Isle of Crested

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Dogs Bred By Isle of Crested

LockedNSh PYRS 6HHChinese Crested111
LockedIoC 81Dalmatian18
LockedJPnSh BabyChinese Crested362
LockedAND Birthday Cake Remix Cold Stone Jelly BeanStandard Poodle514
LockedAFl IoC cAfghan Hound1876
LockedIPnFT Coal Miner's DaughterEnglish Springer Spaniel751
LockedNFl Cocoa (EGEE)Australian Shepherd112
LockedAND Cranberry Superfruit Jelly BeanStandard Poodle514
LockedNH NT IoC Daisy Chain 20/0 lala EEEEAustralian Shepherd16
LockedAA IoC Dancing the TangoShetland Sheepdog2237
LockedNSh IoC EEEE CharismaChinese Crested18
LockedJPnHu EEEE Intel 40+Dalmatian513
LockedASh IoC EGEE Lla stmcha strstm 5HH 18Hh 1hhToy Poodle1836
LockedASh IoC Eye for DesignStandard Poodle1730
LockedIPnO IoC GGGE 28 SpeedAustralian Shepherd326
LockedAFl IoC Handsome Man TankerShetland Sheepdog1731
LockedAPnH IoC insomniaAustralian Shepherd1431
LockedJPnA IoC Freezing in My BootsChinese Crested822
LockedFor Public SaleANR PnM Katalina (12HH 2hh lala EGEG)Afghan Hound1120
LockedGCFr IoC LeoStandard Poodle4267
LockedExT ExHu Puppy 2Chinese Crested3483
LockedPnR IoC Racing Stripes (17HH lala EEEE)Afghan Hound1322
LockedFor Private SaleNFr GPRK ReginaStandard Poodle18
LockedMHT IoC Rewardo - 4E 20/4/0 Lla x2 cha • 1.262x • {SEE ABOUT FOR STUD INFORMATION}Standard Poodle37119
LockedFor StudAP IoC Rosé EEEE 23HH, lalaStandard Poodle1844
LockedIPnFl JPnR Roy (11HH 3hh lala EGGE)Afghan Hound1221
LockedExA IoC RubrumAustralian Shepherd4279
LockedChFl IoC Sammy 16HH1hh lla 1.062xAustralian Shepherd4393
LockedAO JPnFr IoC SELLChinese Crested2039
LockedPnH APnHu IoC Stanley 15/2 lala EGGEAustralian Shepherd1119
LockedAHu IoC TommyChinese Crested2033
LockedIPnFr JPnD IoC Zuma (20HH lala EEEE)Afghan Hound1022
LockedPnA AFl [ACHIEVEMENT] [EEEE] [Ll] [0.997x] [15HH] [intagi agistr]Australian Shepherd1843
ANSc IoC 23HH lala EEEEGreat Dane51057
JAFr IoC A Bucking BroncoAfghan Hound132565
JAR IoC A Dragon's MaidenAfghan Hound132565
JPnT IoC Agent in TrainingAustralian Koolie52543
NH IoC All Agility StarAustralian Shepherd12531
NHu IoC As a Pin DropsChinese Crested11070
MHu IoC AtlasDalmatian261080
JPnFl AugustAustralian Shepherd82600
PnSh IoC Autumn Breeze, Cider Please at StarDazedChinese Crested10352
GCH IoC Baby Minded BluesAustralian Shepherd431131
NSh IoC Baby with Fur BootsChinese Crested12531
ASh IoC Baby's Gold DiggerToy Poodle181138
NRO Ballerina in the ShowChinese Crested32306
AA IoC Bambi on IceDalmatian201099
NRO IoC Bedazzled Under the Summer SunChinese Crested11071
PnFT Ben 1.065English Springer Spaniel111091
JAFr Big RedStandard Poodle121118
NCFr IoC Bless the Broken RoadStandard Poodle441135
ASh Blessed is the MorningEnglish Springer Spaniel201096
ChP IoC Blue is as Blue DoesStandard Poodle381124
APnSh IoC Boots with the FurChinese Crested122559
MHT IoC Brave the WildernessGreat Dane261106
Breed ReducerStandard Poodle11138
NH IoC Brewing that Deep AleAustralian Shepherd11070
MRO IoC Bright as a Red BirdChinese Crested271106
ANFr Buckshot Boy ScoutAfghan Hound32306
ARO IoC Can't See MeChinese Crested212590
JAFr IoC CEO In ChargeAfghan Hound122562
AD IoC ChampStandard Poodle211139
NA IoC Change the WorldBerger Picard12537
ChRO IoC Charlie Chocolate tierChinese Crested341119
PnHu IoC Chocolate BunnyChinese Crested102552
AH IoC Chocolate MochaAustralian Shepherd192578
ExD IoC Christmas CocoaStandard Poodle321113
MO IoC Christmas Cocoa CookieStandard Poodle261106
PnT IoC Christmas MistletoeAustralian Shepherd122557
ChFr IoC Crème BruleStandard Poodle391127
JAFl IPnD S.H.A Cross Me TwiceAustralian Shepherd202590
MH IoC Dance My Own WayAustralian Shepherd321113
ExHT IoC Dancer of the SeasStandard Poodle331112
JASh IoC Dancing in the WavesStandard Poodle161089
JAM IoC Dancing the Days ByDalmatian121086
NFr IoC Dappled SnowfallAfghan Hound12537
ASh IoC Defining the AtlasChinese Crested201132
GCHu IoC Devil's Dancing LightsChinese Crested411123
AFl Disco Under the LightsAustralian Shepherd211097
APnD IoC doneStandard Poodle10573
PnRO IoC doneToy Poodle10573
ANT IoC DoomsDay WreckBelgian Sheepdog62583
MRO IoC Double TroubleChinese Crested242601
CCHu IoC Dreams of PastryChinese Crested471138
MD IoC Drift Closer to MeStandard Poodle271107
PnP IoC Dying for DramaAfghan Hound102552
NM IoC Easy to loveDalmatian1948
ANA IoC EEGE 45 SpeedAustralian Shepherd61127
NM IoC EEGE StamAustralian Shepherd11118
EFEG 28 StaChinese Crested12562
IPnR EGFE 46 SpeedAfghan Hound91119
JASh IoC Endless AshesToy Poodle141105
ANH IoC Every Dime has His DayAustralian Shepherd42539
JPnHu IoC Excellent CharismaGreat Dane61132
GCSh IoC Fireflies Light the SkyEnglish Springer Spaniel421132
GCP *WRS* FlaminaStandard Poodle411070
ExSh IoC Fleeting WindsEnglish Springer Spaniel331118
MHT APnFr IoC GallantGreat Dane31916
GEEE 29 IntChinese Crested12562
GEGE 32 StaAustralian Shepherd12537
MFl IoC Getting Over the BrokenAfghan Hound261106
AP GgStandard Poodle171124
NRO IoC Give Me a Fighting ChanceChinese Crested11071
JAFl IoC Gonna Be AgileAustralian Shepherd142565
IPnHT IoC Gonna Curse MyselfGreat Dane71078
NCFr IoC Graceful by DesignStandard Poodle471139
AW IoC He Does Hero WorkStandard Poodle181096
MHT IoC He's a Block HeadGreat Dane311113
JAFl IoC He's Been CatfishedAustralian Shepherd151089
NCFr IoC I Need an IcebreakerStandard Poodle451135
JAA IoC I'm Misty EyedAustralian Shepherd162569
PnSh IoC Ice in the WavesChinese Crested111125
NFl IoC In a Field of DaisiesAustralian Shepherd11070
NO IoC In the SpringtimeChinese Crested11070
JAHu HotR IoC Dancing in My FurChinese Crested141126
IoC Eye of GoldDalmatian11112
APnHu IoC Ivory Towers GleamingDalmatian121083
ExHu IoC Juneth B BuggerChinese Crested341118
APnSh IoC K9K'S ZEROGolden Retriever151077
Keep!Chinese Crested12292
KeeperChinese Crested12292
KeeperStandard Poodle12292
MSh IoC KendraChinese Crested302555
APnSh IoC KinderStandard Poodle131093
JAD IoC lala Groovy 20HH 0hhStandard Poodle141077
AFT IoC Leaping for Joyous ConsentEnglish Springer Spaniel191096
GCM IoC Lettuce Leaf LakeGreat Dane421132
MO IoC Libbie Reliable~*~ Retire OutBelgian Sheepdog301274
NHT IoC Light as a FeatherStandard Poodle11071
ASh LillyChinese Crested202564
JAT IoC Little AnsaChinese Crested162572
AM IoC Little Dolly AnneGreat Dane241106
ExM IoC Little Girl MclockinDalmatian341119
NRO IoC Little Red Riding WoofChinese Crested11106
PnHu IoC Living in the High CountryAustralian Shepherd101081
NRO Living in the SpotlightGordon Setter12305
JPnA Lolita FairaAustralian Shepherd62613
ExT IoC Ma'am Nancy NannaAustralian Shepherd351119
GCM IoC Madame Humphrey'sDalmatian431133
APnT IoC Magic Kingdoms of LoveAustralian Shepherd111081
NSh IoC Maniac DiscoChinese Crested12531
NCHu IoC Micah's Little LambDalmatian431133
JPnM Milotya ForriliaChinese Crested72616
ExHu IoC Missus Bright EyesDalmatian311113
NFl IoC Muddy River PawsAustralian Koolie12531
JASh IoC MudslideToy Poodle141106
PnSh IoC MunchkinToy Poodle10785
ChH IoC MurphyAustralian Shepherd44507
ND IoC Must Be Coca-ColaStandard Poodle12531
NRO Name on the Big ScreenChinese Crested32306
JPnFl IoC National Football LeagueAustralian Shepherd72543
GCH IoC Next Generation PrepareAustralian Shepherd451132
PnH IoC Nyx's TrickeryAustralian Shepherd112550
NHu IoC Ocean BluesChinese Crested12531
MR IoC Once Upon a TimeAfghan Hound261106
JPnFr IoC Oreo Cookie MonsterStandard Poodle52543
ASh IoC Peppermint Candy StixEnglish Springer Spaniel201096
JAM IoC Perfect as the RoseAustralian Shepherd131084
IPnM IoC Perfect PerformanceAfghan Hound102553
NFr Pretty PrincessAfghan Hound32306
ExD IoC Prince of DesperationStandard Poodle321112
AD IoC Puppy 1Standard Poodle191014
Puppy 1Chinese Crested11069
Puppy 3Australian Shepherd12537
Puppy 5Chinese Crested11069
Puppy 8Chinese Crested11061
ANFl IoC Red Hot PepperAustralian Shepherd42539
AHu IoC Red Riding HoodChinese Crested151089
JPnM IoC Rising From the AshesStandard Poodle61077
PnSh IoC Rugar RedChinese Crested122519
ASh IoC Running through the WoodsEnglish Springer Spaniel201096
JPnT IoC Sargent PancakesShetland Sheepdog62543
APnHu IoC Save YourselfDalmatian121086
JPnM IoC Set it on FireStandard Poodle71077
ChR IoC Shadows in the NightAfghan Hound391127
CCHu IoC She's Miss BakedChinese Crested471138
AFr IoC Silver as the SnowStandard Poodle191096
NRO IoC Silver Song Bells SingChinese Crested11070
NH IoC Singing in the RainAustralian Shepherd12531
MSh IoC SpringEnglish Springer Spaniel28168
JPnP IoC Stay Here With MeStandard Poodle61077
NFl IoC Staying SingleBerger Picard12537
JPnSh IoC The Coldest WinterChinese Crested62543
JAH IoC The Feelings' MutualAustralian Shepherd161089
APnFl IoC The Hurricane's EyeAfghan Hound132565
JPnSh IoC The Last Dying LightEnglish Springer Spaniel61078
PnD IoC The Mountains RiseGolden Retriever101081
JAR IoC The Silver Chain SparklesAfghan Hound141088
APnT IoC Titan's WrathAustralian Shepherd122556
IPnO IoC To Infinity and BeyondEnglish Springer Spaniel61078
ANP Top of the PyramidStandard Poodle32306
ANH IoC Turn It UpAustralian Shepherd62583
JPnD IoC Turn Up My WorldStandard Poodle61077
PnT HotR TurnerToy Poodle111116
NRO IoC Tuxedo ManChinese Crested12537
NRO IoC Vanishing ActChinese Crested12527
ExT IoC What a Stinkin' LincolnAustralian Shepherd331113
AFr IoC When Miracles HappenStandard Poodle181096
MHu IoC Where Did the Party GoChinese Crested281106
JAHu IoC Whistle of the WindAfghan Hound132565
NRO IoC White Chocolate GoldToy Poodle11122
MM IoC Wish of the WitchDalmatian301112
JPnA IoC Worth Fighting ForAustralian Shepherd61077
JPnSh IoC You're My Ever AfterEnglish Springer Spaniel71078
JPnHu IoC Zebra StripesChinese Crested52543

Game Time

04:24am on Dec 22

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