Luxylux's Kennel

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Dogs Bred By Luxylux's Kennel

LockedJPnSh Amber FrostGerman Shepherd Dog689
LockedJPnH Cotton DoveGerman Shepherd Dog689
LockedANM Diamond GoldBorder Collie689
LockedJPnSc Frost StormGerman Shepherd Dog689
LockedJPnA Frosted SnowAlaskan Husky789
LockedMT MHu TCDK HappyAkita Inu3158
LockedNS IzzySiberian Husky385
LockedJPnO Knight LightGerman Shepherd Dog689
LockedNA LavaBorder Collie381
LockedNFr Lightning RoseCzechoslovakian Wolfdog385
LockedANHu LoveBorder Collie485
LockedJPnO Malt CookieBorder Collie682
LockedANH Maple FoxBorder Collie689
LockedJPnM Moon Light StarsBorder Collie789
LockedJPnP Moon StarBorder Collie689
LockedJPnO PeanutButter SnowGerman Shepherd Dog588
LockedNSh Rain CloudAlaskan Husky385
LockedNSc Red and White (Irish) with Isabella Sable and MaskGerman Shepherd Dog316
LockedJPnA Shining SunBorder Collie689
LockedNT Star DreamBorder Collie385
LockedNSh Stone ShineBorder Collie385
LockedJPnD Strawberry KnightGerman Shepherd Dog689
LockedJPnP Summer ShineBorder Collie791
LockedIPnD Tiger FlashBorder Collie691
LockedNS Tiger FrostAlaskan Husky385
LockedJPnSh WaspGerman Shepherd Dog689
LockedNO ZeroBorder Collie378
NFr Amber DoveBorder Collie31093
AO Amber FoxGerman Shepherd Dog161340
AW Amber RoseGerman Shepherd Dog121392
AO Amber TigerBorder Collie171188
NCA Argent MoonBorder Collie491153
AP AA Arrow SparkBorder Collie201202
ChH Sun-A Baatha (TBB Roski)Border Collie511266
APnA BoAlaskan Husky131396
JPnS BoneSiberian Husky72082
ANH Caramel DrizzleBorder Collie51778
JPnP CarlaGerman Shepherd Dog62210
AO ASh Carmel CafeGerman Shepherd Dog221205
JPnO Carmel TigerGerman Shepherd Dog61117
Chocolate DiamondBorder Collie11014
JPnFr Chocolate FoxBorder Collie51120
JAP Chocolate TigerBorder Collie141180
ANSh CloudAlaskan Husky52210
MFr Clouded IceBorder Collie251261
JAT Clouded SkyBorder Collie141332
JPnFr Coca ColaBorder Collie61788
JPnH Coca Cola JuniorBorder Collie61743
MO Coco DiamondBorder Collie241274
JAD Cotton ButterGerman Shepherd Dog121331
AA Cotton Snow FrostGerman Shepherd Dog241274
MW Cotton TigerGerman Shepherd Dog231274
ASc Cream ShineGerman Shepherd Dog251274
AFr Cream TigerAlaskan Husky171340
JAA Crystal CreamBorder Collie141325
ASh Crystal DiamondBorder Collie241261
AFr Crystal FoxBorder Collie181195
AFr Crystal GalaxyBorder Collie231205
AD Crystal MilkywayBorder Collie171185
JPnP Crystal WindBorder Collie61120
AO Diamond CloudBorder Collie161181
JPnD Diamond CrystalBorder Collie61120
JPnA Diamond DoveBorder Collie61120
Diamond DustBorder Collie11014
ANO Diamond FlameBorder Collie51120
JAFr Diamond FoxBorder Collie131180
ANHu Diamond FoxBorder Collie51119
JASh Diamond FrostBorder Collie151181
JPnM Diamond Frosted SnowBorder Collie61120
MD Diamond IceBorder Collie241206
ASh Diamond KnightBorder Collie181194
ASh Diamond LightBorder Collie241206
PnFl Diamond PearlBorder Collie101171
PnT Diamond PrincessBorder Collie101167
NHu Diamond ReignBorder Collie31093
JAM Diamond SkyBorder Collie141332
AT Diamond SnowBorder Collie161181
JPnH Diamond SnowflakeBorder Collie51120
AO Diamond WarriorBorder Collie181186
JPnFr Diamond WildBorder Collie51120
Diamond WindBorder Collie11014
AO Dove LoveBorder Collie221261
AH Ember ArrowBorder Collie181185
AM Ember CloudBorder Collie241205
AA Ember FireBorder Collie241274
JPnO Ember SnowBorder Collie61119
APnO Falcon Jr.Siberian Husky132007
NSh FancyStandard Poodle11659
AHu Fire BlazeBorder Collie161338
ANSh Fire DashGerman Shepherd Dog61119
AA Fire HeartBorder Collie181410
AP Fire ShineGerman Shepherd Dog181185
PnP Fire WillowGerman Shepherd Dog101167
ANSh FlameSaarloos Wolfdog52209
JPnT FlameGerman Shepherd Dog71789
AA Flame BlazeBorder Collie231261
JPnR Flora RoseSilken Windhound61120
AA Forest FoxBorder Collie241273
JAA Fox BreezeBorder Collie141180
ANT Fox DoveBorder Collie61116
AM Frosted SnowBorder Collie181185
JAA GalaxyBorder Collie141329
AA Golden DoveBorder Collie181192
JAO Golden FlameBorder Collie131325
AH Golden ForestBorder Collie241261
AA Golden FoxBorder Collie181185
ANM Golden HeartGerman Shepherd Dog51117
MD Golden RiverBorder Collie231274
AT Golden ShineGerman Shepherd Dog181194
MP Golden SilverBorder Collie241261
AA Golden SparkBorder Collie201191
ANA Golden TigerBorder Collie61119
AH Golden ZebraBorder Collie231204
JPnFl Hot ChocolateBorder Collie61788
MO Hot chocolateBorder Collie241261
CCS Sun-A Houda (TBB Mystake)Alaskan Husky521395
AM Ice CrystalBorder Collie181194
JAH Icecream MilkshakeBorder Collie171338
GCH Sun-A Ikona (TBB Dion)Border Collie53219
JPnA Island juniorGerman Shepherd Dog61788
AFr JaneGerman Shepherd Dog181196
NSh JewelBorder Collie11663
JAM Knight ShineGerman Shepherd Dog151336
JAS LionAlaskan Husky131396
AFr LionAlaskan Husky231206
NM LoveBorder Collie11664
LuckyBorder Collie11606
JPnP LukeSaarloos Wolfdog62214
PnSh Major magic trick JuniorBorder Collie10528
ANFl Maple GalaxyBorder Collie61120
MO Maple LeafGerman Shepherd Dog231271
NW Maple Leaves JuniorGerman Shepherd Dog11659
NA Maple PawBorder Collie41095
AD Maple RiverBorder Collie141180
ASc Maple ShineGerman Shepherd Dog231205
JPnP Maple ShineGerman Shepherd Dog61119
AO Maple SnowGerman Shepherd Dog221205
ExW Maple TreeGerman Shepherd Dog221251
ASc Maple WillowGerman Shepherd Dog181186
AA Milk DoveAlaskan Husky241260
MFr Milk TigerAlaskan Husky241274
AFr Milky GalaxyBorder Collie241261
JAFr Milky wayBorder Collie131396
JPnD MilkyWayBorder Collie61788
JPnT Ninja JuniorGerman Shepherd Dog71744
PnFr Oreo CreamGerman Shepherd Dog101172
JPnW Oreo FrostGerman Shepherd Dog61115
JPnSh Peanut butterAlaskan Husky71789
AH PrincessBorder Collie251205
APnSc Princess ShineGerman Shepherd Dog141322
PnT Puppy 1Siberian Husky111983
JASh Puppy 1German Shepherd Dog141945
NP Puppy 1German Shepherd Dog11658
JAM Puppy 2Alaskan Husky131999
JAS Puppy 2Siberian Husky131946
NS Puppy 2Alaskan Husky11663
NRO Puppy 2German Shepherd Dog11328
JAD Puppy 3Siberian Husky121999
PnO Puppy 4German Shepherd Dog111988
NT Puppy 4German Shepherd Dog11663
Puppy 4Border Collie11014
JAP Puppy 5German Shepherd Dog131873
Puppy 5Akita Inu11196
NW Puppy 7German Shepherd Dog11663
APnSc RainbowsAmerican White Shepherd121395
ASc Red WolfGerman Shepherd Dog171340
JAFr RexBorder Collie131392
AD River EmberBorder Collie221202
AA River FoxBorder Collie231205
JPnO RoseGerman Shepherd Dog51669
MSc RoxyGerman Shepherd Dog251261
ASc Roxy SparkGerman Shepherd Dog231205
ASc Sand FlameGerman Shepherd Dog251273
AO Sand ShineGerman Shepherd Dog231261
MM Sand ShineGerman Shepherd Dog251206
MM Sand StarGerman Shepherd Dog251259
JPnO SandStormGerman Shepherd Dog71789
NP SandyGerman Shepherd Dog11664
AH Sandy RiverBorder Collie241267
APnFl Sandy SeaGerman Shepherd Dog131325
AO Sandy TigerGerman Shepherd Dog161181
ASh Shine SunlightBorder Collie251272
MD Shining FlameGerman Shepherd Dog231205
AT Shining TigerGerman Shepherd Dog251206
AA Silk RoseSilken Windhound171186
JAA Silver DoveBorder Collie141180
AD Silver RiverBorder Collie161340
ANFr Silver TigerBorder Collie51121
JPnSh SilverStreamBorder Collie61788
ANSh SilverStreamAlaskan Husky51669
AH SkyBorder Collie241274
AP SkylarBorder Collie221202
JAM Snow 2Jamthund142005
ASh Snow BlazeBorder Collie231205
AM Snow CloudBorder Collie191191
MO Snow Frost StormGerman Shepherd Dog241206
ANM SnowfallBorder Collie61119
AM Snowy PawBorder Collie171410
JAA Snowy TigerBorder Collie141398
JAM SparkBorder Collie131398
AFr SparkBorder Collie231204
AM Spark RiverBorder Collie221251
AA Spotted StarsBorder Collie241251
JPnH Spotted TigerBorder Collie71744
AA Spotted TigerBorder Collie241268
NA Spotty SpotBorder Collie11664
PnSh Star Lit SkyBorder Collie101167
JAFl StarLightBorder Collie161410
ASh StormGerman Shepherd Dog171339
MA Storm CloudBorder Collie261279
AM Storm EmberBorder Collie241261
NCSc Storm Of The WolfGerman Shepherd Dog471109
ASc Storm ShineGerman Shepherd Dog241274
JASc Strawberry CreamGerman Shepherd Dog151336
JASh Sun LightBorder Collie141180
AA Sunny MapleBorder Collie171340
JAFl SunshineBorder Collie141398
AM SunshineBorder Collie231205
GCHT Sun-A Taro (TBB Yasahisa)Akita Inu50320
NRO TigerBorder Collie11659
AFr Tiger CrystalBorder Collie231274
MO Tiger GalaxyBorder Collie241274
AFr Tiger LilyBorder Collie161410
APnT Tiger RexBorder Collie131326
MW Tiger ShineGerman Shepherd Dog221260
ASh Tiger SpotsBorder Collie211205
AT Tiger ZebraBorder Collie241261
MO TigeressAlaskan Husky241251
APnD Vanilla CupcakeGerman Shepherd Dog121391
IPnA WarriorBorder Collie101536
MO WarriorBorder Collie241206
ASc PnO Wolf FrostGerman Shepherd Dog171194
MT Wolf StormGerman Shepherd Dog251273
JPnS WolfieSiberian Husky52214
NA ZebraBorder Collie11653

Game Time

07:32am on Nov 25

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