SH Sodalite Huskies

Order By:

Dogs Bred By SH Sodalite Huskies

LockedJPnS SH's 15HH atat Py e dd sw U lla spdstm agistmAlaskan Husky713
LockedAPnS SH's 16HH atat e b dd sw U 2spdstmAlaskan Husky1017
LockedAPnS SH's 17HH atat Py e b dd C lla 2spdstmAlaskan Husky916
LockedPnS SH's 19HH atat K e b dd lla intstm agistmAlaskan Husky916
LockedPnS SH's 20HH atat Py K dd T C lla 4stmAlaskan Husky916
LockedMS SH's 24HH atat yy 4stm ceAlaskan Husky2234
LockedMS SH's 24HH atat yy d 4stm ceceAlaskan Husky2234
LockedMS SH's 24HH atat yy d 4stm ceceAlaskan Husky2234
LockedUCS SH's Aero 24HH AyAy e b spsw U 4stmAlaskan Husky77100
LockedWCS SH's AH - Brook - 18/0 - lala 3Alaskan Husky5289
LockedUCS SH's Amelia 24HH AyAy b sw U 4stmAlaskan Husky7499
LockedJAS SH's AoifeAlaskan Husky1331
LockedUCS SH's Ares 24HH Ayat e b d C UU 4stmAlaskan Husky79100
LockedUCS SH's Arijan 23HH Ayat e b d C U 4stmAlaskan Husky78101
LockedWCS SH's BearAlaskan Husky51100
LockedCCS SH's Bekana 23HH atat e bb d spsw G U intstr strstrAlaskan Husky4869
LockedANS SH's Biah 17HH awat Py K br e sw strstm chastmAlaskan Husky611
LockedJPnS SH's Blue 17HH Ayat Py K e sw strstm strstmAlaskan Husky611
LockedGCS SH's Br. Isabella Adonis 24/0 Kbrk EE bb dd atat sisw cwcw gg uu lala intint stmstr PUMPKINAlaskan Husky4068
LockedJPnS SH's C 16-1 Ayaw Py K e swsw strint strstmAlaskan Husky613
LockedJPnS SH's C-Ice 17-2 awat yy K e sw 2stmAlaskan Husky614
LockedJPnS MFl SH's Cahaya 24HH Ayat d sw U 4stmAlaskan Husky2731
LockedWCS SH's Caya 24HH atat Ssi intint stmintAlaskan Husky5988
LockedMS SH's Cedar 23HH AyAy d sw 4stmAlaskan Husky2531
LockedUCS SH's Cezario 23HH atat U stragi stmintAlaskan Husky6697
LockedCCS SH's CHAMP Lochness Monster 1.342Alaskan Husky44100
LockedAS SH's Checkmate 23HH atat e bb sp 4strAlaskan Husky1520
LockedAS SH's CujaAlaskan Husky1640
LockedWCS SH's Dairine 22HH aa b dd G U intstr stmintAlaskan Husky5687
LockedGCS SH's Dalan 20HH aa K b d G U intstr strspdAlaskan Husky4060
LockedCCS SH's Delice 23HH Aya bb d G Lla intstr strspdAlaskan Husky4670
LockedWCS SH's Denali 24HH atat K dd sw U stmstr strintAlaskan Husky6897
LockedWCS SH's Dystopia 24HH atat b sw U stmstm strintAlaskan Husky6488
LockedWCS SH's EarthboundAlaskan Husky6594
LockedGCS SH's Enza 23HH atat bb G intint stmintAlaskan Husky3648
LockedAS SH's Fabia 23HH asaasa spsw strspd 2stmAlaskan Husky2023
LockedWCS SH's Fae 23HH e d intint intstrAlaskan Husky5886
LockedGCS SH's Farid 24HH atat sw 4stmAlaskan Husky4455
LockedExS SH's Farina 24HH Ayat e b dd sw C 4stmAlaskan Husky3135
LockedAS SH's Faruq 23HH asaasa 2br 2sw 2spd 2stmAlaskan Husky1923
LockedUCS SH's Felian 24HH asaasa br C strspd stmstmAlaskan Husky76101
LockedNFl SH's G 23HH asaasa C spdspd agistmAlaskan Husky16
LockedNFl SH's G 23HH asaasa spdstr stmstmAlaskan Husky16
LockedNFl SH's G 24HH asaasa br strspd agistmAlaskan Husky16
LockedNS SH's G 24HH asaasa br sw strstr stmstmAlaskan Husky16
LockedIPnS SH's Gabia 22HH U intint strstrAlaskan Husky712
LockedNCS SH's Gae 24HH atat b stmstm strstrAlaskan Husky4860
LockedJPnS AFl SH's Gaizka 24HH asaasa 2spd 2stmAlaskan Husky2429
LockedMS SH's Galit 24HH k e sw U Lla stmint strstrAlaskan Husky2734
LockedCCS SH's Garen 24HH atat b stmstm stmstrAlaskan Husky4960
LockedMS SH's Gavino 23HH k sw Lla stmint strstrAlaskan Husky2734
LockedJAFl SH's Gavril 24HH asaasa br spdstr 2stmAlaskan Husky1417
LockedAPnFl SH's Gawahir 24HH asaasa br C strspd stmstmAlaskan Husky1417
LockedJAFl SH's Gayla 24HH asaasa br C strspd stmstmAlaskan Husky1417
LockedAFl SH's Geena 24HH asaasa br C 2spd agistmAlaskan Husky2529
LockedAPnFl SH's Gentian 24HH asaasa br spdstr 2stmAlaskan Husky1417
LockedAPnFl SH's Gerel 24HH asaasa strspd 2stmAlaskan Husky1417
LockedAPnFl SH's Ghal 23HH asaasa C spdstr 2stmAlaskan Husky1417
LockedGCS SH's Gi 24HH atat stmstm strstrAlaskan Husky4048
LockedUCS SH's Gira 24HH Ayat d swsw 4stmAlaskan Husky7699
LockedUCS SH's Goreno 23HH AyAy d sw 4stmAlaskan Husky80100
LockedUCS SH's Gouda 22HH atat chastm stmstmAlaskan Husky79101
LockedH 13HH KK e b d sw 2stmAlaskan Husky16
LockedNS SH's H 16HH K e b sisi U lla 1stmAlaskan Husky16
LockedNS SH's H 16HH K yy sw 3stmAlaskan Husky16
LockedH 18-1 atat Py e b dd sw U 3stmAlaskan Husky16
LockedNS SH's H 18HH awat yy K d sw 3stmAlaskan Husky16
LockedNS SH's H 21HH atat yy dd 3stmAlaskan Husky16
LockedNS SH's H 21HH awat yy K w d 2sw 3stmAlaskan Husky16
LockedMS SH's Hailee 23HH Ayat sw U 4stmAlaskan Husky2935
LockedCCS SH's Haizea 23HH atat e d sw U 4stmAlaskan Husky5467
LockedAFl SH's Harena 23HH Aya sw G intstm strstmAlaskan Husky1823
LockedFor StudCCS SH's Having It One Way Or Another [13HH] EEEEAlaskan Husky4684
LockedJPnS SH's Hirina 24HH ata br b d G U agicha spdstmAlaskan Husky611
LockedAFl SH's Horino 24HH Aya K dd G U agistm spdstmAlaskan Husky1823
LockedJPnS SH's Hourin 22HH ata Em b d G U Lla agistm strstmAlaskan Husky711
LockedWCS SH's Iah 24HH atat br C 4stmAlaskan Husky71101
LockedMS SH's Icarus 23HH atat e bb d C U 4stmAlaskan Husky3035
LockedNFl SH's Idan 24HH Ayat b d sw U 4stmAlaskan Husky110
LockedNFl SH's Idril 23HH Ayat e dd U 4stmAlaskan Husky110
LockedMS SH's Iina 23HH atat e bb dd C U 4stmAlaskan Husky2935
LockedUCS SH's Ilana 24HH Ayat e 4stmAlaskan Husky8195
LockedExFl SH's IndonesiaAlaskan Husky3686
LockedMS SH's Irija 23HH atat br e d U 4stmAlaskan Husky2428
LockedMS SH's Isa 24HH Ayat b C U 4stmAlaskan Husky3035
LockedUCS SH's Itamar 23HH Ayat 4stmAlaskan Husky8196
LockedWCFl SH's Ivia 24HH Ayat U 4stm ceAlaskan Husky8092
LockedIPnS SH's J 21HH atat yy e 3stm ceceAlaskan Husky512
LockedPnS SH's J 22HH atat yy 4stm ceAlaskan Husky714
LockedIPnS SH's J 22HH atat yy br 3stm ceceAlaskan Husky512
LockedAS SH's J 23HH atat yy 4stmAlaskan Husky1526
LockedJPnS SH's J 23HH atat yy 4stm ceceAlaskan Husky512
LockedPnS SH's J 23HH atat yy br sw U 4stm ceceAlaskan Husky512
LockedJPnS SH's J 23HH atat yy d 4stm ceAlaskan Husky512
LockedAS SH's J 23HH atat yy d 4stm ceceAlaskan Husky1422
LockedAS SH's J 23HH atat yy sw 4stm ceceAlaskan Husky1422
LockedJPnS SH's J 23HH atat yy sw 4stm ceceAlaskan Husky612
LockedNCS SH's J 24HH atat e 4stmAlaskan Husky4461
LockedAS SH's J 24HH atat Py d 4stmAlaskan Husky1323
LockedAS SH's J 24HH atat Py d Lla 4stm ceceAlaskan Husky1524
LockedNS SH's J 24HH atat Py dd Lla 3stm ceceAlaskan Husky16
LockedAS SH's J 24HH atat Py e 4stm ceAlaskan Husky1424
LockedAS SH's J 24HH atat Py sw 4stm ceceAlaskan Husky1323
LockedChS SH's J 24HH atat yy 4stmAlaskan Husky3452
LockedChS SH's J 24HH atat yy d 4stmAlaskan Husky3352
LockedExS SH's J 24HH atat yy d 4stm ceAlaskan Husky3047
LockedNCS SH's J 24HH Ayat 4stm ceAlaskan Husky4261
LockedNCS SH's J 24HH Ayat br 4stmAlaskan Husky4261
LockedNCS SH's J 24HH Ayat U 4stm ceAlaskan Husky4261
LockedMS SH's Jaala 23HH atat br 4stm ceAlaskan Husky2936
LockedExS SH's Jada 23HH atat e sw 4stm ceAlaskan Husky3038
LockedMS SH's Jael 23HH atat sw 4stm ceAlaskan Husky2836
LockedIPnS SH's K 23HH atat e 4stm ceceAlaskan Husky713
LockedMS SH's K 23HH atat yy 4stm ceceAlaskan Husky2438
LockedExS SH's K 24HH atat 4stm ceAlaskan Husky3046
LockedExS SH's K 24HH atat 4stm ceceAlaskan Husky3246
LockedGCS SH's K 24HH atat br 4stm ceAlaskan Husky3961
LockedJPnS SH's K 24HH atat Py br sw 4stm ceceAlaskan Husky111
LockedGCS SH's K 24HH atat sw 4stm ceAlaskan Husky4061
LockedJPnS SH's K 24HH atat yy 4stmAlaskan Husky111
LockedJPnS SH's K 24HH atat yy sw 4stm ceAlaskan Husky111
LockedMS SH's KibbleAlaskan Husky2759
LockedWCS SH's mioAlaskan Husky47100
LockedJAS SH's NEARLY READY TO LEVEL FOR DIVERSIFIER - Break the CycleAlaskan Husky918
LockedChT SH's Nothing Good About Goodbye (+/int)Alaskan Husky4465
LockedNCS SH's Sandredie 21HHAlaskan Husky4288
LockedWCS SH's SkywardAlaskan Husky6794
LockedWCS SH's Study 23HHAlaskan Husky5999
LockedExS SH's Zeller 23HHAlaskan Husky3467
ExS SH's *PU* BaltoAlaskan Husky322806
GCS SH's 10HH Biko atat e b sw stmstr agiint**Alaskan Husky373182
IPnS SH's 14HH ata e b sp U Lla**Alaskan Husky83133
JPnS SH's 16HH atat Py d sp 4stmAlaskan Husky52853
IPnS SH's 17HH asaasa Eme sisi UU lla chastr chastm**Alaskan Husky83133
JPnS SH's 18HH atat d sw lla 4stmAlaskan Husky52870
JPnS SH's 19HH atat Py br b d swsw C lla 4stmAlaskan Husky52869
ExS SH's 22HHAlaskan Husky312783
WCS SH's 24HH Deal sisp intstr intstm**#Alaskan Husky663500
WCS SH's 24HH Dee chastr intstm**#Alaskan Husky593223
PnS SH's 24HH Ganiza atat Lla intstm stmstrAlaskan Husky103135
AS SH's Adil 8HH 1hh stmint agistm *Alaskan Husky213347
AS SH's Adina 13HH chaint stmcha *Alaskan Husky183347
AS SH's Adria 12HH spdstm spstm *Alaskan Husky213148
AS SH's Aidan 13HH spdstm spdstm 220 *Alaskan Husky223148
NCS SH's Akira 23 HHAlaskan Husky421725
NS SH's Al Pacino [2xStr 1xStm 18HH - 1.043] (0.0)Alaskan Husky13486
ChFl SH's Alovi 12HH awat U lla stmstr agistr *#Alaskan Husky453175
ChS SH's Althea 7HH 2hh asaasaAlaskan Husky363180
WCS SH's Amaya 12HH *Alaskan Husky613663
UCS SH's Amazing 12HH 1hh awat ee spsw UU lala spdstr spdstrAlaskan Husky743524
NCS SH's Ameo 18HH kk ee swsw cecw UU spdstm stmstr**Alaskan Husky413184
APnS SH's AmsterdamAlaskan Husky102693
MS SH's AmyretteAlaskan Husky222828
GCS SH's Anna 11HHAlaskan Husky383669
GCS SH's Annya 12HH 1hhAlaskan Husky393671
NCS SH's Anubis 13HH 1hhAlaskan Husky433386
ChFr SH's Anvi 11HH 1hh atat EE b spsp U Lla chastm agistr *#Alaskan Husky443175
NCS SH's Apollo 10HH 1hh ata e swsw uuAlaskan Husky423187
WCS SH's Aria 11HH awat e b swsw UU lala spdstr spdstr***#Alaskan Husky643206
IPnFl SH's Ariye 12HH atat Py ee d sw C U lla stmspd stmagiAlaskan Husky72871
GCS SH's Asha 8HH 1hhAlaskan Husky383670
CCS SH's Ashki 13HHAlaskan Husky433189
JAS SH's Ashley 15HH awat Py sw C intstm 2stmAlaskan Husky112874
PnS SH's Askantha 15HH atat Py K e b d C lla stmint stmagiAlaskan Husky92872
JPnS SH's Askiya 10HH atat Py K br e d C U Lla stmspd stmspdAlaskan Husky72871
IPnS SH's Astha 9HH atat Py K ee b d sw C U lla stmspd stmspdAlaskan Husky82872
GCS SH's Athena 8HH 3hh asaaAlaskan Husky383180
ExS SH's AtillaAlaskan Husky282841
GCS SH's Atilla 7HH 1hhAlaskan Husky383184
MS SH's Aurora- 22HH atat d sw 4stmAlaskan Husky272657
JPnFl SH's B 11HH atat Py sp U Lla agistm agistmAlaskan Husky62870
JPnS SH's B 12HH atat Py br e sp U lala agistm agistmAlaskan Husky62853
PnS SH's B 13-1 awat Py br e C Lla 2stmAlaskan Husky92875
JAS SH's B 16-1 atat Py br e d sw C 2stmAlaskan Husky132863
JPnS SH's B 16HH Ayat Py e sw U lla spdstm spdstmAlaskan Husky62870
JPnS SH's B 18HH Ayat Py e sw C U Lla spdstm 2stmAlaskan Husky62870
MS SH's Baako 17HHAlaskan Husky223655
ChS SH's Baasha 19HH asaasaAlaskan Husky343174
ExS SH's Babak 19HH k e b d siswAlaskan Husky323172
PnS SH's Baeda 19HH Ayat Ssi UU LlaAlaskan Husky103134
ExS SH's Bahadur 23HHAlaskan Husky303166
ExS SH's Bai 12HHAlaskan Husky323367
ExS SH's Banu 10HHAlaskan Husky303166
ChS SH's Baqi 12HH k b spAlaskan Husky343173
PnS SH's Bashe 11HH 2hhAlaskan Husky103336
APnS SH's Bashkim 13HH 2hhAlaskan Husky103336
ExS SH's Basma 11HH 5hh asaa lala chastr stmstrAlaskan Husky323371
ChS SH's Bast 13HH 2hh asaasa lalaAlaskan Husky343371
ExS SH's Basya 13HH 4hh asaa lalaAlaskan Husky333371
ExS SH's Batari 23HHAlaskan Husky303166
ExS SH's Batell 15HH 4hh asaa llaAlaskan Husky313653
WCS SH's Batsheva 12HH 4hh asaa lla (stm) *Alaskan Husky633611
WCS SH's Battist 10HH 2hh asaa lalaAlaskan Husky583616
ExS SH's Baylie 24HHAlaskan Husky333657
AS SH's Bea 14HHAlaskan Husky223655
WCS SH's Beau Marcus [1xStr - 1.015] (4.1)Alaskan Husky563581
ExS SH's Bee 11HHAlaskan Husky313367
PnS SH's Behar 21HH Ayat bb sisp Uu LlaAlaskan Husky103134
ExS SH's Bekki 8HH 2hh asaaAlaskan Husky323647
ExS SH's Bella 11HHAlaskan Husky313656
AS SH's Belle 16HHAlaskan Husky223655
ChS SH's Benito 11HH 2hh awa b d swsw UAlaskan Husky343175
AS SH's Benji 21-1 AyAy 4stmAlaskan Husky153134
AS SH's Bennett 22HH Ayat sisw U intstm stmstmAlaskan Husky143139
WCS SH's Bente 23HH Ayat sisw U intstm stmstmAlaskan Husky693222
WCS SH's Beracha 22HH AyAy swsw 4stmAlaskan Husky733222
ExS SH's Berezi 24HHAlaskan Husky303166
NS SH's Besk 6-10 Ayat Py ee bb sw U llAlaskan Husky12867
WCS SH's Bhalu 24HH Bb Ssw Uu stmstr strint**Alaskan Husky553206
ChS SH's Bira 13HH ata b d Ssw uu stmstr agiint**Alaskan Husky373177
PnS SH's Bise 12HH atat Py K br e b C U lla stmint stmagiAlaskan Husky92873
ExS SH's Bistra 23HHAlaskan Husky303166
ExS SH's Blade 7HH 6hh asaaAlaskan Husky333661
ExS SH's Blizzard 6HH 5hh asaaAlaskan Husky333178
NS SH's BridgetteAlaskan Husky43533
CCS SH's Bulletproof LoveAlaskan Husky492637
WCS SH's Byra 23HH Ayat K Eme b d spsw intstr strstr**#Alaskan Husky703529
APnS SH's Bysis 13-1 atat Py K br b sw CC U lla stmint stmagiAlaskan Husky102873
JPnS SH's C 16-1 atat sw stmint strstmAlaskan Husky62855
MS SH's Cadi 18HH Ayasa lalaAlaskan Husky253158
WCS SH's Cahal 23HH kk intint stmint**Alaskan Husky593215
CCS SH's Cahira 20HH * atat K e sw intstm intstr**Alaskan Husky463190
GCS SH's Cailin 20HH atasa intstr stmstm**Alaskan Husky363177
MS SH's Cainan 15HH 1hhAlaskan Husky263162
UCS SH's Cait [23HH] EEEEAlaskan Husky532670
MS SH's Calanthe 20HH aa sisw lalaAlaskan Husky233634
MS SH's Caleb 20HH awa b d sisp GG UU lalaAlaskan Husky233159
MS SH's Caligula 21HH Aya sisw LlaAlaskan Husky223641
MS SH's Calista 11HH asaa sisi lala stragi strstrAlaskan Husky253160
MS SH's Calix 12-2 ata spsw T llaAlaskan Husky233156
AS SH's Callahan 13-2 Sl ata e dd SL sisw Uu lalaAlaskan Husky233156
MS SH's Callias 15-1 ata e d spsp UUAlaskan Husky233156
MS SH's Callisto 15HH asaasa lalaAlaskan Husky233158
MS SH's Calluna 24HH Bb SsiAlaskan Husky263647
MS SH's Calogera 18HH asaasa lalaAlaskan Husky243158
MS SH's Calogero 10HH 3hh aa e b d spsw TT UAlaskan Husky233156
MS SH's Calum 17HH Aya e bb dd sisp UU llaAlaskan Husky233156
MS SH's Calypso 10HH aaAlaskan Husky253357
MS SH's Cambria 12HH 2hh asaa T lala 0Alaskan Husky223156
MS SH's Cameron 16HH asaaAlaskan Husky233156
MS SH's Camille 19HH aa b d sisi UUAlaskan Husky233156
WCS SH's Camyra 16HH atat K ee b spsw U intstr strstr#Alaskan Husky643206
MS SH's Caolán 19HH 1hh k e b d swAlaskan Husky273162
GCS SH's Cathán 16HH KK e b d si 4intAlaskan Husky373178
MS SH's Cay 17HH aa K b d sisp U LlaAlaskan Husky253159
UCS SH's Cazyng 18HH atat Eme spsp U intspd strstr#Alaskan Husky723213
APnS SH's Cease 18HH atasa spsw U agistr chastr *Alaskan Husky113137
MS SH's Cehavir 17HH k e bAlaskan Husky283161
MS SH's Celina 17HHAlaskan Husky273162
JPnS SH's Ceri 21HH atat Py e d sw U Lla spdstm 2stmAlaskan Husky62872
ExS SH's Chagatai 18HH 4intAlaskan Husky343152
MS SH's Chagla 13HH 0Alaskan Husky223352
CCS SH's Chagri 24HH Kk sisw UU Lla stmstm strstr**Alaskan Husky483522
WCS SH's Challenger [22HH - 4xstm] 1.148Alaskan Husky661925
MS SH's Chance 23HH *Alaskan Husky253357
AS SH's Chanda 20HHAlaskan Husky153144
GCS SH's ChanokhAlaskan Husky422364
WCS SH's CiskoAlaskan Husky532402
MS SH's Columbia 19HH asaa sisw lala - 2Alaskan Husky223641
IPnS GCP SH's ConstanceAlaskan Husky462640
MS SH's Continue Moving ForwardAlaskan Husky293617
APnS SH's Cora 14HH asaa swsw U agistr stmstr *Alaskan Husky113137
ChS SH's CurlyAlaskan Husky372760
NS SH's D 17HH atat Py Lla 3stmAlaskan Husky12849
NS SH's D 19HH atat d sw 4stmAlaskan Husky12852
IPnS SH's D 19HH atat Py br 4stmAlaskan Husky82857
JPnS SH's D 22HH atat d sw 2stmAlaskan Husky72856
MS SH's Dagan 24HH intcha stmstmAlaskan Husky233161
WCS SH's Dahlia 23HH Bb cecw Lla intstm strstr**#Alaskan Husky593210
WCS SH's Daina 23HH aa K b d Lla agiint strstrAlaskan Husky563198
ExS SH's Daisuke 22HH aa b d GG UU lalaAlaskan Husky313168
WCS SH's DaithiAlaskan Husky522664
UCS SH's DaivaAlaskan Husky512664
NCS SH's Dajana 22HH kk U intint chaint**Alaskan Husky433187
ChS SH's Dakota 22HH Em Ssw spdint chastmAlaskan Husky333178
WCS SH's Dalakh 22HH k b d si 4int**Alaskan Husky483204
WCS SH's Dalea 22HH atat Ssi cecw GgAlaskan Husky603524
ExS SH's Damian 22HH aa e bb G UU lalaAlaskan Husky303166
ExS SH's Damila 19HH 1hh aa e b d UU lalaAlaskan Husky293166
AS SH's Damir 22HH awasa intint intspdAlaskan Husky183149
ExS SH's Damjana 17HH aa e bb dd U lalaAlaskan Husky283166
MS SH's Damon 15-1 KK b sp chastm intstmAlaskan Husky223153
MS SH's Dan 24HHAlaskan Husky233160
AS SH's Dana 23HHAlaskan Husky213637
ExS SH's Dania 22HH atasa U 0Alaskan Husky323172
WCS SH's Danko 23HH atasa k b sw uu intint stmstr#Alaskan Husky583216
WCS SH's Darian 21HH asaasa U * strspd stmstm**Alaskan Husky513199
ExS SH's Darina 20HH asaasa bb G strspd stmstmAlaskan Husky313166
MS SH's Darius 24HH Ee intint strstrAlaskan Husky263160
MS SH's Darlene 24HH cecw intint strintAlaskan Husky263160
AS SH's Davi 21HH 4intAlaskan Husky193144
MS SH's Davida 20HH asaasa swsw U stm *Alaskan Husky213149
AS SH's Davin 22HH asaasa swsw UU * intint agistmAlaskan Husky203149
AS SH's Daw 24HH Ssi intcha stmstmAlaskan Husky173146
ChS SH's Debi 22HH 0 *Alaskan Husky343370
NCS SH's Deeva 11HH asaa lla**Alaskan Husky383183
AS SH's Delani 22HH Aya K b dd G U LLAlaskan Husky183147
AS SH's Delano 20HH asaasa sw U str stm *Alaskan Husky193147
AS SH's DeltaAlaskan Husky182811
CCS SH's Didn't Explain It AllAlaskan Husky482618
MS SH's Dinah 19HH aa b dd G uu Lla#Alaskan Husky253157
CCS SH's Dipali 22HH asaasa spsw U * intspd intstm**Alaskan Husky463185
WCS SH's Ea 24HH Lla stmcha strstm**#Alaskan Husky643216
WCS SH's Eachann 24HH sisp strint stmstmAlaskan Husky593410
ExS SH's Earline 23HH intcha intintAlaskan Husky303171
WCS SH's Eavan 24HH d strcha stmstm**#Alaskan Husky663442
WCS SH's Ebba 24HH b d sisp intcha stmstm**#Alaskan Husky623547
CCT SH's Ekath 20HH k U intint chaint#Alaskan Husky553207
WCS SH's Elisian 24HH asaasa sw strspd agistmAlaskan Husky683304
WCS SH's Emho 24HH aa b d GG Uu Lla intint strstm#Alaskan Husky613210
WCM SH's Emilia 19HH k e d intint chaint**Alaskan Husky633506
UCS SH's Epali 23HH asaasa spsw U spdstr stmstmAlaskan Husky733211
UCS SH's Erialis 23HH asaasa sw strstr agistmAlaskan Husky693304
UCS SH's Erian 23HH asaasa spsw UU intspd stmstmAlaskan Husky713211
WCS SH's Erina 24HH aa K b d GG U Lla agiint strspdAlaskan Husky653199
UCS SH's Erol 18-1 awat e Ssp U intstr stmspdAlaskan Husky763218
UCS SH's Esme 17HH atat e b sp U instspd intstrAlaskan Husky753423
UCS SH's Faas 22HH intint chastrAlaskan Husky693419
WCS SH's Fabia 22HH atasa Kk U intint intstrAlaskan Husky673419
WCS SH's Fabius 22HH d intint intstmAlaskan Husky673218
UCS SH's Fahri 24HH atat strstr intstmAlaskan Husky753219
UCS SH's Faina 24HH atat d strstr stmstmAlaskan Husky753219
NS SH's Famous 24HH aa Em bb dd sisi GG uu lala#Alaskan Husky13128
UCS SH's Fariha 23HH asaasa br strspd stmagiAlaskan Husky803193
NS SH's Farina 24HH aa sisi GG uu Lla#Alaskan Husky13128
MS SH's Faura 18HH Ayat e spsw U spdstm intstmAlaskan Husky233148
UCS SH's Feli 24HH asaasa 2br sw strstr stmagiAlaskan Husky763193
UCS SH's Feral 17HH atat e sp G U spdint strspdAlaskan Husky743219
UCS SH's Ferion 21HH b intint intstmAlaskan Husky703217
UCS SH's Fermesse 20HH awat ee b Ssi U intstr strspdAlaskan Husky783219
WCS SH's Ferovi 24HH atat strstr stmstmAlaskan Husky683207
UCS SH's Fire 24HH atat d chastr stmint#Alaskan Husky713219
WCS SH's Fireworks 24HH atat intstr stmstm#Alaskan Husky703219
AS SH's Firn 19HH Ayat e spsw U intstm intstmAlaskan Husky233148
WCS SH's Firri 24HH atat sp intstr stmstmAlaskan Husky713213
WCS SH's FlickAlaskan Husky593162
UCS SH's Flower 24HH atat Lla intstm strstmAlaskan Husky703422
WCS SH's Fluse 23HH Ayat d sw stmcha stmstmAlaskan Husky683338
UCS SH's Fly 24HH asaasa strspd agistmAlaskan Husky743205
WCS SH's ForeverAlaskan Husky543149
UCS SH's Fury 24HH atat b stmcha strstrAlaskan Husky733422
WCS SH's Fussel 22HH Ayat sw stmstr stmstmAlaskan Husky703338
JAS SH's G 18HH atat K e b d sw C U lla intstm agistmAlaskan Husky102876
IPnS SH's G 19HH atat Py K e b d C U 2stmAlaskan Husky72872
IPnS SH's G 20HH atat d sw U 3stmAlaskan Husky82856
JPnS SH's G 21HH atat Py 2sw C 4stmAlaskan Husky62871
JPnS SH's G 21HH atat Py d sp U Lla 2stm agistmAlaskan Husky52870
IPnS SH's Gaas 22HH U intint strstrAlaskan Husky73132
UCS SH's Gahariet 24HH Ayat b d U strstm stmstmAlaskan Husky723221
UCS SH's Gaiana 24HH Ayat e b d U strstm stmstmAlaskan Husky753362
UCS SH's Gesa 23-1 atat swsw stmstr stmstmAlaskan Husky723211
MS SH's GinnyAlaskan Husky313525
APnS SH's Golden Chocolate 8HH 2hh asaa Ee bb spsp U** chastr stmstrAlaskan Husky123138
APnS SH's Grizz 6HH 2hh awasa b spsw UU stmstr stmstm**Alaskan Husky133138
NFl SH's H 17HH atat d sw Lla 2stmAlaskan Husky12848
NS SH's H 19HH atat Py e d 2sw 3stmAlaskan Husky12853
GCS SH's H 22HH atat Py br e d 2sw C 4stmAlaskan Husky412680
UCS SH's Haakon 24HH atat e b d strstr stmstmAlaskan Husky753224
UCS SH's Havi 24HH atat b U stmstr stmstmAlaskan Husky783211
WCS SH's Hera 23-1 atat e d sw 4stmAlaskan Husky682955
UCS SH's Hesa 24HH atat e b d UU 4stmAlaskan Husky813198
WCFl SH's Hesja 23-1 atat e sw C 4stmAlaskan Husky712955
UCS SH's Hirvine 24HH Ayat e 4stmAlaskan Husky803215
JAS SH's I 23HH atat Py d Lla 3stm ceceAlaskan Husky132826
ExS SH's Iantha 24HH atat br e b d CC 4stmAlaskan Husky332862
AS SH's Idris 23HH atat Py d U 2stm ceceAlaskan Husky181024
NS SH's J 23HH atat e sw 4stmAlaskan Husky12850
JPnS SH's JackyAlaskan Husky62835
ChS SH's K 23HH atat br e 4stm ceceAlaskan Husky352670
NS SH's Katinka [2xStr 14HH - 1.082] (0.0) NoSlAlaskan Husky13486
WCS SH's KodiakAlaskan Husky552268
WCS SH's MalibuAlaskan Husky452381
JAS SH's MaxAlaskan Husky111871
NCS SH's Mayale 20HH kk Ee swsw uu Lla spdstm intstr**Alaskan Husky423184
WCS SH's Namah ShivaayaAlaskan Husky582812
JAS SH's Onyx 13HH 1hhAlaskan Husky133341
MS SH's People On The Outside Of SheeAlaskan Husky263613
AS SH's PiperAlaskan Husky172780
PnS SH's RogerAlaskan Husky113626
WCS SH's SassyAlaskan Husky561925
CCA SH's She's Like The WindAlaskan Husky542898
JAS SH's SiaAlaskan Husky123114
CCS SH's SlatefurAlaskan Husky472303
AS SH's The One And OnlyAlaskan Husky223607
GCFr SH's Thunder 22HH EEEEAlaskan Husky453115
JAS SH's TigerAlaskan Husky132832

Game Time

01:10am on Dec 20

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