Roesian Estate and Kennels

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Dogs Bred By Roesian Estate and Kennels

LockedAM (16/24)HH *2hh*Border Collie2357
LockedPnO 20 HH | LL | strstr strstr | 1.018xDoberman Pinscher823
LockedAH AAPuppy 4Border Collie2357
LockedJPnA REaK AxelBorder Collie994
LockedFor StudASc REaK B21 Frostie BlueGerman Shepherd Dog1980
LockedMO REaK Diablo's Reign || 17 HH | LL | spdstr strstrDoberman Pinscher2679
LockedAFr Dilly Dally IIAfricanis2098
LockedIPnH REaK FireBorder Collie974
LockedAPnH REaK Gold DustBorder Collie1286
LockedMSc REaK Iron Man Bb dd 18HH 6Hh EEEE LLDoberman Pinscher2849
LockedNH LassieBorder Collie111
LockedAS APnRO Little MountainGreenland Dog1430
LockedJPnM Lolower WestWest Siberian Laika617
LockedMO REaK Mija | 15 HH | Ll | spdspd stragiDoberman Pinscher2690
LockedAR Mind in the GutterAfricanis2299
LockedMT Overbred (Fran)Border Collie25112
LockedMSc REaK Pretty Girl | 17HH | LL | spdstr agistrDoberman Pinscher2785
LockedANM Puppy 1Chihuahua714
LockedPuppy 8Affenpinscher16
LockedCCFl AP Talented LoveGreenland Dog5598
LockedWCP PnA Teardrops and RoseGreenland Dog55110
AM REaK -------------------Africanis203497
1Border Collie13080
MFr .cc 13HH 1hh LlAfricanis283108
CCFr Psych 14/0 lala agi* ** 1.000 7/3Africanis551788
JPnH REaK A DreamBorder Collie63189
NA REaK AaliyahBorder Collie43660
IPnT Afina || 22 HH | stmstm intspd | Lla | 0.998xBorder Collie91562
ANM agistm strcha | 1.092 | 14x HHAmerican Bulldog11555
PnH REaK All I GotBorder Collie113604
JPnA An Empire's RiseYorkshire Terrier73439
PnH REaK Annabelle (BC)Border Collie133736
IPnH REaK Anything Private (BC)Border Collie113726
NA ApacheChihuahua13747
MRO REaK ApricotAfricanis263500
NA AquaAfricanis13747
PnSh Ds2CR Asa [Steel Blue and White (ExtPie)] [GGGE] [6HH]Chihuahua103763
AFr REaK Ash And DustAfricanis233442
NH REaK AugieBorder Collie53534
APnH REaK AuroraBorder Collie133630
JAFl REaK Baiely (BC)Border Collie153748
IPnP BC 2-ChoMrl/Wht(I)/RdPNT/TIC-llaBorder Collie102879
REaK BeauBorder Collie13614
JAH REaK Beautiful Little ChallengeBorder Collie173375
JPnFl AS Benedicte Ll 4xstm 7HH 4hh GEGG G2Greenland Dog233742
ANFl AS Bishojo Ll 2xstm 5HH 3hh GGEE G2Greenland Dog213742
ExFr REaK BlossomAfricanis443687
NR Breed For ColorsAfricanis33180
IPnR REaK CaineAfricanis93796
AO HHDK} Call Me MistressTibetan Mastiff242364
JAFl ChaosBorder Collie123021
MT OFpp Chuck (4E)Border Collie262880
AH REaK Control || 23 HH | spdint stmstm | Ll | 1.040xBorder Collie181609
ExFl REaK CrimsonAfricanis381773
AP Cupid's GirlAfricanis202356
JAFr REaK DaffodilAfricanis123770
IPnRO REaK DaisyChihuahua93759
PnA REaK Dare To The Wild (BC)Border Collie113723
NH Days Gone By (BC)Border Collie53663
NFr DillyAfricanis33710
MM Don't Go Away // 16 HH lalaAmerican Bulldog271635
APnH REaK Down The AlleywayBorder Collie123320
AH REaK Drowning || 23 HH | stmspd intstm | Ll | 1.020xBorder Collie181609
IPnM REaK Dusk (AF)Africanis113735
AT REaK Dynamite on a Tuesday || 18 HH | stmspd stmstm | LL | 1.012xBorder Collie241642
EEEEAmerican Bulldog11535
AR PUPDS EEEE 15HH BambooterraceAfricanis172509
NR REaK El DoradoAfricanis33180
NFr REaK Elegant DreamsBorder Collie53537
NT REaK emilyAzores Cattle Dog33747
NR REaK EmmaAfricanis13660
ANR ANRO Feel The RushAzawakh Hound43543
ANR PnM REaK Fire N GoldAzawakh Hound103442
NR First PrincessAfricanis33180
NFr Flaming HeartsStandard Poodle13712
NFr Force Of NatureAzawakh Hound13477
PnSc FoxpawAzores Cattle Dog53789
MM Garden of Eden // 19 HH lalaAmerican Bulldog301629
PnH REaK Gave My HeartBorder Collie113611
ANA JPnRO REaK Going The DistanceBorder Collie83551
IPnFr REaK Hearts On FireAfricanis113611
JPnA Here Comes Little Angel (BC)Border Collie93711
JPnFr Hestia's PrideAfricanis63167
AFl REaK HollyAfricanis213794
PnT REaK I'm All ThatBorder Collie113611
NH If I Could Change (BC)Border Collie63663
AO Inside the Cabin // 19 HH Lla PUMPKINTibetan Mastiff182312
MO Isn't She Lovely // 18 HH lalaAmerican Bulldog221607
PnH REaK JezebelleBorder Collie113606
ExFl NEB Jupiter EBorder Collie372895
IPnH REaK Karma || 23 HH | stmstm stmstm | Lla | 0.980xBorder Collie91562
AFl APnR REaK Kutoka ArdhiniAfricanis173511
IPnSc REaK LacyDoberman Pinscher102867
APnH JAM REaK Lasting ImpressionBorder Collie173511
JAR REaK Leneth (AF)Africanis153748
MT LisbethBorder Collie382903
JPnT ANH REaK Listen UpBorder Collie93551
JPnR Little AngelAfricanis73187
REaK Little DrummerBorder Collie13080
IPnH REaK Little LullabyBorder Collie83190
IPnO REaK LoloaWest Siberian Laika103767
IPnO Lonesome Echo (BC)Border Collie93711
NT LOOKBorder Collie33180
MO Lovetta // 17 HH lalaAmerican Bulldog271621
ExR WccR Mama's Sweet TeaAfricanis352316
AT REaK MercuryGerman Shepherd Dog193769
MH REaK Mountain of Dmitri || 24 HH | spdint spdstm | lla | 1.093xBorder Collie241628
NT REaK Muddy WatersBorder Collie53664
ChP GSKs Mystic Medicine of the Mind- EEEE kk Ee Bb DD slsl Ayasa sisw tt CcwAfricanis40119
ChR REaK NalaAfricanis373758
APnH NarnomBorder Collie133015
AT NellyBorder Collie212882
PnT REaK NikkoAfricanis103746
AR S-ZK NiraAfricanis222378
JPnFl OctoberAfricanis73759
NH Ohara | stmint stmstm | Lla | 21 HHBorder Collie11544
AA REaK Oliver (BC)Border Collie193760
PnHT OpalFinnish Spitz33784
NH OpalBorder Collie13614
AH REaK Paradise || 24 HH | stmspd intspd | lla | 0.947xBorder Collie191613
PnFl REaK Picture PerfectAfricanis113630
NRO Piece Of HeavenYorkshire Terrier33433
JPnRO PrincessBorder Collie72880
JPnA Puppy 1Border Collie93746
JPnFl Puppy 1Africanis83190
NA Puppy 1Azawakh Hound33427
NT Puppy 1Border Collie33180
NH Puppy 1Border Collie53167
NSc Puppy 1Doberman Pinscher53169
Puppy 1Chihuahua12884
Puppy 10Pug13603
NFl Puppy 10Border Collie43180
NO Puppy 2Africanis13746
Puppy 2Africanis13734
JPnSh Puppy 2American Bulldog53175
NA Puppy 3West Siberian Laika13741
Puppy 3Africanis13734
REaK Puppy 3Border Collie13613
Puppy 4Gordon Setter13745
NT Puppy 5Beagle53658
ANM Puppy 5Africanis53427
NFr Puppy 6Africanis13746
Puppy 6Gordon Setter13737
Puppy 6Chihuahua13734
IPnFl Puppy 6Africanis83190
Puppy 8Africanis13734
ANR Puppy 8Africanis43180
JAFr REaK RedemptionAfricanis133770
MR Road to PrideAfricanis222387
AFr REaK RosabelleBorder Collie193784
AT REaK Rosemary (BC)Border Collie203760
NM SagittariusBorder Collie33180
PnT REaK Samson (BC)Border Collie123723
NT Shadowed Past (BC)Border Collie63663
JPnT JPnH REaK Sharper ImageBorder Collie93551
NH REaK Silver Winds (BC)Border Collie63664
ANM REaK SkieAfricanis53785
NA SophiaChow-chow13705
MT REaK St. Nick's GiftBorder Collie261653
IPnH REaK Step AsideBorder Collie103611
NCP Storming Rain // 18 HH LlaTibetan Mastiff532343
NFl REaK Such A Lovely PrinceBorder Collie63537
IPnT Sweet MelodyBorder Collie102880
MT REaK Take a Slice || 20 HHBorder Collie272249
ExR The Fulani Medicine manAfricanis332870
GCFl The Great Song of IndifferenceAfricanis442190
JPnFl REaK The Sky's Gone Grey (BC)Border Collie73672
IPnH Time Of PlatinumBorder Collie93711
ANFr REaK TitanAfricanis53785
NH REaK TwilightBorder Collie53534
NH VertrouBorder Collie33751
MT Watch Her Smile // 18 HH lalaAmerican Bulldog301653
ANR Lisk White 8HH 5hh int+agi lala RAzawakh Hound43465
JPnO REaK Wildest DreamsBorder Collie63187
JPnA SWTA2 Winter Von Storm's Ire EEEEBorder Collie72827
APnT Zarek || 24 HH | spdstm intstm | lla | 1.112xBorder Collie131590
JAFl Psych ~°Wynter°~Africanis152947

Game Time

11:57pm on Jan 25

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