Devildance Kennel

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Dogs Bred By Devildance Kennel

LockedAHu ~DDK~ (KEEP)-Scarlet Fever- 24HH. lala. EEEE. 4cha.Black and Tan Coonhound2026
LockedIPnHu MFl ~DDK~ * CHIHUAHUA * , AGILITY x 4 , 1.533x , 24 HH , 4 E , lalaChihuahua3340
LockedAO ~DDK~ 1.368 EEEE Lla Faded Brown/White (Extreme Piebald)Chihuahua1731
LockedFor StudMRO ~DDK~ 1.382 EEEE lala Faded Brown with Red PointsChihuahua3084
LockedJPnHu RABAB 1.467xToy Fox Terrier513
LockedPnH NT 1.560x milaBorder Collie1220
LockedAPnO ~DDK~ 1.572xChihuahua1322
LockedGCO 1.607x JackalopeGerman Shepherd Dog4363
LockedFor StudWCSh CCRO ~DDK~ 13 Rainbow BridgeChihuahua6798
LockedMRO h• 16/3 GEGG 1.547x 1:1English Toy Spaniel2938
Locked~DDK~ 23HH lala 1.365Chihuahua16
Locked~DDK~ 24HH 1.377Chihuahua16
Locked~DDK~ 24HH 1.408Chihuahua16
Locked~DDK~ 24HH 1.428Chihuahua16
Locked~DDK~ 24HH 1.490Chihuahua16
Locked~DDK~ 24HH 1.513Black and Tan Coonhound16
Locked~DDK~ 24HH 1.522Black and Tan Coonhound16
Locked~DDK~ 24HH 1.522Black and Tan Coonhound16
LockedJAM ~DDK~ 24HH 1.533Chihuahua1320
LockedJAM ~DDK~ 24HH 1.542Chihuahua1624
LockedAHu GCFT ~DDK~ 24HH lalaBlack and Tan Coonhound4986
Locked~DDK~ 24HH lala 1.368Chihuahua16
Locked~DDK~ 24HH lala 1.377Chihuahua16
LockedPnR 24HH lala 1.490 agispd chaspdAzawakh Hound1015
LockedPnRO ~DDK~ 24HH lala 1.498Chihuahua1220
LockedAPnFr ~DDK~ 24HH lala 1.502Chihuahua1220
LockedRIO 24HH lala 1.543Borzoi16
Locked~DDK~ 24HH Lla 1.365Chihuahua16
LockedPnM ~DDK~ 24HH Lla EEEEChihuahua1329
LockedExT Kips 520 Red Redemption (1)Redbone Coonhound4060
LockedNFl 580Whippet110
LockedASh ~DDK~ 8/2 EEGG 1.512x 0:2English Toy Spaniel2939
LockedGCRO ~DDK~ A Fragment Of HopeBlack and Tan Coonhound4766
LockedAP Phlox AldoMiniature Pinscher1727
LockedUCT ~DDK~ All Natural Girl 1.513English Toy Spaniel83101
LockedAFl SoJ Already a FoolIrish Wolfhound2429
LockedIPnO ~DDK~ Amber [EEEE 24HH]Chihuahua827
LockedUCFl ~DDK~ American Gem 1.627Chihuahua88101
LockedFor StudMR Amon (***)Ibizan Hound3255
LockedAFl Aspire SheilaShetland Sheepdog2332
LockedUCM ~DDK~ Back to the Wild 1.513English Toy Spaniel84101
LockedUCFl ~DDK~ Best Laid Plans 1.647Chihuahua91106
LockedICO ~DDK~ Big Big Plans 1.645Chihuahua90104
LockedUCRO ~DDK~ Black DiamondsBlack and Tan Coonhound88101
LockedExFr ~DDK~ Black with Rich Tan Points 24Black and Tan Coonhound4063
LockedUCFT ~DDK~ Blank Space 1.607Black and Tan Coonhound86102
LockedUCM ~DDK~ Blind Faith 1.627Chihuahua89101
LockedIPnHu NWAH Blue lala/20HH/3stmBluetick Coonhound917
LockedNCSc RunMo Bob BarkerGiant Schnauzer5981
LockedICO ~DDK~ Brave Romance 1.627Chihuahua89101
LockedUCSh ~DDK~ Breakfast PlansChihuahua83102
LockedExSh ~DDK~ BruiserChihuahua3570
LockedMH ~DDK~ BTS~ AKANE KATOBorder Collie3445
LockedUCFl ~DDK~ Bullet Train 1.630Chihuahua89101
LockedICM ~DDK~ Buy My Own Flowers 1.627Chihuahua85101
LockedUCM ~DDK~ Cadbury 1.568English Toy Spaniel85101
LockedChO ~DDK~ CandyChihuahua3572
LockedWCH ~DDK~ ChaosBorder Collie71100
LockedGCA ~DDK~ ChasmChihuahua4483
LockedExSh ~DDK~ Chi F001 [24/0 lala] [1.450x]Chihuahua3554
LockedWCM ~DDK~ Chi!Chihuahua6798
LockedAA AM ~DDK~ Chihuahua - Gen 1, F3Chihuahua2334
LockedAPnSh ARO ~DDK~ Chihuahua - Gen 1, F6Chihuahua2434
LockedAA PnM ~DDK~ Chihuahua - Gen 1, M2Chihuahua2334
LockedChSc Kraze ChocoGerman Shepherd Dog4578
LockedFor StudMA ~DDK~ ChunkyChihuahua3376
LockedICHu ~DDK~ Class Act 1.563English Toy Spaniel87101
LockedUCSh ~DDK~ Cloud Nine 1.642Black and Tan Coonhound91102
LockedICM ~DDK~ Code Black 1.642Chihuahua91101
LockedJPnHu ~DDK~ Confetti 24HH EEEE lalaChihuahua715
LockedPnW SSX Cowboys and AngelsStandard Poodle825
LockedUCM ~DDK~ Credible Threat 1.580English Toy Spaniel85101
LockedICM ~DDK~ Daddy's Money 1.627Chihuahua93102
LockedMH Daisy (EEEE, 24HH, lala) 1.542xAustralian Shepherd3466
LockedUCRO ~DDK~ Dangerous Currents 3.243Black and Tan Coonhound88102
LockedUCSh ~DDK~ Dark Intentions 1.622Black and Tan Coonhound90102
LockedUCRO ~DDK~ Dark Mystery 3.237Black and Tan Coonhound91102
LockedUCSh ~DDK~ Dark PearlBlack and Tan Coonhound87101
LockedUCRO ~DDK~ Dark Phoenix 1.612Black and Tan Coonhound90101
LockedICRO ~DDK~ Dark Shadows 1.615Black and Tan Coonhound91104
LockedUCRO ~DDK~ Dark Wishes 3.237Black and Tan Coonhound91102
LockedICFl ~DDK~ Day Dreamer 1.632Chihuahua94102
LockedAT DivaRottweiler2752
LockedJPnO ~DDK~ Domino (*24HH/4/Lla*Kk/Ee/Ayasa*)Chihuahua622
LockedFor StudWCHT Dos 24-0 lala 1.583x BOBx2Shiba Inu82110
LockedWCT AHu Durham 21HH/3Hh Ll chaspdx2 8apts 1.563xPlott7896
LockedAO ~DDK~ EEEE 24 HH DaffodilChihuahua2333
LockedASc RCF EEEE | 23HH | lala stmint intintBelgian Malinois2038
LockedEEEE//Lla//24HH//agispd-agistm//1.542Australian Shepherd16
LockedMHu ~DDK~ EEEE|24 HH|1.525XPMChihuahua3449
LockedMA ~DDK~ El Héroe OscuroChihuahua3559
LockedUCHu ~DDK~ Elegant Justice 1.505English Toy Spaniel83101
LockedCCT Em Spot of Tea 23/0 lala 1.577xEnglish Cocker Spaniel6285
LockedMRO ~DDK~ Enchanted Ella 24 HHChihuahua2738
LockedASc MO English Mastiff 1.557English Mastiff3243
LockedUCA ~DDK~ Fabled Glory 1.497English Toy Spaniel79101
LockedFor StudASh ~DDK~ FaunoChihuahua2747
LockedUCRO ~DDK~ Flash (lala cha 24)Black and Tan Coonhound73109
LockedICHu ~DDK~ Footprints In The Woods 1.580English Toy Spaniel87102
LockedNHu ~DDK~ Forever Simple 24HH lala *****Black and Tan Coonhound19
LockedExFl SCRC GalindaIbizan Hound4267
LockedICO ~DDK~ Girl Math 1.630Chihuahua88101
LockedUCRO ~DDK~ Got Your Back 1.642Black and Tan Coonhound91101
LockedJPnA GrinShetland Sheepdog617
LockedWCFl ~DDK~ Gunning for the Gold 23HH lala 1.525xBorder Collie7398
LockedExO ~DDK~ GuterresChihuahua3566
LockedExA ~DDK~ High StakesChihuahua4254
LockedJPnHu Holly 1.548Dalmatian815
LockedUCT ~DDK~ Home Before Dark 1.525English Toy Spaniel80101
LockedUCM ~DDK~ Hope Eternal 1.510English Toy Spaniel84101
LockedJAM ~DDK~ IggyChihuahua1737
LockedAO ~DDK~ Into The NightChihuahua2346
LockedAPnO ~DDK~ It's High Noon 24HH EEEE lala 1.542Chihuahua1225
LockedAND JPnFr mnsz I’m So AddictedGerman Shepherd Dog512
LockedICM ~DDK~ Jelly BeanEnglish Toy Spaniel89101
LockedFor StudWCHu ~DDK~ Joker 1.525x | 24HH | lalaChihuahua83110
LockedMO ~DDK~ Juneau 24HH EEEE lalaChihuahua2871
LockedCCSh ~DDK~ lala 4cha 24HH eeeeChihuahua5881
LockedUCM ~DDK~ Lavender Haze 1.627Chihuahua88101
Locked~DDK~ Lily 24HH 1.385Chihuahua16
LockedChSh LulaPug3652
LockedNFT Luna 1.577Labrador Retriever111
LockedICM ~DDK~ Madame Butterfly 1.572English Toy Spaniel83101
Locked~DDK~ Maggie 24HH 1.445Chihuahua16
LockedNCFl ~DDK~ Making Plans 1.637Chihuahua4759
LockedUCM ~DDK~ Man of Steele 1.642Chihuahua92102
LockedAFT MansonRedbone Coonhound2645
LockedNCSh Maximus [24HH/lala/4str]Pug52107
LockedWCH ~DDK~ MayhemBorder Collie68100
LockedFor StudAE ETL MiniMiniature Schnauzer1963
LockedFor StudJAHu ~DDK~ Mini Me 1.525Chihuahua1836
LockedJAA ~DDK~ MinnieChihuahua1737
LockedUCM ~DDK~ Mystic Angel 1.630Chihuahua88101
LockedAA ~DDK~ Naggat (105)Chihuahua28106
LockedAFT NessieGolden Retriever1627
LockedExSh skyI Nevaeh (24HH EEEE lala 2xINT 2xSTR 1.572x)American White Shepherd3759
LockedUCSh ~DDK~ Night Beat 3.237Black and Tan Coonhound93102
LockedUCRO ~DDK~ Night Creatures 1.622Black and Tan Coonhound90102
LockedUCRO ~DDK~ Night Sins 3.237Black and Tan Coonhound88102
LockedICRO ~DDK~ Night VisionBlack and Tan Coonhound91101
LockedICSh ~DDK~ Nightingale's SongBlack and Tan Coonhound91101
LockedICM ~DDK~ No More Rumors 1.630Chihuahua86101
LockedUCM ~DDK~ No Place Like Home 1.583English Toy Spaniel85100
LockedAM ~DDK~ Nugget (105)Chihuahua28106
LockedCCO ~DDK~ Only Good Plans 1.637Chihuahua4759
LockedUCHu ~DDK~ Onyx Shadows 3.237Black and Tan Coonhound89102
LockedMSh ~DDK~ PaigeChihuahua3362
LockedUCFl ~DDK~ Paint The Town 1.627Chihuahua82101
LockedGCFl ~DDK~ Pencil Me In 1.630Chihuahua4759
LockedPnA MH ALK PennyPembroke Welsh Corgi3469
LockedGCSh PennyBoston Terrier4768
LockedAFl Ll» PeonyBorder Collie2028
LockedExA ChO ~DDK~ Pick Up Sticks 24HH-EEEE agix4 lala 1.502 3/1/17Chihuahua4555
LockedExFl ~DDK~ PP kk EE BB DD slsl aa SS Mm rr tt cchcch gg uu lala agiagi agiagi || 24HH EEEE || Apr 17thShetland Sheepdog4478
LockedIPnFl Puppy 1Border Collie919
LockedAFl ~DDK~ Puppy 1Chihuahua3041
LockedJPnSh APnM Puppy 1Scottish Terrier1320
LockedExHu *MCK* Puppy 1Plott3751
LockedAM ~DDK~ Puppy 10Chihuahua2329
Locked~DDK~ Puppy 3Chihuahua16
LockedNA ~DDK~ Puppy 3Chihuahua134
Locked~DDK~ Puppy 3Chihuahua16
LockedANA ~DDK~ Puppy 4Chihuahua614
Locked~DDK~ Puppy 4Chihuahua16
LockedAPnRO •EPE• Puppy 6 23/0Weimaraner1120
Locked~DDK~ Puppy 7Black and Tan Coonhound17
LockedPnO ~DDK~ Puppy 8Chihuahua1075
LockedPuppy 9Chinese Crested16
LockedAO BHK~ Puppy 9Hovawart1925
Locked~DDK~ Puppy 9Chihuahua16
LockedExA \ † / Pupster 1000Shetland Sheepdog3953
LockedFor StudNCFl ~DDK~ Quick Draw 24HH lala 1.540xBorder Collie5982
LockedFor StudJPnR ~OCK~ Racing ChallengerChart Polski717
LockedICO ~DDK~ Rise And Shine 1.630Chihuahua88101
LockedAPnSh APnO ~DDK~ RoscoChihuahua1327
LockedUCSh ~DDK~ Ruby SkyesBlack and Tan Coonhound86101
LockedNRO RufflesTibetan Spaniel17
Locked~DDK~ Sabrina 24HH 1.365Chihuahua16
LockedUCFl ~DDK~ Sea Day 1.627Chihuahua84101
LockedCCM ~DDK~ Secret Code 1.627Chihuahua4659
LockedUCRO ~DDK~ Shadow Figure 3.237Black and Tan Coonhound88102
LockedNCT TEC ShayleeBloodhound5370
LockedICRO ~DDK~ Shoot for the StarsBlack and Tan Coonhound94101
LockedMM ~DDK~ Shorty (24)Chihuahua2863
LockedUCM ~DDK~ Shoulda Said No 1.583English Toy Spaniel84100
LockedICO ~DDK~ Signed By the Lady 1.633Chihuahua86101
LockedCCO ~DDK~ SilverChihuahua5193
LockedICO ~DDK~ Silver Dreams 1.627Chihuahua91101
LockedUCT ~DDK~ Smoking Hot 1.527English Toy Spaniel86102
LockedUCFl ~DDK~ Some Like It Hot 1.627Chihuahua89101
LockedUCRO ~DDK~ Spilled Ink 3.220Black and Tan Coonhound93102
LockedFor StudPnHu ~DDK~ Spring DayBlack and Tan Coonhound919
LockedAO IPnFr ~DDK~ SpyroChihuahua2252
LockedUCM ~DDK~ Starlight Starbright 1.518English Toy Spaniel80101
LockedUCSh ~DDK~ Starlit Night 3.213Black and Tan Coonhound90102
LockedICM ~DDK~ Steel Magnolia 1.627Chihuahua89101
LockedNFr ~DDK~ Stitches (agi4) 1.525 - 0Chihuahua110
LockedFor StudNCM ~DDK~ Storm BulletsChihuahua57108
LockedUCSh ~DDK~ Storm Clouds 3.220Black and Tan Coonhound88102
LockedWCHu ~DDK~ Stormin in Style 1.497English Toy Spaniel81101
LockedUCRO ~DDK~ Strings Attached 1.622Black and Tan Coonhound89102
LockedUCM ~DDK~ Sugar Ray 1.570English Toy Spaniel87101
LockedIPnH ~DDK~ Summer Of 69Border Collie715
LockedAH Summer Zinnia 24HH lala 3stmBorder Collie2160
LockedAA LUDI SuperflyChihuahua1826
LockedUCM ~DDK~ Talk You Out of It 1.518English Toy Spaniel82101
LockedUCSh ~DDK~ The Bee's Knees 1.572English Toy Spaniel84101
LockedCCM ~DDK~ The Blue Line 1.627Chihuahua4659
LockedJASc JPnP The Day That Never ComesDoberman Pinscher1524
LockedAPnR KUIPR The Great Red SpotSaluki1120
LockedAFl Elk's The Sky's Beneath Our Feet (EGGG 20HH lala)Irish Wolfhound2232
LockedWCHu ~DDK~ Think On It 5.10English Toy Spaniel82101
LockedFor StudIPnHu ~DDK~ TigreChihuahua816
LockedWCT ~DDK~ Time Will Tell 1.525English Toy Spaniel79102
LockedCCM ~DDK~ Times Up 1.630Chihuahua4659
LockedAPnSc SunCK Tournai ( 23HH lala x1.560 )Belgian Malinois1530
LockedAM Tyco high xpmMiniature Pinscher2537
LockedASc VictoryEnglish Mastiff1823
Locked~DDK~ Violet 24HH 1.403Chihuahua16
LockedAT SKIN War Never Changes lala24HH1.502Redbone Coonhound3043
LockedUCFl ~DDK~ Weekend Plans 1.627Chihuahua85101
LockedFor StudCCH ~DDK~ What a Catch!Border Collie61108
LockedAM ~DDK~ Whiskey KingChihuahua2026
LockedMSh ExHu White Shepherd 1.572American White Shepherd3348
LockedGCSc AO Winfire | 21HH lala | 1.552Belgian Malinois5278
LockedAM ~DDK~ x1.565Chihuahua1931
LockedASc NP »PFU« [22HH lala 1.552x] STMint STRint Flow of TimeBelgian Malinois2229
Locked[EEEE] [lala] [1.600x] [24HH] [chacha chacha]Chinese Crested16
LockedJPnSh SunCK {23HH, 1Hh, lala, EEEE} 1.583xTibetan Spaniel714
LockedJPnW {24HH, lala, EEEE} 1.505xGiant Schnauzer613
LockedIPnO ~DDK~ {24HH, lala, EEEE} 1.553xChihuahua1016
LockedWCM ~DDK~ ~*Carousel Fourteen Karat Limits*~Cri/Csab,T-24Chihuahua7298
WCSh NO MiMi "Mason"Pug752141
ExSh WCO ~DDK~ (lala 24HH) DobbyChihuahua611838
ExSh WCO ~DDK~ (lala 24HH) FluffyChihuahua661837
WCA ~DDK~ 1.382 EEEE Lla Faded Brown/White (Extreme Piebald)Chihuahua712810
AP 1.54 Running A GambleGerman Shepherd Dog222417
AH ~DDK~ 1.580 Blue lala 4STMBorder Collie332145
APnO ~DDK~ 24HHChihuahua143171
PnSh 24HH EEEE lala 4xchaPapillon91993
WCRO ~DDK~ 24HH Chax4 1.513xBlack and Tan Coonhound68919
MHu AM ~DDK~ 24HH EEEE cha2/1 lalaChihuahua302396
IMRO NRO AA ~DDK~ 24HH GlennChihuahua352951
MM ~DDK~ 24HH lala - RalfieChihuahua44733
WCSh ~DDK~ 24HH lala 3cha 1.530 12.4Chihuahua751788
WCFr 24HH lala 3xchaGolden Retriever621298
WCSh 24HH lala 4xchaBull Terrier721290
CCSh 24HH lala 4xchaAmerican Pit Bull Terrier581251
MM ~DDK~ 24HH Lla EEEEChihuahua303454
UCO ~DDK~ A Blazing Kiss 1.580Chihuahua832793
WCT ~DDK~ A Brand New Day 1.507English Toy Spaniel792094
UCFl ~DDK~ A Crown Awaits 1.580Chihuahua832898
ICHu ~DDK~ A Kiss for Luck 1.583Chihuahua852677
UCO ~DDK~ A Little Respect 1.592Chihuahua862259
WCM ~DDK~ A Nutter OneChihuahua693522
UCO ~DDK~ A Pinch of Salt 1.577Chihuahua852320
UCFl ~DDK~ A Silent Star 1.580Chihuahua861981
ICO ~DDK~ A Sweet DelightChihuahua85676
UCS Lupum A. Circumflexa Humeri CaudalisAlaskan Husky772272
CCH ~DDK~ Aba (***)Border Collie641598
UCFl ~DDK~ Able Promise 1.595Chihuahua861449
WCO ~DDK~ Absolute GraceChihuahua753294
WCO ~DDK~ Absolute IndigoChihuahua733367
UCFr ~DDK~ Absolutely DiscreetChihuahua803143
WCSh ARWK Acapella's Dorothy (EEEE, 24HH, lala)Bull Terrier671609
CCHu ~DDK~ Aces N Eights lala EEEE 24HHBlack and Tan Coonhound582474
NCM KLSK Aces N Eights lala EEEE 24HHDalmatian582298
CCFr Aces N Eights lala EEEE 24HHLabrador Retriever602427
UCFl ~DDK~ Acting Proper 1.607Chihuahua861054
WCFr AdinaGreyhound712364
WCM ~DDK~ Afternoon TrystChihuahua803102
ICO ~DDK~ Air Patrole 1.583Chihuahua862592
UCM ~DDK~ All Dolled Up 1.612Chihuahua861855
SCO ~DDK~ All Gonna Be Ok 1.627Chihuahua93397
WCFl ~DDK~ All Kinds of Trouble 1.572Chihuahua831449
ICO ~DDK~ All That Glitters 1.592Chihuahua872596
ICO ~DDK~ All That Glitters 1.603Chihuahua861724
UCHu ~DDK~ All the King's Men 1.577Chihuahua852211
ICFl ~DDK~ All the Pretty Flowers 1.575Chihuahua852010
WCO ~DDK~ Almost a LadyChihuahua713565
UCM ~DDK~ Alphabet Soup 1.615Chihuahua871855
UCFl ~DDK~ Always Sunny 1.615Chihuahua851725
WCO ~DDK~ Amazing GraceChihuahua693398
WCO ~DDK~ American HoneyChihuahua733457
ICH ~DDK~ American Honey 1.588Border Collie862673
WCFr ~DDK~ American RoyalityChihuahua703364
WCO ~DDK~ And He's OffChihuahua743382
CCO ~DDK~ AnnieChihuahua502842
UCFl ~DDK~ Anywhere But Here 1.612Chihuahua871757
WCFl 789 AphrodisiacBorder Collie812403
ICO ~DDK~ Approaching Twilight 1.612Chihuahua841426
APnM ~DDK~ As I Lay DyingChihuahua142487
WCSh ~DDK~ Ask Me AgainChihuahua703488
ICM ~DDK~ Ask No More 1.615Chihuahua871773
MFl AustinBorder Collie322429
WCRO ~DDK~ Ayyo Wazzup 1.603xBlack and Tan Coonhound721377
WCSh ~DDK~ Back to BlackChihuahua813127
ICHu ~DDK~ Bad Reputation 1.572Chihuahua842482
WCFl ~DDK~ Bad RomanceChihuahua713398
WCHu ~DDK~ Bae is Back 1.465English Toy Spaniel822214
UCO ~DDK~ Battle Of Wills 1.568Chihuahua852805
UCFl ~DDK~ Be My Guest 1.588Chihuahua852175
PnSh ~DDK~ Be With MeChihuahua113007
WCO ~DDK~ Beach BumChihuahua753340
UCM ~DDK~ Beautiful Madness 1.583Chihuahua812697
UCRO ~DDK~ Before the Dawn 1.592Black and Tan Coonhound872192
WCO ~DDK~ BellChihuahua733215
WCO ~DDK~ Belle of the BallChihuahua753343
ICO ~DDK~ Best Kept Secret 1.603Chihuahua88502
ICFl ~DDK~ Best Laid Plans 1.632Chihuahua93672
WCHu KSKG BevvyBichon Frise69306
UCO ~DDK~ Beyond Reach 1.572Chihuahua842474
ICM ~DDK~ Big Confessions 1.632Chihuahua90672
UCFl ~DDK~ Big Dreams 1.635Chihuahua92608
UCFl ~DDK~ Big Little Lies 1.583Chihuahua842596
ICFl ~DDK~ Big Spender 1.632Chihuahua90474
WCM ~DDK~ Bit O' Honey 1.423English Toy Spaniel782143
WCO ~DDK~ BjornChihuahua582744
CCP RooCt Black BettyLabrador Retriever631830
UCSh ~DDK~ Black Diamond 1.595Black and Tan Coonhound862401
UCO ~DDK~ Black Market Exchange 3.237Chihuahua901229
WCFT ~DDK~ Black PearlBlack and Tan Coonhound683412
UCSh ~DDK~ Black Sapphire 1.588Black and Tan Coonhound861811
UCSh ~DDK~ Black Swan 1.592Black and Tan Coonhound872296
UCSh ~DDK~ Black Swan 1.612Black and Tan Coonhound921730
WCO ~DDK~ Black Tie AffairChihuahua733477
UCSh ~DDK~ Black Velvet 1.588Black and Tan Coonhound862192
UCSh ~DDK~ Black Widow 1.588Black and Tan Coonhound851811
WCFT ~DDK~ Blackberry WineBlack and Tan Coonhound663322
UCRO ~DDK~ Blackened Jade 1.595Black and Tan Coonhound852296
UCFr ~DDK~ Blackhawk DownChihuahua853015
UCO ~DDK~ Blue Ain't Your Color 1.563Chihuahua842385
WCO ~DDK~ Blue BelleChihuahua723422
WCRO ~DDK~ Blue By YouChihuahua773272
WCM ~DDK~ Blue CheeseChihuahua733344
MSc Blue Honour (24HH, lala, Bb, dd, agi x4)German Shepherd Dog342315
WCA ~DDK~ Blue IvyChihuahua703556
WCA ~DDK~ Blue Jean BabyChihuahua733435
ICM ~DDK~ Blue Jean BabyChihuahua87676
WCFl ~DDK~ Blue LagoonChihuahua783125
UCFl ~DDK~ Blue Light SpecialChihuahua832980
WCM ~DDK~ Blue ManChihuahua763323
WCA ~DDK~ Blue MoonChihuahua753446
WCFl ~DDK~ Blue OverChihuahua773233
ICO ~DDK~ Blue Over You 1.572Chihuahua92672
WCM ~DDK~ Blue RoseChihuahua763251
WCA ~DDK~ Blue SmokeChihuahua743254
WCFr ~DDK~ Blue SteelChihuahua763233
UCO ~DDK~ Blue StreakChihuahua783233
WCA ~DDK~ Blue Suede ShoesChihuahua793230
UCO ~DDK~ Boarder Patrole 1.600Chihuahua852433
WCHu ~DDK~ BOBx1 12/0 EEEE 1.527xEnglish Toy Spaniel69323
WCO h• BOBx11 24/0 EEEE 1.427xYorkshire Terrier752407
WCA h• BOBx5 22/0 EEEE 1.427xYorkshire Terrier74193
UCO ~DDK~ Bonjour AmourChihuahua852878
ICM ~DDK~ Bonus Money 1.618Chihuahua88502
WCO ~DDK~ Boogie NightsChihuahua733355
MR LVL^ Boris EEEE 24HH LLBorzoi332362
WCO ~DDK~ Born to be WildChihuahua723376
ICO ~DDK~ Born to Love You 1.600Chihuahua841449
ICO ~DDK~ Breaking News 1.583Chihuahua862223
UCM ~DDK~ Breaking News 1.583Chihuahua861981
ICM ~DDK~ Brilliant Illusion 1.612Chihuahua851757
WCM ~DDK~ Broken Wings 1.592Chihuahua862259
ExRO ~DDK~ BrownieChihuahua351081
ICO ~DDK~ Brushed By Luck 1.638Chihuahua91608
UCFl ~DDK~ Bullet Proof 1.568Chihuahua862893
ICRO ~DDK~ Bump In The Night 1.627Black and Tan Coonhound911433
WCA ~DDK~ Buster BrownChihuahua723381
ICFl ~DDK~ By the Willow Bend 1.645Chihuahua911441
CCHu ByawnStandard Poodle651017
ICSh ~DDK~ Cake by the Ocean 1.583Chihuahua862772
ICO ~DDK~ Call Me Classy 1.612Chihuahua881757
UCFl ~DDK~ Calm Breezes 1.580Chihuahua851449
UCM ~DDK~ Candy CascadeChihuahua85676
WCM ~DDK~ Candy CrushChihuahua693203
UCFl ~DDK~ Candy Girl 1.603Chihuahua871229
ICO ~DDK~ Candy Money 1.607Chihuahua89502
CCSc KSKG CardboardGerman Shepherd Dog651737
WCFl ~DDK~ Cardinal Points 1.588Chihuahua852175
ICO ~DDK~ Cash Me Out 1.568Chihuahua852889
IPnRO NRO IPnSh ~DDK~ CassiusChihuahua112884
UCHu ~DDK~ Catch The Rainbow 1.505English Toy Spaniel841946
WCSh ~DDK~ Cats Don't DanceChihuahua753322
UCFl ~DDK~ Celebrity Status 1.565Chihuahua852834
~DDK~ CelestiaChihuahua12980
MHu Chaha Winter ChiefPapillon322278
ICO ~DDK~ Champagne Desires 1.612Chihuahua861757
UCM ~DDK~ Chasing Rainbows 1.583Chihuahua832596
ICSh ~DDK~ Cherished Assets 1.583Chihuahua872677
UCM ~DDK~ Cherry Lane 1.602Chihuahua871909
UCO ~DDK~ Chips AhoyChihuahua823086
NCM ~DDK~ Choccy MilkChihuahua58379
WCM ~DDK~ Chocolate ConfectionChihuahua803081
UCFr ~DDK~ Chocolate MochaChihuahua853000
JPnFT Cindy 24HH LLDachshund52238
WCM ~DDK~ Circus Of SecretsChihuahua863008
WCD Clashing ColorsAlaskan Husky652310
WCM ~DDK~ CliffhangerChihuahua683440
WCFr ~DDK~ Cloud NineChihuahua743259
UCM ~DDK~ Cluster of Stars 1.603Chihuahua871229
UCA ~DDK~ Coastal Thunderstorm 1.423Chihuahua741673
ICO ~DDK~ Coco SwirlChihuahua842906
WCFr Cocoa PuffIrish Setter752508
ICM ~DDK~ Code Blue 1.642Chihuahua91397
WCFl ~DDK~ Coffee and CreamChihuahua733416
WCM ~DDK~ Coffee BeanChihuahua803076
UCFl ~DDK~ Coffee Bean 1.580Chihuahua861448
WCHu ~DDK~ Colors of the Rainbow 1.493English Toy Spaniel832095
WCFl ~DDK~ Connect the DotsChihuahua743329
WCHu ~DDK~ Connie 24/0 4xchaBlack and Tan Coonhound762655
WCO ~DDK~ Contessa CeruleanChihuahua753435
UCO ~DDK~ Contrary Motion Chihuahua842878
WCM .EPK Cora EEEECane Corso692140
ICM ~DDK~ Cost Of The CrownChihuahua87676
WCFl ~DDK~ Courting Trouble 1.572Chihuahua831711
UCSh ~DDK~ Creme BruleeChihuahua793487
UCSh ~DDK~ Criminal Intent 1.587Chihuahua862780
PnHu ~DDK~ CryBlack and Tan Coonhound102730
UCM ~DDK~ Cry Pretty 1.583Chihuahua832385
UCM ~DDK~ Daddy's Paycheck 1.592Chihuahua852729
WCFl ~DDK~ Daddy’s Money 1.465English Toy Spaniel772088
ICM ~DDK~ Daisy Chains 1.577Chihuahua852360
NCSc HET DakotaGerman Shepherd Dog62326
WCM ~DDK~ Dancing in the DarkChihuahua733366
UCSh ~DDK~ Dancing in the Dark 1.612Black and Tan Coonhound881811
ICSh ~DDK~ Dandy Lion 1.583Chihuahua862446
UCFl ~DDK~ Dangerous Embrace 1.580Chihuahua861450
UCFl ~DDK~ Dangerous Truths 1.603Chihuahua871785
WCFr ~DDK~ Dark CurrentsChihuahua683543
UCRO ~DDK~ Dark Disaster 1.635Black and Tan Coonhound871433
WCSh ~DDK~ Dark DreamsBlack and Tan Coonhound683350
WCRO ~DDK~ Dark FlowerBlack and Tan Coonhound793126
UCRO ~DDK~ Dark Horizons 1.603Black and Tan Coonhound862005
UCRO ~DDK~ Dark Jewel 1.595Black and Tan Coonhound872401
WCO ~DDK~ Dark KnightChihuahua773187
WCRO ~DDK~ Dark MagicBlack and Tan Coonhound733134
UCRO ~DDK~ Dark Matters 1.603Black and Tan Coonhound881811
UCHu ~DDK~ Dark Moon Rising 1.592Chihuahua862005
UCM ~DDK~ Dark N Stormy 1.602Chihuahua851909
ICM ~DDK~ Dark Pebbles 1.612Chihuahua871773
ICRO ~DDK~ Dark Ripples 1.612Black and Tan Coonhound931730
ICRO ~DDK~ Dark Secrets 1.595Black and Tan Coonhound912192
UCRO ~DDK~ Dark VentureBlack and Tan Coonhound803087
ICRO ~DDK~ Dark Visions 1.615Black and Tan Coonhound951730
ICRO ~DDK~ Dark Whispers 1.612Black and Tan Coonhound911730
UCO ~DDK~ Darkest MinuteChihuahua852878
UCRO ~DDK~ Darkest Minute 1.603Black and Tan Coonhound891811
WCSh ~DDK~ Darkest Star 1.592Black and Tan Coonhound842296
ICO ~DDK~ Day Trade 1.607Chihuahua88596
ICM ~DDK~ Daybreak on Wallstreet 1.607Chihuahua88502
UCO ~DDK~ Days Go ByChihuahua803213
WCM ~DDK~ Deja BlueChihuahua723465
WCSc DemiHovawart822245
UCRO ~DDK~ Deny EverythingBlack and Tan Coonhound803023
ICFl ~DDK~ Desert VixenChihuahua862935
ICO ~DDK~ Devil On Deck 1.565Chihuahua862935
UCM ~DDK~ Diamonds N Pearls 1.607Chihuahua87676
UCM ~DDK~ Dirty Money 1.613Chihuahua90507
ICO ~DDK~ Distress Signal 1.603Chihuahua871785
UCRO ~DDK~ Disturbed BelleBlack and Tan Coonhound813113
ICHu ~DDK~ Don't Blame Me 1.592Chihuahua862576
ICO ~DDK~ Dot Com 1.583Chihuahua871981
WCM ~DDK~ Double O SevenChihuahua743404
WCSh ~DDK~ Double or NothingChihuahua763385
WCFl ~DDK~ Double Shot ExpressoChihuahua733314
WCRO ~DDK~ Double StuffedChihuahua733403
UCFT ~DDK~ Doubleberry CobblerBlack and Tan Coonhound723221
UCM ~DDK~ Down the Rabbit Hole 1.547English Toy Spaniel851993
UCO ~DDK~ Down the Rabbit Hole 1.600Chihuahua832584
UCFl ~DDK~ Dream On 1.572Chihuahua852802
UCFl ~DDK~ Dressed To ImpressChihuahua862878
UCM ~DDK~ Drinking Tonight 1.607Chihuahua88503
ICO ~DDK~ Drop Me A Line 1.583Chihuahua842854
ICO ~DDK~ Drummer BoyChihuahua862958
WCFl ~DDK~ Duke of WellingtonChihuahua703469
WCSh ~DDK~ Dynamic AffairChihuahua783250
WCRO EarnestIrish Setter782529
WCFl ~DDK~ Eat My DustChihuahua753263
WCFr ~DDK~ Echo in TimeChihuahua733329
UCFl ~DDK~ Echos Of Blue 1.583Chihuahua852772
UCFl ~DDK~ Echos of Me 1.583Chihuahua861450
WCO ~DDK~ Edge of EdenChihuahua703489
WCFr ~DDK~ Édith EX lala ChocolateChihuahua683040
AHT EEEE AmberGreat Dane162097
WCT ~DDK~ EirynBorder Collie742563
WCA ~DDK~ EllalujahChihuahua773314
ICSh ~DDK~ Enchanted Mesiah 1.588Chihuahua862772
WCFl ~DDK~ Every Secret ThingChihuahua713483
UCSh ~DDK~ Everybody Lies 1.595Chihuahua872683
ICFl ~DDK~ Evvie Oddly 1.603Chihuahua92874
WCH Lupum Excellent Choice All Hell Breaks LooseBorder Collie702265
ICM ~DDK~ Exchange Rate 1.618Chihuahua921054
ICSh ~DDK~ Eye of the Tiger 1.583Chihuahua872625
UCFl ~DDK~ Eyes Royally Cute 1.612Chihuahua841426
WCO ~DDK~ Eyes Wide ShutChihuahua703524
ChFr ~DDK~ Faded Isabella with Cream Points 24HH lala EEEEChihuahua413450
UCFl ~DDK~ Falling Hard 1.612Chihuahua86676
ICM ~DDK~ Far from Home 1.595Chihuahua921990
AH FBC5 Mm cecwBorder Collie192545
ICT ~DDK~ Fire Betty 1.598Border Collie902729
UCFl ~DDK~ Fire Dancer 1.585Chihuahua872107
ICO ~DDK~ Firefly Nights 1.607Chihuahua842010
WCA ~DDK~ First EditionChihuahua733463
WCSh ~DDK~ First ImpulseChihuahua833143
UCFl ~DDK~ Fit to a Tee 1.642Border Collie892531
UCO ~DDK~ Fleet GoddessChihuahua843170
WCFl ~DDK~ Fleeting Rumors 1.588Chihuahua852153
UCFl ~DDK~ Fly by Knight 1.572Chihuahua822802
WCO NO IPnA ~DDK~ Fly Like The Wind (Obedience)Chihuahua653576
WCM ~DDK~ Fly to the MoonChihuahua773253
UCO ~DDK~ Flying HighChihuahua833103
UCO ~DDK~ Follow the Stars 1.583Chihuahua852576
UCFl ~DDK~ Forever Dreamer 1.647Chihuahua90608
WCSh ~DDK~ Fourteen KaratChihuahua713412
WCM ~DDK~ Frankly My Dear 1.595Chihuahua862010
WCO ~DDK~ Free BirdChihuahua783272
UCO ~DDK~ Free Bird 1.588Chihuahua852113
ICRO ~DDK~ From the Ashes 1.632Black and Tan Coonhound921433
WCFr ~DDK~ Gaile ForceChihuahua753331
ExO ~DDK~ GastonChihuahua38597
UCO ~DDK~ Georgia Moon 1.572Chihuahua842320
UCFl ~DDK~ Getaway Car 1.607Chihuahua831450
WCFr ~DDK~ Ghost PepperChihuahua733438
WCO ~DDK~ Ghost StoryChihuahua743338
UCFr ~DDK~ Gilded LilyChihuahua813193
ICO ~DDK~ Gilded Rose 1.615Chihuahua911054
WCM ~DDK~ Gin and TonicChihuahua832903
NCA ~DDK~ GingerChihuahua462819
ICM ~DDK~ Girl Code 1.630Chihuahua84441
UCM ~DDK~ Girl Friday 1.583Chihuahua871988
UCFl ~DDK~ Glacier Lake 1.592Chihuahua862153
ICFl ~DDK~ Glamour Girl 1.607Chihuahua88503
WCFl ~DDK~ Glitter GirlChihuahua733386
UCT ~DDK~ Going Solo 1.378English Toy Spaniel792143
UCFl ~DDK~ Going, Going, Gone 1.602Chihuahua861877
UCM ~DDK~ Going, Going, Gone 1.627Chihuahua91672
UCO ~DDK~ Gold MineChihuahua833102
ICO ~DDK~ Golden Rose 3.220Chihuahua891229
WCA ~DDK~ Golden TicketChihuahua673525
WCM ~DDK~ Gone GirlChihuahua713510
UCFl ~DDK~ Gone Girl 1.640Chihuahua91608
WCFl ~DDK~ Gone with the WindChihuahua763372
UCO ~DDK~ Good Luck Charm 1.575Chihuahua842360
WCM ~DDK~ Goodnight KissChihuahua733464
WCRO ~DDK~ Gossip GirlChihuahua733378
WCO ~DDK~ GrapeChihuahua692898
CCR GrapeFruitGreyhound651722
UCO ~DDK~ Greek StarlightChihuahua843057
UCH ~DDK~ Gun Runner 1.638Border Collie892627
ICM ~DDK~ Gunpowder and Lead 1.598Chihuahua861450
UCO ~DDK~ Gypsy Flair 1.597Chihuahua862153
UCFl ~DDK~ Half Pence 1.592Chihuahua861855
WCFl ~DDK~ Halfway to Nowhere 1.612Chihuahua841425
UCM ~DDK~ Happy Harmony 1.588Chihuahua842113
ICM ~DDK~ Harvest Goddess 1.608Chihuahua872010
ICO ~DDK~ Hazarous Memory 1.612Chihuahua851773
WCFr ~DDK~ Head Over HeelsChihuahua723323
WCH Heart RacerPembroke Welsh Corgi792366
ICO ~DDK~ Hearts Like Mine 1.623Chihuahua92874
UCFr ~DDK~ Heat of the NightChihuahua853005
UCHu ~DDK~ Heaven Sent 1.423English Toy Spaniel802143
WCM NA ~DDK~ High CardChihuahua723549
ICO ~DDK~ Higher Love 1.603Chihuahua861724
UCSh ~DDK~ Highland Rose 1.597Chihuahua872153
UCO ~DDK~ Highspeed Chase 1.583Chihuahua862526
WCSh ~DDK~ HiHo SilverChihuahua783187
IPnFl ~DDK~ hipsterChihuahua92898
ICM ~DDK~ Hold My Crown 1.583Chihuahua852107
UCA ~DDK~ Hollywood and Vine 1.618Shetland Sheepdog882563
WCSh ~DDK~ Honey Boo BooChihuahua692874
UCO ~DDK~ Honey Duchess 1.592Chihuahua862153
ICO ~DDK~ Hooked on Onyx 1.583Chihuahua891981
WCFl ~DDK~ Hop AlongChihuahua723344
WCFl ~DDK~ Hot Fudge SundaeChihuahua733419
UCO ~DDK~ Hot Tamale Train 1.577Chihuahua852280
UCSh ~DDK~ Hot Toddy 1.580Chihuahua862330
ICM ~DDK~ Hugs and Kisses 1.603Chihuahua871785
WCM ~DDK~ Hunter's MoonChihuahua803076
WCRO ~DDK~ I Bode U SoChihuahua713344
WCM ~DDK~ I Don't Kiss and TellChihuahua703570
UCFl ~DDK~ I'm A ChocoholicChihuahua863057
UCSh ~DDK~ I'm A Diva 1.592Chihuahua871877
WCSh ~DDK~ I'm a Little TeapotChihuahua683415
WCM ~DDK~ I'm All InChihuahua733422
WCFl ~DDK~ I've Seen It AllChihuahua713451
WCFl ~DDK~ Ice to an EskimoChihuahua823182
UCFl ~DDK~ Idle Hands 1.615Chihuahua89502
ICFl ~DDK~ Idle Magic 1.580Chihuahua872818
ICO ~DDK~ Idle TalkChihuahua852898
WCHu ~DDK~ Imagine That 1.422English Toy Spaniel792214
ICO ~DDK~ Imperial Falcon 1.583Chihuahua852833
UCO ~DDK~ Impluse ControlChihuahua833006
WCM ~DDK~ In It To Win ItChihuahua713548
WCM ~DDK~ In the Nick of TimeChihuahua663595
ICSh ~DDK~ In the Shadows 1.627Black and Tan Coonhound891433
ChO ~DDK~ In This TogetherChihuahua512397
UCM ~DDK~ Independence Day 1.575Chihuahua832010
UCO ~DDK~ Indian Violet 1.597Chihuahua862153
WCFr ~DDK~ Indigo SparklesChihuahua733283
WCFl ~DDK~ Into the Fold 1.610Chihuahua86677
UCO ~DDK~ Into the Light 1.603Chihuahua861877
UCO ~DDK~ Into The Woods 1.592Chihuahua862117
GCA ~DDK~ IonaChihuahua542945
CCHu Kraze IowaDalmatian552064
WCFr ~DDK~ It's All a FairytaleChihuahua723430
WCO ~DDK~ It's Stormin' OutsideChihuahua743331
WCFl ~DDK~ Ivy League 1.588Chihuahua852107
CCSh ~DDK~ Ivy League LadyChihuahua553667
UCFl ~DDK~ Jack of Hearts 1.592Chihuahua862776
UCO ~DDK~ Jazz Man 1.580Chihuahua842888
JPnA ~DDK~ Jessica || 24HH Lla 4xagi || (EEEE)Chihuahua73274
WCA ~DDK~ Jet BlueChihuahua743364
ICFl ~DDK~ Jettin To VegasChihuahua822898
WCFl ~DDK~ Jeweled Sunset 1.595Chihuahua852107
WCFl ~DDK~ Jinx Me Now 1.597Chihuahua862153
WCM ~DDK~ Joyful NoiseChihuahua723294
UCO ~DDK~ Just A Dream 1.592Chihuahua852175
UCM ~DDK~ Just a Lil Bit 1.607Chihuahua88503
WCO ~DDK~ Just Blue InChihuahua733471
UCO ~DDK~ Just DreamsChihuahua833081
UCM ~DDK~ Just Keep Swimming 1.612Chihuahua881855
UCFl ~DDK~ Just the Ticket 1.580Chihuahua852494
WCFl ~DDK~ Justa Swingin'Chihuahua713477
ANHT Q&HRK KaneEnglish Cocker Spaniel51541
UCFl ~DDK~ Keep My Secret 1.595Chihuahua852153
UCO ~DDK~ King of Fire 1.577Chihuahua842474
ICO ~DDK~ King of My Heart 1.583Chihuahua882238
WCT ~DDK~ Kiss My Assets 1.440English Toy Spaniel782214
UCM ~DDK~ Kiss My Grits 1.635Chihuahua90608
WCO ~DDK~ Kiss of DarknessChihuahua733476
UCO ~DDK~ Kodak Moment 1.588Chihuahua852219
ICM ~DDK~ Kryptonite 1.638Chihuahua95498
ICO ~DDK~ La Candela 1.603Chihuahua861877
UCO ~DDK~ Lady At SeaChihuahua843081
WCA ~DDK~ Lady IndigoChihuahua743459
WCM ~DDK~ Lady LexusChihuahua673571
ICRO ~DDK~ Lady of Darkness 1.632Black and Tan Coonhound921433
UCRO ~DDK~ Lady of Flame 1.505English Toy Spaniel812092
WCFr ~DDK~ Lady SkyChihuahua763253
WCA ~DDK~ Lady SteelChihuahua753354
ExM ~DDK~ lala 22HH EEEE FearChihuahua392405
WCO ~DDK~ Lapis LaceChihuahua733447
GCA ~DDK~ LarniChihuahua532951
WCM ~DDK~ Last DanceChihuahua793213
ICHu ~DDK~ Last First Kiss 1.618Chihuahua89503
ChO ~DDK~ Last Twilight 24HH EEEE lalaChihuahua412821
ICHu ~DDK~ Late Arrival 1.572Black and Tan Coonhound862723
UCM ~DDK~ Lazy Days 1.603Chihuahua842010
ICM ~DDK~ Lean On Me 1.600Chihuahua881441
UCFl ~DDK~ Leap of Faith 1.635Chihuahua87473
JAHu LeeBoston Terrier152368
NCO ~DDK~ LeshokoChihuahua552940
ICM ~DDK~ Lessons in Heartbreak 1.588Chihuahua872107
UCM ~DDK~ Let It Snow 1.603Chihuahua872010
NCR LeticiaSaluki552410
WCSh ~DDK~ Liberty RoseChihuahua753363
WCFl ~DDK~ Liberty's SecretChihuahua813081
WCFl ~DDK~ Lickety SplitChihuahua793218
UCFl ~DDK~ Lie To Me 1.623Chihuahua85677
UCFl ~DDK~ Life on Easy Street 1.600Chihuahua871724
WCA ~DDK~ Light My FuseChihuahua723471
UCFl ~DDK~ Light the NightChihuahua823005
UCA ~DDK~ Lights, Camera, Action 1.642Miniature Schnauzer902292
ICO ~DDK~ Like A Diamond 1.607Chihuahua89503
UCFl ~DDK~ Like A Rockstar 1.583Chihuahua851981
UCRO ~DDK~ Little Black Book 1.603Black and Tan Coonhound851811
WCFr ~DDK~ Little LadyChihuahua733551
UCRO ~DDK~ Little Red Corvette 1.422English Toy Spaniel802214
UCM ~DDK~ Little Toy Guns 1.575Chihuahua822905
WCSh ~DDK~ Little White Lies 1.595Black and Tan Coonhound852192
WCA ~DDK~ Living to the MaxChihuahua753343
UCSh ~DDK~ Lone Star 1.583Chihuahua862273
UCM ~DDK~ Long Hot Summer 1.603Chihuahua85677
UCFl ~DDK~ Long Way Home 1.638Chihuahua90473
UCA ~DDK~ Look Twice 1.580Chihuahua862854
UCFl ~DDK~ Lord Of Illusion 1.580Chihuahua842854
WCM ~DDK~ Lottery TicketChihuahua703465
NCA Kraze LouiseDalmatian572069
ICFl ~DDK~ Love Is In the Air 1.608Chihuahua872010
UCM ~DDK~ Love Lessons 1.505English Toy Spaniel822092
ICHu ~DDK~ Love Made Me Crazy 1.583Chihuahua842473
WCH ~DDK~ Loving The Shade Of Blue at SurefireBorder Collie782627
WCFl ~DDK~ Luck Of The Irish 1.588Chihuahua832153
WCA ~DDK~ Lunar EclipseChihuahua823213
UCSh ~DDK~ Machine Maid 1.635Chihuahua87473
UCFl ~DDK~ Madame de PompadourChihuahua833081
UCFl ~DDK~ Madame Fox 1.603Chihuahua86677
WCFl ~DDK~ Made Ya Look 1.592Chihuahua852175
WCFl ~DDK~ Mademoiselle BluChihuahua713459
UCFl ~DDK~ Madison Social 1.580Chihuahua861450
APnSh ExO ~DDK~ MaggieChihuahua392321
ICO ~DDK~ Magic Moment 1.612Chihuahua891855
ICO ~DDK~ Mahogany Heights 1.588Chihuahua852793
ICO ~DDK~ Maid of Honor 1.583Chihuahua842697
WCM ~DDK~ Major Distraction 1.600Chihuahua852114
UCO ~DDK~ Make Me A Miracle 1.588Chihuahua862259
WCA ~DDK~ Man of SteelChihuahua723459
ICSh ~DDK~ Master Disaster 1.583Chihuahua862581
WCA ~DDK~ Master The TideChihuahua803057
MRO ~DDK~ Maximum DelightChihuahua273482
NCSh ~DDK~ MayaChihuahua523481
WCA ~DDK~ Me, Myself and IChihuahua653577
WCM Lupum MediastinumDalmatian712455
ICM ~DDK~ Mercy On MeChihuahua93874
WCM ~DDK~ Mexican Honey 1.600Chihuahua842259
ICO ~DDK~ Mexican Honey 1.580Chihuahua882793
WCFr ~DDK~ Midnight ExpressChihuahua743272
UCO ~DDK~ Midnight JewelChihuahua813057
UCFr ~DDK~ Midnight MasqueradeChihuahua743372
WCO ~DDK~ Midnight MasterpieceChihuahua783268
ICHu ~DDK~ Midnight Mistique 1.600Black and Tan Coonhound872700
UCFT ~DDK~ Midnight OilBlack and Tan Coonhound823008
UCSh ~DDK~ Midnight Review 1.565Chihuahua872888
WCRO ~DDK~ Midnight RoseBlack and Tan Coonhound683506
ICHu ~DDK~ Midnight Sonata 1.588Black and Tan Coonhound872818
UCO ~DDK~ Midnight StarChihuahua843170
UCO ~DDK~ Midnight Sun 1.583Chihuahua852113
ChSh WCM ~DDK~ Midnight Thunder 1.542Chihuahua691606
WCM ~DDK~ Mile High 1.473English Toy Spaniel801996
WCM ~DDK~ Milk's Favourite Cookie 1.577Chihuahua832793
WCA ~DDK~ Milky WayChihuahua733340
ICO ~DDK~ Mind That Bird 1.615Chihuahua88502
UCFr ~DDK~ Mine My HeartChihuahua853017
WCA ~DDK~ Mink You MineChihuahua763328
UCFl ~DDK~ Mischief in Motion 1.633Chihuahua90473
WCRO ~DDK~ Miss BehavingChihuahua773283
WCFr ~DDK~ Miss BlueChihuahua753343
UCFl ~DDK~ Miss Dark Secret 1.542Border Collie862774
UCFl ~DDK~ Mission Impossible 1.595Chihuahua882154
UCT ~DDK~ Mister Blue Skye 1.595Border Collie882569
WCO ~DDK~ MoeChihuahua733215
WCSc KSKG MokrowDoberman Pinscher701709
ICHu ~DDK~ Moments In The Dark  1.588Black and Tan Coonhound902704
ICM ~DDK~ Monet Exchange 1.623Chihuahua92874
ICO ~DDK~ Money Talks 1.627Chihuahua91672
UCM ~DDK~ Monsoon Season 1.607Chihuahua91673
WCSh ~DDK~ Monte CarloChihuahua703488
ICHu ~DDK~ Moonlight Review 1.607Black and Tan Coonhound872501
ICHu ~DDK~ Moonlight WhispersChihuahua882883
WCM ~DDK~ Moonlit MemoriesChihuahua813218
UCO ~DDK~ Moonshine and RosesChihuahua843000
WCFr ~DDK~ Morning MystChihuahua743360
WCA ~DDK~ Mother of Titans 1.505English Toy Spaniel812092
JAA ~DDK~ Motionless In WhiteChihuahua182495
UCM ~DDK~ Moves Like Jaggaer 1.592Chihuahua872088
WCA ~DDK~ Movin' on UpChihuahua733527
ICFl ~DDK~ Mystic Arrow 1.572Chihuahua822902
WCFr ~DDK~ Myth MakerChihuahua773227
UCM ~DDK~ Myth of the LillyChihuahua832898
WCT KSKG NalkuBloodhound721422
WCM ~DDK~ Natural Perfection 1.440English Toy Spaniel792214
UCSh ~DDK~ Need to KnowChihuahua753347
WCSh ~DDK~ Need To KnowChihuahua853113
UCHu ~DDK~ Neon Lights 1.575Chihuahua852361
UCO ~DDK~ Never Comin Down 1.580Chihuahua862385
UCFl ~DDK~ New Dawn 1.580Chihuahua881724
WCSh ~DDK~ News For You 1.592Chihuahua862175
WCHu ~DDK~ Nicely Done 1.418English Toy Spaniel802214
ICO ~DDK~ Night Arrest 1.627Chihuahua89502
WCFl ~DDK~ Night CaptainChihuahua803076
ICHu ~DDK~ Night Lilly 1.607Black and Tan Coonhound872713
WCP ~DDK~ Night MagicChihuahua763562
ICA ~DDK~ Night Moves 1.595Shetland Sheepdog892460
UCFr ~DDK~ Night Moves Chihuahua833037
UCHu ~DDK~ Night Owl 1.563Black and Tan Coonhound852875
ICRO ~DDK~ Night Owl 1.595Black and Tan Coonhound892095
WCM ~DDK~ NighthawkChihuahua833089
UCRO ~DDK~ Nightmare 1.600Black and Tan Coonhound871811
WCA ~DDK~ NightwalkerChihuahua743355
UCM ~DDK~ No Going Back 1.638Chihuahua93608
ICHu ~DDK~ No SecretsBlack and Tan Coonhound872919
UCO ~DDK~ No Turning Back 1.602Chihuahua86677
UCFl ~DDK~ Nobody Knows 1.603Chihuahua891724
UCM ~DDK~ Nobody's Business 1.592Chihuahua862729
ICO ~DDK~ Nobody's Fool 1.592Chihuahua862494
ICO ~DDK~ Northern Design 1.612Chihuahua861757
ICM ~DDK~ Now You See Me 1.607Chihuahua851448
WCHu ~DDK~ OallintaBlack and Tan Coonhound772498
WCSh ~DDK~ Oceans ElevenChihuahua733394
WCM ~DDK~ Off and RunningChihuahua753319
WCO ~DDK~ OgrefootChihuahua682550
WCO ~DDK~ Oh Miss BelieverChihuahua632704
ICO ~DDK~ Oh My Heavens 1.640Chihuahua91608
WCO ~DDK~ Oliver TwistChihuahua723565
UCFl ~DDK~ On a Wing and a Prayer 1.592Chihuahua852772
ICO ~DDK~ On the Carousel 1.588Chihuahua871724
WCM ~DDK~ On the Down LowChihuahua843037
UCM ~DDK~ On the Hunt 1.507English Toy Spaniel832094
ICHu ~DDK~ On the Sixes 1.600Chihuahua852778
UCFl ~DDK~ One for the Bunny 1.583Chihuahua841981
UCFl ~DDK~ One Last Coffee 1.595Chihuahua872175
UCRO ~DDK~ One More NightBlack and Tan Coonhound843021
ICO ~DDK~ One Rockin RoseChihuahua842915
ICO ~DDK~ One Rockin Rose 1.612Chihuahua841757
UCSh ~DDK~ Only A Dream 1.572Black and Tan Coonhound852805
WCD ~DDK~ OnyxBlack and Tan Coonhound672210
ICHu ~DDK~ Onyx Dreamer 1.595Black and Tan Coonhound902612
UCRO ~DDK~ Onyx Mysteries 1.647Black and Tan Coonhound911433
WCM ~DDK~ Out of the DarknessChihuahua723477
WCO ~DDK~ Packin' HeatChihuahua733471
ICO ~DDK~ Painted DoveChihuahua852956
ICO ~DDK~ Painted Lady 1.615Chihuahua871757
UCFl ~DDK~ Painted Lark 1.583Chihuahua862697
UCFl ~DDK~ Painting the Sea 1.642Chihuahua91608
UCM ~DDK~ Pandora's Box 1.565Chihuahua862834
UCM ~DDK~ Paper Lion 1.588Chihuahua872788
UCO ~DDK~ Parisian Echo 1.592Chihuahua862175
ICO ~DDK~ Pause For GraceChihuahua85676
WCFl ~DDK~ Pause For Grace 1.612Chihuahua841855
WCM ~DDK~ Peach Cobbler PieChihuahua702887
WCO ~DDK~ Peanutbutter CupChihuahua723398
ICSh ~DDK~ Pearly Gates 1.592Chihuahua872778
UCE Lupum Pecten OculiMiniature Schnauzer752055
MM ~DDK~ PEDRO (24HH lala) EEEE Brindle Black with Cream points and light undersides 1.548Chihuahua322098
ICM ~DDK~ Pencils Down 1.627Chihuahua92397
PnSh ~DDK~ PenelopeChihuahua122239
UCO ~DDK~ Penny Bid 1.583Chihuahua842692
UCFl ~DDK~ Penny for Your Thoughts 1.640Chihuahua92608
ICO ~DDK~ Peppers Pride 1.603Chihuahua881441
ICFl ~DDK~ Perfect AlibiChihuahua87676
NCM ~DDK~ Persephone [1.565 cha/agi/cha/agi]Chihuahua561726
JPnM ~DDK~ PetuniaChihuahua73304
WCT Philadelphia at Norwegian DreamDachshund672324
ICT ~DDK~ Pistol Annie 1.638Border Collie882627
UCHu ~DDK~ Pixie Doll 1.378English Toy Spaniel792143
WCO ~DDK~ Pixie RoseChihuahua723388
UCM ~DDK~ Poison Heart 1.627Chihuahua90499
ICFl ~DDK~ Poppy Wars 1.592Chihuahua901988
UCHu ~DDK~ Port Authority 1.577Chihuahua862360
NCH ExFr prakShetland Sheepdog702243
ICO ~DDK~ Preferred By Most 1.595Chihuahua882692
ICO ~DDK~ Press Your LuckChihuahua87676
UCFl ~DDK~ Pretty Little Lies 1.557Chihuahua862320
CCA ~DDK~ Pretty Reckless [24HH lala] 4E/4AGIChihuahua623279
WCO ~DDK~ Prince CharmingChihuahua753326
UCFr ~DDK~ Princesa LunaChihuahua833110
UCO ~DDK~ Princess in TrainingChihuahua823037
WCR PriscillaChart Polski772221
ICFl ~DDK~ Private Investor 1. 612Chihuahua87503
UCFl ~DDK~ Prodigal Son 1.575Chihuahua812877
WCFr ~DDK~ Puddle Jumpin'Chihuahua703400
ICO ~DDK~ Pull the Trigger 1.595Chihuahua862478
AFr Puppy 1Bluetick Coonhound172187
NCM Puppy 1Shiba Inu571867
Puppy 2Whippet12302
MT WwESK Puppy 2Rottweiler292092
WCHu Puppy 3Dachshund781543
PnSh JPnSh PnD gKh Puppy 5American Pit Bull Terrier152228
APnH ~DDK~ Puppy 7Border Collie122367
ICO ~DDK~ Purple Rain 1.623Chihuahua90499
WCSh ~DDK~ Pushing the LimitsChihuahua743267
UCO ~DDK~ Queen of Hearts 1.595Chihuahua852280
WCM ~DDK~ Queen of the NileChihuahua683506
ICO ~DDK~ Queen of the North 1.607Chihuahua89503
UCM ~DDK~ Queen's Logic 1.600Chihuahua841450
UCO ~DDK~ Quicksilver SecretsChihuahua793392
ICO ~DDK~ Racing the Sun 1.627Chihuahua921855
UCM ~DDK~ Ragdoll 1.583Chihuahua851981
ICHu ~DDK~ Rain on the Riverside 1.583Chihuahua862832
ICSh ~DDK~ Raindrops on Roses 1.588Chihuahua862772
WCM ~DDK~ Raining on SundayChihuahua743562
GCA ~DDK~ RaydenChihuahua512948
CCR *RL* Rayne's Desert FlowerAzawakh Hound591151
ICM ~DDK~ Reach for the StarsChihuahua93874
UCA ~DDK~ Reason To HopeChihuahua842956
UCO ~DDK~ Rebel In Rhinestones 1.592Chihuahua852259
ICSh ~DDK~ Renued Heat 1.592Chihuahua862730
ICO ~DDK~ Retrieve The GoldChihuahua87676
ICO ~DDK~ Return To Sender 1.612Chihuahua851773
WCA ~DDK~ Ribbons and LaceChihuahua713539
UCFl ~DDK~ Rimrock Rose 1.595Chihuahua852175
UCO ~DDK~ Ring Around the Rosie 1.588Chihuahua841449
UCFl ~DDK~ Ring My Bell 1.577Chihuahua812494
ICRO ~DDK~ Ring the AlarmChihuahua813193
UCFT Riptide Warning 1.522Redbone Coonhound822300
UCM ~DDK~ Rise to Glory 1.612Chihuahua871773
UCFl ~DDK~ Risky BusinessChihuahua833000
WCFl ~DDK~ River RoyalChihuahua823037
WCM ~DDK~ Road TripChihuahua743450
ChSh NSh ExRO ~DDK~ RoryChihuahua49978
WCM ~DDK~ Rosie PosieChihuahua753352
UCFl ~DDK~ Rowing Away 1.603Chihuahua901441
UCO ~DDK~ Royal AffairChihuahua832989
WCM ~DDK~ Royal EclipseChihuahua862959
ASh ChFl ~DDK~ Royal Fun [1.545x 24HH EEEE agi]Chihuahua401411
WCSh ~DDK~ Ruby SlippersChihuahua773301
UCO ~DDK~ Ruffled Feathers 1.618Chihuahua871055
WCRO ~DDK~ Rumor Has ItChihuahua723582
ICO ~DDK~ Rumor MillChihuahua863290
UCFr ~DDK~ Running Red LightsChihuahua803076
UCO ~DDK~ Sailor MoonChihuahua823101
WCM ~DDK~ Santa Monica BayChihuahua653227
UCO ~DDK~ Satisfaction Guaranteed 1.583Chihuahua852581
WCFl ~DDK~ Save The Day 1.583Chihuahua842344
ICM ~DDK~ Say Nothing 1.577Chihuahua872360
WCA ~DDK~ Say You'll Remember MeChihuahua703537
UCSh ~DDK~ Scarlet Assassin 1.577Chihuahua852360
WCM ~DDK~ Schools Out 1.592Chihuahua842219
ICM ~DDK~ Seas of Gold 1.598Chihuahua861450
UCFl ~DDK~ Seaside Angel 1.568Chihuahua842805
WCSh ~DDK~ Secret Agent ManChihuahua723451
WCFl ~DDK~ Secret Of The Night 1.615Chihuahua841757
GCM ~DDK~ SecretaiChihuahua532943
WCFl ~DDK~ See No EvilChihuahua723432
UCSh ~DDK~ See No Evil 1.583Chihuahua862473
UCM ~DDK~ Seeds of Faith Chihuahua862906
ICO ~DDK~ Seeking Gold 1.603Chihuahua891441
UCH ~DDK~ Shades of Frost 1.642Border Collie912531
WCA ~DDK~ Shadow PlayChihuahua783262
UCT ~DDK~ Shadow Play 1.598Border Collie892729
ICHu ~DDK~ Shadowalker 1.595Black and Tan Coonhound872578
UCO ~DDK~ Shady LadyChihuahua823198
UCSh ~DDK~ She's All That Jazz 1.473English Toy Spaniel792143
WCM ~DDK~ She’ll be Apples 1.595Chihuahua872219
UCSh ~DDK~ Shot in the Dark 1.607Black and Tan Coonhound87869
WCFl ~DDK~ Show No Mercy 1.592Chihuahua852219
ExM ~DDK~ Silence is GoldenChihuahua373029
ICFl ~DDK~ Silent Disco 1.662Shetland Sheepdog902308
WCFl ~DDK~ Silent Night 1.592Chihuahua842219
WCM ~DDK~ Silver LakeChihuahua753331
UCFr ~DDK~ Silver LiningChihuahua843188
UCM ~DDK~ Singing In The Rain 1.607Chihuahua862010
WCFl ~DDK~ Singing The BluesChihuahua813151
WCSh ~DDK~ Sirens CallChihuahua763294
ChM ~DDK~ sisw GG lala chacha chaagi 1.403xChihuahua453200
WCO ~DDK~ Skies the LimitChihuahua773272
ICO ~DDK~ Skipping Rocks 1.583Chihuahua861724
UCO ~DDK~ Skippyjon Jones 1.595Chihuahua871918
UCO ~DDK~ Sky Captain 1.580Chihuahua852461
UCM ~DDK~ Skyward Bound 1.505English Toy Spaniel842092
UCT ~DDK~ Slippery When Wet 1.613Chihuahua87866
ICSh ~DDK~ Smoke and Mirrors 1.600Chihuahua842695
UCM ~DDK~ Smoke and RumorsChihuahua872985
WCM ~DDK~ Smoke Signals 1.572Chihuahua862280
UCRO ~DDK~ Smokin Hot 1.643Black and Tan Coonhound911433
UCSh ~DDK~ Sneak Attack 1.577Chihuahua862878
UCO ~DDK~ Snickerdoodle DandyChihuahua832985
ICA ~DDK~ Snow Angel 1.662Shetland Sheepdog892346
ANSh ~DDK~ So You Can FlyChihuahua53527
ICSh ~DDK~ Social ClimberChihuahua843198
WCFl ~DDK~ Something In the WaterChihuahua663494
UCFl ~DDK~ Song of the South 1.595Chihuahua871724
UCM ~DDK~ Southern Accent 1.607Chihuahua851725
ICO ~DDK~ Southern BelleChihuahua842980
WCM ~DDK~ Southern BreezeChihuahua852980
CCA ~DDK~ Southern GraceChihuahua582812
WCFl ~DDK~ Southern MoneyChihuahua833018
UCFl ~DDK~ Southern PrideChihuahua832980
UCFl ~DDK~ Southern RoyaltyChihuahua842958
WCA ~DDK~ Spanish Moss' DaevasChihuahua733126
WCA ~DDK~ Spanish Moss' DaityasChihuahua743126
WCO ~DDK~ Spanish Moss' HalphasChihuahua793091
WCM ~DDK~ Spanish Moss' HarpyChihuahua723091
WCA ~DDK~ Spanish Moss' HecateChihuahua743091
WCA ~DDK~ Spanish Moss' HelChihuahua763091
WCM ~DDK~ Spanish Moss' IblisChihuahua753091
WCM ~DDK~ Spanish Moss' IncubusChihuahua763091
WCO ~DDK~ Spanish Moss' LamiaChihuahua773059
WCO ~DDK~ Spanish Moss' LerajeChihuahua763059
GCA ~DDK~ Spanish Moss' LeviathanChihuahua553162
WCA ~DDK~ Spanish Moss' LilithChihuahua733091
WCM ~DDK~ Spanish Moss  1.572Chihuahua822935
ICSh ~DDK~ Spare Change 1.592Chihuahua872687
WCRO ~DDK~ Speak No EvilBlack and Tan Coonhound813008
ICFl ~DDK~ Special Edition 1.588Border Collie882673
WCO ~DDK~ Spice of Life 1.560Chihuahua832428
UCO ~DDK~ Spider's Kiss 1.602Chihuahua881909
UCM ~DDK~ Spitfire 1.610Chihuahua861988
WCM ~DDK~ Sportin' AffairChihuahua803101
NCO ~DDK~ SpruceChihuahua542940
WCRO ~DDK~ Spy GamesChihuahua753285
WCM ~DDK~ Spy MasterChihuahua853005
UCFl ~DDK~ Stairway to Heaven 1.603Chihuahua87677
ICO ~DDK~ Stand By Me 1.653Chihuahua921724
UCHu ~DDK~ Standing ObligationChihuahua842935
UCO ~DDK~ Star Attraction 1.595Chihuahua872153
UCO ~DDK~ StarbucksChihuahua833041
WCM ~DDK~ Starry Sky 1.493English Toy Spaniel802095
UCM ~DDK~ Steel MagnoliaChihuahua862980
WCFl ~DDK~ Steppin OutChihuahua693549
UCO ~DDK~ Still Pretty 1.572Chihuahua842280
UCFl ~DDK~ Still Smoking 1.592Chihuahua852237
UCO ~DDK~ Stir The Pot 1.588Chihuahua852259
WCO ~DDK~ Storm Clouds AheadChihuahua703524
WCFl ~DDK~ Storm Clouds AheadChihuahua783230
UCO ~DDK~ Storm FrontChihuahua803230
UCO ~DDK~ Storm KingChihuahua773323
WCO ~DDK~ Storm WarningChihuahua743432
UCRO ~DDK~ Storm Warning 1.607Black and Tan Coonhound872511
ICH ~DDK~ StormBorn 1.595Border Collie892571
ICFl ~DDK~ Strike It Rich 1.635Chihuahua911757
UCO ~DDK~ Strike Me SilverChihuahua793113
UCO ~DDK~ String of Hearts 1.588Chihuahua832834
UCFl ~DDK~ Suddenly Suspicious 1.542Border Collie862774
WCSh ~DDK~ Sugar and SpiceChihuahua743396
ICM ~DDK~ Sugar and Spice 1.623Chihuahua92874
UCM ~DDK~ Sugar Rush 1.570English Toy Spaniel871993
UCM ~DDK~ Sugar Rush 1.627Chihuahua86596
ICFl ~DDK~ Sugars DelightChihuahua853000
ICO ~DDK~ Suicide Run  1.588Chihuahua842772
UCFl ~DDK~ Suki Doll 1.618Chihuahua90503
WCSc JMSK Summer BoozeGerman Shepherd Dog791724
UCFl ~DDK~ Sun Don't Let Me Down 1.577Chihuahua842793
UCSh ~DDK~ Sunday BestChihuahua843086
UCM ~DDK~ Sunday Rose 1.640Chihuahua91608
WCFl ~DDK~ Sunset MemoriesChihuahua753319
UCSh ~DDK~ Sunshine n' WhiskeyChihuahua803221
WCM ~DDK~ Super BlueChihuahua743344
WCSh ~DDK~ Super NovaChihuahua733476
UCFl ~DDK~ Supernova 1.603Chihuahua881441
WCRO ~DDK~ Sure BetChihuahua753294
WCSh ~DDK~ Sweet DreamsChihuahua773294
UCRO ~DDK~ Sweet DreamsBlack and Tan Coonhound832906
UCO ~DDK~ Swept OverboardChihuahua803147
ICM ~DDK~ Swiftly Serene 1.608Chihuahua921877
UCSh ~DDK~ Take Me AwayChihuahua843193
ICO ~DDK~ Take Me Away 1.603Chihuahua86677
UCO ~DDK~ Take My Hand 1.588Chihuahua862219
ICO ~DDK~ Takes Some Believing 1.592Chihuahua872710
ICO ~DDK~ Talk Of The TownChihuahua842980
UCFl ~DDK~ Talk of the Town 1.615Chihuahua911054
WCSh ~DDK~ Talk to MeChihuahua723482
CCHu TammyToy Fox Terrier531961
NCA ~DDK~ TaraChihuahua513512
UCFl ~DDK~ Tattooed By Fire 1.615Chihuahua911773
WCM ~DDK~ Tearing Down The HouseChihuahua723548
UCO ~DDK~ Tell Me Again 1.557Chihuahua832338
WCO ~DDK~ Tell Me No LiesChihuahua743430
UCRO ~DDK~ Tell Me No Lies 1.545Black and Tan Coonhound842921
UCM ~DDK~ Tequila Sunset 1.602Chihuahua861909
WCM ~DDK~ The Blue LineChihuahua733331
WCFr ~DDK~ The Bullet TrainChihuahua713425
ICO ~DDK~ The Candy Man 1.588Chihuahua872773
WCO ~DDK~ The Dark SideChihuahua703570
UCSh ~DDK~ The Darkest Hour 1.635Black and Tan Coonhound881433
UCM ~DDK~ The Flying PrincessEnglish Toy Spaniel871785
WCFr ~DDK~ The Ghost KingChihuahua723341
WCFl PnH ~DDK~ The Gilded Cage 1.635Border Collie832469
UCFr ~DDK~ The Gingerbread ManChihuahua822956
WCFl ~DDK~ The Golden TouchChihuahua723447
UCFl ~DDK~ The Heartbreak Prince 1.608Chihuahua861448
UCHu The Irish Moon 1.602Irish Wolfhound872157
WCA ~DDK~ The Iron PrincessChihuahua743433
UCO ~DDK~ The Lost Key 1.595Chihuahua842175
UCFl ~DDK~ The Lost Ones 1.592Chihuahua871724
ICM ~DDK~ The Next Story 1.603Chihuahua871877
ICHu ~DDK~ The Night King 1.600Black and Tan Coonhound852643
UCRO ~DDK~ The Night QueenBlack and Tan Coonhound841811
SCO ~DDK~ The November Girl 1.603Chihuahua90502
UCO ~DDK~ The Perfect DreamChihuahua873193
WCO ~DDK~ The Pirate QueenChihuahua813086
ICO ~DDK~ The Queen's Diamonds 1.588Chihuahua882772
WCFl ~DDK~ The Ring MasterChihuahua813086
ICO ~DDK~ The River PirateChihuahua842985
UCM ~DDK~ The Royal MistressChihuahua853037
UCFl ~DDK~ The Royal RoseChihuahua843144
WCFl ~DDK~ The Sea StarChihuahua833101
UCFl ~DDK~ The Silent Corner 1.592Chihuahua852508
WCO ~DDK~ The Silver FoxChihuahua733512
WCA ~DDK~ The Silver SurferChihuahua713469
WCM ~DDK~ The Story GoesChihuahua733583
UCFl ~DDK~ The Sword in the Stone 1.607Chihuahua861448
UCO ~DDK~ The TempestChihuahua823122
UCFl ~DDK~ The Thunder Rolls 1.635Border Collie872467
WCM ~DDK~ The Water DancerChihuahua793101
UCFl ~DDK~ The White Witch 1.600Chihuahua861724
UCFl ~DDK~ The Wolf of Wallstreet 1.685Chihuahua891725
WCO ~DDK~ Theodore RooseveltChihuahua743263
WCO ~DDK~ Thick as ThievesChihuahua813037
WCM ~DDK~ This Rose Has ThornsChihuahua703565
ICO ~DDK~ Thorn in My Side 1.623Chihuahua91503
ICO ~DDK~ Three Eyed Raven 1.600Chihuahua851426
UCFr ~DDK~ Three MartinisChihuahua842935
WCFl ~DDK~ Three Martinis 1.592Chihuahua852117
UCFl ~DDK~ Ticket to HeavenChihuahua862883
UCO ~DDK~ Tied To The Stars 1.583Chihuahua842113
ICO ~DDK~ Tiger QueenChihuahua87677
UCM ~DDK~ Time For An AngelChihuahua842935
ICM ~DDK~ Time To ShineChihuahua87676
ICM ~DDK~ Times Up 1.607Chihuahua91498
UCO ~DDK~ Tis the Season 1.592Chihuahua862576
WCFl ~DDK~ Top FlightChihuahua753239
UCSh ~DDK~ Top SecretChihuahua803216
WCT ~DDK~ ToriBlack and Tan Coonhound712419
WCFr ~DDK~ Toy StoryChihuahua703537
UCO ~DDK~ Tropical Moonlight 1.585Chihuahua862113
WCA ~DDK~ True StoryChihuahua703522
ICHu ~DDK~ Trustworthy Deceit 1.560Black and Tan Coonhound872867
ICRO ~DDK~ Twilight Sins 1.612Black and Tan Coonhound951730
UCM ~DDK~ Under Pressure 1.610Chihuahua851448
ICO ~DDK~ Under the Radar 1.580Chihuahua842365
ICFl ~DDK~ Under the SeaChihuahua852903
ICO ~DDK~ Undercover Agent 1.612Chihuahua891911
UCM ~DDK~ Undercover Goddess 1.603Chihuahua861877
UCO ~DDK~ Undercover in Paris 1.615Chihuahua841862
WCM ~DDK~ Unfinished Business 1.440English Toy Spaniel792087
WCM ~DDK~ Until SaturdayChihuahua783114
UCRO ~DDK~ Up In Flames 1.592Black and Tan Coonhound872192
WCHu ~DDK~ Up Tempo 1.418English Toy Spaniel792214
WCM ~DDK~ Vegas DreamsChihuahua753386
UCRO ~DDK~ Vegas Show Girl 1.615Miniature Schnauzer872398
WCFl ~DDK~ Voodoo Charm 1.560Chihuahua842428
WCSh ~DDK~ Wake Up CallChihuahua743397
MHu ~DDK~ Warning Shot in the DarkBlack and Tan Coonhound272303
UCSh ~DDK~ Warrier Queen 1.527English Toy Spaniel852095
UCM ~DDK~ Wasted Time 1.603Chihuahua881724
UCA ~DDK~ Water ImpChihuahua822985
WCSh ~DDK~ We All Fall DownChihuahua713440
AFT WE NEVER GO OUT OF STYLE 24HH lalaLabrador Retriever202429
UCO ~DDK~ Web of LiesChihuahua823187
ICO ~DDK~ Webs We Weave 1.583Chihuahua871981
UCM ~DDK~ Weekend Plans 1.615Chihuahua861785
WCM ~DDK~ While U Where OutChihuahua723325
WCM ~DDK~ Whiskey Secrets 1.572Chihuahua852320
ICO ~DDK~ Whispers in Paris 1.583Chihuahua871988
WCSh ~DDK~ White OutChihuahua743381
UCO ~DDK~ Whole New World 1.580Chihuahua842473
WCA ~DDK~ Wiki Tiki LadyChihuahua633632
UCM ~DDK~ Wild Hearts 1.563Chihuahua842385
UCFl ~DDK~ Wilder Days 1.607Chihuahua88597
WCFr ~DDK~ Wildest DreamsChihuahua713489
UCO ~DDK~ Wildfire 1.577Chihuahua862280
WCA ~DDK~ WinterfellChihuahua733450
WCO ~DDK~ Wonder WomanChihuahua713355
UCFr ~DDK~ Work of ArtChihuahua833193
WCFl ~DDK~ Worth the Lies 1.603Chihuahua861877
WCO ~DDK~ Wrong DirectionChihuahua743364
UCO ~DDK~ You Need to Calm Down 1.583Chihuahua86677
WCT ~DDK~ ZekeBlack and Tan Coonhound702419
WCFl ~DDK~ Zeking OutChihuahua723308
UCO ~DDK~ Zip Me UpChihuahua852958

Game Time

06:03am on Jan 12

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