Elysium Kennels

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Dogs Bred By Elysium Kennels

LockedNCFr EKK (Poodle 1.04) 1.057 / 23-1-0 / LL / EEEE / chaStandard Poodle4775
LockedNCFr EKK (Poodle 1.11) 1.100 / 23-1-0 / lala / EEEE / chaStandard Poodle4975
LockedNR EKK 23HH (EEEE) lala - New BeginSaluki17
LockedPnO EKK 24HH lalaSiberian Husky1123
LockedAM EKK A Blossom In The WindShiba Inu1724
LockedAFr EKK A Princess in DisguiseShiba Inu2233
LockedExFl EKK A Smile On Every FaceAlaskan Malamute3561
LockedGCM EKK AkiraShiba Inu4499
LockedJAH EKK Almost HumanBorder Collie1325
LockedNH AnacharisAnatolian Shepherd17
LockedWCT EKK AncillaBernese Mountain Dog6298
LockedNA EKK AnkhaRough Collie16
LockedJAM EKK Another MinionStandard Poodle1226
LockedFor StudAM EKK AthenaAkita2599
LockedPnFr EKK AuspiceStandard Poodle1117
LockedAFr EKK Be All You Can BeDalmatian1927
LockedNP EKK Beautiful MistakeSiberian Husky17
LockedNS EKK Born to be BeautifulSiberian Husky17
LockedFor StudMHT KvW Bring Them HopeStandard Poodle3386
LockedAPnT EKK Caught Me Vermillion HandedBelgian Malinois1220
LockedNO EKK CerbieSiberian Husky17
LockedFor StudAHT EKK ChampionStandard Poodle1724
LockedNP EKK Change Your DestinyDoberman Pinscher16
LockedJPnW EKK ChanglingStandard Poodle511
LockedJPnFl EKK Cherry PieSaluki713
LockedWCFr Chocolate SundaeStandard Poodle5197
LockedMFr EKK Christmas' HeartSaluki3045
LockedExR EKK Christmas' SpiritSaluki3345
LockedASc EKK Cream and Two SugarsGerman Shepherd Dog1629
LockedJAP EKK Dancing in the ShadowsSaarloos Wolfdog1727
LockedASc EKK Darke GoldGerman Shepherd Dog2544
LockedMFr EKK Deaf and DumbSiberian Husky3353
LockedAT EKK Diamond in the RoughGerman Shepherd Dog2438
LockedAS EKK DodecahedronAkita2166
LockedJAHT EKK Doki DokiShiba Inu1321
LockedMH Dream Come TrueMiniature Australian Shepherd2443
LockedAP EKK Eagle's PrideStandard Poodle1226
LockedNH EKK Endless WonderBorder Collie16
LockedAPnHT EKK First One Fits The BillShiba Inu1219
LockedNA EKK FlabbergastedBorder Collie16
LockedNRO GeisBorzoi18
LockedAFr EKK Get Over ItStandard Poodle2233
LockedAFr EKK Giving HopeStandard Poodle2640
LockedJPnRO EKK Gryffindor's PrincessStandard Poodle712
LockedNS EKK Guardian AngelSiberian Husky17
LockedJPnT EKK Guardian of the GatesSaluki713
LockedPnT EKK Guess Who?Siberian Husky1116
LockedAT EKK HaunterGerman Shepherd Dog1629
LockedIPnFr EKK He Lives In YouGolden Retriever918
LockedJAFT EKK Heir of Fire AedionNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever1529
LockedMP EKK Hidden in the DarkLabrador Retriever2438
LockedJPnFr EKK HufflePuff PrideStandard Poodle612
LockedMHT EKK Humanity's ProtegeNorwegian Elkhound2445
LockedMT EKK I am Number EightAkita2754
LockedMHT EKK I am Number FifteenAkita2245
LockedMFr EKK I am Number FourteenAkita2245
LockedAHT EKK I am Number ThreeAkita1724
LockedJAHT EKK I am Number TwoAkita1319
LockedAFr EKK I Can See Clearly NowAkita1428
LockedJAFl EKK In A Young Girl's HeartSiberian Husky1724
LockedAS EKK Indian PrincessSiberian Husky1527
LockedNA EKK IsisRough Collie16
LockedNT IslaBelgian Tervuren18
LockedJAA EKK It's All RightMiniature Australian Shepherd1523
LockedAPnP EKK It's You!Siberian Husky1320
LockedNS EKK Jewel of the DesertSiberian Husky17
LockedPnP EKK JohnSiberian Husky1116
LockedWCHu EKK Kario 24HHShiba Inu5698
LockedJAS EKK KaskarSiberian Husky1122
LockedPnP EKK KismesisStandard Poodle1017
LockedASc EKK Knight Of TimeGerman Shepherd Dog1732
LockedNT EKK Lady of the LakeGerman Shepherd Dog16
LockedASc EKK Land Among the StarsRottweiler2535
LockedNFT EKK Leaking from the EtherBorzoi18
LockedAHT EKK LegacyStandard Poodle1622
LockedExS EKK Life in MiniatureSiberian Husky3252
LockedJPnSh EKK Little LionStandard Poodle712
LockedJPnH EKK Living in the WildBorder Collie610
LockedPnFr EKK LO Cream De La CremeGolden Retriever1018
LockedAHT EKK LO Humanity's ProtegeGolden Retriever1944
LockedIPnFl EKK LO Red Riding HoodGolden Retriever1018
LockedPnFT EKK LO Red RoverGolden Retriever918
LockedAFr EKK LO The SandmanGolden Retriever2044
LockedIPnHT EKK LO Treasure ChestGolden Retriever1018
LockedAPnT EKK Look Past Her Scarlet LetterBelgian Malinois1120
LockedAM EKK Loop the LoopStandard Poodle2231
LockedJPnA EKK Lord of RiddlesStandard Poodle611
LockedAA EKK Love Never SweeterBorder Collie1731
LockedNFr EKK Love ReignsSaluki110
LockedNS EKK Male Model MaterialSiberian Husky17
LockedPnFr EKK Mama BearStandard Poodle918
LockedFor StudChA EKK Mat I EEEE 22HHIrish Wolfhound3882
LockedAPnM EKK MaxLabrador Retriever1126
LockedMSh EKK My ProtectorSiberian Husky3252
LockedAPnA EKK Mystery MachineSiberian Husky1116
LockedMP EKK Never ForgottenLabrador Retriever2338
LockedARO EKK Neverending StoryStandard Poodle1948
LockedFor StudAO EKK NicolaiStandard Poodle2346
LockedAS EKK NightSiberian Husky1960
LockedExFl EKK Night FurySiberian Husky3556
LockedAHT EKK Oh Happy DayAkita1328
LockedAM EKK One HalfStandard Poodle1226
LockedJPnRO EKK One Side of a Single CoinStandard Poodle512
LockedChM EKK Pretty Little PupStandard Poodle4267
LockedPnP EKK Pumpkin PieStandard Poodle1116
LockedPuppy 12Border Collie16
LockedNS EKK Puppy 3Siberian Husky16
LockedNHT EKK Puppy 7Norwegian Elkhound16
LockedMHT EKK Queen Of the JungleAkita2346
LockedJPnFr EKK Ravenclaw BeautyStandard Poodle612
LockedASc EKK Reach For the SkiesRottweiler2535
LockedAO THEA RoxyNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever1954
LockedExR EKK Run the MazeIrish Wolfhound3376
LockedNFr EKK SashaWest Siberian Laika19
LockedNS EKK Save the Grey WolvesSiberian Husky17
LockedGCS EKK Scientific SolutionSiberian Husky3868
LockedNH EKK SeaBorder Collie16
LockedIPnFl EKK Secret KeeperSaarloos Wolfdog1020
LockedJPnFr EKK Secretly SilverStandard Poodle611
LockedFor StudMM EKK ShawnieStandard Poodle2961
LockedAP EKK Shining With the StarsStandard Poodle1326
LockedNH EKK Shocked and AstonishedBorder Collie16
LockedExP EKK Slytherin PrinceStandard Poodle3858
LockedARO EKK Sneaky Little PugStandard Poodle1226
LockedNO EKK SociusShiba Inu16
LockedNS EKK Song of the MoonSiberian Husky16
LockedJPnFr EKK Sparkle in the SunlightSaluki613
LockedMFl EKK Spreading PeaceStandard Poodle2742
LockedCCFr EKK Strange and Altogether FascinatingStandard Poodle4981
LockedNSc EKK Sucker For A Pretty FaceGerman Shepherd Dog16
LockedJAS EKK SurpriseSiberian Husky1320
LockedExHT EKK Sweet as HoneyAkita2450
LockedAPnM Sword of the SnakeShiba Inu1318
LockedChSh EKK Tale as Old as TimeStandard Poodle4269
LockedMW EKK That Other MinionStandard Poodle1126
LockedChM EKK The Greatest of the GreatsWest Siberian Laika3263
LockedMFr EKK The Little SamuraiShiba Inu2740
LockedMP EKK The Lonely QueenSiberian Husky3249
LockedMA EKK The Rocky YukonSiberian Husky3249
LockedNS EKK The Snake's LegacySiberian Husky16
LockedChO EKK Tip of the IcebergSiberian Husky3974
LockedAFr EKK True As It Can BeStandard Poodle2335
LockedASh EKK TurkeyFeatherSiberian Husky2564
LockedAM EKK Turkish DelightStandard Poodle1826
LockedJPnM EKK Two HalvesDalmatian611
LockedJPnH EKK Uniquely PeculiarBorder Collie610
LockedJPnSh IPnP EKK VeenaNorwegian Elkhound919
LockedNFr VelvetSilken Windhound16
LockedPnT EKK Voodoo's BoySaarloos Wolfdog1019
LockedPnP EKK Voodoo's GirlSaarloos Wolfdog1019
LockedAPnFr EKK What to Say to You?West Siberian Laika1317
LockedJAFl EKK When the Music is RingingSiberian Husky1624
LockedMFl EKK White ChocolateSiberian Husky3352
LockedWCFr EKK Winds of ChangeWest Siberian Laika5094
LockedNO EKK Winter's ChildSiberian Husky17
LockedNFl EKK Winter's LegacySiberian Husky17
LockedGCP EKK Winter's SpiritSiberian Husky4469
LockedJPnFr EKK Wisdom's QueenStandard Poodle612
LockedAFl EKK WolfieIrish Wolfhound1942
LockedAA EKK You Can Touch The StarsDalmatian2027
AFr EKK "Janus" LL EEEE 22HHStandard Poodle163509
JAFl EKK 18 LlaIrish Wolfhound152979
AO EKK A Scarlet LetterSiberian Husky173718
CCT EKK AeternaDoberman Pinscher531127
NA EKK Age Old MasterpieceSiberian Husky13734
GCD EKK AjaxShiba Inu391176
AW EKK Artemis' HunterStandard Poodle213636
APnO EKK At The End Of The RainbowGolden Retriever133624
GCSc EKK Avalon's DaughterGerman Shepherd Dog482969
AM EKK Bar of ChocolateStandard Poodle183754
APnFl EKK BarneyBernese Mountain Dog133637
ExP EKK Be OriginalSiberian Husky343638
JAO EKK Beautiful BeauBelgian Malinois143714
GCM EKK Beautiful FoolNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever503427
AM EKK Beauty More Than Skin DeepDalmatian183770
ChSh EKK Best of LuckStandard Poodle423464
WCFr EKK Better and BetterIrish Wolfhound511061
CCT EKK Better than the RestIrish Wolfhound501061
ASh EKK Bite Your TongueStandard Poodle223729
APnP EKK Black and WhiteSiberian Husky133753
PnP EKK Black as Night EEEGStandard Poodle103774
MS EKK Black as PitchSiberian Husky283753
MFr EKK Black Cat's LegacyStandard Poodle263648
IPnSh EKK Blazing StarSiberian Husky103709
IPnO EKK Blow 'em AwayBelgian Malinois83707
JAM EKK Blue BloodStandard Poodle153715
JAM EKK Blue RiverStandard Poodle153716
AM EKK Born of the CatStandard Poodle213662
JAR EKK Brindle 21 lalaIrish Wolfhound122977
AR EKK Brine in the SeaIrish Wolfhound223529
AT EKK Brother BearSiberian Husky243760
WCFr EKK Build a BridgeStandard Poodle501065
PnT EKK BulletGerman Shepherd Dog113685
APnT EKK Burning WithinBelgian Malinois123624
JPnR EKK Caf-PowSaluki63565
PnFr EKK Can't Get Better Than ThisGolden Retriever113621
NT EKK Canis LupusSiberian Husky13698
CCHT EKK Captain of the GuardShiba Inu521287
JPnSh EKK ChaCha Back and ForthSiberian Husky93702
JASh EKK Cherry Pie EEGEStandard Poodle143770
GCH EKK Chocolate and HeartsBorder Collie463130
NHT EKK Chocolate ChunkDalmatian13503
NCP Claim the VictoryStandard Poodle493787
WCHT EKK Close EnoughShiba Inu531063
ASh EKK Cloud of SteamStandard Poodle183769
GCFl EKK Cloud SpiritBorder Collie463130
NFl EKK ConnieBernese Mountain Dog13700
IPnP EKK CreamStandard Poodle93772
JAFr EKK Creme Da La Creme EEGEIrish Wolfhound163762
AA EKK Cuckoo For Cocoa PuffsDalmatian243745
JPnT EKK Cuddle BunnyIrish Wolfhound73735
ChSh EKK Daughter of AvalonGerman Shepherd Dog452969
GCFl EKK Death's SonBorder Collie453127
MT EKK Deep in the DarknessSiberian Husky323462
ARO EKK Deer TracksStandard Poodle163757
ANR EKK Destined for GreatnessSilken Windhound63697
WCHT EKK Devil May CryShiba Inu511064
NS EKK Dexter GrifSiberian Husky13589
MW EKK Dionysus' ChosenNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever253627
ChP EKK Don't Mess with MeSiberian Husky413544
MFr EKK Dream awayShiba Inu252945
ARO EKK Drizzle on the WindowpaneSiberian Husky183722
JPnA EKK Drizzled With GoodnessDalmatian53325
APnFr EKK Drops of PaintSaluki113709
IPnSh EKK Endless WonderSaluki93706
NSh EKK Every Rose Has It's ThornsSaluki13607
ExP EKK Excell in EverythingSaluki343740
NHu EKK Excellent TohruShiba Inu11211
ChP EKK Eyes Set to KillSiberian Husky413453
IPnP EKK Fade AwayStandard Poodle73740
APnRO EKK Faded Little FoolStandard Poodle123712
ExM EKK Fight to the FinishStandard Poodle383558
MA EKK First One for the WinSiberian Husky313458
WCW EKK Forever FriendLabrador Retriever443460
JAFr EKK Fresh LinenSilken Windhound173711
AT EKK Frozen in AmberSaarloos Wolfdog223720
NM EKK Give Him a SpotDalmatian13504
APnFr EKK God of DeathStandard Poodle133718
NR EKK GolddiggerSaluki13605
PnSh EKK Golden BoyGolden Retriever103622
JARO EKK Golden FlowerGolden Retriever133762
APnFr EKK Great BritainStandard Poodle113742
WCSh EKK Greener than GrassStandard Poodle491065
NCT EKK Guardian of the GateBorder Collie492942
NO EKK Haunter of the WoodsSiberian Husky13697
CCFr EKK Heart of HeartsIrish Wolfhound471158
CCSc EKK Hello HandsomeGerman Shepherd Dog541157
ChT EKK Helyot the UnbreakableIrish Wolfhound383749
ASh EKK Her HeroStandard Poodle173777
JPnFr EKK Hidden GemSaluki53610
ARO EKK Hidden StrengthGolden Retriever213646
GCSh EKK Home on the Range (Fawn/SBS/M)Standard Poodle463444
JAS EKK Honey and MilkSiberian Husky153716
AA EKK Hot SauceDalmatian183342
NCT EKK Howl at the MoonIrish Wolfhound471156
CCR EKK Humanity's BetrayerIrish Wolfhound501059
NCR EKK Humanity's ScientistIrish Wolfhound503435
APnSc EKK I am Number ElevenAkita153637
IPnHT EKK I am Number FiveAkita93720
CCSc EKK I am Number FourAkita571291
ASh EKK I am Number NineAkita173731
IPnT EKK I am Number OneAkita93737
NCSc EKK I am Number SevenAkita521273
MT EKK I am Number SixAkita293731
CCHT EKK I am Number SixteenAkita501061
AA EKK I am Number TenAkita233719
CCHT EKK I am Number ThirteenAkita461061
NCSh EKK I am Number TwelveAkita511154
MSh EKK I Can Go The DistanceNorwegian Elkhound291289
AR EKK I'm the Only OneIrish Wolfhound173442
PnT EKK Island of DesireSilken Windhound123437
CCHT EKK King's LegendNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever523413
NW EKK Know the NightStandard Poodle63743
WCP EKK Legendary LegacyBernese Mountain Dog572974
CCRO Let Peace ReignStandard Poodle493792
ANP EKK Lifted HighSiberian Husky43668
GCFr EKK Light 'er up!Siberian Husky482473
AH EKK Light of the WorldSaarloos Wolfdog223720
NT EKK Little AlphaSaarloos Wolfdog13681
JAA EKK Little LeprechaunDalmatian173746
ASh EKK Little Lost OneDalmatian183771
NT EKK Little OmegaSaarloos Wolfdog13681
WCFr EKK Love Never FadesWest Siberian Laika693381
WCFr EKK Love's DaughterWest Siberian Laika541059
JPnSh EKK Lucky LadyBelgian Malinois73708
APnA EKK Lucky Little PupDalmatian123759
AM EKK Lucky Little PupDalmatian183342
PnS EKK Madness and DespairSiberian Husky103708
JAFr EKK Maisy's MiracleStandard Poodle153633
AO EKK Make a WishSiberian Husky183722
CCM EKK Manager of the HostsShiba Inu521287
NO EKK MatespritBelgian Malinois13420
JPnSh EKK MaylaStandard Poodle53606
NCA EKK MidnightBorder Collie492939
PnFl EKK MistyBernese Mountain Dog103635
NO EKK MoirailBelgian Malinois13420
JAFr .cc MoraStandard Poodle143780
AR EKK More Beautiful than SilverSaluki223706
AT EKK More Precious than GoldSaluki223706
JAFl EKK Mr. Fancy PantsSiberian Husky143749
IPnFl EKK Mr. Fancy PantsSiberian Husky93702
WCFr EKK My Heart Shall Go OnLabrador Retriever733138
AO EKK No Greater BondGolden Retriever173692
ExFl BlSK Only HopeSiberian Husky343630
JAFr EKK Page of HeartIrish Wolfhound153750
NCT EKK Pale for YouRottweiler503415
WCP EKK PhilipCurly Coated Retriever501072
NFr EKK Pirate's QuestGolden Retriever13608
IPnS EKK pitch dimond blackSiberian Husky93766
IPnHT EKK Point the WayStandard Poodle83742
MT EKK Pretender (15HH EEEE lala)Siberian Husky313309
IPnFl EKK Prim and ProperSilken Windhound83616
JAA EKK Prince MustardseedDalmatian183342
APnFr EKK PuffballIrish Wolfhound123737
JPnFl EKK Pumpkin PatchSilken Windhound83430
AR EKK Purity is a VirtueIrish Wolfhound223529
ANA EKK Put It On EverythingDalmatian53325
IPnW EKK Queen of MagicStandard Poodle63741
AT EKK Raindrops on the RooftopSiberian Husky183722
IPnT EKK RedBernese Mountain Dog93635
AW EKK Red RoverStandard Poodle133753
ARO EKK RegalityStandard Poodle223644
AFl EKK Return to NatureSaluki183718
NRO EKK Riches GaloreIrish Wolfhound13503
GCM EKK RiddleStandard Poodle473480
AW RomanStandard Poodle123626
NCHT EKK RosalindStandard Poodle473687
NCFr EKK RubblepeltShiba Inu511733
AFr EKK Ruby RedStandard Poodle213724
IPnFr EKK Rule Them AllGolden Retriever83751
APnP EKK Sable EyeStandard Poodle133751
NR EKK Seasons Come and GoIrish Wolfhound13503
ASh EKK She's a WinnerStandard Poodle233779
WCFr EKK Shepherd FeriWest Siberian Laika511064
AM EKK Shine Like the SunGolden Retriever173632
AT EKK Shining StarSiberian Husky183715
WCFr EKK SifNorwegian Elkhound521141
JAT EKK Silken ScarfSilken Windhound163752
NFr EKK Silken ScarfSilken Windhound13559
NFl EKK Silver SpoonSaluki13605
JPnFl EKK Sleek Little SelkieSaluki53733
APnFr EKK Slyph of SpaceSaluki123709
AFl EKK Smooth as SatinSilken Windhound243725
WCP EKK Snowy DaySamoyed573411
MRO EKK Solitary SoldierSiberian Husky263673
JAA EKK Spirit of the WolfSiberian Husky153716
AFl EKK Spot OnSaluki173748
IPnA EKK Spread Your WingsSaluki93706
NM EKK Stand TallDalmatian13504
AM EKK Straight On 'til MorningStandard Poodle233644
AO EKK Streaked With PainSiberian Husky173435
JARO EKK StrongmanSiberian Husky163716
NSh EKK Suntanned and HappyDalmatian13503
MFT EKK Tara (Lla 10 HH EEEG)Golden Retriever262375
MS EKK Tarnished SilverSiberian Husky243450
NM TeddyDalmatian13775
IPnO EKK That's My BoyRottweiler83709
MW NMDA The FallenNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever253635
ASh EKK The Great ScientistSiberian Husky223723
WCHT EKK The Lucky CatShiba Inu531063
PnP EKK The MooseSiberian Husky113747
NCHT PnP The TricksterStandard Poodle453780
CCFr To Be Admired (AGI Cha stm) XNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever473769
CCH EKK Toeing the LineBorder Collie541152
ChFl EKK Too Marvelous For WordsSaluki413553
CCHT EKK UltimateAkita551156
WCFr EKK Unexpected But Not UnwantedNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever541062
UCFT EKK Until the EndLabrador Retriever723140
GCA EKK Wait on MeGerman Shepherd Dog463365
CCT EKK Walking the RopeBorder Collie531152
CCH EKK Welded TogetherBorder Collie511123
NSh EKK WerewolfSiberian Husky13693
ExFr EKK What Is A LegacyWest Siberian Laika382859
AP EKK White as SnowStandard Poodle183767
AO EKK Why the Long FaceSiberian Husky263625
NM EKK Wild ChildSaluki13605
IPnS EKK Wild GrizzlySiberian Husky73674
NO EKK Win the PrizeBelgian Malinois13624
MP EKK Win the PrizeStandard Poodle323658
ARO EKK Winter's HeartSiberian Husky183765
NCH EKK Worldwide NewsBernese Mountain Dog501065
CCFr EKK ZorroStandard Poodle563407
NHT EKK ~°Honey°~ [EEEE]Akita63168

Game Time

02:35pm on Mar 5

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