Collie Rescue Kennels

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Dogs Bred By Collie Rescue Kennels

(EEGE) Gold Grandauhter of RustySmooth Collie13492
(EEGG) Lilly Daughter of OreoBorder Collie13490
ANH (EFEG) Boston Son of LunaAidi43504
(EFGG) Wally Grandson of RexBorder Collie13490
JPnH (EGEF) Silver Daughter of AngelBearded Collie63506
(EGEG) Bella Daughter of AngelBearded Collie13492
(EGGG) Midnight Granddaughter of AngelBearded Collie13492
ANH (GEEG) Sally Daughter of RustySmooth Collie53505
(GEGE) Holly Daughter of StellaCanaan Dog13492
(GEGE) Rover Son of RustySmooth Collie13492
(GGEG) General Son of SandyAustralian Koolie13490
NH (GGGE) Flame son of RexBorder Collie13498
(GGGG) Halley Daughter of BearAidi13492
NH (GGGG) Harley Daughter of BentleyAnatolian Shepherd13497
IPnH GGEG OreoBorder Collie83510

Game Time

08:06pm on Dec 2

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