Lula's Kennel

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Dogs Bred By Lula's Kennel

LockedNRO LulKe AllieToy Fox Terrier111
LockedNH LulKe AmbleBorder Collie19
LockedNR LulKe AndieItalian Greyhound117
LockedNS LulKe AngelieAlaskan Malamute19
LockedNH LulKe AnnaBorder Collie116
LockedNT LulKe AnnabelleShetland Sheepdog116
LockedNSh LulKe BaliAmerican Eskimo Dog19
LockedNSc LulKe BanxBelgian Laekenois110
LockedJPnFl LulKe Bartier CardiBorder Collie723
LockedNT LulKe BellaOtterhound112
LockedNS LulKe CanineAlaskan Malamute19
LockedNA LulKe CannieBedlington Terrier19
LockedNM LulKe CaptainMiniature Bull Terrier110
LockedJPnH LulKe CharcoalBorder Collie622
LockedNRO LulKe DhanieEnglish Toy Spaniel311
LockedNR LulKe DuchessAfricanis18
LockedANM LulKe GingerAmerican Staffordshire Terrier417
LockedNT LulKe GradientBorder Collie19
LockedNA LulKe GrambleBorder Collie110
LockedFor StudIPnH LulKe GraphiteAustralian Koolie825
LockedNSc LulKe IssabellaGerman Shepherd Dog19
LockedNM LulKe JeridiheDalmatian117
LockedNHT LulKe JipKooikerhondje19
LockedNHT LulKe JockCane Corso19
LockedNSc LulKe JohnnyBelgian Tervuren19
LockedNT LulKe JohnstonGerman Shepherd Dog19
LockedNH LulKe Juniper BerryPembroke Welsh Corgi114
LockedNSc LulKe KallieBriard19
LockedNHT LulKe KipleyEnglish Cocker Spaniel111
LockedNH LulKe Kit-KatBorder Collie112
LockedNFl LulKe KittyLapponian Herder116
LockedFor StudANHu LulKe KlipperPomeranian518
LockedNH LulKe LassieRough Collie16
LockedNFl LulKe LauriAustralian Koolie111
LockedJPnP LulKe LlannaAlaskan Malamute621
LockedNA LulKe LolaSchipperke211
LockedNHT LulKe LucasGreat Dane19
LockedNHu LulKe ManaleeMiniature Dachshund115
LockedNP LulKe MannaGreater Swiss Mountain Dog111
LockedNA LulKe MillieWelsh Terrier116
LockedNS LulKe MixaAlaskan Malamute111
LockedNT LulKe MusketDachshund117
LockedNFT LulKe Poppy SeedLabrador Retriever116
LockedNM LulKe RazorwhipAinu Dog16
LockedNH LulKe RoscoBorder Collie111
LockedFor StudJPnH LulKe RufusBorder Collie824
LockedNS LulKe SheppaAlaskan Malamute114
LockedNR LulKe SwiftySilken Windhound116
LockedNT LulKe The Viking GoathySaarloos Wolfdog114
LockedNH LulKe ThorBorder Collie111
LockedNSh LulKe VarnaEnglish Toy Spaniel111
MSc LulKe *BL+W-IR-TAP-MA-EEEE-LALA-18HH*German Shepherd Dog301648
NT AlphaSaarloos Wolfdog43111
NT LulKe AnnieBorder Collie12439
NR LulKe Behold Our AllahAzawakh Hound32678
APnH LulKe Bond to a Perfect SoulSaarloos Wolfdog142811
PnO LulKe Captain of the Seven SeasTibetan Mastiff112749
APnO LulKe Caramel Cream CoffeeTibetan Mastiff122750
AO LulKe Caramel FudgeTibetan Mastiff162839
IPnM LulKe Carnival CandyWest Siberian Laika92739
NO NP CherokeeTibetan Mastiff42668
PnT LulKe ChewySaarloos Wolfdog133052
NSc LulKe Chronos The Keeper Of TimeBull Terrier32678
PnW LulKe Dodge the Rules of SocietyGolden Retriever82741
APnO LulKe Dream of White SnowTibetan Mastiff112827
AO LulKe Duke of Los NochesTibetan Mastiff222855
WCSh LulKe ExcellLapponian Herder602405
ANT LulKe IceySaarloos Wolfdog52968
ANT LulKe JemmaSaarloos Wolfdog52969
NO LulKe KariyaTibetan Mastiff42968
AO LulKe King of WashingtonTibetan Mastiff172843
JPnT LulKe leveled 12-27Saarloos Wolfdog72947
ANT NH LulKe leveled 12-27Saarloos Wolfdog52968
PnT LucySaarloos Wolfdog123063
ANT LulKe MinuteSaarloos Wolfdog52969
NT LulKe PeakSaarloos Wolfdog42968
NH NT LulKe Pierce Their Skin With A RapierSaarloos Wolfdog52680
AO LulKe Pipette and PetrieTibetan Mastiff172843
NSh LulKe Prance Around The FieldsBulldog52680
NP LulKe Pricked By The Needle On The SpindleBernese Mountain Dog32678
IPnP LulKe Queen on PinterestBernese Mountain Dog92744
NM NFr LulKe Red as the Blood of the RichWest Siberian Laika32678
ANA LulKe Ride the Magic Carpet AlladinCarolina Dog52680
NE LulKe Rock The Baby's CradleSmooth Fox Terrier32678
PnT LulKe SallySaarloos Wolfdog122981
NT LulKe SandlotSaarloos Wolfdog42968
PnO LulKe Saviour of SoulsTibetan Mastiff112827
JAO LulKe SemenomaiTibetan Mastiff162839
JPnT LulKe ShadowSaarloos Wolfdog62958
NH NT LulKe She is The Beauty and Was Never The BeastSaarloos Wolfdog52680
ANO LulKe SnowTibetan Mastiff52969
JAT LulKe Sode no ShirayukiSaarloos Wolfdog172839
PnT LulKe SophieSaarloos Wolfdog122982
ANT LulKe SpeciaSaarloos Wolfdog52968
JPnHT LulKe SpeckKooikerhondje62734
NO NP LulKe Spirit of A RottweilerTibetan Mastiff52680
NO NP LulKe Steam Rises To The Top Of The PotTibetan Mastiff52680
APnO LulKe T's Uncrossed and I's UndottedTibetan Mastiff132749
AO LulKe Tanzanian ChaserTibetan Mastiff212854
IPnSh LulKe The Bees' and the Bears' HoneyBulldog102742
NHu LulKe The Carnivorous OneHarrier32678
NRO NSc LulKe The Female Lion NalaBeauceron32678
NH NT LulKe The German They All Call OldeSaarloos Wolfdog52680
NP LulKe The Girl Who Came From TanaraBernese Mountain Dog32678
NFl LulKe The Girl With The Amber EyesWeimaraner32678
ANSh LulKe The Grizzly Bear That Roams the WoodsBulldog62681
PnH LulKe The Lady CeliasSaarloos Wolfdog122748
ANW ND LulKe The Mother Dog Named NonnaGolden Retriever52681
NM NFr LulKe The Muhumett Safa AvciWest Siberian Laika32678
IPnT TrickySaarloos Wolfdog103071
IPnT LulKe Viking JuntaSaarloos Wolfdog92826

Game Time

05:53pm on Feb 1

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