Cissey's Wiennie Dog Racers

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Dogs Bred By Cissey's Wiennie Dog Racers

LockedJASh (20/0) Lla EEEE 2str2cha | brindle fawn & white (pi) w/ black sable & maskBull Terrier1629
LockedNCM 16 HH Reggie x1Great Dane5286
LockedANSh CWDR 22/2 LlaChinese Crested748
LockedJASc JPnSh Ace 22HH lalaGiant Schnauzer1532
LockedJASh Adalric EGEG LlaGerman Shepherd Dog1427
LockedMT Adette GGGG LLMiniature Dachshund2351
LockedME PnT Alarice LlMiniature Dachshund1741
LockedMA AFl Athena 12HH lalaBerger Picard2752
LockedJAFr Baby EGGEMiniature Dachshund16106
LockedAPnRO APnR APnR CWDR Blondie 24HH lalaAfghan Hound1024
LockedJPnRO JPnSh Brad Pitt 24HH lalaChinese Crested414
LockedPnR Wayne Brandi | lla | HH :17 Hh :7 hh :0 | 92.70%Greyhound1130
LockedMM Brandy EGGGMiniature Dachshund24112
LockedAHu MSh Britanie 16HH lalaPapillon2754
LockedChE Brownie Splash EGEE LLMiniature Dachshund2249
LockedJAFl CWDR Butter scotchShetland Sheepdog1527
LockedAPnA IPnFl Carmella 10HH LlaBerger Picard1227
LockedAT CarmelloMiniature Dachshund1697
LockedMFl Carmen GGEE LLMiniature Dachshund24100
LockedJASc JPnP Chance 22HH lalaDoberman Pinscher1331
LockedCheech Jr.22HH LlaChinese Crested16
LockedASh CherryMiniature Dachshund1594
LockedPnA Chocolate Champ- 22 HHBorder Collie1125
LockedJPnRO JASh Cocoa Mia 13HH lalaMiniature Dachshund1024
LockedMSh Cookie GGEG LLMiniature Dachshund2251
LockedPnFr JAM Darkside 20HH lalaMiniature Dachshund1529
LockedMFr ChW Darla 24HH LlaStandard Poodle2559
LockedExR CWDR dragGreyhound3152
LockedJPnHu JPnSh Drake 20HH llaChinese Crested715
LockedAE EllaMiniature Dachshund1944
LockedPnSc MSh Fancie 20HH lalaGiant Schnauzer2348
LockedFor Public SaleJAD CWDR Fawn and White (Irish) with Steel Blue Sable [23HH]Standard Poodle1524
LockedMH IPnT Felicity- 14/lalaTibetan Mastiff2864
LockedIPnP Ferdinand 20HH LlaChinese Crested817
LockedExD AM FIFI 24HH lalaStandard Poodle2660
LockedMA Fiigero 11HH lalaMiniature Dachshund2656
LockedAPnFr JPnR Fionna 21HH lalaAfghan Hound1123
LockedMHu Frenchie GGEG LlaMiniature Dachshund2553
LockedJPnH JPnT GarvinTibetan Mastiff615
LockedPnSh JPnRO Gayle 24HH lalaChinese Crested1019
LockedExO ASh GiGi 24HH lalaDutch Smoushond2968
LockedAT GizzelleMiniature Dachshund19113
LockedJARO Grace 22HH LlaChinese Crested1226
LockedAM AHu CWDR Gracie - 23HH lalaAmerican Staffordshire Terrier2350
LockedMD MSh Grayson 24HH lalaStandard Poodle2354
LockedNHu JPnM Hazel 14HH lalaFrench Bulldog114
LockedNHu NM Henry 8HH lalaDachshund16
LockedJPnP NH Hunter 24HH lalaRough Collie114
LockedASc MSh Iris 23HH llaDoberman Pinscher2455
LockedJAA Johnny 24HH lalaChinese Crested1225
LockedJPnHu IPnSh Kurt 24Hh lalaChinese Crested717
LockedPnSc IPnSh Leigh Anne 22HH lalaDoberman Pinscher1024
LockedAH CWDR LIGHT OF MORNING| 24HH lala EEEE 3AGIRough Collie2251
LockedFor StudAT MSc Luke 24HH lalaDoberman Pinscher2550
LockedAT Midnight GEGGMiniature Dachshund19104
LockedMFl MR Midnight Magesty 20HH lalaAfghan Hound2968
LockedMT Midnight Mischief LlaMiniature Dachshund2452
LockedFor StudIPnH APnFl Miestro 24HH lalaShetland Sheepdog1126
LockedAT Mischief = 10 HH lalaMiniature Dachshund18115
LockedIPnH APnFl Misty 24HH lalaShetland Sheepdog1126
LockedAM Misty GGGE 6HHMiniature Dachshund1594
LockedIPnP AO Muriel- 21HH lalaChinese Crested1427
LockedAHT Oreo 20HH lalaGreat Dane1326
LockedPnHu Pecan Sandie GGGG LlaMiniature Dachshund1019
LockedMM MSh Penny 18HH lalaDalmatian2763
LockedAA ARO Pete 22HH LLChinese Crested2448
LockedFor StudNCRO Peter the Great 23HH LLChinese Crested3984
LockedAT Piper GGEG LlaMiniature Dachshund17109
LockedAO CWDR PirateShetland Sheepdog1732
LockedNR PoptartGreyhound19
LockedMH ChA Prissie 24HH lalaShetland Sheepdog3876
LockedPnA JPnO Puppy 1Miniature Dachshund1019
LockedANP CWDR Puppy 1Border Collie112
LockedCWDR Puppy 1Standard Poodle16
LockedJPnFr JAM Puppy 1Standard Poodle1326
LockedAPnHT AM Puppy 1Boxer1834
LockedMRO ExA Puppy 1Chinese Crested3273
LockedJPnP IPnFl Puppy 1Dalmatian920
LockedJAA Puppy 1Chinese Crested1328
LockedARO PnT Puppy 1Chinese Crested1632
LockedPnRO Puppy 1Chinese Crested817
LockedPnRO Puppy 1Chinese Crested917
LockedJPnRO Puppy 1Chinese Crested513
LockedPuppy 1Greyhound16
LockedPuppy 1French Bulldog16
LockedPuppy 1Greyhound16
LockedPuppy 1Chinese Crested16
LockedNHT NT Puppy 1Great Dane16
LockedJPnHu APnRO Puppy 1 19HH LlaChinese Crested1021
LockedARO Puppy 1 - 23 HH Lla Red/White w black sableChinese Crested1327
LockedPnHu ARO Puppy 1 - 23HH lala extreem piebaldChinese Crested1427
LockedJPnSh APnRO Puppy 1 -21HH lala extreme piebaldChinese Crested919
LockedJPnSh PnM Puppy 1 19HH lalaMiniature Dachshund1019
LockedAPnFl JPnP Puppy 1 22HH lalaChinese Crested1121
LockedPnHu APnT Puppy 10Afghan Hound1326
LockedJPnHT PnM Puppy 10Great Dane817
LockedNA NFl Puppy 10Chinese Crested19
LockedPuppy 10Standard Poodle16
LockedNRO NO Puppy 11Chinese Crested19
LockedPuppy 11Afghan Hound16
LockedPuppy 11Chinese Crested16
LockedPuppy 11Greyhound16
LockedNM NHT CWDR Puppy 12Great Dane19
LockedND NFr Puppy 2Standard Poodle16
LockedNE NA Puppy 2Miniature Dachshund16
LockedNH NO Puppy 2Tibetan Mastiff19
LockedNRO Puppy 2Chinese Crested111
LockedNRO NSh Puppy 2Chinese Crested111
LockedNHu NFr Puppy 2Great Dane18
LockedPuppy 2Chinese Crested16
LockedJARO Puppy 2Chinese Crested919
LockedNSh NRO Puppy 2Chinese Crested19
LockedJPnD NFr Puppy 2Afghan Hound412
LockedPuppy 2Chinese Crested16
LockedPuppy 2Chinese Crested16
LockedPuppy 2Greyhound16
LockedPuppy 2Chinese Crested16
LockedNRO NSh Puppy 2French Bulldog19
LockedNHu NSh Puppy 2Chinese Crested16
LockedPuppy 2Chinese Crested16
LockedAT AE Puppy 2 - 10HH lalaMiniature Dachshund2147
LockedPnM JPnFr Puppy 3Miniature Dachshund1022
LockedMT CWDR Puppy 3Shetland Sheepdog3354
LockedNHu NA Puppy 3Toy Poodle16
LockedJPnSh ND Puppy 3Standard Poodle412
LockedJPnH IPnT Puppy 3Tibetan Mastiff717
LockedNRO Puppy 3Chinese Crested111
LockedPuppy 3Standard Poodle16
LockedAA APnFl Puppy 3Dutch Smoushond1739
LockedAPnSc JPnHT Puppy 3Great Dane817
LockedJPnSh JPnRO Puppy 3Chinese Crested513
LockedJPnP Puppy 3Chinese Crested513
LockedNHu NT Puppy 3Chinese Crested19
LockedNFr ND Puppy 3Afghan Hound110
LockedPuppy 3Dutch Smoushond16
LockedPuppy 3Standard Poodle16
LockedNM NHT Puppy 3Great Dane18
LockedPuppy 3Chinese Crested16
LockedCWDR Puppy 3Chinese Crested17
LockedPuppy 3Chinese Crested16
LockedNRO Puppy 3 23HH LLChinese Crested111
LockedMA AFl Puppy 4Chinese Crested2763
LockedNRO Puppy 4Chinese Crested111
LockedJPnT JPnFl Puppy 4Smooth Fox Terrier514
LockedNRO Puppy 4Chinese Crested16
LockedNHu NA Puppy 4Chinese Crested19
LockedNO ND Puppy 4Great Dane18
LockedNR NRO Puppy 4Greyhound110
LockedPuppy 4Chinese Crested16
LockedJPnHu JPnRO Puppy 4 21HH lalaChinese Crested515
LockedJPnRO IPnFr Puppy 4 22HH lalaChinese Crested515
LockedJPnA JAO Puppy 4 - 24 HH Lla extreem PiebaaldChinese Crested1427
LockedJAHu APnA Puppy 5American Staffordshire Terrier1431
LockedANFl NT Puppy 5Shetland Sheepdog412
LockedPuppy 5Standard Poodle16
LockedNRO Puppy 5Chinese Crested111
LockedIPnRO Puppy 5Chinese Crested715
LockedJPnSh JPnHu Puppy 5Chinese Crested515
LockedPuppy 5Standard Poodle16
LockedPuppy 5Standard Poodle16
LockedPuppy 5Chinese Crested16
LockedPuppy 5Chinese Crested16
LockedPuppy 5Chinese Crested16
LockedJAA Puppy 5 24HH LLChinese Crested1123
LockedJPnRO Puppy 5 - 22HH LLChinese Crested515
LockedPnM JPnRO Puppy 6Miniature Dachshund1019
LockedAPnHu ME Puppy 6Miniature Dachshund1638
LockedPnP APnO Puppy 6Afghan Hound1329
LockedNHT NHu Puppy 6Great Dane111
LockedAT AFl Puppy 6Australian Koolie2146
LockedNRO Puppy 6Chinese Crested16
LockedPuppy 6Chinese Crested16
LockedIPnT JPnFl Puppy 6Chinese Crested614
LockedPuppy 6Chinese Crested16
LockedPuppy 6Doberman Pinscher16
LockedPuppy 6Chinese Crested16
LockedPuppy 6Dutch Smoushond16
LockedJPnHu APnM Puppy 7Miniature Dachshund1225
LockedPuppy 7Berger Picard16
LockedNFr ANFl Puppy 7Dalmatian412
LockedND NM Puppy 7Standard Poodle19
LockedNSh NRO Puppy 7Chinese Crested111
LockedIPnM JPnHT Puppy 7Great Dane818
LockedJPnSh JPnD Puppy 7Standard Poodle614
LockedNRO Puppy 7Chinese Crested16
LockedNHu NT Puppy 7Chinese Crested19
LockedNSh CWDR Puppy 7Chinese Crested151
LockedPuppy 7Chinese Crested16
LockedNO NSc Puppy 7Great Dane110
LockedNM NFr Puppy 7Greyhound110
LockedAPnT PnE Puppy 8Miniature Dachshund1331
LockedNFl NT Puppy 8Border Collie17
LockedJPnH PnFl CWDR Puppy 8Border Collie920
LockedNH NFl Puppy 8Shetland Sheepdog16
LockedJPnM ND Puppy 8Standard Poodle412
LockedNFl JPnA Puppy 8Shetland Sheepdog412
LockedNRO Puppy 8Chinese Crested111
LockedJPnHu PnA Puppy 8Chinese Crested818
LockedNR NHu Puppy 8Afghan Hound16
LockedNFl NR Puppy 8Afghan Hound17
LockedNSh Puppy 8Dutch Smoushond19
LockedPuppy 8Berger Picard16
LockedASc IPnH Puppy 9Giant Schnauzer1634
LockedNSh ND Puppy 9Standard Poodle19
LockedNM NH Puppy 9Tibetan Mastiff19
LockedNSh NRO Puppy 9Chinese Crested111
LockedNHu NRO Puppy 9Chinese Crested111
LockedNSh NRO Puppy 9Chinese Crested16
LockedPuppy 9Chinese Crested16
LockedPuppy 9Chinese Crested16
LockedPuppy 9Chinese Crested16
LockedJAA MHu Puppy 9 lalaBerger Picard2347
LockedASc IPnT Raphie 21HH lalaDoberman Pinscher1632
LockedChRO GCHu Ringo 21HH LLChinese Crested46107
LockedAT RockyMiniature Dachshund1698
LockedAFr CWDR RosegoldAfghan Hound2348
LockedMSc CWDR Ryder |24HH|Doberman Pinscher3178
LockedPnRO Sadie 24HH LLChinese Crested817
LockedAA PnT SaffronSmooth Fox Terrier1431
LockedJASh APnHu Samson 24HH lalaChinese Crested1529
LockedNH NA Sassyfras 24HH lalaBorder Collie17
LockedAPnFr IPnP Sharon 24HH lalaAfghan Hound1022
LockedARO IPnHu Shebaa 24 HH LlaChinese Crested1427
LockedAA Shep 14HH lalaBedlington Terrier16102
LockedIPnT PnHu Sherry 22HH lalaDoberman Pinscher1026
LockedNP NO Snowy 12HH llaGreat Dane110
LockedJPnFr JPnM SonyaStandard Poodle615
LockedJAT Sparkle LlMiniature Dachshund1694
LockedAM ASh Spencer 19HH lalaGreat Dane1941
LockedAHu IPnM Spot 13HH lalaMiniature Dachshund1637
LockedANHu IPnRO CWDR Sunny 22HH/EEEE/lalaDalmatian1019
LockedIPnD IPnM Vianca 16HH LlaAfghan Hound920
LockedMD Ronne Warrior of LegendStandard Poodle2265
LockedAH Zebra [breed]Berger Picard1838
LockedFor StudExA MFl Ziggy 24HH lalaDutch Smoushond3573
LockedAO CWDR [24HH/lala] Beyond a Reasonable DoubtStaffordshire Bull Terrier1847
WCO CCHT CWDR Alisa 21HH lala intint intintGreat Dane612254
AT Beautiful Jingle BellsMiniature Dachshund172792
NT Belle - GEGG blue 6 HHMiniature Dachshund33086
BlizzardMiniature Dachshund12685
JARO Blue By You (24HH)Chinese Crested172495
NT Blue Merle/tan GEEE 11HHMiniature Dachshund13167
NRO Blue MerylMiniature Dachshund13167
ExSh Cant Buy me LoveChinese Crested352533
NO NSh Charger 24 HH lalaChinese Crested12493
JPnFr JPnFl Choco 24HH lalaGreat Dane52500
NHu CremeMiniature Dachshund12727
NCRO ChHu CWDR Cynderella 23HH LLChinese Crested472604
ASc CaKo Deka NBGreat Dane262281
MA Dianna FGGGMiniature Dachshund282820
MA MT Didi 24HH lalaRough Collie292551
CCFl CWDR Dramatic Effect 1.078xAfghan Hound60614
MO Duncan llYorkshire Terrier252809
IPnHT EggsyGreat Dane102518
UCHT ZS Eureka (18HH lala EEEE)Great Dane601496
AHu CWDR Flowing in the Wind at HUAfghan Hound222532
MFr BSK GabbieStandard Poodle312662
WCE A'K Gilbert Grape|12HH 1hh|Miniature Dachshund431867
JASh Gracilyn 24HH LlaChinese Crested122512
JAR JKO GSK Ripley's Believe It or Not 14HH EEEEGreyhound141893
AO Harvey 24 lalaDutch Smoushond162521
APnHu Hershey KissMiniature Dachshund132195
ExP ~LLW~ KovarBerger Picard441582
GCHT *WRS* MapleGreat Dane471705
ChR Mattie's Boy Toy PushGreyhound262783
JAHu Misti Dawn 24HH lalaChinese Crested132512
CWDR MittensMiniature Dachshund12685
GCHT CWDR NimueGreat Dane462467
ExRO GCHu Philip 24 HH LlaChinese Crested402575
JAT PipMiniature Dachshund182741
Puppy 1Miniature Dachshund12714
Puppy 1Miniature Dachshund12703
NR NFr CWDR Puppy 1Greyhound12493
CWDR Puppy 10Greyhound12490
CWDR Puppy 2Border Collie12695
AT AA Puppy 2Rough Collie202529
Puppy 2Great Dane12490
Puppy 3Shetland Sheepdog12684
CCRO Puppy 3Chinese Crested462585
NFl Puppy 3Afghan Hound12628
NH NA Puppy 3Rough Collie12495
Puppy 3Greyhound12490
Puppy 4Miniature Dachshund12703
CWDR Puppy 4Miniature Dachshund12703
JPnSh DSR Puppy 4French Bulldog62160
Puppy 4 - 13 HH EEEEMiniature Dachshund13164
CWDR Puppy 5Miniature Dachshund12691
Puppy 5 6 HH lalaMiniature Dachshund13165
Puppy 6Miniature Dachshund12691
NRO Puppy 7 - SS 12HH 1 hh lalaMiniature Dachshund13096
Puppy 8Great Dane12490
ND RcK* Raising Cain's Greatest Love SongStandard Poodle12698
JAM Ralphie 19HH lalaGreat Dane142514
GCR ExT Ripley 20HH lalaGreyhound412575
AR CWDR Ripley's Believe it or NotGreyhound222505
JAO Silvia GGGG dd Ssp TtMiniature Dachshund152814
JAHT AT CWDR Spoy 22HH lalaGreat Dane172524
AT A'K What will I find|Bb|8HH 4hh|Miniature Dachshund221864
MRO WinnieChinese Crested312534
NCP CWDR WookieAfghan Hound511698

Game Time

05:15am on Feb 21

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