September May

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Dogs Bred By September May

LockedExFl SMA Ace of SpadesAustralian Koolie3887
LockedAR SMA Best of My LoveGreyhound2042
LockedNP SMA ChemicalsGreyhound110
LockedFor StudIPnR SMA CoastlineGreyhound1223
LockedFor StudExHu SMA Dancing in the DarkSaluki3479
LockedMFr SMA Day by DayWhippet3075
LockedAT SMA DinosaurSiberian Husky1941
LockedNH SMA Down in the ValleyAustralian Koolie113
LockedFor StudExHu SMA DreamsIcelandic Sheepdog3794
LockedAA SMA Fermented EveningsAustralian Shepherd2153
LockedAS SMA FlamethrowerSiberian Husky2048
LockedJPnR SMA Flying or CryingGreyhound817
LockedAT SMA Forgotten CoastAustralian Shepherd1841
LockedNA SMA God SpeedXoloitzcuintle111
LockedFor StudAT SMA Heart of GlassBorder Collie1943
LockedAA SMA Hey StrangerBorder Collie2254
LockedJPnA SMA Honey, HoneyXoloitzcuintle716
LockedFor StudGCR SMA How Soon Is NowGreyhound4391
LockedChM SMA I Feel LoveIcelandic Sheepdog3894
LockedAR SMA I Wish I WasBorzoi1943
LockedMR SMA I'm AlrightGreyhound2971
LockedFor StudMR SMA I'm EighteenSaluki2866
LockedChR SMA In the Air TonightGreyhound3884
LockedNR SMA Keep Me AroundGreyhound19
LockedAFr SMA Keep Yourself AliveGreyhound2358
LockedFor StudMP SMA King TutSaluki2965
LockedAR SMA Lady 95'Whippet2759
LockedAFl SMA Lady MayGreyhound2048
LockedAP SMA Listen to the MusicGreyhound1845
LockedAS SMA Look SharpSiberian Husky1948
LockedNHu SMA Luckiest ManIcelandic Sheepdog110
LockedFor StudAFl SMA Me and Big DaveAlaskan Malamute1947
LockedFor StudMR SMA Monster MashGreyhound2760
LockedAR SMA Old PineGreyhound1739
LockedExR JPnP SMA PanamaGreyhound3478
LockedChR SMA Please Mr PostmanGreyhound4191
LockedNFl SMA Puppy 3Saluki17
LockedPuppy 3Icelandic Sheepdog16
LockedFor StudAFl SMA Ramblin' Gamblin' ManSiberian Husky1842
LockedJAA SMA Rivers and RoadsIcelandic Sheepdog1844
LockedChR SMA RunawayGreyhound4197
LockedFor StudExR SMA Separate WaysWhippet3780
LockedNO SMA She BurnsAustralian Koolie111
LockedAR SMA Slip KidGreyhound1949
LockedJPnO SMA So Long, HoneyAustralian Koolie617
LockedJAA SMA Southside of HeavenAustralian Koolie1530
LockedJAFl SMA StoneGreyhound1530
LockedFor StudMR SMA StrangleholdGreyhound2762
LockedJPnFl SMA Stuck on Repeat [lala 21/0]Greyhound614
LockedMR SMA Sunshine Of Your LoveGreyhound2862
LockedMRO SMA SuperflyGreyhound2763
LockedJPnR SMA Thank You For The MusicWhippet514
LockedANR SMA The Name Of The GameWhippet414
LockedMFl SMA The Spirit Of RadioGreyhound2862
LockedIPnFr SMA Thirteen Silver DollarsSaluki919
LockedFor StudGCH SMA This Is How We Do ItAustralian Koolie44101
LockedMM SMA Tom SawyerSaluki3171
LockedFor StudExFr SMA Touch of GreyGreyhound3578
LockedPnR SMA TupeloGreyhound1223
LockedAR SMA Wandering ChildGreyhound2149
GCR SMA A Whiter Shade Of PaleWhippet481718
GCO SMA Achy Breaky HeartAustralian Koolie441721
GCR SMA All Right NowWhippet461731
NCFr SMA American WomanGreyhound502599
GCR SMA Baba O'RileyGreyhound451731
NCR SMA Billie JeanGreyhound482646
NCR SMA Blue VelvetGreyhound482622
GCR SMA Bohemian RhapsodyGreyhound451734
CCFr SMA Brown Eyed GirlGreyhound512673
GCR SMA Bye Bye ByeGreyhound472765
NCR SMA California Dreamin'Greyhound502679
GCR SMA CannonballSaluki441723
NCR SMA CherishGreyhound512604
NCR SMA Child In TimeGreyhound502592
GCFl SMA Dry The RainGreyhound462788
ChFl EverlongGreyhound432818
NCR Every Breath You TakeGreyhound463383
GCFr SMA Fields Of GoldGreyhound442792
NCFr SMA FreebirdWhippet522657
GCT SMA Gangsta's ParadiseIcelandic Sheepdog461753
NCR SMA God Only KnowsGreyhound492623
CCR SMA Here I Go AgainGreyhound532646
NCR SMA I SwearGreyhound482807
GCR SMA I WishGreyhound441727
GCR Karma ChameleonGreyhound413398
NCR SMA KryptoniteGreyhound492695
NCR SMA LaylaGreyhound512593
NCP SMA Lean On MeSaluki472662
NCR SMA Let It BeGreyhound492666
NCR SMA London CallingGreyhound492582
NCR SMA Louie LouieGreyhound502708
CCFr SMA More Than A FeelingWhippet512601
NCR SMA My SharonaGreyhound502739
NCFl SMA Night MovesAustralian Koolie481746
CCR SMA No DiggityGreyhound522685
GCR No RainGreyhound453348
GCR SMA November RainGreyhound462756
GCHu SMA Passin' Me ByIcelandic Sheepdog421753
CCFr SMA PoisonGreyhound512688
CCR SMA Radar LoveGreyhound501750
WCD SMA Ramblin' ManSaluki502723
CCR SMA Rocket ManGreyhound512718
CCP SMA Runaround SueGreyhound502623
CCR SMA RunawayGreyhound512639
NCP SMA SatisfactionSaluki482619
ChT SMA Smoke On The WaterAustralian Koolie441730
NCFr SMA Stand By MeSaluki482619
CCR SMA SuperstitionGreyhound502651
NCM SMA SuzanneGreyhound472622
GCR Sweet DreamsGreyhound473372
NCR SMA The Boy Is MineGreyhound482784
GCR SMA The Lady in RedGreyhound441746
GCFl SMA Under the BridgeGreyhound462772
NCFl SMA WaterlooGreyhound522657
ChFl When Doves CryGreyhound423398
GCR SMA White RabbitGreyhound431740
GCR SMA Whole Lotta LoveGreyhound451749
CCR SMA Wild ThingGreyhound532709
NCFl SMA WonderwallGreyhound502699
CCFr SMA Working For The WeekendSaluki502632
NCFr SMA Ziggy StardustGreyhound482726

Game Time

01:11pm on Feb 21

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