MontanaWinds Kennel

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Dogs Bred By MontanaWinds Kennel

LockedFor Private SaleIPnFl *MW* $ For Sell $Alaskan Husky1124
LockedJASh *MW* Achievement - LOCKAmerican Pit Bull Terrier1429
LockedFor StudChFl *MW* Across the Universe Lla GGEGGreenland Dog4369
LockedJAS *MW* Arctic Slumber [12 HH EEEE strstr strstr]Alaskan Husky1330
LockedExO RSNR blue 8HH EAmerican Pit Bull Terrier3392
LockedJPnHu *MW* Dream CatcherAlaskan Husky745
LockedNSc *MW* FolanGerman Shepherd Dog18
LockedASc *MW* Gemma 4EMAmerican Pit Bull Terrier1854
LockedJPnFr *MW* KatsuAkita621
LockedNS MiloAlaskan Husky111
LockedJAP *MW* MishkaAlaskan Husky1429
LockedAM *MW* muscialfAkita2247
Locked*MW* Puppy 1Alaskan Husky110
LockedAP *MW* Puppy 3Greenland Dog2162
LockedAPnA *MW* Puppy 5Greenland Dog1541
LockedFor StudChH *MW* Rising StarBorder Collie42102
LockedNP *MW* TigerAlaskan Husky316
LockedAS WolfGreenland Dog1530
NCA AlaskaGreenland Dog512725
APnA *MW* Amani Al-HizaGreenland Dog152701
JAS Await FateGreenland Dog132907
IPnSc *MW* CocoAmerican Pit Bull Terrier92945
MSh *PPW* Confident NorthSiberian Husky302604
APnS DDGreenland Dog102962
MP *MW* Dew on Morning GrassAidi272865
NA DocBorder Collie12909
APnA *MW* Fading Into ShadowsGreenland Dog132906
PnP GrizGreenland Dog122924
MM *MW* GrumpsAustralian Cattle Dog302693
IPnS IceGreenland Dog72960
IPnS *MW* JackGreenland Dog82360
JakeAmerican Pit Bull Terrier12908
IPnS JasmineGreenland Dog102364
NRO JinxAmerican Pit Bull Terrier12948
NH JustinGerman Shepherd Dog12908
ANS KaliAlaskan Husky32964
NS KikoAlaskan Husky12909
JAP RSNR Kiko Black and White (Irish) with Tan Points and Light UndersidesAlaskan Husky172673
JPnO KiloGreenland Dog82357
NP kingGerman Shepherd Dog12908
AA *MW* LindaAidi192727
*MW* low multi retireAmerican Pit Bull Terrier12963
NSh *MW* LukeAmerican Pit Bull Terrier32870
JAS LupoGreenland Dog122961
NHu *MW* LupusGreenland Dog12900
NM MarleyBorder Collie12909
IPnP *MW* MaxGreenland Dog92365
NSh MontanaBorder Collie12908
NikitaAlaskan Husky12908
NO PuffBorder Collie12909
JPnP *MW* Puppy 1Labrador Retriever51877
Puppy 2Alaskan Husky12908
NT *MW* Puppy 3Greenland Dog52352
*MW* Puppy 3Aidi12919
IPnO *MW* Puppy 3American Pit Bull Terrier92913
APnSh *MW* Puppy 3German Shepherd Dog121612
NP *MW* Puppy 4Labrador Retriever51877
NFr *MW* Puppy 7Greenland Dog42789
ANSc *MW* Puppy 8American Pit Bull Terrier62505
ARO *MW* QuirkyBorder Collie212852
IPnFr *MW* SkyeAmerican Staffordshire Terrier102722
MFl *MW* SnowAlaskan Husky352179
JAH *MW* StacyAustralian Cattle Dog182973
StellaGerman Shepherd Dog12908
NFr TalonAlaskan Malamute11137
MP *MW* Tangled Web We WeaveGreenland Dog302939
PnHT *MW* TashinaAkita102955
APnSh TracyAkita122979
IPnS *MW* UniqueAlaskan Husky72795

Game Time

07:09am on Feb 20

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