The Fandoms's Domain

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Dogs Bred By The Fandoms's Domain

LockedAro'o LL 1xstm 7HH 2hh EEGG G2German Shepherd Dog16
LockedNH Brownie lla 4xstm 6HH 3hh GGEG G2German Shepherd Dog114
LockedNSc Slash Cookie LL 1xstm 10HH 6hh [bb, asaa] FEGG G2German Shepherd Dog518
LockedNH Graicie lla 1xstm 10HH 6hh [atasa] GEGF G2German Shepherd Dog114
LockedJaffa Cakes Lla 1xstm [no herding] 5HH 2hh [asaa] EGEG G2German Shepherd Dog114
LockedNH Jell-O lla 1xstm 9HH 4hh [aasa] GGGE G2German Shepherd Dog215
LockedNSc Levia Lla 3xstm 4HH 4hh GEGG G2German Shepherd Dog114
LockedLl 0xstm 7HH 1hh EEGE G2German Shepherd Dog16
LockedLl 1xstm 11HH 5hhGerman Shepherd Dog110
LockedLl 1xstm 5HH 2hhGerman Shepherd Dog110
LockedLL 1xstm 8HH 1hhGerman Shepherd Dog111
LockedNSc Orange lala 0xstm 9HH 7hh [Ccw, atasa] FEGF G2German Shepherd Dog114
JPnS Slash (piebald gen) lala 2xstm 8HH 4hh GGGG G2Alaskan Malamute7409
AA MDWK 12 HHCzechoslovakian Wolfdog183630
ANSc Slash Alister LL 1xstm [no herding] 12HH 6hh [aa] GEGG G3German Shepherd Dog7417
NH Amber Ll 0xstm [no herding] 6HH 2hh GGEE G2German Shepherd Dog1407
JPnH Deku Another Ll stmstm stmagi 8HH 6hh GGGG G2Maremma Sheepdog143098
NP Slash Beelzebub lala chastr strstr 7HH 8hh GGGG G2Maremma Sheepdog93082
Bergen Lla 0xstm 8HH 4hh GGEG G2Siberian Husky13832
NSc Black lala 1xstm [no Schutzhund] 7HH 4hh EGEG G2German Shepherd Dog2406
PnS Slash Blaster Lla stmcha agicha 9HH 5hh EGGG G2Siberian Husky103426
JPnS Slash Born Free lala 1xstm 6HH 6hh GGGG G2Siberian Husky63454
JPnS Deku Castle Crashers ll 0xstm 8HH 1hh EEGE G2Alaskan Husky63110
Slash Chance Lla 0xstm [no herding] 8HH 3hh GEEG G3German Shepherd Dog1406
Chocolate Cake LL 1xstm [no herding] 7HH 3hh [Cce] EGEG G2German Shepherd Dog1406
JAS Slash Curse Ll 1xstm [no sledding] 8HH 5hh GGEG G3Siberian Husky163185
PnS Slash Darcy Ll 2xstm [no sledding] 6HH 7hh GFGG G2Siberian Husky113420
Destroyer LL chastm agispd 8HH 2hh GGEE G2Siberian Husky13832
PnS Slash Drunk lala 2xstm [no sledding] 10HH 7hh GGGG G2Siberian Husky113421
NSc Slash Eliot Ll 0xstm 4HH 5hh GGGG G2German Shepherd Dog4412
JPnS Deku Fable 2 lala 0xstm 3HH 1hh EGEE G2Alaskan Husky63130
Feliony lla spdspd strspd 8HH 5hh EGGG G2Czechoslovakian Wolfdog13907
Four Swords Ll 0xstm 9HH 4hh GGEG G2Siberian Husky13832
NSc Fromasj Ll 2xstm [no herding] 8HH 7hh GFGE G2German Shepherd Dog2406
NH Fruitcake Lla 1xstm 7HH 6hh [Dd] GGGG G2German Shepherd Dog2407
AS Deku Giving Susano A Ride lla 1xstm FEGE 9HH 4hh G3Siberian Husky163182
PnS Slash Gudam lla stmspd stmint 10HH 3hh GGGE G2Siberian Husky113427
Slash Hamlet LL 1xstm [no herding] 8HH 4hh [Bb] GGGG G3German Shepherd Dog1406
Hans Lla 0xstm 8HH 6hh EGGF G2Siberian Husky13832
Happyness Lla 0xstm 9HH 5hh GGGE G2Siberian Husky13832
Slash Hetalia Lla stmstm chacha 8HH 5hh GGGG G2Maremma Sheepdog13072
Honolulu lla stmstr spdspd 4HH 5hh GGGE G2Siberian Husky13918
IPnSc Slash Howl LL 1xstm 9HH 4hh [Aya] G2German Shepherd Dog123095
AS Deku Izanagi Cavern Lla 1xstm 7HH 6hh GGGG G3Siberian Husky153178
Katana LL 0xstmi 10HH 5hh GGGG G2Siberian Husky13832
Deku Kill la Kill Lla agistm spdstm 6HH 4hh GGGG G2Maremma Sheepdog13087
ANS Deku lala 1xstm 6HH 3hh GGEE G2Siberian Husky43450
IPnSc Slash Lilith Lla 0xstm 9HH 2hh [asaa] EEGG G2German Shepherd Dog113095
Lipsy lala 0xstm 6HH 6hh EGGG G2Siberian Husky13832
ll 1xstm 3HH 2hh EEGE G2Siberian Husky13832
JPnS Slash ll 1xstm 6HH 7hh GGGG G2Siberian Husky73455
LL 1xstm 8HH 4hh GEGG G2Siberian Husky13832
NS LL 1xstm [Dd] 8HH 5hh EGGG G2Alaskan Malamute1402
IPnS Slash LL 2xstm 4HH 7hh GFGG G2Alaskan Malamute7410
NS Slash LL 2xstm 5HH 3hh EGEG G2Alaskan Malamute6409
ANS Slash Ll 2xstm 7HH 1hh GEEE G2Alaskan Malamute6409
NS Slash LL 2xstm 7HH 3hh EGEG G2Alaskan Malamute6409
ANS Slash Ll 2xstm 8HH 4hh EGGE G2Alaskan Malamute6409
NS LL 3xstm 6HH 8hh GGGG G2Alaskan Malamute1403
NS LL 3xstm 7HH 6hh GFEG G2Alaskan Malamute1403
NS Ll 3xstm 9HH 5hh GGGG G2Alaskan Malamute1403
JPnP Slash ll 4xstm 5HH 4hh GGGE G2Alaskan Malamute8410
NS Ll 4xstm [no sledding] 4HH 6hh GFEG G2Alaskan Malamute1402
NS Lla 1xstm 4HH 4hh GGGE G2Alaskan Malamute1402
NS Slash Lla 1xstm 6HH 4hh EGGG G2Alaskan Malamute6410
JPnS Slash lla 1xstm 6HH 6hh GGGG G2Alaskan Malamute6409
Lla 1xstm 7HH 6hh GGGG G2Siberian Husky13832
JPnS Slash lla 1xstr 7HH 5hh GGGG G2Alaskan Malamute7411
NS Lla 2xstm 6HH 5hh GGGG G2Alaskan Malamute1402
IPnS Slash Lla 2xstm 9HH 4hh GEGG G2Alaskan Malamute7411
NS lla 2xstm [no sledding] 8HH 2hh EEEG G2Alaskan Malamute1402
ANS Slash lla 3xstm 8HH 4hh GFEE G2Alaskan Malamute6409
AS Deku Looking Up At The Starry Sky lla 1xstm 9HH 2hh GEGE G3Siberian Husky163181
PnS Slash Mini Getz Lla 2xstm [no sledding] 4HH 5hh GGGE G2Siberian Husky103420
JAS Deku Mirror’s Edge Ll 1xstm 6HH 8hh GFGG G2Alaskan Husky133121
NS Slash Mr. Bear Ll 1xstm 5HH 5hh GGGE G2Alaskan Malamute6409
JPnP Slash Mr. Beauty Lla 4xstm 7HH 5hh GGGG G2Alaskan Malamute7409
Muffin lla 1xstm 6HH 4hh GGEE G2Siberian Husky13834
JAS Deku My Theme Lla 1xstm 7HH 3hh EGEG G3Siberian Husky153180
NS Nan [Lla stmstr strstm 7HH 7hh GFGG] Chocolate w. Tan Point 2Siberian Husky13631
PnS Deku Pandora's Tower lala 1xstm [no sledding] 8HH 4hh GGGG G2Siberian Husky103419
Prince Mare lla stmstr agispd 8HH 5hh GGGE G2Maremma Sheepdog13885
AS Deku Prologue lala 1xstm 10HH 7hh GGGG G3Siberian Husky163179
Pumpkin Pie lla 2xstm 7HH 7hh FGGG G2German Shepherd Dog1407
Puppy 1Doberman Pinscher13137
Puppy 7Doberman Pinscher13137
JPnSc Slash Reika lala 1xstm 8HH 4hh [cchce] EGGG G2German Shepherd Dog113098
CCSh Slash Shadopan [Ll 3xStr 5.7] 8.5 4xGSiberian Husky533429
JPnS Slash Shaize lla 1xstm 12HH 6hh FGEG G2Siberian Husky73466
NSc Sheepish lla 1xstm [cchce] 5HH 1hh EEEG G2German Shepherd Dog3406
Silver Arrow lla 1xstm 5HH 5hh GGGG G2Siberian Husky13833
JAS Slash Sinister Design Lla 1xstm 10HH 6hh GGGG G3Siberian Husky163184
ANS Slash Slice of Life Ll 1xstm 6HH 3hh EEGG G2Siberian Husky63455
Smør lla chacha strstr 7HH 6hh GGEG G2Czechoslovakian Wolfdog13633
Snygge 0xstm 5HH 5hh G2Siberian Husky13832
PnS Slash Sonic and the Secret Rings lla 1xstm 8HH 5hh GGGE G2Siberian Husky103419
PnS Deku Sonic Boom: Shattered Crystal lla 1xstm [no sledding] 2HH 3hh GEGE G2Siberian Husky113419
APnS Deku Sonic Gems Collection lla 1xstm 4HH 2hh GEEE G2Siberian Husky113417
PnS Deku Sonic Rush Adventure Lla 2xstm 8HH 4hh GGEG G2Siberian Husky103418
Slash Sorrow Lla 0xstm 4HH 5hh [cece] EGGF G2German Shepherd Dog1406
Slash Spiral Ll spdstm stmspd 7HH 2hh GEGE G2Maremma Sheepdog13072
AS Slash Taking The Bait lala 2xstm 8HH 3hh GEGE G3Siberian Husky153183
AS Deku The Beginning LL 1xstm 9HH 1hh GEEE G3Siberian Husky153179
AS Deku The Great Goddess Amaterasu's Revival Lla 1xstm 11HH 1hh EEEG G3Siberian Husky163180
AS Deku Title Call Ll 1xstm 8HH 4hh GEGG G3Siberian Husky153179
AS Deku Title LL 1xstm 8HH 3hh EGEG G3Siberian Husky163180
NT Slash Ulf lala 1xstm 6HH 5hh [Cce] GGGG G2German Shepherd Dog5418
NH Slash Valentine LL 0xstm 13HH 3hh [Aya, bb] GEGE G4German Shepherd Dog3445
NT Slash Worg Lla 0xstm 9HH 5hh GGGG G2German Shepherd Dog5412
AS Slash Yamata-no-Orochi's Revival Lla 0xstm 12HH 2hh EGEE G3Siberian Husky153182
ANS Slash Yamete Lla 1xstm 5HH 3hh GGEG G2Siberian Husky63454

Game Time

09:29pm on Oct 31

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