red Points and MaskAfghan Hound155
LockedJAFr d*NP | EGGG | 05HH, 14Hh, 5hh | Steel BlueAfghan Hound1481
LockedNFT d*NP | EGGG | 12HH, 8Hh, 4hh | ChocolateGerman Shorthaired Pointer137
LockedNRO d*NP | EGGG | 13HH, 5Hh, 6hh | Chocolate and White (Extreme Piebald) with TickingGerman Shorthaired Pointer137
LockedNR d*NP | GEEE | 11HH, 12Hh, 1hh | Brindle Red with Black GrizzleAfghan Hound155
LockedAT d*NP | GEGG | 10HH, 11Hh, 3hh | BlackAfghan Hound21107
LockedAR d*NP | GGGE | 04HH, 14Hh, 6hh | Steel Blue with Red Points and MaskAfghan Hound1485
LockedAFr d*NP | GGGG | 05HH, 12Hh, 7hh | Red with Black Sable and MaskAfghan Hound1482
LockedIPnFl d*NP | GGGG | 12HH, 6Hh, 6hh | WhiteAfghan Hound866
LockedIPnH d*NP · 19H1h · WartortleBorder Collie10117
PnT d*NP (Roaned Blue Merle and White (Irish); EEEE)Border Collie122389
PnA d*NP (Roaned Blue Merle and White (Piebald); EEGE)Border Collie122377
APnA d*NP 10HH 3hh lala GGEEWest Siberian Laika13463
d*NP 12HH, 7Hh, 5hh; EGGGAustralian Shepherd13670
d*NP 2HH, 17Hh, 5hh; EGEFAustralian Shepherd13676
MFl d*NP 7HH 6hh Lla GGGESilken Windhound30555
GCA d*NP AnchovyAustralian Cattle Dog391865
AT d*NP Anna in the DesertMudi233811
AM d*NP AradiaWest Siberian Laika173748
NT d*NP ArcherBelgian Malinois12356
NP d*NP Ariel - CBBAustralian Shepherd51803
MFr d*NP AtlasWest Siberian Laika251891
NT d*NP AutumnBelgian Malinois12356
APnM d*NP AxelWest Siberian Laika131901
AH d*NP BadgerfangAustralian Cattle Dog261793
ChSh Beauty Of Life 4HH llAustralian Shepherd354269
NM d*NP Belle - CBBAustralian Shepherd41802
AFl d*NP Black WaveSilken Windhound183012
PnT d*NP Black Wonder (Roaned Black and White (Piebald); EGEE)Australian Cattle Dog121892
APnFl d*NP Blue RainMudi143790
JPnT d*NP Blue Song (Blue Merle; GGGE)Catahoula Leopard Dog81885
AFr d*NP Brandy Bear (Fawn with Black Grizzle; EGEE)West Siberian Laika191906
AFl d*NP ButterscotchMudi173794
MFl d*NP Calm before the StormAustralian Cattle Dog311780
NHu d*NP CharlieWest Siberian Laika11872
AFr d*NP Chasing ShadowWest Siberian Laika211882
AA d*NP Chelsey {1E 9HH lla stmcha spdstm}Australian Shepherd233277
JAFl d*NP Coco on the RoofAustralian Shepherd153204
APnA d*NP Colorful ThinkerAustralian Shepherd111891
AH d*NP CooperCatahoula Leopard Dog191874
NCT d*NP Cooper's WidowAustralian Cattle Dog521763
MM d*NP CyberWest Siberian Laika301914
NH d*NP DakotaMudi13768
AW d*NP Dancing in the SunGerman Wirehaired Pointer104064
ExT d*NP Dark ChocolateAustralian Cattle Dog371848
ExM d*NP DarkFeatherWest Siberian Laika363120
MH d*NP DesertMudi273543
PnA d*NP DogBorder Collie113186
ANA d*NP DogBorder Collie63167
AA d*NP Dreaming RedMudi183878
JPnH d*NP Duo Chocolate Cookie (Roaned Red and White (Irish) with Chocolate Saddle and Mask; GEGE)Border Collie73224
JPnH d*NP EEEEBorder Collie83116
EEEE | 23HH, 1Hh | Chocolate Merle with Silver Points and MaskBorder Collie1254
EEEE | 24HH | BlackBorder Collie1254
EEEE | 24HH | Brindle Silver Merle with Chocolate Sable and MaskBorder Collie1254
EEEE | 24HH | Chocolate with Cream PointsBorder Collie1254
EEEE | 24HH | Isabella MerleBorder Collie1254
JAFl d*NP EEGE - Roaned Blue Merle and White (Extreme Piebald) with Silver PointsBorder Collie141899
EEGG - Fawn and White (Irish) with Black Sable and Light UndersidesNorwegian Lundehund12318
NHT d*NP EGGG - Red and White (Irish) with Black Sable and Light UndersidesNorwegian Lundehund12325
AFr d*NP ElizaWest Siberian Laika191913
JAA d*NP Feeling BlueCatahoula Leopard Dog171899
ANT d*NP Fighting for Life (Red and White (Irish) with Black Grizzle and Light Undersides; GFEE)West Siberian Laika53470
PnR d*NP Fire 'n Ice (Brindle Red with Steel Blue Sable; EFGF)Afghan Hound112500
JAFr d*NP Fire in the Rain (Red with Steel Blue Grizzle and Mask; GFGF)Afghan Hound133204
JPnR d*NP Flowers EverywhereSilken Windhound44017
MM d*NP FreeWest Siberian Laika353270
JAO d*NP Fudge MixAustralian Koolie153187
MHT d*NP GEGG - Red and White (Irish) with Black Sable and Light UndersidesNorwegian Lundehund232372
IPnFl d*NP GGEG - Red and White (Irish) with Black Sable and Light UndersidesNorwegian Lundehund102342
AHT d*NP GGGG - Fawn and White (Irish) with Black Sable and Light UndersidesNorwegian Lundehund162352
PnHT d*NP GGGG - Fawn and White (Irish) with Black Sable and Light UndersidesNorwegian Lundehund102342
AFT d*NP GWP-2 Female 01German Wirehaired Pointer143768
NCA d*NP HarleyAustralian Cattle Dog521618
APnFl HersheyBorder Collie122657
AA d*NP Hoping for You (Blue Merle and White (Irish); EGGG)Australian Shepherd201932
JAR d*NP JackieSilken Windhound124080
ExM d*NP JacobWest Siberian Laika35489
MR d*NP JoySilken Windhound341907
JPnFr d*NP KokoWest Siberian Laika112189
AR d*NP L20 12Silken Windhound162395
ExFl d*NP LainaWest Siberian Laika391707
MFr d*NP LecheiWest Siberian Laika281912
ExFr d*NP LeroyWest Siberian Laika361175
MR d*NP Lla 8HH GGGGSilken Windhound293006
MT d*NP Lost In Your Ocean EyesCatahoula Leopard Dog291901
PnR d*NP Love All Around (Fawn with Steel Blue Grizzle and Mask; GFGG)Afghan Hound102502
AFl d*NP Love in the AirWest Siberian Laika243854
NA d*NP Lovely Colour (Roaned Black and White (Irish); EEGE)Border Collie53167
NFl d*NP LuciferAustralian Shepherd61880
IPnH d*NP Marek JR.Australian Cattle Dog10466
MH d*NP MiaGreat Pyrenees273915
NT MollyAustralian Shepherd13170
MHT d*NP My Favorite Lovesong (Red and White (Irish) with Black Sable and Light Undersides; FEGG)Norwegian Lundehund253223
NCH d*NP My First TimeAustralian Cattle Dog551767
GCS d*NP NaniWest Siberian Laika372871
MT d*NP OcelMudi263846
MT d*NP OctaviaAustralian Shepherd281904
JAH d*NP Only for YouMudi153526
JPnFl d*NP OpalSilken Windhound71890
MT d*NP PeetaAustralian Shepherd281907
APnA d*NP PeterMudi143788
JPnFr d*NP Piece of Cake (la)German Wirehaired Pointer63801
NM d*NP PuddingWest Siberian Laika31876
JPnT RainBorder Collie82877
JAH d*NP Red Lover (Red and White (Irish) with Black Sable; GEGG)Border Collie163207
NP d*NP ReedWest Siberian Laika11872
IPnT d*NP RexAustralian Koolie10490
IPnFT d*NP Roam over Plains (Roaned Chocolate and White (Piebald); GEFE)German Wirehaired Pointer74020
PnH d*NP RodneyAustralian Cattle Dog101875
AFr d*NP Rose PetalSilken Windhound242923
AR d*NP Running Tiger (Brindle Fawn with Black Sable and Mask; EGGF)Afghan Hound153223
PnH d*NP SamanthaMudi113509
JAFr d*NP SandyWest Siberian Laika141899
PnO d*NP SANTA'S LITTLE HELPERDutch Smoushond11860
IPnA d*NP Sarah Jane in the Rain (Brindle Fawn with Steel Blue Grizzle and Mask; FGGG)Afghan Hound103185
AFr d*NP Seein' RedSilken Windhound19344
ChFl d*NP Shayla SophieWest Siberian Laika45288
APnA d*NP Shy Cloud (Roaned Blue Merle and White (Irish); EEGE)Border Collie133196
GCA SilverAustralian Shepherd374170
APnT d*NP SkylerBorder Collie133203
NP d*NP Sneezy SnoutWest Siberian Laika13445
AA d*NP Sometimes AroundMudi203419
AFr d*NP SophieWest Siberian Laika223505
MA d*NP Spread the Love {2}Catahoula Leopard Dog312952
MSc d*NP StructuredWest Siberian Laika293275
AFr d*NP SweetySilken Windhound222274
ASh d*NP Swirling Desert (Fawn and White (Irish) with Black Sable and Light Undersides; EFGG)Norwegian Lundehund193496
ChT d*NP SydneyAustralian Cattle Dog441853
APnFl d*NP Tear DropsCatahoula Leopard Dog131892
PnH d*NP Teardrop from Heaven (Blue Merle; GGGG)Australian Koolie111892
ExH d*NP The Meaning of Love (7HH/lala) [R]Australian Shepherd333088
APnT d*NP The Princess and the Frog’s Motorbike FrogWest Siberian Laika121891
JPnFr d*NP The Princess and the Frog’s Person’s Tree FrogWest Siberian Laika61874
PnA d*NP The Princess and the Frog’s Pixie FrogAustralian Cattle Dog101881
IPnT d*NP The Princess and the Princess Budgett’s FrogAustralian Cattle Dog71875
JPnH d*NP Thousand starsBorder Collie73799
JPnFl d*NP ToggleBorder Collie83236
NM d*NP Trick or TreatBorder Collie13116
JAA d*NP Underneeth the Dangerous SnowBernese Mountain Dog154073
NA d*NP Viva La VidaBorder Collie13114
ChRO d*NP Waking Up From WinterSpinone Italiano374046
MA d*NP wishAustralian Shepherd291921
IPnFl d*NP Wonderfull ColourfullWest Siberian Laika84033
IPnT d*NP Wonderfull ShadowWest Siberian Laika94037
AFl d*NP Wonderfull World ( Blue Merle and White (Irish) with Ticking; FGFG)Australian Shepherd223251
AFl d*NP yuriBorder Collie181687
JPnH d*NP | EEEE | 20HH, 4Hh | Black with Silver PointsBorder Collie7270
NFl d*NP | EEEE | 20HH, 4Hh | Brindle Silver Merle and White (Irish) with Blue Sable and MaskBorder Collie1260
JAT d*NP | EEEE | 20HH, 4Hh | CreamBorder Collie15282
AA d*NP | EEEE | 20HH, 4Hh | CreamBorder Collie23298
AH d*NP | EEEE | 20HH, 4Hh | Isabella and White (Irish)Border Collie18286
NFl d*NP | EEEE | 20HH, 4Hh | Roaned Brindle Silver and White (Irish) with Chocolate Sable and MaskBorder Collie1260
AFl d*NP | EEEE | 21HH, 3Hh | Black and White (Irish)Border Collie23305
AH d*NP | EEEE | 21HH, 3Hh | Chocolate Merle and White (Irish) with TickingBorder Collie19306
AFl d*NP | EEEE | 21HH, 3Hh | Fawn and White (Irish)Border Collie18286
AT d*NP | EEEE | 21HH, 3Hh | Roaned Chocolate Merle and White (Irish) with Silver PointsBorder Collie18286
NT d*NP | EEEE | 21HH, 3Hh | Silver Merle and White (Extreme Piebald) with Chocolate Sable and MaskBorder Collie1262
NFl d*NP | EEEE | 21HH, 3Hh | Silver with Black SableBorder Collie1260
AO d*NP | EEEE | 21HH, 3Hh | Silver with Chocolate SableBorder Collie23298
NFl d*NP | EEEE | 22HH, 2Hh | Cream Merle and White (Irish) with Blue Sable and MaskBorder Collie1262
JPnT d*NP | EEEE | 22HH, 2Hh | Red and White (Piebald) with TickingBorder Collie4270
ANA d*NP | EEEE | 22HH, 2Hh | Silver and White (Piebald) with Black Sable and MaskBorder Collie1267
JAFl d*NP | EEEE | 23HH, 1Hh | Brindle Silver Merle and White (Irish) with Isabella Sable, Mask, and TickingBorder Collie13326
APnH d*NP | EEEE | 23HH, 1Hh | Chocolate Merle and White (Irish) with TickingBorder Collie13327
JAA d*NP | EEEE | 23HH, 1Hh | Fawn and White (Piebald) with TickingBorder Collie15330
PnO d*NP | EEEE | 23HH, 1Hh | Silver Merle with Blue Sable and MaskBorder Collie7318
NA d*NP | EEEE | 24HH | Black and White (Extreme Piebald) with TickingBorder Collie1309
ANFl d*NP | EEEE | 24HH | Chocolate Merle with Red Points and MaskBorder Collie1309
JAP d*NP | EEEE | 24HH | Cream with Chocolate Sable and MaskBorder Collie15330
JAH d*NP | EEEE | 24HH | Isabella and White (Piebald)Border Collie15330
NT d*NP | EEEE | 24HH | Isabella Merle and White (Irish)Border Collie1304
NH d*NP | EEEE | 24HH | Red and White (Piebald) with TickingBorder Collie1309
ANFl d*NP | EEEE | 24HH | Red Merle and White (Irish) with Blue Sable and TickingBorder Collie1309
ANT d*NP | EEEE | 24HH | Red Merle with Chocolate Sable and MaskBorder Collie1304
IPnH d*NP | EEEE | 24HH | Silver with Black SableBorder Collie9323

Game Time

05:19pm on Mar 11

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