the happy place

Order By:

Dogs Bred By the happy place

CCO thp anastaciaPortuguese Water Dog4661
CCSc thp bronwyn 24Doberman Pinscher5468
MSc thp buddies with cats 24Doberman Pinscher2734
CCM thp doveAmerican Pit Bull Terrier5059
CCSc thp maya 24German Shepherd Dog5072
WCSc thp MIGHTY GRACEGerman Shepherd Dog5572
WCA thp miguelXoloitzcuintle6787
WCO thp ohioGerman Shepherd Dog5686
WCH thp problem solver, no helloGerman Shepherd Dog6586
ICW thp sonnetLarge Munsterlander7593
WCW taylorGerman Shepherd Dog4769
CCRO thp zionPortuguese Water Dog4658
LockedNCSc thp "Nevermore"Belgian Sheepdog4564
LockedNCFT thp (fawn) Lizzy [24HH lala 1.44]Golden Retriever4081
LockedFor StudNCRO thp (red) Brady [24HH lala 1.48]Golden Retriever4280
LockedWCW thp (red) Sedona [24HH lala 1.37]Golden Retriever57108
LockedFor StudGCM JPnA thp * DALMATIAN * , CHA X2/ AGI / STR , 1.572x , 24 HH , 4 E , LlaDalmatian5165
LockedJAA ChM thp * DALMATIAN * , CHA X 2 , STR / AGI , 1.572x , 24 HH , 4 E , alaDalmatian4457
LockedJPnT WCSc thp -SCK- No Rest for the WickedGerman Shepherd Dog64101
LockedWCSh thp 23 Lla chacha strchaChinese Crested7198
LockedARO thp 23HH bang bangChinese Crested2130
Lockeda house full of hellosBorder Collie16
LockedJPnSh thp a hundred smiles an hour 24Chinese Crested710
Lockeda slice of peace 22Portuguese Water Dog16
LockedFor StudICFl thp a-rodBorder Collie92102
LockedadobeCurly Coated Retriever16
LockedaladdinAmerican Cocker Spaniel16
LockedalbieAmerican Indian Dog16
LockedangelfireShetland Sheepdog16
LockedangelicaGerman Shepherd Dog16
LockedJPnM annie 24Toy Poodle710
Lockedapril loveNewfoundland16
LockedarethaDoberman Pinscher16
LockedarielStandard Poodle16
LockedashleyGolden Retriever16
LockedJPnM thp baby blue 24Chinese Crested710
LockedFor StudICSc thp baby karlDoberman Pinscher93104
LockedbackroadsChinese Crested16
LockedNSh thp baileyChinese Crested18
LockedPnO thp Banana Boy 24HHChinese Crested1225
LockedJPnSc thp beachinGreat Dane711
LockedChH thp beam me up 24HHShetland Sheepdog4964
LockedUCHu thp beefDalmatian85101
Lockedbeejay 24Newfoundland16
LockedJPnRO thp belindaXoloitzcuintle69
Lockedberlin 24German Shepherd Dog16
LockedbettaCurly Coated Retriever16
Lockedbig sexyChinese Crested16
Lockedblanco brownXoloitzcuintle16
Lockedblinded by the lightAmerican Indian Dog16
LockedJPnFr boingToy Poodle610
Lockedboney jamesAmerican Cocker Spaniel16
LockedFor StudICHT thp boomGreat Dane91110
LockedbounceBichon Frise16
LockedFor StudNCHT thp Brandon 22HH lala 3int 1.463Great Dane4873
LockedJPnSh thp break freeStandard Poodle611
LockedbreakdownChinese Crested16
LockedWCSh WCRO thp Broke Like RainGolden Retriever71103
LockedSCW thp bullseyeNewfoundland95102
LockedNSh BunnyBichon Frise16
Lockedbuttercup24Toy Poodle16
LockedcashewLarge Munsterlander16
LockedJPnM thp cassieToy Poodle610
LockedcelestiaSpinone Italiano16
Lockedchasing pavement 24Great Dane16
LockedcheersAmerican Indian Dog16
LockedAT thp ChevyBorder Collie2236
LockedchicagoCurly Coated Retriever16
Lockedchocolate whisperLabrador Retriever16
LockedJPnFr thp chowderStandard Poodle611
LockedNCSc thp christina 22HH Lla 1.458 int3Great Dane5482
LockedNSh thp christmas 24Chinese Crested110
LockedchugChinese Crested16
LockedcinziaSpinone Italiano16
LockedcollinSpinone Italiano16
Lockedcolor me loveStabyhoun16
LockedNSh thp comet 24Chinese Crested110
LockedUCSc thp confetti 24Doberman Pinscher8499
LockedNSh thp cosmos 24Chinese Crested110
LockedWCH thp Crazy Lace AgateBorder Collie5884
LockedNSh thp creme de la creme 24Chinese Crested110
LockedWCSh thp CROSS MY HEARTBichon Frise7698
LockedNO thp cupsGreat Dane110
LockeddaveyShetland Sheepdog16
Lockeddeep sea diver 24German Shepherd Dog16
Lockeddelilah 24Vizsla16
LockedAPnSc thp demiGerman Shepherd Dog1117
Lockeddesert rain 24German Shepherd Dog16
LockeddestineeStandard Poodle16
LockedNRO thp di fledermaus 24Chinese Crested110
LockeddiabloSpinone Italiano16
LockedICSh thp diamond, Jr. 24Chinese Crested84102
LockedNFT thp dinoSpinone Italiano111
Lockeddon't call me baby24Large Munsterlander16
Lockeddon't you forget meLabrador Retriever16
Lockeddonna on the rockNewfoundland16
LockeddoreyAmerican Cocker Spaniel16
Lockeddrenched in wine 22Portuguese Water Dog16
LockedFor StudAA thp DurritoXoloitzcuintle1654
LockeddylanGreat Dane16
LockedJPnHT APnT |ELK| E.L's Baby You're A FireworkGreat Dane1330
LockedechoChinese Crested16
LockededenBorder Terrier16
LockedWCFr [SF] Endless SummerGolden Retriever73101
LockedfelipaSpinone Italiano16
LockedfingerpaintLabrador Retriever16
Lockedfly homeGreat Dane16
LockedWCM thp fonduDalmatian84101
LockedJPnA NCFr thp Frisbee TrainGolden Retriever5272
LockedgelatoSpinone Italiano16
Lockedgiants fall tooChinese Crested16
LockedNSh thp ginger24Chinese Crested110
LockedUCSc thp gold dustDoberman Pinscher87101
Lockedgolden hourDoberman Pinscher16
Lockedgone too soonPointer16
LockedWCFl NCH thp Goshenite Oh My GoshBorder Collie6290
LockedMSc JPnSh thp GuntharDoberman Pinscher2538
LockedFor StudCCSh ~LOVE Hakuna MatataToy Poodle5698
LockedJPnM thp heidel like catherineToy Poodle610
LockedheidiAmerican Cocker Spaniel16
LockedHello, TroubleDalmatian16
LockedhellosStandard Poodle16
Lockedhenna 24Labrador Retriever16
Lockedhidden treasureBorder Collie16
LockedhighwayGerman Shepherd Dog16
Lockedholiday roadToy Poodle16
Lockedholla beckGolden Retriever16
Lockedhow high the moonBorder Terrier16
LockedFor StudWCA thp hummerBedlington Terrier83103
LockedNA thp hummin' alongBedlington Terrier16
Lockedhurts so goodAmerican Pit Bull Terrier16
LockedI found it!Doberman Pinscher16
LockedNSc thp imaniDoberman Pinscher16
LockedWCSh thp Iron Steel 23HH 1.495xChinese Crested6289
LockedIt's all RightChinese Crested16
LockedAPnSc thp jared 24Doberman Pinscher1315
LockedJPnP DDBF! Jayson (*24HH/4/lala*)Curly Coated Retriever611
Lockedjillie24Chinese Crested16
Lockedjimmy jack joeGolden Retriever16
LockedFor StudGCO thp JJGreat Dane53102
LockedGCH thp journey 24HHShetland Sheepdog4864
LockedjubiGerman Shepherd Dog16
LockedKentuckyBorder Collie16
LockedkinleyGolden Retriever16
Lockedkiss you past eos 24Border Terrier16
Lockedkudos 24Newfoundland16
Lockedlauren 22Standard Poodle16
Lockedlet me blow your mindKomondor16
LockedUCO thp LetoChinese Crested6598
LockedJPnSh thp lexie24Chinese Crested610
LockedNSh thp li'l man stan 24Chinese Crested19
Lockedliam 24Toy Poodle16
LockedJPnFr thp libby 24Standard Poodle611
LockedlinChinese Crested16
LockedAFl thp lines overlap 21/0 eeeeSilken Windhound2647
Lockedlittle boy blueMiniature Australian Shepherd16
LockedWCSh thp loaded gun complex 24American Pit Bull Terrier8099
Lockedlori blueSpinone Italiano16
Lockedlost on youDoberman Pinscher16
Lockedlove will make you happyAmerican Pit Bull Terrier16
Lockedlove you long timeChinese Crested16
Lockedlovers and friendsChinese Crested16
LockedluijiSpinone Italiano16
LockedluluToy Poodle16
Lockedluna 24Great Dane16
LockedNSh thp mad baker 24Chinese Crested110
LockedmahaloBorder Collie16
Lockedmaizie mayAmerican Cocker Spaniel16
LockedMake It rainDoberman Pinscher16
LockedNA thp make ya wanna hollaBedlington Terrier16
LockedICFr thp mateoStandard Poodle80102
LockedmaymayCurly Coated Retriever16
Lockedmega-graceDoberman Pinscher16
LockedmickeyGerman Shepherd Dog16
LockedNM thp midnight specialAmerican Pit Bull Terrier110
LockedmississippiIrish Setter16
Lockedmister wild love 24Newfoundland16
LockedmoccasinBedlington Terrier16
Lockedmolly maloneIrish Setter16
LockedNSh thp mornin' 24Toy Poodle110
Lockedmoxie 2Bedlington Terrier16
LockedMr. Stealy-Ya-GirlAmerican Cocker Spaniel16
LockedFor StudWCA thp MurphyAmerican Pit Bull Terrier79100
LockedIPnSc thp Mvipp (4E)(24HH)(agiint/intint)(lala)German Shepherd Dog1017
Lockedmy life of pieMiniature Australian Shepherd16
LockedJPnA thp nacho 24Xoloitzcuintle610
LockednanaChinese Crested16
LockednanooGolden Retriever16
LockednebraskaDoberman Pinscher16
LockedChFl DDBF! New Year's Sunrise |24HH Lla 3stm|1.490xAlaskan Husky4458
Lockedno more gamesYorkshire Terrier16
Lockedno surpriseNewfoundland16
LockednoaSaarloos Wolfdog16
Lockednot so ordinaryDalmatian16
LockedNRO thp nuggetToy Poodle16
LockednumaGreat Dane16
LockedICFr thp oliStandard Poodle84102
LockedNCSh thp Omani Jazz OmensChinese Crested4073
Lockedoutside my windowBorder Terrier16
LockedNM thp paul da freestylaChinese Crested18
Lockedperspective and presenceGerman Shepherd Dog16
Lockedprescilla263German Shepherd Dog16
Lockedpuffy cloud 24Dalmatian16
Lockedqueen maryBorder Terrier16
Lockedquiet strengthToy Poodle16
Lockedrainbow blissGreat Dane16
LockedramonaGerman Shepherd Dog16
LockedreggieStandard Poodle16
Lockedrema 24German Shepherd Dog16
Lockedrhapsody in blueGreat Dane16
Lockedrhythm of my lifeGreat Dane16
Lockedribbon in the skyChinese Crested16
LockedRisaMiniature Australian Shepherd16
LockedromanticaBorder Collie16
LockedrosieToy Poodle16
LockedNRO thp rosy o['gradyIrish Setter111
LockedNRO thp roverIrish Setter111
Lockedruby licks 24German Shepherd Dog16
LockedFor StudSCO thp runnin' down a dreamKomondor91102
LockedsabineGerman Shepherd Dog16
LockedNW thp sailfishNewfoundland110
LockedsalemGreat Dane16
LockedsarahAmerican Indian Dog16
LockedsassyStandard Poodle16
LockedschnoodleChinese Crested16
LockedscottieBorder Terrier16
LockedseamusIrish Setter16
Lockedsee the sun 24German Shepherd Dog16
Lockedseize the day 24Toy Poodle16
Lockedset on youAmerican Cocker Spaniel16
LockedNFT thp shannieGolden Retriever18
LockedFor StudICP thp shaq attackKomondor90102
LockedShe's That GirlDoberman Pinscher16
LockedshogunToy Poodle16
LockedshowdownChinese Crested16
LockedNM shut up and danceChinese Crested110
Lockedsilver wingsGerman Shepherd Dog16
Lockedspark 24Toy Poodle16
Lockedspecial darkNewfoundland16
LockedspiritGreat Dane16
LockedWCRO Stillwater 23HH lala 3spdStabyhoun6496
LockedJPnRO thp suerteXoloitzcuintle611
Lockedsun-kissedChinese Crested16
LockedJPnM thp sundayToy Poodle610
LockedsunshineGerman Shepherd Dog16
LockedNRO thp supernova 24Chinese Crested110
LockedswayAmerican Cocker Spaniel16
Lockedsweet dreams about youAmerican Pit Bull Terrier16
LockedFor StudUCRO thp sweet life 24Bichon Frise84102
LockedNA thp SymphoniaBorder Collie18
LockedJPnSh thp tanikaStandard Poodle611
Lockedtell meGreat Dane16
Lockedthe family geniusBorder Terrier16
LockedUCM thinking out loud 24Great Dane83102
LockedICW thp Madelyn - BOB 11xCurly Coated Retriever7398
LockedWCP thp Maggie - Bob 20xCurly Coated Retriever7397
Lockedtincap 24Labrador Retriever16
Lockedtitan 21Portuguese Water Dog16
LockedtomatilloToy Poodle16
LockedtroubadorGerman Shepherd Dog16
LockedtsongaChinese Crested16
Lockedtumble back to meBorder Collie16
Lockeduma 16/7/1Portuguese Water Dog16
Lockedvalentino 24Vizsla16
Lockedvan lingo mongoShetland Sheepdog16
Lockedvega 2Large Munsterlander16
LockedNRO thp velcro 24Vizsla111
LockedNFr thp vertical horizonGolden Retriever18
LockedvirtuosoChinese Crested16
LockedJPnRO thp vladi 24Xoloitzcuintle610
LockedFor StudExFl thp VLK'S Word Of HonorBorder Collie3567
Lockedwalk the moonToy Poodle16
LockedwattieYorkshire Terrier16
LockedNCHT MSc thp wave after wave 21HH Lla 3int 1.463Great Dane4978
LockedwendyBorder Terrier16
Lockedwhere do you goDalmatian16
Lockedwildstar 16HPortuguese Water Dog16
LockedJPnHT thp woody 24Great Dane611
Lockedyes, I'm readyChinese Crested16
LockedNSh thp yoohooToy Poodle16
LockedyoshiChinese Crested16
Lockedyou are not forgottenDalmatian16
LockedYOU come on!Doberman Pinscher16
Lockedyoyo maGolden Retriever16
LockedJPnSc yum yumGerman Shepherd Dog611
Lockedzeke 24German Shepherd Dog16
APnFl 23/0 llaGolden Retriever123650
ExO thp 23HH nairobiChinese Crested352542
MO thp 23HH nikeChinese Crested362543
WCM thp 24 Lla agiint inchaChinese Crested743554
WCSh thp 24 Lla CHAINT INTINTChinese Crested713554
UCSc thp 99 red balloons 24Doberman Pinscher791833
CCRO thp AlfonzoXoloitzcuintle593703
WCA TX Alice in Wonderland*Great Dane703052
WCFT thp AlphieCurly Coated Retriever483635
UCSc thp amani 24Doberman Pinscher821838
UCP thp angelyn 24German Shepherd Dog843484
UCFT thp anise 24Curly Coated Retriever783027
WCHT WSBDs Apple Pie DelightGreat Dane751039
SCW thp aprilNewfoundland923505
JAM thp aspenGreat Dane163710
WCH thp bear 24Shetland Sheepdog803481
UCM thp beechnutDalmatian861833
WCSh thp big bad bo 24Toy Poodle763507
WCS thp Black As NightAlaskan Husky703402
ICW thp blarneyCurly Coated Retriever86109
UCSh thp blues fade away 24Chinese Crested763656
WCSh thp bocaXoloitzcuintle761754
WCSh thp bonitaChinese Crested823132
WCSc thp boonGreat Dane803489
WCP thp boots 24Dalmatian793023
ICSh thp bouncing biniChinese Crested881356
ICHT thp bountiful blissGreat Dane891375
WCSh thp BRIGHT LIGHTBichon Frise753468
UCT brock 24Doberman Pinscher843417
WCT thp brookePortuguese Water Dog713504
WCSh thp BuffaloAmerican Pit Bull Terrier813292
UCFr thp burrito 24Toy Poodle741854
UCRO thp cadillac 24American Pit Bull Terrier813495
ARO thp California PoppyAmerican Pit Bull Terrier223320
UCM thp camiDalmatian841834
ICT thp camille 24German Shepherd Dog841357
WCFT thp canoli 24Spinone Italiano733036
ASh thp CarlosChinese Crested243051
WCM thp china 2Dalmatian843023
UCO thp china 24Dalmatian823444
IPnM thp CindiBorder Collie103665
UCRO thp Cloudy AppleToy Poodle703673
ASh Coco // lala 3cha 23HH l 1.557Chinese Crested282527
UCFr thp coconut 24Chinese Crested783656
UCSh thp coconut 24Chinese Crested843526
WCSh thp corey 24Curly Coated Retriever743038
ICRO thp cricketLarge Munsterlander89112
MRO thp Crowded Room 24HH EEEE lalaAmerican Pit Bull Terrier281727
UCSc thp deeliteDoberman Pinscher913396
WCT thp denim 'n' silkChinese Crested743133
WCSh thp dobyChinese Crested823128
ICSh thp down the road 24Chinese Crested851357
WCSc WCP [SF] DREAMCHILDDoberman Pinscher772709
WCFr WCFT thp DRIVE ME WILDGolden Retriever702811
WCS NÄ!! Dårhusets Kejsare 24HH lala [1.490x]Alaskan Husky50724
ICHT thp eagle eyeGreat Dane90114
UCA thp eosBorder Terrier751811
UCHT thp escape from withinAmerican Cocker Spaniel791746
UCW farah 19Portuguese Water Dog823440
MR thp FidoSilken Windhound303774
UCM fondaAmerican Pit Bull Terrier853297
WCFr JAFT thp For What It's Worth 22HH lala 3cha 1.462Golden Retriever763558
WCRO thp für meine MädelsChinese Crested753614
CCFl thp GoldenrodGolden Retriever633972
UCT thp gracelynn 24German Shepherd Dog753653
WCHT WSBDs Great DerinoGreat Dane722731
UCFl thp greg biffleGolden Retriever733793
WCSh thp guapoChinese Crested76109
ASh thp HagensonanAmerican Pit Bull Terrier173373
UCT thp handsome winsome johnnyIrish Setter751745
ICM thp harlequinAmerican Pit Bull Terrier901377
WCP thp harmony 24Brittany763189
UCH thp hellodi nada 24Border Collie903189
ChRO MKshi High HopesAidi413829
GCSh thp i am lightChinese Crested403690
UCRO thp I Can WinBichon Frise813292
WCM thp in her sweet dreamsAmerican Pit Bull Terrier813297
ICM thp indiaGreat Dane921375
UCRO thp ionaIrish Setter751746
UCSh thp izzieChinese Crested762221
UCFT thp jacques 24Spinone Italiano791745
ICT thp journey 24German Shepherd Dog891356
WCSh kalua and creamChinese Crested813153
UCFT thp kayla 24Curly Coated Retriever793076
WCRO thp Keep A SecretBichon Frise813292
UCP thp Kelly $wag 24Newfoundland803597
WCSh kiss me kateChinese Crested763133
UCA thp kitty hawkCarolina Dog691742
UCSh thp koosh 24Bichon Frise833143
UCSh thp krazee joyChinese Crested863439
ICW thp lend us your melodies 24hNewfoundland773686
WCSh thp Levilethes [INT-STR]Chinese Crested653477
WCRO thp LightsBichon Frise773291
UCSh thp liloToy Poodle821743
UCFT thp lipstick 24Vizsla741747
WCFT thp Lolassie's Copper Plated PennyGolden Retriever693256
ICA thp lucia 24Xoloitzcuintle791356
WCSc thp Lucky Luke [BBDd LL 3str 24/0] 71Doberman Pinscher713395
JAA thp lupeXoloitzcuintle143762
UCFr thp madisonLabrador Retriever813471
WCM thp Make No MistakeDalmatian783694
UCFl thp makyaBedlington Terrier851840
ICW thp maliaCurly Coated Retriever801835
WCH MariahAidi543928
SCO thp marta 24Komondor901377
CCP TM7 MataCurly Coated Retriever562962
ICH thp mauiBorder Collie911375
WCFr thp meshakGolden Retriever693943
WCM thp micahChinese Crested772221
WCRO thp Midnight RainBelgian Sheepdog733650
SCSh midnight train going anywhereChinese Crested911377
UCRO thp million dollar baby 24Chinese Crested78110
WCSc WSBDs MistyGreat Dane692523
MRO thp MoccasinGolden Retriever303590
WCA thp moxieBedlington Terrier791844
ICH thp Mrs. helloBorder Collie951378
UCW thp munchyLarge Munsterlander793480
ICSh thp musketeerChinese Crested871357
UCSc thp mvp 24German Shepherd Dog843460
ICSh thp nadiaChinese Crested841357
UCRO thp nantucketChinese Crested853132
ICSh thp never fade awayChinese Crested911377
SCO no white flagKomondor901377
UCSc thp omahaDoberman Pinscher851826
WCP WCFT thp OUTRAGEOUS GRACEGolden Retriever712714
ARO thp Painful MemoriesAmerican Pit Bull Terrier223321
SCSc thp phoebe 24German Shepherd Dog821356
WCT thp popcornBorder Collie803195
UCT thp porterBorder Collie813439
ARO thp Private EyeAmerican Pit Bull Terrier203317
ASh thp Puppy 4 2cha 1.490Chinese Crested242523
UCSh thp pyro 24Chinese Crested803501
UCRO thp rafiBichon Frise803262
ICFr thp rainbow gloryChinese Crested821752
UCA thp raleighCarolina Dog691742
WCRO thp ready for summerChinese Crested803128
UCRO thp reeseyToy Poodle77113
UCT thp relleno 24Xoloitzcuintle771745
WCSh thp rhoaniePortuguese Water Dog703574
WCA thp rip cityGreat Dane793558
CCFT DDBF! Roanoke [24HH lala x4 Str]Curly Coated Retriever53631
ICW thp rocheleStandard Poodle831351
UCSh thp roma 24Toy Poodle803603
WCT thp RUNWAY LIGHTSXoloitzcuintle693647
WCRO thp rylynnGolden Retriever723306
ICFr sadieStandard Poodle781356
UCFr thp samLabrador Retriever783439
WCM thp See YouDalmatian713689
UCFl thp shilly 24Border Collie833486
WCP thp shilohNewfoundland763577
WCA thp Silver Night agi bAmerican Pit Bull Terrier783362
ExM JAA thp SimplicityDalmatian431289
WCHu thp sneakyCarolina Dog671742
WCSh thp somebody's babyChinese Crested833150
WCHT SoraGreat Dane50815
UCS thp splash 24 strx3 LlaAlaskan Husky793440
UCO thp SqueakyAmerican Pit Bull Terrier793283
ICSh thp stardust 24Chinese Crested79110
WCA thp strawberry incenseGolden Retriever693953
CCFr thp TalyahChinese Crested603570
WCRO thp tamale 24Toy Poodle731851
WCA thp tawnyaChinese Crested673715
WCSh thp TenesseeBichon Frise783141
ARO thp The Big BangAmerican Pit Bull Terrier193317
ExW thp The Real MVP 23HH lala 2str 2spd 1.458Golden Retriever283546
UCH thp there remains a restBorder Collie901380
CCSh WCRO thp THROUGH THE MOONGolden Retriever652785
WCRO [SF] TIKKI HUTToy Poodle693501
MSh Tom // Lla 3cha 23HH l 1.557Chinese Crested282527
WCRO thp TonightBichon Frise783291
UCSh thp trevor 24Chinese Crested773656
WCRO thp TrinaBichon Frise783141
WCSh thp tuxedoChinese Crested803134
WCFl thp vegaLarge Munsterlander821788
WCSh thp ViccaBichon Frise773167
UCFT villain 24Curly Coated Retriever763072
ICFT thp vivianaSpinone Italiano801746
UCFT TM7 Vivienne | 24HH lala strstr strstr {1.275x} *BoB* x 9Curly Coated Retriever702674
WCW uhi wahoo 23 BB Dd Ssp lala strstr stragi 1.473xNewfoundland733533
GCSc ®WK Wendy [24HH](EEEE) lalaGerman Shepherd Dog482551
MRO thp When It's Time 24HH EEEE lalaAmerican Pit Bull Terrier301727
WCSh [SF] WHO KNEWChinese Crested753555
ICHT willow II 24Great Dane821353
AH GCO thp Would It Matter 16HHAidi433827
UCO thp yessikaDalmatian803024
UCFl thp yo' mamaGolden Retriever841354
WCM thp yoodleDalmatian823019
UCHT thp you are lovedAmerican Cocker Spaniel731745
WCHu thp you call me when you need hellos!Carolina Dog681742

Game Time

05:58pm on Jan 30

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