Star wars

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Dogs Bred By Star wars

MSh Wars Puppy of loveAidi2869
LockedJPnSh Wars (Adopt!)Australian Shepherd837
LockedASh Wars *BlyssPapillon1954
LockedMSh Wars *MangoPapillon3380
LockedExSh Wars *RoxyPapillon3887
LockedMRO Wars *SilkyPapillon2770
LockedASh Wars *SnowBedlington Terrier2367
LockedMRO Wars *SushiAustralian Shepherd28106
LockedMSh Wars .American Bully3069
LockedMSh Wars 0.97 SlingBeagle3386
LockedWars 1.077xCardigan Welsh Corgi16
LockedWars 1.077xCardigan Welsh Corgi16
LockedMSc Wars 100.0 • 24,0,0 • EEEE • lala • 2 • 0German Shepherd Dog3080
LockedChSh Wars 10HH EEEE LlaPekingese4391
LockedFor Private SaleAO Wars 10HH lla 1.03Staffordshire Bull Terrier1784
LockedJPnSh Wars 11HH EEEEPekingese739
LockedNRO TXBM 13Tibetan Spaniel425
LockedNFl TXBM 13Tibetan Spaniel124
LockedJPnSh Wars 14HH EEEEAustralian Cattle Dog718
LockedTXBM 15Greenland Dog125
LockedJAFl 16HH CWLapponian Herder16100
LockedNSh Wars 17HH/lalaIrish Wolfhound16
LockedNA 17HH/Lla/1.217xPekingese16
LockedNSh TXBM 18Tibetan Spaniel324
LockedAO Wars 18HH/6Hh EEEE lla 1.170xBulldog2585
LockedNR Wars 18HH/lalaIrish Wolfhound16
LockedTXBM 19Greenland Dog125
LockedASh Wars 19 HHAmerican Pit Bull Terrier2453
LockedAO Wars 19HH 4EBulldog1551
LockedJPnSc Wars 19HH/5Hh EEEE LlaDoberman Pinscher643
LockedJPnFr Wars 20HH 4Hh (EEEE) SilverBorder Collie820
LockedJAH Wars 20HH lala spdspd stmspdCentral Asian Shepherd1551
LockedJPnSh 20HH/LlaDalmatian924
LockedPnSc 0ops! 21HH3Hh Lla PoloGerman Shepherd Dog1189
LockedJAFr Wars 22/0 lala (17, 19) BattlestarAzawakh Hound1542
LockedASh Wars 22HH/lalaPapillon1856
LockedNH DDOGG 22HH/LlaCaucasian Ovtcharka17
LockedIPnHT Wars 23 LeopressCatahoula Leopard Dog516
LockedASh Wars 23HH/lalaBeagle1634
LockedAO Wars 24HH Lla spdspd stmcha [1.0]Central Asian Shepherd1351
LockedFor Public SaleASh Wars 24HH/lalaSloughi2062
LockedARO DDOGG 24HH/lala/1.230xLhasa Apso2243
LockedAH AFl 4 ft 8 [18 sl e] h 1.0Saarloos Wolfdog2343
LockedMSc Wars 4E 23HH AmenityGerman Shepherd Dog3152
LockedNSh Wars 4E Lla 16/8/0 stragi chaintCentral Asian Shepherd171
LockedFor StudAS Wars 4E || 14HH 10Hh 0hh || lala || strint stmspd || Cream Chocolate Grizzle w/ Light Underside || 1.030xSiberian Husky1750
LockedIPnRO Wars 4E || 17HH 7Hh 0hh || lala || intagi agispd || Black || 1.122xPuli1035
LockedAPnFl Wars 6984830Mudi1424
LockedMSh 85.4 • 10,14,0 • 34:14 • EEEE • lala • chacha strspdWelsh Terrier3170
LockedNH Wars 9 18 1030 GreatMudi112
LockedASh Wars A boy in redChinese Crested2266
LockedARO Wars A dream come trueTibetan Spaniel1872
LockedJAA Wars A great ideaAmerican Cocker Spaniel2064
LockedMO Wars A hole insideAidi3052
LockedExT Wars A hot minuteBorder Collie3697
LockedJPnRO Wars A love storyHarrier835
LockedASh Wars AchievementBedlington Terrier2176
LockedAP AchievementChinook2050
LockedAD Wars AchillesFlat Coated Retriever1829
LockedJPnRO Wars Adorable babyAmerican Bully737
LockedASh Wars AdrienCarolina Dog2034
LockedPnFl Agent SpecklesBorder Collie918
LockedAO Wars agix3Azawakh Hound1757
LockedASh Wars Alana EEEE 20HH lala Kbrk Ayat sisp RTBMudi2161
LockedMH Wars Alberta FallsRough Collie2648
LockedANA Wars AlexisAmerican Cocker Spaniel831
LockedNM Wars AliceAmerican Cocker Spaniel414
LockedJASc All For Freedom And For PleasureGerman Shepherd Dog1538
LockedAO Wars All for loveSilken Windhound2450
LockedARO Wars All for nothing is hereGreenland Dog2077
LockedJPnR Wars All for youWhippet642
LockedANM Wars All helpTibetan Spaniel537
LockedJAA Wars All I guessedAmerican Bully1663
LockedNRO Wars All I loveAmerican Bully536
LockedExH Wars All of youBorder Collie39103
LockedJPnSh Wars All powerAmerican Bully837
LockedJPnSh Wars All powerGreenland Dog639
LockedPnO Wars All the powerStaffordshire Bull Terrier1158
LockedJPnO Wars All the thingsMiniature Bull Terrier724
LockedAA Wars AlloNorwegian Lundehund2071
LockedTXBM Almost all thereGreenland Dog125
LockedNM Wars Alpharius - 4E 14/10/0 lala x1 agi 61 • 0.992x (Available 97+109) 0Xoloitzcuintle174
LockedFor StudAP Wars Amazing GraceAmerican Cocker Spaniel2470
LockedAPnT AmberDachshund1443
LockedASh Wars AraCane Corso1848
LockedExHT Wars ArtemisCane Corso3592
LockedAPnO Wars Astoria - 3 Hh - 2Standard Poodle1250
LockedAH AtayaSmooth Collie2144
LockedNO Wars AuroraAmerican Cocker Spaniel112
LockedJAS Wars Aurora****Greenland Dog1260
LockedIPnP Aurum SpectrumAlaskan Husky1076
LockedNT Australian KoolieAustralian Koolie632
LockedNSh Wars Averliegh - 4E 19/5/0 lla x0 cha 0.958xBelgian Malinois171
LockedFor StudChFr Wars Avicii 20HH EEEEChart Polski3887
LockedAA Wars avrillAustralian Shepherd1990
LockedNA Wars Awesome like meCentral Asian Shepherd113
LockedMSc Wars awfAmerican Bully2868
LockedMT Wars awfaAmerican Bully2868
LockedAT Wars AXE Rypere (4E, 12HH, lala, str/spd, agix2)Beauceron2336
LockedANFT AzaleaBeagle519
LockedJPnS Wars Azul (23HH Lla EEEE)Siberian Husky733
LockedAO BabaySilken Windhound1232
LockedMO Wars Baby blue is hereAmerican Pit Bull Terrier30105
LockedARO Wars Baby daddy lala EEEE 1 RSiberian Husky2071
LockedJPnA Wars Back loveAmerican Bully737
LockedNT Wars BaileyHovawart112
LockedNSh BaileyGreenland Dog338
LockedPnH Wars BaltoBorder Collie1378
LockedChRO Wars BananaIrish Wolfhound4297
LockedIPnSh Wars Banana Culture's Perfect T HellhoundChinese Shar-Pei922
LockedAO Wars Barking Up The Wrong TreeBoerboel2059
LockedASh Wars BaronessShetland Sheepdog2366
LockedMSh Wars Basil EEEE 21HH llaAustralian Koolie3186
LockedMFr Wars BaxterRat Terrier2046
LockedAO Wars BayonetAustralian Shepherd2276
LockedTXBM Beat The HeatGreenland Dog125
LockedMSh Wars Beatiful Ways****SDAmerican Bully3073
LockedAHu Wars Bed of horrorTibetan Spaniel2065
LockedASh Wars Bederatzi's Pretty Snow Lady- EEEE kk Ee BB DD Slsl asaasa sisi rr tt Ccw uuAzawakh Hound2183
LockedNA Wars Been a whileAmerican Bully436
LockedJAO Wars Belive in meAustralian Shepherd1351
LockedARO Wars Bell of War 23/0 lala EEEE Kbrk Ayat Ssp RTBMudi1649
LockedNH SDMK Big guyShetland Sheepdog346
LockedAO Big mamaAnatolian Shepherd2092
LockedNSh Wars Big shadowGreat Dane127
LockedFor StudAH Wars BillyShetland Sheepdog2145
LockedMT |S~E| Biscuit EEEE 20HH LlaDachshund3185
LockedJPnS Wars Black shadowGreenland Dog539
LockedMO Wars Bleubel - 4E 19/5/0 lala x0 str • 1.012x (Available 97+109) 0Central Asian Shepherd27109
LockedAA Wars BlondieEnglish Cocker Spaniel2364
LockedFor StudAPnP Wars BloodShed *20 HH*Catahoula Leopard Dog1141
LockedMA Wars Blue SoulAlaskan Husky3596
LockedNFl Blå som himlenGreenland Dog126
LockedAFr Wars BoboIrish Wolfhound1533
LockedAR BonnieBorzoi2071
LockedCCR ExFr BEAN Bono 23HH/1Hh Lla 2agi 1.152xBasenji5496
LockedANSh Wars Bonus pointsPapillon743
LockedFor StudASh Wars BooBernese Mountain Dog2072
LockedNH Wars Border Feme 1Border Collie113
LockedNH Wars Border Feme 2Border Collie113
LockedJPnRO Wars Boy of beautyAmerican Bully739
LockedJPnSh Wars Boy with the powerAmerican Bully739
LockedNRO Wars BrazilBichon Frise222
LockedAM Wars Break My StrideMudi1963
LockedMR Wars Bring On The WildBasenji3048
LockedFor StudIPnH Wars BrittyShetland Sheepdog1050
LockedMSh Wars BuddyWest Siberian Laika3391
LockedNRO Wars BuffyGreat Pyrenees437
LockedJASh Wars Build Me Up ButtercupMudi1748
LockedIPnRO Wars Burning hotAmerican Bully737
LockedAO Wars Bursting with BooksIcelandic Sheepdog2075
LockedMRO Wars Butter EEEE 19HH LlDoberman Pinscher3499
LockedJPnA Buttercups in the MeadowAustralian Koolie1045
LockedAPnHu Caddie 19HH lala EEEEBorder Collie1148
LockedJPnS Call me babyAmerican Indian Dog629
LockedNSh Wars Call me when you get a chanceAmerican Bully536
LockedGCO Wars Cambridge Hills' Girl Worth Fighting ForIcelandic Sheepdog3897
LockedMSh Wars Can WeMiniature Pinscher2987
LockedAD Rrr S CañónBorder Collie2051
LockedMFl Car radio 30Ibizan Hound3068
LockedIPnSh Wars Careful What You Wish ForStandard Poodle843
LockedJAT CarmellaDachshund1646
LockedWCR Casey [lala.100.csaa]Basenji64101
LockedChR WCFl Charlie [lala.99.xsxs.Fl]Africanis68101
LockedMH Charlie's Chocolate FactoryAustralian Koolie2985
LockedJPnO Wars Chosen by loveGreenland Dog740
LockedAHu CiaraAlaskan Husky2298
LockedCCO Wars Ciaran | 20/0 Lla 1sCentral Asian Shepherd3972
LockedMA Wars Cilantro EEEE 20HH llaAustralian Koolie3385
LockedMSh Wars CinnamonChihuahua3051
LockedAHu ~K~* ClariseBorder Collie2573
LockedFor StudMSc Wars Clear Love - 24 HHAmerican Bully3073
LockedExO CloudCaucasian Ovtcharka3371
LockedJPnSh Wars Clubb loveAmerican Bully737
LockedFor StudAT Wars Cobalt CadenceNorwegian Lundehund2374
LockedNA Wars Confident loverRough Collie18
LockedJPnSh Wars Cool ladyAmerican Bully837
LockedAFl Wars CosmicEnglish Cocker Spaniel2676
LockedMH |S~E| Countess EEEE 23HH lalaCatahoula Leopard Dog3485
LockedMA |S~E| Cranberry EEEE 23HH lalaCatahoula Leopard Dog3385
LockedASh Wars Creepy heartMudi1860
LockedNH SDMK Cricked prickShetland Sheepdog346
LockedMSh Wars Criossant EEEE 19HH LlaFinnish Lapphund3598
LockedJPnSh Wars Cute little girlAmerican Bully837
LockedJAA Wars Cutting Crew 22HHMudi1848
LockedIPnA Wars D'AbryBull Terrier1141
LockedExRO Wars Daisy EEEE 23HHStandard Poodle33107
LockedNO Wars Dam girlAmerican Bully537
LockedPnSh Wars Dance in the rainGreenland Dog943
LockedJPnA Wars Dangerous loverGreenland Dog640
LockedPnA Wars Dark of the Moon****Greenland Dog1259
LockedAH Wars DartShetland Sheepdog2784
LockedAFT Dating to belive youGerman Shorthaired Pointer2369
LockedExO Daylight LoveAfghan Hound2667
LockedMD Wars DazeShetland Sheepdog2484
LockedFor StudJAA Dead Look At The PearlAustralian Shepherd1769
LockedPnSh Wars Deanna****Greenland Dog1259
LockedAH Wars Dear DarlaMudi1863
LockedPnO Wars Deep Space****Greenland Dog1159
LockedJPnSh Wars Defect loveAmerican Bully637
LockedAO Wars Deja Vu EEEE 17HH llaPapillon2367
LockedPnT DelilahBasset Hound1082
LockedIPnSh Wars Devils copyAmerican Bully1150
LockedExT Wars DistanceShetland Sheepdog3493
LockedNSc Wars DixieHovawart112
LockedPnO Wars Do you get deja vuItalian Greyhound935
LockedCCR Don't forget that you will have a great timeIbizan Hound55101
LockedAA Wars Donna DivaFinnish Lapphund2188
LockedExS Wars Dot EEEE 16HH lalaAkita Inu3385
LockedAFl Rrr S DottyBorder Collie2157
LockedJAO Wars DozerMudi1748
LockedPnFr Wars DreadnoughtBorder Collie1022
LockedAO Wars Dreamkeeper [EEEE]Doberman Pinscher1737
LockedIPnA Wars Dreams of loveAmerican Bully1050
LockedJASc Wars Dull Acorn Boosted love hate ACHIEVEMENT ProgenitorAmerican Bulldog1537
LockedNSh Wars Dusky - 93.8 • 18,6,0 • 42:6 • EEEE • lala • 4 (strstr strstr) • 1.215xBulldog171
LockedJAFr Wars Eclipse | I | EEEEMudi1542
LockedAPnR Wars EEEEWhippet1583
LockedMA Wars EEEELhasa Apso2874
LockedAPnH Wars EEEE 21HH lalaCatahoula Leopard Dog1446
LockedAPnP Wars EEEE 24HHMiniature Australian Shepherd1126
LockedCCA Wars EEEE lala AvaAustralian Shepherd3996
LockedMSh Wars EEEE lala PokiAlaskan Husky2359
LockedExA Wars EEEE Lla ChanceAlaskan Husky2671
LockedJAO PuP-O EEEE ~ A horn for me (kiss of fire)Beagle1164
LockedJAA PuP-O EEEE ~ Dressed to the nines (kiss of fire)Beagle1162
LockedFor Public SaleMHu Wars EEEE ~ Momma War BucksHarrier3055
LockedAPnSh Wars Effecting meAustralian Shepherd1350
LockedASc Wars Eight Second RideHovawart2776
LockedASh Wars Elizabeth****DDAmerican Bully2566
LockedFor StudMP Wars EsmondTibetan Mastiff3068
LockedAFl Wars Every Breathe You TakeMudi1963
LockedMM Wars EvokShetland Sheepdog32118
LockedMP Wars F A shadow in the night (24HH)Sloughi2894
LockedASh Wars F. Legacy - 4E 19/5/0 LL x2 cha • 1.030x (Available 109) 1Golden Retriever19115
LockedASh Wars F1 EEEE lala JasperAmerican Bulldog1861
LockedAFl Wars Face of a angelBorder Collie2471
LockedAPnT TXBM Face Your FearAustralian Koolie1324
LockedAS FadedAlaskan Husky1892
LockedNSh FaithRough Collie436
LockedANSh Wars Father is hereAmerican Bully537
LockedExHu Wars fawsAmerican Bully3168
LockedASh Wars Feeling special babyAmerican Bully1663
LockedAPnFl Skn's FestiveItalian Greyhound1368
LockedASh Wars Fight come truePointer2059
LockedIPnT Wars Fight for my heartMudi1032
LockedNO Wars Fighting for the nextAmerican Bully436
LockedNSh Wars FinaMiniature Pinscher528
LockedMSh Wars Find A Way****Hovawart3092
LockedPnFr Wars Finns inget mer RTBMudi1035
LockedNSc Wars Five waysAmerican Bully436
LockedMSh Wars Fix It All****SDPortuguese Water Dog2056
LockedFor StudIPnA NIXXI Fleeting MemoriesBorder Collie1077
LockedJASh Wars Fly HighEnglish Foxhound1657
LockedAT Wars For SaleBrittany2782
LockedANO Wars For the dareAmerican Bully637
LockedMSh Wars FreyaAfricanis3067
LockedAPnSh Wars Frozen heart RTBMudi1250
LockedMO Wars Fudgie - 4E 14/10/0 Lla x2 str • 1.013x (Available 97+109) 0Central Asian Shepherd27109
LockedNM Wars Fun wayAmerican Bully536
LockedANO Wars Funk loveAmerican Bully637
LockedAP G69 EEEE 15HH lla 1.212x kk Ayat sp Mm cch2Smooth Collie2262
LockedPnSh Wars Getting thereStaffordshire Bull Terrier1158
LockedJPnM Wars Ghost loveAmerican Bully737
LockedMT Wars Girl in Wolf ClothingMudi2997
LockedNSh Wars Girl is going to be the queenAmerican Bully536
LockedNSh Wars Girl of fireAmerican Bully537
LockedNSh Wars Girl of my lifeAmerican Bully537
LockedPnSh Wars Going homeStaffordshire Bull Terrier1158
LockedJPnP Wars Gold loveAmerican Bully737
LockedTXBM Golden BulletGreenland Dog125
LockedAPnSh Wars Golden CoinGreenland Dog1253
LockedARO Wars Golden Princess EEEE 22HH lalaPapillon2376
LockedPnA Wars Good energyCentral Asian Shepherd1242
LockedJPnA Wars Good things endGreenland Dog740
LockedPnSh Wars Grave Promises****Greenland Dog1159
LockedJASc Wars Gray WolfGerman Shepherd Dog1443
LockedASh Wars Great lakesMudi1860
LockedJPnO Wars Greatness (13HH lala EEEE)Norwich Terrier838
LockedGuld av kärlekGreenland Dog132
LockedMT |S~E| Gummy Bear EEEE 24HH lalaCatahoula Leopard Dog3385
LockedIPnFl Aboo Gypsy Plays In Desert SandFinnish Lapphund1047
LockedFor Public SaleARO Wars Hailey 23HHEnglish Cocker Spaniel2483
LockedMSh Wars HappyBedlington Terrier2991
LockedJPnA Wars Happy placeGreenland Dog740
LockedASh Wars HarlowAnatolian Shepherd2071
LockedJPnSh Wars Haters back ofShetland Sheepdog768
LockedJASh Wars Have You Ever Seen The RainMudi1748
LockedPnSh Wars Havets hemlighet RTBMudi1034
LockedIPnP Wars Having a great timeBorder Collie930
LockedJAO Wars Having good newsPlott1652
LockedMO Wars Haytie - 4E 19/5/0 Lla x1 str • 1.068x (Available 97+109) 0Central Asian Shepherd27109
LockedJPnS Wars Heart of goldGreenland Dog640
LockedNSc HeinzDoberman Pinscher112
LockedANSh Wars Helping me outBull Terrier747
LockedNRO Wars Here comes the boyAmerican Bully636
LockedASh Wars HestiaAfghan Hound2560
LockedIPnSh Wars Hiding In The DarknessAmerican Bulldog1024
LockedANRO Wars Home is with youAfricanis737
LockedAPnD Wars HoneyStandard Poodle1151
LockedNFl HopeMiniature Australian Shepherd339
LockedNSh Wars Hope for you EXP EARNERThai Ridgeback Dog18
LockedTXBM Hot DogGreenland Dog125
LockedMSc Wars Hot GirlHovawart2984
LockedHög av kärlekGreenland Dog136
LockedASh Wars Ice Cafe loverBorder Collie2376
LockedAA Wars Ignite The Red Daisy- EEEE Kk ee Bb atat swsw TT CcePointer2164
LockedMFr Wars In Deep WaterNorfolk Terrier2988
LockedAS In tigers eyesGreenland Dog1344
LockedIPnO Wars In to youAmerican Bully950
LockedARO inga lögnerTibetan Spaniel1762
LockedJASh Wars Inspired by youWest Siberian Laika1655
LockedChH Intagi agiagi AGIAustralian Shepherd3984
LockedARO Wars IreneIrish Wolfhound2252
LockedJAFr Wars IsaSloughi1561
LockedJPnO Wars IsabellaDalmatian824
LockedASh MLKwY Isla EEEE 4HH lalaRussell Terrier2662
LockedNSh Wars IvoryPortuguese Water Dog137
LockedI’m an idiotMiniature Bull Terrier144
LockedJAD FMN JasmineIrish Setter1541
LockedMSh Wars JaydenShih Tzu2884
LockedMHu Wars Jet Black Rocket Ship 1.062xBorder Collie33102
LockedIPnSh Wars JocelynStandard Poodle1048
LockedNSc Wars Joke of loveAmerican Bully436
LockedFor StudAA Wars JonathonShetland Sheepdog2145
LockedAPnP JosephinaGreenland Dog1344
LockedNH Bunie JoySmooth Collie330
LockedExSh Wars Joy (18HH/0hh)Chihuahua3563
LockedAT Wars June 14Rhodesian Ridgeback2548
LockedPnP Wars June 26Canadian Eskimo Dog1240
LockedMP Wars June 30Portuguese Water Dog3059
LockedPnRO Wars Just get openTibetan Spaniel1152
LockedFor Public SaleARO Wars Just goingTibetan Spaniel1980
LockedNSh Wars Just on topicAmerican Bulldog414
LockedASh Wars KachinaAfricanis2050
LockedNSc KaiserDoberman Pinscher111
LockedAD KaitaAlaskan Husky2198
LockedNM Wars Kaleidoscope (23HH lala EEEE)Pomeranian132
LockedMA Wars KatieBrussels Griffon26100
LockedAPnSh Wars Keep going my loveAmerican Bully1260
LockedJPnM Wars Keep my coolAmerican Cocker Spaniel849
LockedAPnO Wars Keep readingKelpie1260
LockedASh Wars Keeping it soloMiniature Australian Shepherd2080
LockedANSh Wars Keeping you closeBorzoi637
LockedJASh Wars Kindling SpiritSloughi1334
LockedNH Wars King harmerShetland Sheepdog148
LockedASh Wars King of heavenAmerican Bully1771
LockedJPnH Wars King of nightShetland Sheepdog859
LockedJPnFl Wars Know you're nameAmerican Bully737
LockedFor StudAPnA Wars Knowing nothingSloughi1466
LockedFor Public SaleJASh CoRoK KNOWN TO BEAustralian Shepherd1452
LockedJPnT KobeAustralian Koolie937
LockedJAFl Wars KujoMudi1544
LockedMSh Wars l;American Bully3067
LockedAH VIRUS LadyShetland Sheepdog2038
LockedJPnFl Lady JoannaBorder Collie716
LockedMH Wars Lake EEEE 22HH lalaFinnish Lapphund3598
LockedAH Wars Lavender Fields (19HH 0hh lala EEEE)Finnish Lapphund1989
LockedNSh YUKI Lea - 90.6 • 15,9,0 • 39:9 • EEEE • lala • 1 (strstm spdint) • 1.215xPekingese170
LockedJAHT LeahEnglish Cocker Spaniel1780
LockedFor StudAPnT LitM Legends Erin 20HHBloodhound1322
LockedMH |S~E| Lemon EEEE 21HH lalaCatahoula Leopard Dog3485
LockedANFl LeoAustralian Koolie630
LockedIPnO Wars LeonardFinnish Lapphund934
LockedJAFr Wars Let me explainBorder Collie1435
LockedPnRO Wars Let me go homeTibetan Spaniel1157
LockedPnSh Wars Let's keep swimmingHovawart1352
LockedTXBM Letting it all goGreenland Dog125
LockedARO Wars LEVEL 20Tibetan Spaniel1773
LockedIPnSh Wars Life in rainGreenland Dog943
LockedExRO Wars Liga Volkov’s Lethal Poison 23/4/lalaCatahoula Leopard Dog3082
LockedJASh Wars Light my wayAmerican Bully1464
LockedNA Wars LilacAustralian Koolie531
LockedAFl LillithAlaskan Husky2298
LockedASh Wars Link ***Mudi1648
LockedJASh Livets glädjeKorean Jindo1646
LockedAA Wars lkAmerican Bully2669
LockedNA Wars LokaMiniature Pinscher334
LockedFor StudMW Wars LolaStandard Poodle1971
LockedNM Wars Loop of heartTibetan Spaniel538
LockedFor Public SaleJASh Wars Loosing me 17Miniature Australian Shepherd1767
LockedAPnSh Wars Love dearMudi1251
LockedJPnRO Wars Love herAmerican Bully737
LockedAW AFT Wars Love is real 15 HHIrish Setter2153
LockedMSh Wars Lovely Day****RDAmerican Bully3074
LockedANHu Loving me tonightBeagle419
LockedIPnA Wars Loving you endlessRough Collie948
LockedNHu Wars Luchae - 4E 15/9/0 lala x1 int • 0.992x (Available 97+109) 0Xoloitzcuintle171
LockedJAFl Wars LucieAmerican Bulldog1547
LockedAR TXBM LuckyAfricanis2457
LockedAR LuellaSilken Windhound1838
LockedIPnFl LULA MAYIcelandic Sheepdog930
LockedNSh Wars LunaAfricanis620
LockedNH Wars Luna eeeeFinnish Lapphund111
LockedMS Mad MaxAlaskan Husky23110
LockedNO Wars Magic and spellCentral Asian Shepherd113
LockedMRO Wars Magical Day****Greenland Dog3190
LockedFor Private SaleAPnA Wars MahoganyBorder Collie1224
LockedMSh Wars Making me love you 23 HHBorder Collie30107
LockedMSh Wars Maple EEEE 11HH LlaAmerican Bulldog3088
LockedMA Wars MariShetland Sheepdog2977
LockedJASh Wars MarinaSloughi1662
LockedJPnH Wars Mark the followingCentral Asian Shepherd837
LockedMR MarleyBorzoi2881
LockedAR Wars Marlon Brando 23/0 lalaBasenji1728
LockedMH Wars Marlyne - 4E 18/6/0 Lla x1 int • 1.012x (Available 97+109) 0Central Asian Shepherd28109
LockedPnH Wars Masin - 3 Hh - 1Australian Shepherd1450
LockedANSh Wars Masked masterFrench Bulldog843
LockedJPnH MasonAustralian Koolie730
LockedARO Wars MatadaIcelandic Sheepdog2072
LockedMHu Wars Matty (GEEE lala)Miniature Australian Shepherd2596
LockedNSh Wars Meadow Under The TreesShetland Sheepdog634
LockedFor StudAPnM Mei MeiLhasa Apso1375
LockedExRO Meri Meri Girl****SDTibetan Spaniel2460
LockedMSc Wars Merida EEEE 20HH llaDoberman Pinscher3597
LockedNO NA YUKI Mexi - 4E || 13/11/0Russell Terrier173
LockedMHT |S~E| Minerva EEEE 23HH lalaCatahoula Leopard Dog3485
LockedAO Wars Mint loveGerman Shepherd Dog1738
LockedASh Wars Minty lookAmerican Bully1770
LockedANSh Wars Mister no nameAmerican Bully637
LockedNH Mistress ElaineBorder Collie18
LockedARO Wars Mix loveGerman Shorthaired Pointer1853
LockedAH Wars MonkeyFinnish Lapphund2170
LockedMH MooBorder Collie2763
LockedExSh Wars MorikoAidi3669
LockedASh Wars Moving me closerField Spaniel1858
LockedANSh Wars MozzarellaAzawakh Hound637
LockedIPnSh Wars MudiMudi1057
LockedNM MuffinBasset Hound365
LockedMSh |S~E| Muffin EEEE 21HH lalaCarpathian Shepherd3398
LockedWars Mumbi | Lla | HH :15 Hh :9 hh :0 | 90.62%Shetland Sheepdog17
LockedAPnFl Wars Murphy | lala | EEEEMudi1441
LockedMH |S~E| Mushroom EEEE 23HH lalaCatahoula Leopard Dog3485
LockedPnRO Wars My Australian loverCentral Asian Shepherd1152
LockedNS Wars My blue eyes queenSiberian Husky635
LockedNSh Wars My chocolate ladySiberian Husky634
LockedExRO Wars My CowstarPapillon3693
LockedAR Wars My deadly heartBorzoi1863
LockedPnO Wars My garden angel (20HH lala EEEE)Aidi1057
LockedMO Wars My lonely loverMiniature Australian Shepherd2776
LockedChFT Wars My momentLarge Munsterlander3372
LockedAA Wars NaarizaDalmatian2357
LockedAA Wars NancyShetland Sheepdog1839
LockedAHu Wars NebulaBorder Collie2048
LockedGCO Wars Neon FuryCentral Asian Shepherd4675
LockedNM Nice boyAmerican Bully537
LockedAPnP NickiGreenland Dog1344
LockedAPnA Wars NikkitaAustralian Shepherd1436
LockedJPnA Wars No more promisesLhasa Apso824
LockedIPnP Wars No one like youCentral Asian Shepherd944
LockedJPnSh Wars No traceAmerican Bully737
LockedJPnSh Wars Normal lifeHovawart732
LockedJASh Wars Not for youAmerican Bully1564
LockedASh Wars Not going downGreenland Dog2077
LockedAA Wars Not scared anymoreIcelandic Sheepdog2678
LockedARO Wars Nothing is freeAustralian Shepherd2093
LockedMSh Wars Nothing will happenWhippet2578
LockedIPnSh Wars Now or neverAfghan Hound1043
LockedND TXBM Now someone elseStaffordshire Bull Terrier124
LockedIPnSh Wars OctaviaIcelandic Sheepdog943
LockedJAS Oh baby babyGreenland Dog1243
LockedTXBM Old SoulGreenland Dog125
LockedIPnRO Wars One of a typeTibetan Spaniel1056
LockedANSh Wars One of typeAlaskan Husky830
LockedAA Wars One wayTibetan Spaniel1965
LockedFor Public SaleAPnH Only oneAustralian Koolie1485
LockedPnRO Wars Open my heartTibetan Spaniel1157
LockedJARO Wars Open my heart for youTibetan Spaniel1668
LockedMSh |S~E| Oregano EEEE 20HH lalaBriard3385
LockedGCT Wars Painted PortraitPomeranian52112
LockedARO Wars Panic at the discoMudi1966
LockedJPnO Wars ParmesanAzawakh Hound637
LockedMRO Wars Parti - 4E 16/8/0 lala x1 cha x1 str • 1.098x (Available 101) 1Rat Terrier27119
LockedASh Wars Pavlova. EEEEBasenji1755
LockedNSh YUKI Peep - 94.8 • 19,5,0 • 43:5 • EEEE • lala • 3 (chaint intint) • 1.170xPekingese170
LockedAR PenelopeSilken Windhound1739
LockedWCM Penelopy lala.97.msir.M+HTGreat Dane58101
LockedANHu Wars Personal loveAmerican Bully568
LockedMM |S~E| Picante EEEE 19HH lalaGreat Dane3186
LockedJPnFl PieAustralian Koolie630
LockedFor Public SalePnH Wars PieBorder Collie1327
LockedChSh *enp PlumMiniature Dachshund4277
LockedARO chor Pointer 22HH llaPointer1727
LockedASh Wars Polarity - 4E 13/11/0 lala x1 int • 1.000x (Available 101) 1Papillon22119
LockedNH Wars Pray to meShetland Sheepdog248
LockedJASh TXBM Pretty Lil Daisy Flowers- EEEE kk Ee bb atat sisw Tt CcePointer1750
LockedASh Wars Primrose's in the WindHovawart2776
LockedIPnD Wars PrinceStandard Poodle114
LockedNFl Princess SophiaBorder Collie17
LockedMM Wars Problems with LoveCane Corso2980
LockedIPnRO Proud momentTibetan Spaniel1036
LockedAP TXBM PuffPointer2087
LockedWars Puppy 1Cardigan Welsh Corgi16
LockedWars Puppy 1Cardigan Welsh Corgi16
LockedWars Puppy 1Aidi16
LockedWars Puppy 1Aidi16
LockedWars Puppy 1Aidi16
LockedNFr Wars Puppy 1Labrador Retriever16
LockedND Wars Puppy 1Border Collie113
LockedNSh Puppy 1Pekingese16
LockedCCR Puppy 1 Lla.100.4c.!RChart Polski61101
LockedPnT Wars Puppy 10Croatian Sheepdog1031
LockedAPnD Wars Puppy 10Standard Poodle1029
LockedNH Puppy 11Saarloos Wolfdog18
LockedNR Puppy 2Chart Polski18
LockedNM Puppy 2Miniature Bull Terrier18
LockedNFT Wars Puppy 2Labrador Retriever16
LockedJPnFl NR Wars Puppy 2Sloughi515
LockedWars Puppy 2Shetland Sheepdog17
LockedWars Puppy 3Aidi16
LockedWars Puppy 3Aidi16
LockedAPnH Wars Puppy 3Shetland Sheepdog1122
LockedNR Wars Puppy 3Irish Wolfhound16
LockedANA Puppy 4Border Collie519
LockedAHT Wars Puppy 4American Indian Dog1334
LockedNH Wars Puppy 4Border Collie19
LockedJAE Wars Puppy 4Russell Terrier1246
LockedJAT Wars Puppy 4Shetland Sheepdog1122
LockedNHT Wars Puppy 4Boxer111
LockedNH Puppy 5English Shepherd414
LockedNSh Puppy 5 EXP EARNERLhasa Apso18
LockedAPnT Wars Puppy 6Shetland Sheepdog1122
LockedWars Puppy 7Jamthund16
LockedNA Wars Puppy 8Shetland Sheepdog126
LockedASh Wars Queen KhaleesiAustralian Shepherd22105
LockedJAA Wars Questions and AnswersAkita1541
LockedAR RachelChart Polski2074
LockedPnR CREWE RainWhippet1228
LockedMO MLKwY Ramera EEEE 11HH LlaRat Terrier2762
LockedPnFT TXBM RangoSpinone Italiano827
LockedMFl |S~E| Raspberry EEEE 21HH lalaCatahoula Leopard Dog3285
LockedPnH Wars Ready to LevelShetland Sheepdog1343
LockedAA Red flaggShetland Sheepdog2680
LockedNSh Wars Red in blackLeonberger116
LockedAR Red is all I see 1.108xChart Polski1738
LockedAM Wars Red RionKelpie1862
LockedIPnS Wars Red riotGreenland Dog640
LockedAO Wars Red Stone of AjaMudi1986
LockedJPnD Wars Reeloo - 16HH EEEE llaLabrador Retriever794
LockedJPnO Wars ReeseGerman Shepherd Dog633
LockedARO Wars Remember Me****DCane Corso2153
LockedChRO Wars RenaShetland Sheepdog35101
LockedIPnSh Wars Result of loveAmerican Bully837
LockedCCO Wars Rhea | 20/0 lala 1sCentral Asian Shepherd4069
LockedJPnRO Wars RicottaAustralian Koolie943
LockedMSh Wars Rina EEEE 11HH llaAmerican Bulldog3087
LockedPnSh Wars RiverAfricanis1131
LockedIPnH RoloBorder Collie11101
LockedMW Wars RoseGerman Shepherd Dog2064
LockedARO Wars RosebudSloughi1652
LockedASc Wars Rosie: 1.077x, ex, 12HHBull Terrier2579
LockedJAH JAT RueSmooth Collie1838
LockedPnSh Wars Running Around****Greenland Dog1260
LockedAPnFl Wars Running from meMudi1261
LockedNSh Wars Running home (24HH lala EEEE)Borzoi134
LockedIPnSh Wars Safe from the evilGerman Shorthaired Pointer956
LockedChFl Wars SahneChart Polski4582
LockedANO Wars SALEAidi626
LockedJAFl HFDS SamiShetland Sheepdog1858
LockedFor StudMFl Wars SanchoMiniature Australian Shepherd2473
LockedExFT TXBM Sapphire DaresSpinone Italiano36102
LockedNO Wars SasukeBasset Hound336
LockedMA Wars Saving me for hellBorder Collie2773
LockedExA Wars SazShetland Sheepdog35108
LockedANSh Wars ScarryGreenland Dog539
LockedAPnRO Wars SELLTibetan Spaniel1361
LockedASh Wars Send my wayTibetan Spaniel2065
LockedIPnRO Wars Shadow of himAmerican Bully950
LockedASh Wars SHAY 22 HHBorder Collie2180
LockedIPnSh Wars She is comingTibetan Spaniel1056
LockedAM Wars She's So ExtraAmerican Bully2686
LockedJPnO Wars Shine brightAmerican Bully739
LockedASh Wars Sign of lifeMudi1671
LockedMSh Wars Sikia EEEE 11HH lalaAmerican Bulldog2987
LockedTXBM Silver BulletGreenland Dog125
LockedANFT Wars Silver eyes that shinesAmerican Cocker Spaniel526
LockedTXBM Simply that's itStaffordshire Bull Terrier124
LockedASh Wars Singin All Day In EnglandShetland Sheepdog2287
LockedIPnFl Wars Six feet underShetland Sheepdog1057
LockedJPnH ANFl Wars Skip The Iron- EEEEOld English Sheepdog1020
LockedIPnA Wars Smolder QueenBorder Collie920
LockedNSh Wars Snapp loveGreenland Dog539
LockedAND Wars Snow dreamGreenland Dog540
LockedMFl Wars Snowball's ChanceBorder Collie2976
LockedJPnSh Wars So coolGreenland Dog739
LockedIPnSh Wars Something BrownFinnish Lapphund1160
LockedIPnH Sommer timeAustralian Koolie1179
LockedExA Wars SomwShetland Sheepdog3091
LockedJAS Songs in my heartAlaskan Husky1387
LockedAR SonjaBasenji1839
LockedPnHu Wars SpectreBorder Collie1024
LockedMH |S~E| Spotlight EEEE 20HH lalaBerger Picard3285
LockedASh Wars Spread Love Not HateHovawart2676
LockedNRO Wars SpringNorfolk Terrier326
LockedExP |S~E| Sriracha EEEE 19HH LlaCarpathian Shepherd3485
LockedPnSh Wars StarBrittany1257
LockedNP StardustBorder Collie18
LockedJPnR Wars Starlight || 21Afghan Hound425
LockedFor Public SaleJAA CoRoK STARS ALIGNAustralian Shepherd1551
LockedAPnP Stay with meGreenland Dog1397
LockedStellaGreenland Dog128
LockedMH |S~E| Storm EEEE 21HH lalaCatahoula Leopard Dog3385
LockedAPnA Wars Storm TrooperBorder Collie1145
LockedPnT MQW StoryBeagle1296
LockedFor StudIPnH NIXXI Striking StarsBorder Collie875
LockedJPnSh Wars Stripes on my heartAmerican Bully739
LockedPnP Wars STRM Even dead I'm The HeroBorder Collie1149
LockedANA Wars Strong and powerfulAmerican Bully737
LockedIPnA WC’S SugarfootBorder Collie1024
LockedPnM Wars Sully - AchievementCanaan Dog13106
LockedAPnR Wars SummerBorzoi1392
LockedMSh Wars Sunflower EEEE 21HH lalaPomeranian3495
LockedMO Wars Sweet ladyCaucasian Ovtcharka2974
LockedJPnH Wars Switch offShetland Sheepdog859
LockedGCR T3 Chart Polski EEEEChart Polski4584
LockedMSh Wars Taking it allTibetan Spaniel3082
LockedASh Wars TalaShetland Sheepdog19113
LockedNSh Wars Talking dirty (8HH Lla EEEE)Lhasa Apso134
LockedIPnRO Wars TEACUPPomeranian828
LockedJAA Wars Team U.S.A.Mudi1748
LockedAA Wars Tell It To My HeartMudi1848
LockedAPnA Wars TEMPORARYAmerican Bully1449
LockedANSh Wars That's cuteAmerican Bully637
LockedASh Wars That's so cool (LL spdcha stmstr 15/0) 1:0 kk ee Bb DD atasa Ssi rr Tt cece gg uuCentral Asian Shepherd1629
LockedAPnH Wars The Big SoftyCentral Asian Shepherd1563
LockedASh Wars The bridle inside meAfghan Hound2878
LockedWCH The Collie of Darkness [lala.97.ixai.H]Smooth Collie65101
LockedWCH The Collie of Health [lala.97.ixai.H]Smooth Collie65101
LockedIPnH The Collie of intelligenceSmooth Collie937
LockedNRO Wars The dark of meCardigan Welsh Corgi150
LockedNCW Wars The devil in redAiredale Terrier3185
LockedAA Wars The Dukes WifeDalmatian2470
LockedJAO Wars The Fawn in meBorzoi1781
LockedNSc Wars The Isa to my bellaDoberman Pinscher320
LockedASh Wars The PoliceMudi2283
LockedANSh Wars The pride insideAmerican Cocker Spaniel836
LockedJAR The Russian Queen (Katya)Borzoi1787
LockedPnA Wars The storm insideWhippet1255
LockedJAA Wars The story of my lifeBorder Collie1653
LockedJAA ~TDK~ The story of my life 21HH 1.023xXoloitzcuintle1271
LockedPnSh Wars The survivalAmerican Bully1262
LockedASh Wars The Sweetest Things (24HH 0hh Lla EEEE)Border Collie2371
LockedJPnA Wars The whole storySmooth Collie844
LockedJPnSh Wars The wildBorder Collie830
LockedAO Wars The zone of lifeBulldog1650
LockedAPnSh Wars There it isAmerican Bully1363
LockedAPnSh Wars They all is lovedAmerican Bully1363
LockedMR They say I don't understandWhippet2660
LockedMFr They say I'm to young to love youWhippet2560
LockedANRO Wars Thunder loveTibetan Spaniel639
LockedASh Wars Thunder-15 HH-DNBAmerican Pit Bull Terrier2345
LockedMSc |S~E| Thyme EEEE 18HH lalaBriard3485
LockedAH Wars TinaBorder Collie1536
LockedANO Wars Tired faceAmerican Bully638
LockedExD Tjejen i röd klänningKorean Jindo3271
LockedANM Wars To far darlingAmerican Bully638
LockedNSh Wars Top of allAmerican Bully537
LockedMS Wars Town loveGreenland Dog2475
LockedFor Public SaleJAO Wars Trow me down the hillEnglish Cocker Spaniel1760
LockedJASh Wars TruthGerman Shorthaired Pointer1678
LockedAS Trying dealGreenland Dog1444
LockedJPnO Wars Underworld QueenAmerican Bully854
LockedFor StudAPnH VIRUS ValentineShetland Sheepdog1569
LockedJPnA Wars VegemiteAustralian Koolie935
LockedJPnA Wars VeraCavalier King Charles Spaniel734
LockedASc ANT Wars Vesta II [EEEE - 18HH - LLa]Airedale Terrier2054
LockedAD Wars Waiting for love 19Miniature Australian Shepherd2276
LockedJAH Wars Wake Me Up Before You Go-GoMudi1748
LockedAP Wars Walking On SunshineCentral Asian Shepherd2173
LockedJASc Wars WarDoberman Pinscher1750
LockedPnRO Wars Warm Breeze****Greenland Dog1159
LockedNSh Wars WatermelonSoft Coated Wheaten Terrier126
LockedFor StudJAR Wars Watermelon sugarSloughi1466
LockedJPnA Wars we did that too (9HH Lla EEEE)Pekingese825
LockedAPnHu Wars Western StarBorder Collie1246
LockedAPnW Wars What do you wantGerman Shorthaired Pointer856
LockedPnH Wars When Hell Freezes OverMudi1126
LockedIPnRO Wars White dear loveTibetan Spaniel956
LockedANA Wars White pumpkinGreenland Dog740
LockedJPnFl Wars White weddingShetland Sheepdog1057
LockedNHu TXBM Whittier (22HH lala EEEE)Borzoi335
LockedJPnSh Wars Whut a HippieKomondor846
LockedJPnSh Wars WickedAfghan Hound734
LockedExSh Wars WillowBorder Collie39106
LockedAPnSh ~FPP~ Willow TreeRough Collie1150
LockedIPnP Wars Winning or loosingCentral Asian Shepherd843
LockedPnS Wars WolfGreenland Dog958
LockedJAFl Wars WonderWhippet17100
LockedAM Wars Wonder Girl****American Bully2160
LockedJPnA Wars Working for loveSiberian Husky830
LockedNSh Wars Write my heartAmerican Bully637
LockedARO Wars XenaStaffordshire Bull Terrier1881
LockedJAT GN'R Ya Soshla S Uma 22HHBloodhound1837
LockedJPnO Wars YamAustralian Koolie727
LockedFor Public SaleAPnSh Wars Yellow is the new colorAmerican Bully1260
LockedMO Wars You are youCaucasian Ovtcharka3048
LockedJAA Wars You Give Love A Bad NameMudi1748
LockedPnO Wars Yuri RTBMudi1035
LockedASh Wars ZeusBasenji2048
LockedFor StudGCFr Wars ZwanzigChart Polski4782
LockedJAO Ängla livCentral Asian Shepherd1547
LockedFor StudMM PnT Wars { FoxxBorder Collie3186
LockedFor StudANA NFr Wars { TeaAmerican Bully112
LockedNSh Wars ~{Anita Is A Maze Of Blue}~Australian Koolie532
LockedNRO Wars ~{Kristina Dances In The Dark}~Australian Koolie532
LockedIPnRO Wars ~{Sara Sneaks Around In A Mask}~Australian Koolie940
LockedASh Wars ~{Valley of Flowers}~Border Collie2390
CCM Wars (23HH)Heaven's Constellation(kk)(ee)(BB DD)(swsw)(CC)(lala)Red/Wht(Ex.Pie)(agistm spdintPekingese48167
PnSh Wars (Adopt!)Australian Shepherd131415
IPnA Wars (EEEE)13HH lala Chocolate with Red PointsAustralian Koolie91383
ExSc Wars (EEEE)15HH lala Cream with Chocolate Sable and MaskAmerican Bully35809
JASh Wars *CupidBasset Hound161184
JARO Wars *ValentineBasset Hound161184
PnA Wars . (15HH 9Hh 0hh EEEE)Africanis111210
ASh Wars .Candy.Shih Tzu261176
IPnM Wars // Alexis *Xoloitzcuintle81603
IPnM Wars // Angela *Xoloitzcuintle81603
IPnM Wars // Justin *Xoloitzcuintle81603
IPnM Wars // Nathan *Xoloitzcuintle81603
MSh Wars 1.012Standard Poodle361369
ExS Wars 1.043 Sapphire DiversifierSiberian Husky331363
MSh Wars 1.060Shetland Sheepdog341359
MHT MAV'S 1.072Norwegian Lundehund341359
CCR Wars 1.078Basenji59925
CCSh Wars 1.083Basenji59925
GCE Wars 1.103Miniature Schnauzer371360
MO Wars 1.148 Sapphire DiversifierBasenji341361
ChE Wars 1.165Norwich Terrier371357
AFl Wars 100 | 24HHs | lala | strstr intspdAustralian Shepherd26433
JAT Wars 12HH EEEGAmerican Cocker Spaniel171390
NCE Wars 17HH lala 4spd 1.057x (Silver w/ Black Grizzle) Bred:5Miniature Schnauzer381357
ExT 18HH - Desert Ranger - ZelusAustralian Koolie381194
NH Wars 19HH/5Hh EEEE lalaCarpathian Shepherd2576
MSh Wars 20/0 fad brn ir ticPortuguese Water Dog351436
ChSh Wars 20HH lala 1.035x Bred:5Brittany411360
ANSc 0ops! 20HH4Hh lala Queen LyraGerman Shepherd Dog4682
JPnH CROk9 21 RinaBorder Collie61860
MO Wars 21HH lala 3str 1.193x (Fawn) Bred:4Bulldog321337
JPnSh Wars 21HH/lalaBrittany8297
PnSc 0ops! 21HH3Hh lala Help Is ComingGerman Shepherd Dog11563
AH Wars 22HH EEEE In The CorralBorder Collie231419
JASc 0ops! 22HH2Hh lala RhodiumGerman Shepherd Dog16571
NSh Wars 6.28.21Pomeranian51394
MFl Wars 95.8 | 20HHs | lala | agistr spdspdAustralian Shepherd28435
MFl CHIP. 96.9 | 21HHs | lala | agiagi intagiAustralian Shepherd30410
PnFl Wars A angel by my sideCatahoula Leopard Dog121424
IPnSh Wars A angel was bornBasenji121378
JASh Wars A baby protectionGreenland Dog151374
NFr A bed of rosesSpinone Italiano41307
ANH Wars A blue dayBorder Collie71558
ASh Wars A confident loverAmerican Bully221381
JPnA Wars A cool ladyBorder Collie71558
JPnHu Wars A excellent wayBorder Collie71558
JASh Wars A girl insideChinese Crested161406
JASh Wars A Harmony So SweetBriard171125
JASh Wars A life is a endGreenland Dog141109
JASh Wars A little thingAmerican Bully161362
NH A lover powerBorder Collie11466
A million loversMudi11176
JPnT Wars A new beginningBorder Collie71558
JPnP Wars A new hopePortuguese Water Dog81329
ANA Wars A party bigger fearBorder Collie61558
NFl Wars A storm was bornAustralian Shepherd11178
JPnO Wars A Sunshine Coast holidayBorder Collie71559
GCFl JPnFr Wars A Surfer's ParadiseMiniature Australian Shepherd44755
ARO Wars A survival by heartAmerican Bully211379
MA Wars AbyssBasset Hound311332
Act loversMudi11176
JPnSh Wars After nightChinese Crested7601
JASh Wars After SchoolAustralian Shepherd171110
CCA MEGS Aim to PleaseAustralian Koolie521307
MA YUKI Aimee - 4E 15/9/0 lala x2 str • 1.158x (Available 101) 1Bulldog31642
NFr Wars Akaris PowerStandard Poodle11401
AH AkioanoAustralian Koolie181647
NCM Wars Akita 21HH 1.040Akita511348
MA Wars AklinCatahoula Leopard Dog301333
IPnS JAFl Wars AlaskaAlaskan Husky161377
ChS Wars AlaskaGreenland Dog261357
APnA All about me ((keep)) agility, droversFinnish Lapphund131874
JPnA Wars All beyond the topBorder Collie71558
ChSc Wars All Dressed UpAmerican Bulldog491369
IPnFl Wars All for informationPortuguese Water Dog71210
NSh TXBM All for the fansChinese Crested11407
PnRO Wars All hope is goneAmerican Bully111350
NT All I see is youDachshund41659
JPnO Wars All I want is to be happyMudi71200
IPnA Wars All I wishAustralian Shepherd91338
JPnA All in darknessBorder Collie71558
Wars All of meStandard Poodle11860
PnH All of meBorder Collie111602
ANA Wars All the loveBorder Collie71558
APnSh Wars All the plansAmerican Bully131357
All the wisdomBorder Collie11465
NSc Wars All we gotGerman Shepherd Dog31369
Alot of thought in thisMudi11176
MSh Wars AmberAmerican Bully31973
AS Wars AmbermoonSiberian Husky201053
MD Wars An Oil Painters PrideFlat Coated Retriever25942
PnR AnakinAfricanis101844
PnFT And again I love youHarrier111720
ExSh Wars Angel (22HH 0hh)Shetland Sheepdog351452
PnFl Wars Angel of snowAinu Dog121416
AM Wars Angle thisGerman Shepherd Dog271355
ExSh Wars Anything For YouAmerican Bulldog361410
JAM Wars ApricotStaffordshire Bull Terrier141357
JPnA Wars AprilAmerican Cocker Spaniel101398
AFr Rrr S Arándano (Huckleberry) !!Border Collie171828
NSh Wars AresDachshund31603
JAH Wars AresBorder Collie171404
IPnFl Armé av kärlekGreenland Dog10642
JPnT ArtemisAustralian Koolie61438
JAA Wars AshBorder Collie151881
NH AshBerger Picard11859
JAH Wars Ash YBAustralian Shepherd16563
MM Wars Aspen // 22HHsAnatolian Shepherd30419
JPnA Wars Assist my heartBorder Collie7598
APnH Wars AtlasBorder Collie181115
PnSh Wars Attack on meCatahoula Leopard Dog121410
NS Wars AugustSiberian Husky51395
APnFl Wars AuroraBorder Collie131043
JAS AuroraSiberian Husky14692
NT Wars Australian ShepherdAustralian Shepherd11869
MSh WHMK AvaBorzoi351728
AT Wars AvaAfricanis201273
ChS MEGS AvalancheAlaskan Husky291755
MSh CCP FFFMS Baby breamStandard Poodle44955
ARO Wars Baby I got youAmerican Bully211378
ExT Wars Baby It's YouAmerican Bully371087
ExHu Wars Baby let's make it workBorder Collie341465
Baby love itBorder Collie11466
ASh Wars Baby meChihuahua211112
MA Wars BailyTibetan Spaniel301335
NSh Wars Battle fieldAustralian Shepherd41846
NCD Wars BayeuxStandard Poodle411413
ANP Wars Bby loverSiberian Husky51399
ASh Wars Bc you said foreverAmerican Bully201393
NM Wars Be agressivStaffordshire Bull Terrier1580
JPnHu BeagleBeagle91674
JAA JLM BeamerAustralian Koolie141515
NO Wars BearTibetan Mastiff11861
ExSh Wars Beat Goes OnBeagle37893
NW Wars Beauty of the beastStabyhoun1581
NA Wars Been truh hereBorzoi1581
MRO Wars BelisBasset Hound341312
ARO Wars Belive me to the endAmerican Bully211381
AR P0PPY BelleBorzoi171859
AH Wars BengalAidi231382
MO Wars Benni - 4E 19/5/0 Lla x4 agi • 1.130x (Available 101) 1Basenji27642
ExFT Wars Bessy - 4E 19/5/0 Lla x1 cha • 1.075x (Available 101) 1Brittany32653
NH Wars Best manBorder Collie1581
NSh Wars Best of the bestChihuahua1581
Better placeShetland Sheepdog11169
ChSc Wars Better Than NothingAmerican Pit Bull Terrier431347
JPnSh Wars Big guyAmerican Staffordshire Terrier7600
ASh Wars Big softy girlAmerican Bully191392
ASh BEAN Big SurfBorder Collie191868
JPnH Wars BirdCardigan Welsh Corgi81841
NE Black and fastDachshund31660
JPnT Black and White (Extreme Piebald) with Cream PointsAustralian Koolie71791
AS Black and White (Extreme Piebald) with Light UndersidesAlaskan Husky161820
JPnO Black and White (Extreme Piebald) with Red PointsAustralian Koolie71791
IPnS Black and White (Irish) with Cream Points and Light UndersidesAlaskan Husky91797
PnS Black and White (Irish) with Light UndersidesWest Siberian Laika111800
NP Black and White (Irish) with Red PointsAustralian Koolie51787
NSh Black and White (Irish) with Red Points and MaskLapponian Herder21786
NSh Black and White (Irish) with Silver PointsLapponian Herder31786
APnHu Black and White (Irish) with Silver Points and MaskLapponian Herder131813
JAS Black and White (Piebald) with Cream Points and Light UndersidesWest Siberian Laika141817
NS Black and White (Piebald) with Cream Points and Light UndersidesWest Siberian Laika41789
JAS Black and White (Piebald) with Light UndersidesAlaskan Husky141813
NS Black and White (Piebald) with Light UndersidesAkita11813
JASh Wars Black beautyAidi181401
IPnRO Wars Black boyEnglish Shepherd81212
JPnSh Wars Black downStaffordshire Bull Terrier7602
IPnH Wars Black heartAustralian Shepherd101216
AS Wars Black with Cream Points and Light UndersidesAlaskan Husky151820
PnFl Black with Red PointsAustralian Koolie121816
APnO Black with Red Points and MaskLapponian Herder141813
ANH BlancaBorder Collie41862
JAA Wars BlitzkriegAfricanis16867
AD Wars Blod redAkita201403
NRO Wars Blond and happyBorder Collie1581
ExA GCT Blood Bond | 14:0 1.017x lalaKelpie531105
IPnSh Wars Blood is fallingAmerican Bully101350
NSh Wars Blow my mindBorder Collie1581
AFl Wars BlueBorder Collie241339
NP Blue and White (Irish) with Tan PointsAustralian Koolie41787
JAS Blue CrossAlaskan Husky151819
JPnT Wars Blue dreamerBorder Collie71559
NSh Wars Blue eyed dayBorder Collie1581
AO Wars Blue from waterAmerican Bully161380
NA Wars blue in meMiniature Australian Shepherd11908
IPnT Blue is the new blackDachshund91671
JPnFl Blue MerleAustralian Shepherd71791
ANP Blue Merle and White (Irish) with Red PointsRough Collie51789
AA Blue queenBorder Collie171905
JASh Wars Blue'racerAmerican Staffordshire Terrier18545
IPnSh Wars Bomb powerAustralian Shepherd81203
ANA Wars boomer it's okeyBorder Collie61908
AFl Wars Border Collie • $4,999Border Collie181844
JAT Border Collie • $4,999Border Collie171840
JASh Border Collie • $4,999Border Collie151868
APnSh Border Collie • $4,999Border Collie121831
PnA Border Collie • $4,999Border Collie111858
CCO Wars Borge - 4E 19/5/0 lala x0 agi (x3 spd) • 1.127Italian Greyhound51680
ANT Wars Born readyShetland Sheepdog61558
JPnA Wars Born StarAinu Dog91409
NSh Wars Box of heartsStaffordshire Bull Terrier51336
JPnSh Wars Boy is hotKooikerhondje71207
APnSh Wars Boy of powerEnglish Foxhound121232
JPnSh Wars Break downChihuahua7600
WCE Wars Breed 8/18Norwich Terrier481059
MO Wars Bright StarCatahoula Leopard Dog301333
IPnS Brindle Black and White (Irish) with Cream Points and Light UndersidesAlaskan Husky91797
PnS Brindle Black with Cream Points and Light UndersidesAlaskan Husky101797
PnS Brindle Cream and White (Irish) with Black Grizzle and Light UndersidesAlaskan Husky101797
AS Brindle Cream and White (Irish) with Black Sable and MaskAkita201849
JAS Brindle Fawn and White (Irish) with Steel Blue Sable and Light UndersidesAlaskan Husky131804
PnS Brindle Fawn and White (Piebald) with Chocolate Grizzle and Light UndersidesAlaskan Husky101797
NS Brindle Fawn with Black GrizzleAlaskan Husky51787
NM Brindle Isabella Merle and White (Irish) with Silver Points and TickingBorder Collie51787
JPnA Brindle Red and White (Extreme Piebald) with Black Sable and MaskBorder Collie71790
NFl Brindle Red and White (Extreme Piebald) with Chocolate Sable and TickingAustralian Shepherd41787
JAS Brindle Silver and White (Irish) with Black SableAkita131837
NS Brindle Silver and White (Piebald) with Black Saddle and Light UndersidesAlaskan Husky51787
MS BoFRK BrinkleyAlaskan Husky241793
Brought loveMiniature Pinscher11176
APnSh Wars Brown summerStabyhoun12614
ExFl ~FPP~ BuddyAustralian Shepherd361582
NO BuddyCentral Asian Shepherd11323
ASh Wars Builín SionnachBorder Collie27644
IPnA Wars Burn lovedJack Russell Terrier81213
NSh Wars Burn my heartStabyhoun1581
JPnT Busting you outBeagle81676
NO ButtercreamCaucasian Ovtcharka11672
NT TXBM ButtercupAustralian Koolie11385
IPnFl Wars CacaoBorder Collie101883
MHT CallieGreat Dane261848
NSh Wars Calling to meGerman Wirehaired Pointer11361
JAHu CameronBeagle181349
ANSh Wars Can't let it goBorder Collie61558
JPnA Wars Candy crushCanadian Eskimo Dog61414
PnSh Car insuranceIbizan Hound121400
CCSh Wars Cara - 4E 16/8/0 lala x2 cha • 1.085 (Available 101) 2Carolina Dog50675
JPnH Wars CaramelAustralian Koolie91771
CCSh Wars CasablancaBoxer571250
ChR Wars CecyliaChart Polski381673
JPnRO Wars ChanelAmerican Bully7727
PnO Wars Check matchAmerican Pit Bull Terrier10597
NSh Wars CheckersAffenpinscher31404
Cheep loverMiniature Pinscher11176
NT ~FPP~ Cheers MateAustralian Koolie31579
ChSh Wars Chemtrails Over The Country ClubEnglish Foxhound371059
MSh Wars ChiaSilken Windhound301329
JPnA Wars Chilla PernillaBorder Collie7598
MA Wars ChizTibetan Mastiff261284
JPnFl Chocolate and White (Extreme Piebald) with Red PointsAustralian Koolie81791
PnFl Chocolate and White (Irish)Lapponian Herder101797
PnM Chocolate and White (Irish) with Red PointsLapponian Herder121813
AH Chocolate and White (Irish) with Tan PointsLapponian Herder251842
NSh Chocolate and White (Irish) with Tan PointsLapponian Herder31786
AS Chocolate cakeAlaskan Husky171821
JAH Chocolate ChipAustralian Koolie161653
NSh Wars Chocolate chipCurly Coated Retriever1581
NA Chocolate Merle and White (Piebald) with TickingMiniature Australian Shepherd51789
JPnFr Wars Chocolate mooseBorder Collie71558
ANSc Chocolate with Red PointsDoberman Pinscher61790
PnHT cleoGreat Dane131836
AO Wars Coco in loveAmerican Bully171400
NFl CoffeeAustralian Koolie11384
AR P0PPY CookieBorzoi171858
GCS MEGS Cookies & CreamAlaskan Husky301755
NM Wars Craving loveGerman Shorthaired Pointer11361
NM Wars Crazy ladyGerman Shorthaired Pointer11361
IPnA Wars Crazy pillsAustralian Shepherd91203
JPnSh Wars Cream and cheeseSkye Terrier71305
NP Cream and White (Extreme Piebald) with Blue Saddle and TickingAustralian Koolie41787
JPnA Cream and White (Extreme Piebald) with Chocolate SaddleAustralian Koolie71791
IPnS Cream and White (Extreme Piebald) with Light Undersides ((amber eyes))Alaskan Husky91797
IPnS Cream and White (Extreme Piebald) with Light Undersides ((brown eyes))Alaskan Husky91797
NS Cream and White (Irish) with Black GrizzleAlaskan Husky51787
NS Cream and White (Irish) with Black Grizzle and Light UndersidesAkita51825
NS Cream and White (Irish) with Black Grizzle and Light UndersidesAkita11825
NP Cream and White (Irish) with Isabella SaddleAustralian Koolie51787
JAS Cream and White (Irish) with Light UndersidesAlaskan Husky141813
NS Cream and White (Irish) with Light UndersidesAkita11814
JAS Cream and White (Piebald)Akita131837
APnT Cream and White (Piebald) with Chocolate SaddleAustralian Koolie141813
APnS Cream and White (Piebald) with Light UndersidesAlaskan Husky121804
NP Cream Merle and White (Irish) with Blue Sable and TickingAustralian Koolie41787
NS Cream with Black GrizzleAlaskan Husky51787
NSh Cream with Black GrizzleLapponian Herder31786
NS Cream with Black Grizzle and Light UndersidesAkita51825
JAA Cream with Black SaddleAustralian Koolie151772
NP Cream with Blue SableAustralian Koolie41787
PnH Cream with Isabella SaddleAustralian Koolie121813
NS Cream with Light UndersidesAlaskan Husky41787
IPnH CutenessSmooth Collie91844
JPnM Wars Daddy issuesBorder Collie71558
NSh Wars DakotaBull Terrier31366
MO Wars DalaylaKorean Jindo311312
JAA Wars Dalmatian 20HHDalmatian15197
APnH Dam girlKelpie151846
ANO Dam your cuteBorder Collie61558
PnA Wars Dance of tokyoMudi121336
JAP Wars DarkShetland Sheepdog161427
WCHT Dark Beauty (18HH lala) (5/14)Irish Setter581872
JPnSc Wars Dark FantasyHovawart11298
ASh Darkest night in the year ((keep)) show, Flock GuardiansTibetan Mastiff211869
JPnRO Wars DarkVaderAmerican Bulldog51310
JPnSh Wars Day dreamerChihuahua7602
CCH DDOGG Blazing SunriseBorder Collie581303
NA Dead Girl WalkingBorder Collie1964
PnO Wars Dead or aliveAmerican Pit Bull Terrier9597
JPnO Dead to meBorder Collie61558
NRO Wars Deadly cuteCurly Coated Retriever1581
IPnRO Wars Deadly lineJack Russell Terrier81211
IPnM Wars Death of a kingMudi91217
IPnSh Wars Deep and darkCurly Coated Retriever9609
IPnRO Wars Deep diveStaffordshire Bull Terrier101356
Deep massageMudi11176
APnR Wars Defender of the Kingdom EEEEAfricanis151350
Dekus love secretMiniature Australian Shepherd11774
NSh Wars Demons call my nameBorder Collie1581
JPnHT DenkiGreat Dane71848
NSh Wars DennisDalmatian21362
IPnSc Wars Destroy of powerAmerican Bully101349
MO Wars Diamond Diversifier 1.203Staffordshire Bull Terrier321227
JPnSh Diamond in the RuffGerman Shepherd Dog61245
JPnSh Die in a fireBorder Collie71558
NP Wars DieselAustralian Shepherd51416
ASh Wars DillFrench Bulldog24499
PnW Wars Ding dongKooikerhondje81905
IPnSh Wars Disney magicAustralian Shepherd81203
MH Wars DivanShetland Sheepdog321466
ASh Dive your thing ((keep)) showTibetan Mastiff231870
MSh GCSc FFFMS Don't be sadGerman Shepherd Dog451871
MS Don't Forget the TigerAlaskan Husky231178
JPnFr Wars Don't get me wrongBorder Collie71558
APnH Wars Don't let the sheep runKelpie151846
ANR Don't let them runChart Polski41849
JARO Wars Done runningAmerican Bully131359
MS Dora the explorer ((keep)) sleedAmerican Indian Dog261867
NA Wars Dots for meCatahoula Leopard Dog11907
ASh Wars Double UpStandard Poodle241395
GCSh MFT FFFMS Drag me down babyAmerican Cocker Spaniel451871
AM Wars DreamBasset Hound301332
JPnH Wars Dream landBorder Collie7599
IPnM Wars Dreamer boyAmerican Pit Bull Terrier8596
JAE Wars Dreamers MelodyDachshund111603
JAA Wars Dreaming about meBorder Collie141896
ARO Wars Drive me moreAmerican Bully161382
MRO Wars DrottningMudi301309
ChRO Wars Dusty Road****Greenland Dog341290
MSc Wars Dusty Rose BGerman Shepherd Dog29503
Döts önskanMudi11177
JPnA Wars EbbBorder Collie51851
AT Wars EbonyShih Tzu291301
NCO Wars Eden (22)Aidi431336
IPnH EEEE 18HHAustralian Koolie121024
JPnO Wars EEEE 18HH lala CinderSilken Windhound71368
IPnH EEEE 20HHAustralian Koolie121024
ChT CAPPA EEEE 21HH 0.963xAustralian Koolie411043
ExT EEEE 22HH 0.975xAustralian Koolie401043
MH Wars EEEE BettyBorder Collie30523
APnFr ~FPP~ EEEE Broken RecordsAustralian Koolie131562
APnSh Wars EEEE La 17HH 0hhGolden Retriever131326
ExRO Wars EEEE Lady (22HH 0hh)Shetland Sheepdog341301
IPnHT RAOK EEEE Love LaceEnglish Cocker Spaniel111388
ANA Wars Ella LouisaPapillon71407
NRO Wars En för alla alla för enAmerican Bully41324
NCW Wars Enchanted by the Lights BCWDGerman Shepherd Dog35517
End of lineMudi11176
JPnH Wars Enemy is closeBorder Collie9602
WCW Wars EntrepreneurGerman Shepherd Dog351861
APnSh Wars EnvyStaffordshire Bull Terrier131356
ExSc Wars EssenGerman Shepherd Dog411208
JAR Wars Ethereal Jumbled YarnSilken Windhound131663
ANRO Wars EvangeliPapillon71401
NHT Wars everestKarelian Bear Dog11412
NH Wars Everything blueShetland Sheepdog1601
JAHT Wars Everything for the teGreat Dane141416
MA Everything I do is for youAnatolian Shepherd291635
PnA Everything is blueBorder Collie111601
APnSh Wars Everything is blueChihuahua11613
IPnSc Wars Excellent BenitaStaffordshire Bull Terrier111354
NRO Wars Excellent BezzyAmerican Bully31324
NRO Wars Excellent Dark YvetteAmerican Bully51324
NSh BofS Excellent FiaAmerican Bully21324
NRO Wars Excellent I'm done with youAmerican Bully31324
JARO Wars Excellent JillyPortuguese Water Dog141356
NRO Wars Excellent Last in lineAmerican Bully51324
NSh BofS Excellent Nidningt LadyAmerican Bully41324
NSh BofS Excellent Red RoseAmerican Bully31324
NSh BofS Excellent Right thereAmerican Bully21324
NSh BofS EXcellent Running lateAmerican Bully21324
NT BofS Excellent Shame on YouAmerican Bully21324
NRO Wars Excellent ShielaAmerican Bully41324
ANSh Wars Excellent Sun in a SkyHovawart51298
PnSc Wars Excellent The big momentBriard121400
NSh BofS Excellent The move itAmerican Bully21324
IPnA Wars Eye of the tigerAmerican Bully101349
NSh Wars Face of itBorder Collie1580
IPnSh Wars Face realityAustralian Shepherd81201
NO Wars Fact I haveEnglish Springer Spaniel11177
JAS Faded Brown and White (Irish)Alaskan Husky131809
PnS Faded Brown with Light UndersidesAlaskan Husky101797
AH KeK* FalonBorder Collie21422
AO Wars Fancy SmancyShetland Sheepdog191446
NSh Wars Far from doneEnglish Shepherd11178
JPnS Fawn and White (Extreme Piebald) with Black Sable and Light UndersidesAkita61827
NS Fawn and White (Irish) with Black Grizzle and Light UndersidesAkita41825
JAS Fawn and White (Irish) with Black Grizzle, Mask, and Light UndersidesAkita141839
NS Fawn and White (Irish) with Light UndersidesAkita11814
NS Fawn and White (Piebald) with Black Grizzle and Light UndersidesWest Siberian Laika41789
AS Fawn and White (Piebald) with Black Sable and Light UndersidesWest Siberian Laika221841
NS Fawn and White (Piebald) with Black Sable and Light UndersidesAkita11813
PnS Fawn and White (Piebald) with Black Saddle and Light UndersidesAlaskan Husky101797
JAS Fawn with Black Grizzle and Light UndersidesAlaskan Husky131809
NS Fawn with Black Sable and Light UndersidesAkita11813
NS Fawn with Black Sable, Mask, and Light UndersidesAkita11813
AS Fawn with Light UndersidesAlaskan Husky161821
JAS Fawn with Light UndersidesAlaskan Husky131809
JPnFl Wars Feel betterBorder Collie71558
NH Wars Feeling of something newBorder Collie1581
ExFl Wars FF's Determinated (24HH) Blessed lalaBorder Collie431435
IPnFl Wars Fight at dayAmerican Pit Bull Terrier9597
PnFT Wars Fight for meEnglish Springer Spaniel91213
JPnRO Wars Fight nightAustralian Shepherd7598
Wars Fighters heartCane Corso11298
NO Wars FilaBorder Collie11402
ARO Wars Find a way homeAmerican Bully171382
IPnO Wars Find homeAmerican Bully101349
AA Wars Find me someoneBorder Collie171905
APnSh Wars Finding my hopeStabyhoun12614
APnE ANA Wars Finns MelodyDachshund101603
Fire in the woodKorean Jindo11358
PnSh Ploof Fire on fire ((keep)) show, droversCardigan Welsh Corgi12810
ASh Wars FlorenceCentral Asian Shepherd261343
ChSc Wars Flowing Swiftly****DAmerican Bully431273
ARO Wars For SaleBrittany29706
ChHu Wars Forest 13:0 EEEE LlaKelpie401309
NH Wars Forgive meBorder Collie1580
MH Wars FranBorder Collie291300
ANR Wars Fright lightWhippet7601
NSh Wars Funny for meHovawart11177
MSh Wars Fylld av lyckaMudi32724
AS GalaxyAlaskan Husky171773
JAP Wars Galaxy loverAmerican Bully141366
GCT Wars GemmaBeauceron561441
AA Wars Georgia - 4E 23/1/0 lala x1 agi • 1.003x (Available 97+109) 0Border Collie24938
ASh Wars Germ me downAmerican Bully191393
ASh Wars Germ me upAmerican Bully181393
NSh Wars Get out Bea 1.062xCavalier King Charles Spaniel11230
AH Wars GhostGreat Pyrenees25762
MH Ghost from the PastBorder Collie331878
MRO Wars GiaSilken Windhound331348
JPnA Wars GideonSiberian Husky91367
AH Wars Girl Dog The gift of loveCentral Asian Shepherd251409
PnSh Wars Girl I got youEnglish Springer Spaniel91213
JPnSc Girl in my heartAmerican Bully9531
IPnSh Wars Girl of dreamEnglish Shepherd91214
JPnHu Girl of my heartBeagle61425
NSh Wars Girl with powerAmerican Bully41355
ASh Wars GirlyPopBluetick Coonhound181177
ARO Wars Give me your handAmerican Bully161382
IPnO Wars gizmoCentral Asian Shepherd71392
MFr JPO* GloriaBorzoi26872
IPnSh Wars Go down hillAmerican Bully101350
NH Wars Go freaking outFinnish Lapphund1580
IPnH Wars Go on and onCatahoula Leopard Dog121074
NSh Wars Gold dayAmerican Staffordshire Terrier1581
GCSh MFT FFFMS Gold of the DayGolden Retriever471871
AS Golden blondinaAmerican Indian Dog151849
ExSh Wars Golden daleKorean Jindo351167
JPnA Wars Golden dreamBorder Collie81909
Golden dreamerBorder Collie11466
JPnFr Wars Golden girl for meBorder Collie81909
NO Wars Golden heartBorzoi1581
APnS Golden ice bearAmerican Indian Dog111839
JAS Golden ice floorAmerican Indian Dog121839
JAO Wars Golden loverAmerican Bully151382
MRO Wars GoldieGreat Pyrenees281333
NCO Wars Gooper - 4E 20/4/0 lala x1 int • 1.197x (Available 101) 2French Bulldog47676
APnFr Wars GraceBorder Collie121887
ARO Wars Grace of loveAmerican Bully21680
Gray loverBorder Collie11465
MO Wars GrenadeAustralian Shepherd31636
JPnH Wars Grimms heartFinnish Lapphund7600
MW Wars GS EEEE FlowerGerman Shepherd Dog21578
MSh GuavaGreenland Dog301312
PnRO Wars GunmetalGerman Shepherd Dog101889
MT Wars GwynethBorder Collie27709
JPnH Wars Hand downBorder Collie8599
GCH JAFl Hands Around Your Heart 15 HHs | 0 hhsSaarloos Wolfdog501618
AO Wars HappyMiniature Australian Shepherd211447
ANFr Wars Happy I got youBorder Collie61558
Wars Hard to getEnglish Foxhound11358
ChFl Wars HaroKelpie451819
Hasn't changedHovawart11177
JPnSh Wars hatDachshund51603
APnSc Wars Havanna loverAmerican Bully131366
JPnFT Wars Have dayStabyhoun7602
NRO Wars Haven't gotten thereGerman Shepherd Dog31369
NSh Wars Having a good dayWhippet1581
NO Wars Having a lovely nightWhippet1581
JPnH Wars Having the time of my lifeBorder Collie7601
JPnT Wars HawkCardigan Welsh Corgi81841
Hay baby maybeBorder Collie11466
AO Wars HazardCentral Asian Shepherd151011
NFr HazelAustralian Koolie11384
CCSc He Had It ComingAmerican Bully551334
JPnSh Wars Heart of goldAmerican Pit Bull Terrier7597
PnSh Wars HeartBreakerBeauceron111361
JPnSh Wars Heaving timeAmerican Pit Bull Terrier8597
ANFl Wars Hell FireBorder Collie51850
NA Wars Hell redBorder Collie1581
NSh Wars Hello new worldEnglish Springer Spaniel1581
NSh Wars Help with the invitationWhippet1581
IPnFl HemsworthAustralian Koolie101666
AFl HeraAustralian Cattle Dog211666
NR Wars Here to winBorzoi11885
IPnS Wars HeroAlaskan Malamute81869
APnH High by the BeachBorder Collie151605
ANM Wars High by the beachBorder Collie61558
IPnT Wars High loveAustralian Shepherd91216
JPnSh Wars HimlasGreenland Dog71324
IPnSc Wars Hold me closeHovawart91217
ANA Bunie HollySmooth Collie6928
JAM Wars HomecomingBrussels Griffon121382
JPnH Wars Honey longerBorder Collie8604
NSh Wars Honey on my tummyHavanese1580
APnP Marc* HopeAnatolian Shepherd12536
IPnSh Wars Horror in her eyesAmerican Bully101350
JPnFT Wars Hot keeperStabyhoun8602
AH JPO* How wonderful to be hereAnatolian Shepherd25910
IPnSh Wars HowlaAustralian Shepherd101406
AD Wars HS RESCUE DOG - MajsanShetland Sheepdog191291
JAS HulaAlaskan Husky141308
IPnFT Wars HunterAmerican Cocker Spaniel81394
JPnHT Wars Hurting my loveEnglish Springer Spaniel7602
NH Wars I be with youBorder Collie1581
JPnA Wars I can't believe thatBorder Collie71558
IPnT I can't portend anymoreHarrier111681
JAA Wars I found no cureGreenland Dog161396
AO Wars I guess this is for the bestGreenland Dog161396
APnSh Wars I love you babyAmerican Bully131366
IPnM Wars I need it thereStaffordshire Bull Terrier101356
NW I saw the truthLarge Munsterlander11664
JARO Wars I See RedAustralian Shepherd141352
MO Wars IcaGreenland Dog301317
AP Ice-creams little girl ((keep)) pulling, droversCatahoula Leopard Dog231861
JAFl JPO* IcyFinnish Lapphund16978
ANA If you ever wanna die fall in love and you would be killedXoloitzcuintle41665
JPnH Wars IgneousBorder Collie51850
MM Wars Illusion - 4E 16/6/0 lala x2 int • 1.033x (Available 101) 1Kelpie31903
AA Wars Impotent fromAmerican Bully22680
In a movieMiniature Pinscher11176
JPnRO Wars In a other lifeBorder Collie71203
PnSh In the history of godBorder Collie101602
JPnD Wars In the name of loveBorder Collie61558
IPnSc Wars Insta baddieAmerican Bully111356
GCHu JRD Irresistable PrinceMiniature Dachshund441642
AS Isabella and White (Irish) with Light UndersidesAlaskan Husky151820
APnH Isabella and White (Irish) with Red PointsAustralian Koolie141803
NP Isabella Merle and White (Irish) with TickingAustralian Koolie31786
IPnM Isabella Merle and White (Piebald) with TickingAustralian Koolie101796
ANSc Isabella with Red PointsDoberman Pinscher61790
APnSh Wars Isn't realAmerican Bully131366
ANFl Wars It's all about meBorder Collie61558
NO Wars It's not a jokeGerman Shepherd Dog31369
NW Wars It's the best for meStabyhoun11907
ASh Wars ItachiBasenji301317
APnS Italian streat dancerAmerican Indian Dog101837
APnS Italian streat fighterAmerican Indian Dog101837
ChD Wars IvorySaarloos Wolfdog411797
ASh Wars Ivy RoseChinese Shar-Pei221369
ChSh Wars IZZYAmerican Bully38409
JAH Wars I’ve Been Drinking CoffeeMiniature Australian Shepherd161115
AR ALK JadeBasenji251850
ANT JadeAustralian Koolie51438
GCH Wars Jasmine 21HH EEEEAustralian Shepherd541351
ANR gld JazermineChart Polski41836
IPnSh Wars Jersey Shores 24HH EEEE lalaAkita91385
MSc Wars Jillybean’s Lover boyHovawart291298
JASh Wars JoanaShetland Sheepdog181428
AFr Wars JoanieBorder Collie261349
IPnD Wars JoesephSaluki81852
AH Wars JoJo EEEE 23HHCatahoula Leopard Dog241240
AHT JoshuaGreat Dane241842
ASh Wars Jujitsu KaisenShetland Sheepdog271446
ANSh ~FPP~ JukeboxBelgian Tervuren51582
NM Wars Juliet of my RomioAustralian Shepherd1581
NFl Wars JulySiberian Husky11382
JPnFT Wars Jump goodEnglish Springer Spaniel71201
NA Wars Jump jump bonnyJack Russell Terrier11907
NFl Wars JuneSiberian Husky11382
MT Wars JuneRhodesian Ridgeback371394
ANS JuneAlaskan Husky31393
ANRO SBMC June 27Chinese Crested61392
ANSh ~FPP~ JuneauAustralian Shepherd61583
NH Wars Just call my nameBorder Collie1581
JAM Wars Just for nothingAmerican Bully131366
ChSh Wars Just forget itBorder Collie441227
NSh Wars Just have hopeLabrador Retriever1581
JAM Just in caseAmerican Bully161382
Just normal girlKorean Jindo11358
NSh Wars Just want a friendStabyhoun1581
MRO Wars KaiMudi291335
NCA Wars Kalypso EEEE 14HH lalaAfricanis451365
NP Karma will come collect your deathLarge Munsterlander11664
IPnSh Wars Keep fightingBorder Collie81115
NH Wars Keep it coolBorder Collie61558
MA Wars Keep it slowBorder Collie341458
ANFl Keep it soloBorder Collie61558
JAO Wars Keep me hiddenMudi141355
MFl Wars Keep me updated 1.003Border Collie29541
APnSh Wars Keeping in darkBorder Collie13613
Keeping it goldenBorder Collie11466
JAW Wars Keeping Me A SecretGerman Shepherd Dog91367
MFl Wars Keeping me closeMiniature Australian Shepherd251351
ExSh Wars Keyona - 4E 15/9/0 lala x1 cha • 1.225x (Available 101) 3Pekingese38661
ASh Wars Kicking off the groundAmerican Bully22679
APnSh Wars Killing the wolfAmerican Bully131359
APnM Wars Kinda all I gotAmerican Bully131366
JAO Wars KinderBasset Hound161323
MSh Wars King of heavenBorder Collie321458
ExD Wars King of hellBorder Collie351451
JPnT Kings flower powerFinnish Lapphund71862
JPnFT Kings of the nightBeagle71717
JPnSh JPnD Wars KoraAustralian Shepherd101207
MFl Wars KoraniSilken Windhound301330
JAE Wars Krystals AretimisDachshund111603
JPnE Wars Kärleken som inte fannsJack Russell Terrier71201
AFr Wars LaceyCentral Asian Shepherd261343
JPnO Lady in redBorder Collie71558
MR Wars LailaBasenji321421
MR Wars LalindaSilken Windhound301330
MRO Wars LannieAmerican Pit Bull Terrier341348
JASc Wars larkGerman Shepherd Dog181362
ASh Wars Lassie EEEEAmerican Bully271394
AS LassyAlaskan Husky181809
JPnFl Wars Late ladyBorder Collie71558
ASh Wars Lavayah - 4E 20/4/0 lala x1 str • 1.073x (Available 85+97+109) 3 ~ Roaned Silver MerleAmerican Bully22654
MSh Wars Layla - 4E 19/5/0 lala x2 str • 1.158x (Available 101) 1Bulldog33642
ASh Wars Leaflet - 4E 18/6/0 Lla x3 stm • 1.077x (Available 97+109)American Cocker Spaniel24732
NSh Wars Leave the placeStabyhoun1581
JPnFr Wars Left in hellBorder Collie71558
JPnA Wars Left to EndMiniature Pinscher51320
MSh Wars LegacyAmerican Bully32973
AS Lemon BarryAlaskan Husky231178
NA Wars Lepherd godCatahoula Leopard Dog11907
IPnRO Let me hear youGerman Shorthaired Pointer81052
PnSh Wars Let me knowAmerican Bully13971
ANA Wars Let's get startedBorder Collie71558
JPnP Wars Let's get started!Border Collie71558
ChSh Wars Let's get togetherNorwich Terrier451150
Let's give it allBorder Collie11465
ANFl Wars Let's keep it simleShetland Sheepdog61558
MA Wars Let's keep it simpleBorder Collie321465
ANP Wars Let's not give upShetland Sheepdog61558
ANFl Wars Let's partyShetland Sheepdog61558
Let's start overBorder Collie11465
MH Wars Let's take it slowBorder Collie32482
GCA Wars Let's Waste Time (19HH lala 1.077 xx xx)Finnish Lapphund50860
JAA Wars Letting me knowSiberian Husky161438
AS Letting you go won't be easyAmerican Indian Dog151843
ASh Wars LexaBorder Collie241438
ASh Wars Liar - 7 Hh - 2American Bully201082
NO Wars Life of the endEnglish Springer Spaniel11178
ExFl /l\ Liga Volkov’s Juniper RowCatahoula Leopard Dog35971
NR Wars Light darlingBorzoi1581
ASc Wars Light of loveGerman Shepherd Dog19631
NH LightningAustralian Koolie51438
JAO Wars Lilik 4EAzawakh Hound161110
JPnT PnSh Wars Lillies in the RoadShetland Sheepdog10901
CCSh Wars Little Bean | 21HH | EEEE | llaChihuahua561720
NSh Wars Little dudeToy Poodle1580
NSh Wars Little spiderStabyhoun1581
JPnSc Wars Little things you doHovawart71201
ASh Wars LivBorzoi191419
ASc Wars Living in daleAmerican Bully22680
JPnA Wars Living my lifeAmerican Bully91349
MFr LizzieLapponian Herder23309
JAFl Wars llaMudi14722
NFl Wars LokiAustralian Koolie11384
MT LolaBeagle261676
NA Wars Look at meBorder Collie61558
NA Wars Look at my bootsChinese Crested1580
PnM Look at this beautyBorder Collie101602
JAP Wars Look at this momentAmerican Bully171401
NSh Wars Looking for heavenCavalier King Charles Spaniel11404
IPnT Looking good becoming goodDachshund91671
IPnH Looking good feeling goodAnatolian Shepherd111619
ASh Wars Loosing all hopeGreenland Dog191410
IPnSh Wars Lost feelingsAmerican Bully91349
NH Wars Lost girlCatahoula Leopard Dog11899
MS Lost in HopeAlaskan Husky271628
MA Lost in my mindAnatolian Shepherd261660
Lost in my own wordBorder Collie11466
IPnO Wars Lost in spaceAmerican Bully91349
ANFl Wars Lost in the deep cornerBorder Collie71558
ExM Wars Lost in ThoughtBorder Collie341006
Lost of hopeBorder Collie11466
AS Lost on EarthAlaskan Husky181820
ExSh WCO FFFMS Lots of LoveAidi521848
Wars LoveBorder Collie1826
ChSh Wars LoveCane Corso331295
AH Wars Love Don't Cost A ThingMudi191288
PnSh Wars Love featureMudi111336
NSh Wars Love for herKooikerhondje11376
JASh Wars Love for meShetland Sheepdog161440
NSh Wars Love for youKooikerhondje11376
IPnRO Wars Love for youAmerican Bully91349
JPnSc Wars Love in the airAmerican Pit Bull Terrier8597
JASh Wars Love in tokyoAmerican Bully161382
PnH JPnRO Love is in the airShetland Sheepdog12907
AND Wars love is looseWelsh Springer Spaniel51912
Love makerMudi11176
JAA love meAustralian Koolie151772
JAS Love me babyAmerican Indian Dog121839
AA Wars Love me harderAmerican Bully171382
Love of dayBorder Collie11465
GCSh MFr FFFMS Love on LoveChinese Shar-Pei451869
AHu Wars Lovely ladyAmerican Bully181392
WCO Wars Lovely ShadowsBasenji60900
IPnH Ulvs Loving you is like crazyFinnish Lapphund101658
JAS Loving you like crazyAmerican Indian Dog151843
IPnSc Wars Low lightsCane Corso91215
NM Lucky i have youBasenji11994
AND Wars Lucky is thereWelsh Springer Spaniel51912
MT JPO* LucyBasset Hound28907
IPnM Wars LucyPharaoh Hound101408
NT LuluAustralian Koolie11384
ANH Kerze LunarBorder Collie61815
ExS Längtan efter nått nyttChinook361321
JAR CREWE MageBasenji171831
JAO MagnoliaAnatolian Shepherd14388
NCRO Wars Make It Up 1.112Toy Poodle481346
IPnW Wars Making it biggerGerman Shepherd Dog51361
NO Wars Making mistakesAmerican Pit Bull Terrier1581
JASh JPnM BEAN Making Way- Kela [17HH] EEEE/ Blue (solid)Chihuahua141742
ANH Wars Mammas little angelBorder Collie71558
JAFr Wars Many days pastBorder Collie15630
APnR Wars Mara EEEESloughi141382
NCSh Wars MarionCarolina Dog551356
NO Wars Mask me insideStaffordshire Bull Terrier51336
MSh Wars MaskoKorean Jindo291352
Massive hatersShetland Sheepdog11168
JAA Master of Every DayBorder Collie171615
ASh Wars may 4eAustralian Shepherd201421
JPnSh Wars Maybe babyBorder Collie61558
Maybe babyBorder Collie11465
JPnO Wars Maybe I shouldn'tBorder Collie61558
ANM Wars Maybe it is all meBorder Collie71558
Maybe it is all youBorder Collie11466
JASc Wars Menodora nee ID#6692702ID#6535427Appenzeller Mountain Dog151245
MSh Wars MercyAmerican Bully311316
NT Merle me upDachshund11659
IPnSh MerlinAustralian Shepherd101870
JARO Wars Metall puppyAmerican Bully161382
Midnight loversBorder Collie11466
ASh .monk MikaPomeranian181354
ANSh Wars Milk loveAmerican Bully71093
NM Millers good luckBorder Collie31921
ANSh Wars MillieAustralian Cattle Dog61383
NSh Wars MillyStaffordshire Bull Terrier51336
APnRO Wars MilyShetland Sheepdog121400
JPnO Wars Min kärlek för digBorder Collie61202
IPnH Wars Mind My OwnBorder Collie121353
MSh NCO FFFMS Mind of meGerman Shepherd Dog431871
IPnRO Wars Mind of somethingAmerican Bully91349
JPnSc Wars Mind that you areAmerican Bully91349
PnM Mind to shinePomeranian111400
JASh Wars Mini Master Mind || 23 HHChinese Crested171384
JPnA Wars Minns du migCane Corso81200
JASh Wars Miss its meAmerican Bully131366
AFr Wars Mizary - 4E 22/2/0 Lla x1 agi • 0.960x (Available 97+109) 0Border Collie23938
ExA Money makerMudi361366
NSh Wars Money money money, must be funnyStabyhoun1581
JAA Wars Monsters in the forestAmerican Bully161382
NFr Wars MoonBorder Collie11868
IPnSh Wars Moon dance of the nightSaint Bernard111362
AA Moon light killerBorder Collie171994
JAR Wars Moonlight dayBorzoi16630
JASc Wars More Behind the ReefGerman Shepherd Dog16700
NCSh Wars Moving Closer To War §Greenland Dog40448
CCR NCHu Mumbles 22HHBasenji601609
MSh Wars MummyGreenland Dog311317
JPnSh Wars My better halfCardigan Welsh Corgi101399
My blue dreamerShetland Sheepdog11465
NRO Wars My boots are made for walkingChinese Crested1580
AO Wars My dream angelSiberian Husky231445
JAH My dream boyCatahoula Leopard Dog171844
JAS My dream dogAlaskan Husky131809
JPnH Wars My dream girlShetland Sheepdog91400
PnS my dream ladyAlaskan Husky101796
MHT Wars My fancy nameStandard Poodle321431
My girl in MelbourneBorder Collie11465
ASh Wars My happy place is hereAmerican Bully231412
NCW Wars My hero AngeStandard Poodle30716
JAO Wars My hero in the darkAustralian Shepherd161437
JAE Wars My Little MelodyDachshund101603
IPnHu My little wiggleDachshund91671
MSh Wars My love in LondonAzawakh Hound301326
ASh Wars My lovely friendAustralian Shepherd221270
APnHu Wars My midnights ladySiberian Husky111426
NFl My only SunshineBorder Collie61558
ANA My red ladyBorder Collie61558
MA Wars My Soalmate NikaShetland Sheepdog301452
JAA Wars My soft angelBorder Collie181377
AFl Wars My summer angelsAustralian Shepherd241291
AND Wars Mystical PhantasyStandard Poodle11863
MSh Wars Naieem - 4E 15/9/0 lala x2 cha • 1.085x (Available 101) 1Carolina Dog32642
MP Wars NalaSiberian Husky331399
IPnSh Wars Need to do somethingStaffordshire Bull Terrier101356
MO Wars NessieSaint Bernard291329
PnS Never afreadAlaskan Husky111796
AA Never being aloneFinnish Lapphund231671
PnH Never giving up on youAidi101671
JPnA Wars Never giving up on youShetland Sheepdog71558
PnSh Never loose yourselfBorder Collie101602
AS Never mind the beautyAlaskan Husky161819
PnFl Never to farBorder Collie101602
NSh Wars Nice dayWeimaraner1581
JPnM Wars Nice GirlMiniature Pinscher61327
NT THF's NightAustralian Cattle Dog61719
IPnA Wars Night of horrorEnglish Shepherd81203
PnSh Wars Nightmare before ChristmasBorder Collie11613
CCS Wars NinaCanadian Eskimo Dog34676
JPnA Wars No respectAmerican Bully91349
IPnSh Wars No thank youAmerican Bully101350
JPnSh Wars No wayAmerican Bully51092
NM TXBM Noone can do betterToy Poodle11396
CCT Wars NoraGerman Shepherd Dog58518
IPnSh Wars Not aloneAmerican Bully101350
Not as badMudi11176
APnP Wars Not bad personDachshund131387
PnP Not my typeAidi101671
IPnFT Wars Nothing like youBorzoi91247
NA Wars Now or tomorrowAustralian Shepherd11178
APnFl Wars NyaMiniature Australian Shepherd141426
ANP Wars Ocean eyesBorder Collie61558
NP Wars Of YorktownAlaskan Malamute41324
JPnA Wars ok boomerBorder Collie71908
Old jokesMudi11176
JPnH Wars Old soul trapBorder Collie7601
APnM Wars Old time favoriteCanaan Dog131352
ChT MEGS Oliver EEEEAustralian Koolie431450
NW Wars On my sideGerman Shorthaired Pointer11361
ExH Wars On The Eternal Fields Of PeaceBorder Collie381464
JAO Wars On the wayAmerican Bully131026
JAH O'Clk One Hundred Belgian ChocolatesBorder Collie141852
MSh Wars One or WhateverEnglish Foxhound341223
NFl OreoAustralian Koolie11384
NA Wars Out of fearFinnish Lapphund1580
ChE Wars Outkazt - 4E 16/8/0 lla x0 int (x2 agi) • 1.022x (Available 101) 2Rat Terrier28653
ASc Wars Oyster EEEE 20HHGerman Shepherd Dog191229
IPnR PadmeAfricanis91839
JPnT Wars Panda girlGerman Shepherd Dog91398
APnW Wars Panda loverGerman Shepherd Dog81398
MSh ChM FFFMS Pandora in the townGerman Shepherd Dog451871
JPnSh OoOoO ParanaStaffordshire Bull Terrier51468
ANH |S~E| Patchy EEEE 15HHAustralian Koolie71231
JPnP Wars PeachesBorder Collie61362
APnP Wars Pequeña azul (Little blue) !!Border Collie131836
JPnSh Wars Perfect horrorAmerican Bully91350
JPnHT phoenix flameGreat Dane61847
ExP Wars Piano Knees!Azawakh Hound341145
NRO Wars Picked by GodEnglish Foxhound11177
ChHu Wars PineTibetan Mastiff421807
AP Wars PioneersAmerican Indian Dog231391
NR Pit of vipers ((keep))Borzoi11859
JPnO Wars Pit of vipesBorder Collie71558
WCW Wars Playing In The RainPortuguese Water Dog411335
NA Wars Please don't breakMiniature Australian Shepherd11908
ANT PosiedonAustralian Koolie61438
ChA Wars Post in meBorder Collie441347
PnRO Wars Power of loveAmerican Bully101349
JAM Wars Pretty lovelyAmerican Bully161397
JAFl Pretty magicalAmerican Bully171397
MSh Wars Pretty PuffersAzawakh Hound30741
PnT PrevaonAustralian Koolie121672
NCSh Wars Progenitor Breeder •English Foxhound46945
NCW Wars Progenitor Breeder • 85.4 • 10,14,0 • 34:14 • EEEE • Ll • 1 (agistr chaint)German Shorthaired Pointer32933
GCW Wars Progenitor Breeder • 86.5 • 11,13,0 • 35:13 • EEEE • Ll • 1 (stmstr spdagi)German Shorthaired Pointer32933
NH Wars Prom queenBorder Collie1580
AM Wars Protecting myselfAmerican Bully201378
Wars Puppy 1French Bulldog11905
JPnH Wars Puppy 1Carpathian Shepherd71850
PnH Puppy 1Catahoula Leopard Dog101834
JPnH Puppy 1Kelpie81835
IPnH Puppy 1Kelpie101835
IPnS Puppy 1West Siberian Laika81832
IPnH Puppy 1Mudi71835
JPnSc Puppy 1American Pit Bull Terrier61828
ANS Puppy 1American Indian Dog61831
JPnS Puppy 1American Indian Dog51831
ANS Puppy 1Siberian Husky51828
NM Puppy 1Kelpie11827
NFl Puppy 1Catahoula Leopard Dog11821
NT Puppy 1Catahoula Leopard Dog11824
NO Puppy 1Catahoula Leopard Dog11821
NA Puppy 1Catahoula Leopard Dog11824
NS Puppy 1American Indian Dog11827
NS Puppy 1American Indian Dog11824
NHu Puppy 1Catahoula Leopard Dog11821
NFl Puppy 1Catahoula Leopard Dog11823
NH Puppy 1Catahoula Leopard Dog11823
NSc Puppy 1American Pit Bull Terrier11819
NSc Puppy 1American Pit Bull Terrier11819
NSc Puppy 1American Pit Bull Terrier11821
NS Puppy 1Siberian Husky11824
NS Puppy 1American Indian Dog11822
NS Puppy 1Alaskan Husky11825
NS Puppy 1Canadian Eskimo Dog11822
NS Puppy 1Canadian Eskimo Dog41824
NS Puppy 1American Indian Dog11822
NS Puppy 1American Indian Dog11825
NP Puppy 1American Pit Bull Terrier11821
NS Puppy 1Akita11825
NH Puppy 1Mudi11824
NS Puppy 1Alaskan Husky11823
NH Puppy 1Mudi11820
Puppy 1American Pit Bull Terrier11819
Puppy 1American Indian Dog11819
Puppy 1American Indian Dog11819
Puppy 1American Indian Dog11819
Puppy 1Siberian Husky11814
Puppy 1Siberian Husky11816
Puppy 1Alaskan Husky11815
Puppy 1American Indian Dog11815
Puppy 1Mudi11814
Puppy 1American Indian Dog11814
Puppy 1Akita11814
NS Puppy 1Canadian Eskimo Dog31813
Puppy 1American Indian Dog11813
Puppy 1American Pit Bull Terrier11808
Wars Puppy 1Alaskan Husky11793
NP Puppy 1Lapponian Herder41787
NS Puppy 1Alaskan Husky31786
NS Puppy 1Alaskan Husky31786
NFl Puppy 1Basenji11779
Puppy 1Dachshund11779
Puppy 1Australian Shepherd11778
Puppy 1Border Collie11778
Puppy 1Bull Terrier11777
Puppy 1Border Collie11776
Puppy 1Miniature Australian Shepherd11774
Puppy 1Australian Koolie11774
Puppy 1Australian Koolie11774
Puppy 1Black Mouth Cur11774
Puppy 1Alaskan Husky11774
Puppy 1Dachshund11774
Puppy 1American Bulldog11774
Puppy 1Afghan Hound11773
Puppy 1Alaskan Husky11773
Puppy 1Alaskan Husky11773
NHT Puppy 1English Cocker Spaniel11773
NH Puppy 1Australian Koolie11672
NT Puppy 1Australian Koolie11672
NA Puppy 1Australian Koolie11672
NFl Puppy 1Australian Koolie11672
NA Puppy 1Australian Koolie11672
NT Puppy 1Australian Koolie11672
NA Puppy 1Harrier31656
ANSh Puppy 1Border Collie61591
JPnD Puppy 1Border Collie61591
ANSh Puppy 1Border Collie51589
JPnA Puppy 1Border Collie51588
NM Wars Puppy 1Border Collie11403
NHT Wars Puppy 1English Cocker Spaniel71401
MM Wars Puppy 1Brussels Griffon28652
Wars Puppy 1Borzoi1581
NHT Puppy 10Great Dane11842
PnH Puppy 10Catahoula Leopard Dog111833
ANS Puppy 10Siberian Husky41826
NHT Puppy 10Catahoula Leopard Dog11821
NSc Puppy 10American Pit Bull Terrier11819
NS Puppy 10American Indian Dog11825
NH Puppy 10Kelpie11824
NH Puppy 10Kelpie11821
Puppy 10Siberian Husky11814
Puppy 10Siberian Husky11815
Puppy 10Catahoula Leopard Dog11774
PnT Wars Puppy 10Miniature Australian Shepherd12919
JPnS Puppy 11Alaskan Husky61830
NT Puppy 11Catahoula Leopard Dog11824
Puppy 11Siberian Husky11815
Puppy 11Aidi11774
NS Puppy 12Alaskan Husky41787
Puppy 12Chow-chow11776
Puppy 2Border Collie11939
PnH Puppy 2Catahoula Leopard Dog111836
PnH Puppy 2Mudi111839
PnH Puppy 2Catahoula Leopard Dog111832
IPnH Puppy 2Catahoula Leopard Dog101834
IPnH Puppy 2Kelpie101833
JPnS Puppy 2Alaskan Husky61830
JPnS Puppy 2Siberian Husky51826
NSh Puppy 2Catahoula Leopard Dog11821
NT Puppy 2Catahoula Leopard Dog11821
NS Puppy 2American Indian Dog11827
NSc Puppy 2American Pit Bull Terrier11819
NSc Puppy 2American Pit Bull Terrier11819
NS Puppy 2Canadian Eskimo Dog11822
NS Puppy 2American Indian Dog11822
NS Puppy 2American Indian Dog11822
NH Puppy 2Kelpie11822
NH Puppy 2Kelpie11823
NS Puppy 2Alaskan Husky11823
Puppy 2American Indian Dog11816
Puppy 2American Indian Dog11819
Puppy 2Canadian Eskimo Dog11816
Puppy 2Siberian Husky11815
Puppy 2Siberian Husky11815
Puppy 2American Indian Dog11815
Puppy 2American Indian Dog11815
Puppy 2American Pit Bull Terrier11808
NS Puppy 2Alaskan Husky31786
NHT Puppy 2Finnish Spitz11781
NP Puppy 2Border Collie11781
Puppy 2Brittany11779
Puppy 2Border Collie11779
NT Puppy 2Bluetick Coonhound11779
Puppy 2Border Collie11778
NFl Puppy 2Africanis31776
Puppy 2Doberman Pinscher11776
Puppy 2Border Collie11776
Puppy 2Border Collie11776
Puppy 2Border Collie11776
Puppy 2Toy Fox Terrier11776
Puppy 2Australian Koolie11774
Puppy 2Australian Koolie11774
Puppy 2American Cocker Spaniel11774
Puppy 2Australian Shepherd11774
Puppy 2Border Collie11774
Puppy 2West Siberian Laika11773
Puppy 2Alaskan Husky11773
IPnA Puppy 2Australian Koolie91654
NFr Puppy 2Africanis11672
NSh Puppy 2American Pit Bull Terrier41656
JPnFr Puppy 2Border Collie61591
JPnSh Puppy 2Shetland Sheepdog51591
ANFl Puppy 2Border Collie51591
JPnO Puppy 2Border Collie51591
JPnSh Puppy 2Border Collie51591
PnSc Wars Puppy 2Doberman Pinscher131403
Puppy 2American Bully11354
Puppy 2Stabyhoun1633
Puppy 3Border Collie11941
JAH Puppy 3Catahoula Leopard Dog171848
NHT Puppy 3Great Dane11840
PnH Puppy 3Catahoula Leopard Dog111836
PnH Puppy 3Catahoula Leopard Dog101832
NM Puppy 3Great Dane61837
IPnH Puppy 3Kelpie91833
JPnS Puppy 3West Siberian Laika81832
NA Puppy 3Siberian Husky41826
NHu Puppy 3Kelpie11827
NSc Puppy 3American Pit Bull Terrier11822
NS Puppy 3American Indian Dog11827
NH Puppy 3Mudi11826
NSc Puppy 3American Pit Bull Terrier11819
NS Puppy 3Canadian Eskimo Dog11822
NS Puppy 3American Indian Dog11825
NS Puppy 3Siberian Husky11824
NSc Puppy 3American Pit Bull Terrier11821
NH Puppy 3Kelpie11824
Puppy 3American Pit Bull Terrier11817
Puppy 3American Indian Dog11819
Puppy 3American Indian Dog11816
Puppy 3Australian Koolie11815
Puppy 3Lapponian Herder11815
Puppy 3Siberian Husky11814
Puppy 3Siberian Husky11814
Puppy 3Siberian Husky11815
Puppy 3Alaskan Husky11815
Puppy 3American Indian Dog11812
Puppy 3American Indian Dog11815
Puppy 3Mudi11814
Puppy 3American Indian Dog11814
NS Puppy 3Canadian Eskimo Dog21813
Puppy 3American Pit Bull Terrier11808
NS Puppy 3Alaskan Husky41786
NT Puppy 3Border Collie11781
Puppy 3Scottish Deerhound11779
Puppy 3Yorkshire Terrier11778
Puppy 3Standard Poodle11778
Puppy 3Border Collie11778
Puppy 3Briard11778
Puppy 3Rough Collie11778
Puppy 3Akita Inu11777
Puppy 3Doberman Pinscher11776
Puppy 3Belgian Tervuren11776
Puppy 3Border Collie11776
Puppy 3Border Collie11776
Puppy 3Miniature Australian Shepherd11774
Puppy 3Australian Koolie11774
Puppy 3Australian Koolie11774
Puppy 3Australian Koolie11774
Puppy 3Australian Koolie11774
Puppy 3Hovawart11774
Puppy 3Kooikerhondje11774
NFr Puppy 3Africanis11774
Puppy 3Australian Shepherd11774
Puppy 3Silken Windhound11774
Puppy 3Australian Koolie11773
Puppy 3Alaskan Husky11773
Puppy 3Alaskan Husky11773
ANT Wars Puppy 3Beagle61666
JPnFl Puppy 3Border Collie61591
JPnM Puppy 3Border Collie51591
ANSh Puppy 3Border Collie51589
ANSh Puppy 3Border Collie51588
Wars Puppy 3Central Asian Shepherd11404
NFl Wars Puppy 3Border Collie11403
JPnSh Wars Puppy 3Papillon71403
JPnO Wars Puppy 3English Cocker Spaniel61401
ChP Wars Puppy 3Boston Terrier381439
PnH Puppy 4Catahoula Leopard Dog111836
IPnH Puppy 4Catahoula Leopard Dog101832
Wars Puppy 4Irish Wolfhound11838
IPnH Puppy 4Kelpie81835
IPnH Puppy 4Kelpie81835
JPnS Puppy 4American Indian Dog51828
ANS Puppy 4Siberian Husky41826
NS Puppy 4Siberian Husky41826
NS Puppy 4Siberian Husky11827
NSc Puppy 4American Pit Bull Terrier11822
NO Puppy 4American Pit Bull Terrier11821
NS Puppy 4Akita11825
NS Puppy 4Alaskan Husky11825
NS Puppy 4Alaskan Husky11823
Puppy 4Siberian Husky11814
Puppy 4American Indian Dog11814
NS Puppy 4Canadian Eskimo Dog21813
Puppy 4American Indian Dog11813
JPnM Puppy 4Australian Shepherd71790
AO Wars Puppy 4Alaskan Husky191815
NS Puppy 4Alaskan Husky31786
NS Puppy 4Alaskan Husky31786
Puppy 4Australian Koolie11779
NHT Puppy 4American Cocker Spaniel11779
Puppy 4American Staffordshire Terrier11779
Puppy 4Finnish Lapphund11778
Puppy 4Whippet11778
Puppy 4Anatolian Shepherd11777
Puppy 4Australian Shepherd11777
Puppy 4Border Collie11776
Puppy 4Miniature Australian Shepherd11774
Puppy 4Africanis11774
Puppy 4Shetland Sheepdog11774
Puppy 4Shetland Sheepdog11774
Puppy 4West Siberian Laika11773
Puppy 4Alaskan Husky11773
ANSh Puppy 4Border Collie61591
JPnT Puppy 4Border Collie61591
JPnSh Puppy 4Border Collie51591
NP Wars Puppy 4Australian Shepherd5294
NSc Puppy 5American Pit Bull Terrier61826
JPnS Puppy 5American Indian Dog51831
NHu Puppy 5Catahoula Leopard Dog11824
NS Puppy 5American Indian Dog11823
NSh Puppy 5American Pit Bull Terrier11819
NS Puppy 5Canadian Eskimo Dog31824
Puppy 5American Indian Dog11815
Puppy 5American Indian Dog11808
NO Puppy 5Australian Koolie11785
NP Puppy 5Havanese11781
Puppy 5German Shepherd Dog11779
Puppy 5English Springer Spaniel11778
Puppy 5American Pit Bull Terrier11778
Puppy 5Dachshund11777
Puppy 5Australian Koolie11774
Puppy 5Australian Koolie11774
Puppy 5Bloodhound11774
Puppy 5Aidi11774
Puppy 5West Siberian Laika11773
Puppy 5Tosa Inu11773
ANA Puppy 5Border Collie61591
NA Wars Puppy 5Australian Shepherd3292
IPnS Puppy 6West Siberian Laika81832
JPnS Puppy 6American Indian Dog51828
ANS Puppy 6Siberian Husky41826
NS Puppy 6Canadian Eskimo Dog11822
NS Puppy 6Akita11825
NS Puppy 6American Indian Dog11825
NH Puppy 6Kelpie11823
Puppy 6American Indian Dog11819
Puppy 6Australian Koolie11815
Puppy 6Siberian Husky11816
Puppy 6Siberian Husky11815
Puppy 6American Indian Dog11814
Puppy 6American Indian Dog11813
NS Puppy 6Alaskan Husky31786
NS Puppy 6Alaskan Husky31786
NO Puppy 6Australian Koolie11785
NSh Puppy 6Great Pyrenees11781
Puppy 6Miniature Australian Shepherd11778
Puppy 6Rough Collie11778
Puppy 6Australian Koolie11774
Puppy 6Greyhound11774
Puppy 6Alaskan Husky11774
Puppy 6Alaskan Husky11774
Puppy 6Border Collie11774
Puppy 6American Pit Bull Terrier11773
NSh Puppy 6Pug11773
NH ~HT~ Puppy 6Australian Koolie51672
ANH Puppy 6Border Collie61591
JPnA Puppy 6Shetland Sheepdog51588
JPnH Wars Puppy 6Shetland Sheepdog81325
AH Puppy 7Catahoula Leopard Dog191849
Puppy 7Great Dane11837
IPnS Puppy 7West Siberian Laika81832
NS Puppy 7American Indian Dog11824
Puppy 7American Indian Dog11816
NS Puppy 7Alaskan Husky31786
NS Puppy 7Alaskan Husky31786
NS Puppy 7Alaskan Husky31786
NE Puppy 7Miniature Schnauzer11781
Puppy 7Dalmatian11779
Puppy 7Australian Shepherd11778
Puppy 7Australian Shepherd11778
Puppy 7Border Collie11778
Puppy 7Australian Koolie11774
Puppy 7Great Dane11774
NA Puppy 7Australian Koolie11672
PnA Wars Puppy 7Australian Shepherd131403
NFr Wars Puppy 7Golden Retriever51373
NH Puppy 8Border Collie11875
PnH Puppy 8Catahoula Leopard Dog111836
ANS Puppy 8Siberian Husky51828
NS Puppy 8Siberian Husky11827
NHT Puppy 8Catahoula Leopard Dog11824
NS Puppy 8American Indian Dog11823
NHu Puppy 8American Pit Bull Terrier11821
NS Puppy 8American Indian Dog11825
NS Puppy 8Siberian Husky11824
NH Puppy 8Kelpie11822
NH Puppy 8Mudi11824
Puppy 8Briard11779
Puppy 8Australian Koolie11779
Puppy 8Australian Koolie11778
Puppy 8Australian Koolie11774
Puppy 8Alaskan Husky11774
Puppy 8Alaskan Husky11774
Puppy 8Alaskan Husky11774
Puppy 8Border Collie11774
Puppy 8Pomeranian11774
NH Puppy 8Aidi31656
JPnRO Puppy 8Border Collie61591
NHT Puppy 9Great Dane11840
PnH Puppy 9Catahoula Leopard Dog121836
IPnH Puppy 9Catahoula Leopard Dog101832
NRO Puppy 9Catahoula Leopard Dog11821
NFr Puppy 9Catahoula Leopard Dog11824
ND Puppy 9Catahoula Leopard Dog11821
ND Puppy 9American Pit Bull Terrier11821
NS Puppy 9Siberian Husky11824
NS Puppy 9Siberian Husky11824
NM Puppy 9American Pit Bull Terrier11819
Puppy 9Canadian Eskimo Dog11816
Puppy 9Mudi11813
NS Puppy 9Alaskan Husky41787
NS Puppy 9Alaskan Husky41787
NS Puppy 9Alaskan Husky31786
NSc Puppy 9American Bully11781
NSc Puppy 9Rottweiler11781
Puppy 9Australian Koolie11779
Puppy 9Australian Koolie11778
Puppy 9Cane Corso11778
Puppy 9Papillon11778
Puppy 9Caucasian Ovtcharka11778
Puppy 9Australian Shepherd11777
Puppy 9Saint Bernard11774
IPnH Wars Puppy 9Australian Shepherd131403
AFr Puppy 9Border Collie261089
ASh Wars Puppy feel specialAmerican Bully181379
ANHu Wars Puppy no place like homeBorder Collie71558
NSh Wars Puppy white dressBorder Collie1581
NSh Wars Pure loveGerman Shepherd Dog31369
NH Wars Put myself asideAustralian Shepherd1581
JAR Swalo PyrostaticIbizan Hound161834
ANT Wars QuailBorder Collie61852
AS Queen bAlaskan Husky211794
IPnA Queen in blueBorder Collie101602
NRO Wars Queen of meKooikerhondje11907
JPnR Wars Queen teaBorzoi8601
JPnR Wars Race truh my heartWhippet8602
IPnRO Wars Rainbow loveJack Russell Terrier81213
MH RamonaSmooth Collie291858
Random boyHovawart11177
JASh Wars Rase your mindAmerican Bully171400
ANFT Wars Reach new yearLabrador Retriever8602
NH Wars Read it allBorder Collie1581
MSh Wars ReauxbyAmerican Bully31974
MSh Wars RedTibetan Spaniel311335
JPnA Red and White (Extreme Piebald)Border Collie61790
JAS Red and White (Irish) with Black Grizzle, Mask, and Light UndersidesAkita131839
PnS Red and White (Piebald) with Steel Blue Sable and Light UndersidesAlaskan Husky111797
ANR Wars Red catchBorzoi8601
JPnH Wars Red downBorder Collie8599
NSh Red little devilChihuahua1581
JPnH Red Merle and White (Irish) with Blue Sable and MaskBorder Collie61790
NO Wars Red ravenAidi11907
NP Red with Chocolate Grizzle and Light UndersidesLapponian Herder41787
CCSh Wars RegaliaAfricanis59963
APnSc Wars Remember the loveHovawart121218
JAA CROk9 renaBorder Collie161861
MH BEAN Repeat After MeBorder Collie361870
IPnSh Wars RESCUE Tiny LoverAmerican Bully101327
ARO Wars RESCUED Girl downTibetan Spaniel171347
APnS Wars RESCUED MusicGreenland Dog101329
APnSh Wars Respect for MeAmerican Staffordshire Terrier121321
MH AA CYRSK RETIRED SD AtlasBorder Collie281874
MM Wars RicottaGreyhound321381
IPnSh Wars Rigatoni PastaAmerican Bully91198
APnM Wars Right & WrongBorder Collie121363
JPnO Wars Right nightFinnish Lapphund6600
APnT Wars RileyBorder Collie131884
IPnP Wars RiseBorder Collie71031
AT N18 RiskyAustralian Koolie231748
ANH Wars Roan babyBorder Collie61559
NFl Roaned Brindle Fawn Merle and White (Irish) with Blue Saddle and MaskBorder Collie41788
ANA Roaned Brindle Red and White (Piebald) with Black Sable and MaskBorder Collie61790
JPnT Roaned Brindle Silver and White (Irish) with Black SableBorder Collie61790
MRO Wars Roaned Chocolate and White (Irish) with Cream Points and MaskBorder Collie341093
ExRO RockyRat Terrier321366
MSh BEAN RookBorder Collie331768
APnSc Wars RoscoeDoberman Pinscher141359
ANH RoseAustralian Koolie51180
NCR NCT Rosé 23HHChart Polski601608
NRO Wars Rose redCatahoula Leopard Dog11907
Round around rosesShetland Sheepdog11168
ExO Wars RubyAmerican Pit Bull Terrier341348
NCSh Wars RushPomeranian541356
NCP Wars RuthBulldog521807
IPnO Wars Sad faceAmerican Bully91349
Sad moviesMudi11176
NSh Wars Saddle on my backBorzoi1581
GCE Wars Safe for the healthWelsh Terrier38785
Safe from girlsShetland Sheepdog11465
Safe from hellBorder Collie11466
ASh Wars Safe from hellAfghan Hound23603
Safe from netBorder Collie11466
Safe wordsShetland Sheepdog11168
JAFr Wars SageAustralian Shepherd151223
NHu Saving you from hellDachshund31659
IPnT SavkiAustralian Koolie121672
PnSh Wars Say my name 22HH EEEE lalaAmerican Bully11608
IPnSh Wars Scream my nameAmerican Bully91350
ASc Wars SeargentBeauceron181049
AP BBD's SecretAnatolian Shepherd181370
ExA MEGS SellAustralian Koolie341440
MSh MLKwY SellLhasa Apso291196
NA Wars Send it to meBorder Collie1581
APnSh Wars SeraAmerican Bully131380
Shadow from hellBorder Collie11466
ExR Wars Shadow Island MIXSloughi41365
GCSh Wars ShadowfangAmerican Bully451257
NSh Wars Shake The RoomCentral Asian Shepherd31350
APnFr Wars She is the oneAmerican Bully111356
AT Wars ShelbyShetland Sheepdog271466
ASh Wars SheldonFinnish Lapphund181310
NP Wars Shine bright like a diamondChihuahua1580
Shining thru the darknessMudi11176
IPnFr Wars ShiroAmerican Indian Dog91854
NSh Short moviesHovawart11177
IPnO Wars Show me a heroStaffordshire Bull Terrier91356
MSh GCM FFFMS Show me up babyAmerican Cocker Spaniel46955
JPnA Wars Sidan ingen serAustralian Shepherd71201
NO Wars Silly GirlCane Corso51335
JAFl Wars Silly wayGreenland Dog161372
NS SilverAlaskan Husky41787
JAS Silver and White (Irish) with Black Grizzle and MaskAkita131837
JAS Silver and White (Irish) with Black Sable and MaskAkita131837
IPnS Silver and White (Piebald) with Black Grizzle and Light UndersidesAlaskan Husky81792
NS Silver and White (Piebald) with Blue Grizzle and Light UndersidesAlaskan Husky51787
NO Wars Silver queenCatahoula Leopard Dog11907
IPnH Silver with Black Grizzle and MaskLapponian Herder91796
NS Silver with Black Saddle and Light UndersidesAlaskan Husky41787
ANS Silver with Light UndersidesWest Siberian Laika61790
NS Silver with Light UndersidesAlaskan Husky41787
CCD Wars SilviaAmerican Cocker Spaniel51955
PnSh Wars Sing of courseAustralian Shepherd12611
NA Wars Singing for goodEnglish Shepherd11908
AO Wars SkyeBorder Collie221362
PnS Sleding prinsessAmerican Indian Dog101837
MH Wars Slick and slyBorder Collie341459
Wars SloughiSloughi11405
Wars SloughiSloughi11405
Wars SloughiSloughi11405
NW Wars Smirk dreamLabrador Retriever1580
APnS SnappyGreenland Dog111248
ExSh Wars Snowball - 4E 19/5/0 Lla x1 cha • 1.087x (Available 101) 2American Pit Bull Terrier39653
APnSh Wars So excitedAmerican Bully131366
AFl So Long and GoodnightAustralian Koolie231797
NO Wars so you are the oneEnglish Shepherd11908
ANFT Wars Sock rockerStabyhoun7602
Sold my heartMudi11177
AO Wars Someone take me homeGreenland Dog161396
NM Wars Something about herAustralian Shepherd11178
IPnR Wars Song from hellBorzoi11613
JAO YUKI SootSkye Terrier91362
AR Wars SophiaAfricanis191273
Wars Soul mateBorder Collie11887
ANSc Wars SoulFrost's Snowy AngelAmerican Bully51334
Space loveMiniature Pinscher11176
CCH SparklesBorder Collie631525
IPnH Wars Spend all the word on meFinnish Lapphund11613
APnSc Wars Spicy loverAmerican Bully131366
ANSh Wars SPLATZAmerican Bully71341
JASh Wars SplitAidi171412
PnHu Spooky Stormee | EEEE 18HHFinnish Lapphund101862
JPnH Wars Spot lockBorder Collie7601
NH Wars Spoty ladyFinnish Lapphund1580
NSh Wars Spring i benenEnglish Springer Spaniel1581
JPnA Wars StarAustralian Shepherd91412
NRO Wars Star of the worldAmerican Staffordshire Terrier11177
JPnFr Star war's alvin and the gangBorder Collie61967
JPnO Star war's always youBorder Collie51922
IPnO Star war's find someone like meBorder Collie91963
NO Star war's find yourselfAmerican Pit Bull Terrier42016
NO Star war's loving in the moonlightBorder Collie11969
NA Star war's so happy to see youEnglish Shepherd11908
NA Star war's sorry not sorryEnglish Shepherd11908
IPnH Star war's star light glimmerBorder Collie101962
PnA Star war's suger daddyBorder Collie111976
PnO Star war's sugger babyBorder Collie111976
NFl Star wars blue for meBorder Collie11921
NH Star wars calling my nameBorder Collie11939
IPnFr Star wars dream girlBorder Collie101965
NA Star wars Killing for goodBorder Collie11920
NA Star wars King for meBorder Collie11920
NA Star wars looking for goodBorder Collie11920
NA Star wars Love is meBorder Collie11920
JAFl Star wars loving me harderBorder Collie141976
NA Star wars Merle in my heartBorder Collie11920
NA Star wars sleeping beautyBorder Collie11920
NFl Star wars Smile for meBorder Collie11939
NFr Star wars Smile for meBorder Collie11922
NA Star wars sweet dreamsBorder Collie11919
NM Star wars witching starBorder Collie11918
NA Star wars working in hellBorder Collie31920
NO Star was bornWelsh Springer Spaniel51912
NA Wars Starlight glimmerBorder Collie11427
JASc Wars Stars in heavenAmerican Bully151380
NP Wars Stars in the skyBorder Collie1581
JASh Wars Starting to loose faithGreenland Dog161396
NA Starwars dont call my dumBorder Collie41960
NO Starwars fight for the redBorder Collie21951
NSh Starwars fighting for my bestBorder Collie11949
NHu Starwars fire in the holeBorder Collie11952
NH Starwars look at me now loosersBorder Collie11949
PnS Stay strong for meAmerican Indian Dog101839
AR Stay tuned for more ((keep)) racing, sight houndsBorzoi221310
AS Staying strong for youAmerican Indian Dog151849
PnSh Wars Steal my heartChinese Crested11613
JAA Wars Steel Blue with Cream PointsStandard Poodle18577
AS Steel my heartAlaskan Husky15305
MA Wars StoneBasset Hound301332
PnR Wars StormBorzoi171103
NSh Wars Storm awayCane Corso11177
ANO Wars stormaGreenland Dog51319
ChO Wars Stressed HeartAmerican Bully37514
NW Wars Strong girlGerman Shorthaired Pointer11361
NSh Wars Sugar crushEnglish Shepherd11178
JAH Suger baby is a great gift for babyMudi171847
MSh Wars SunnyBasenji341434
PnW sunnyPortuguese Water Dog51401
NA Wars Sunshine to my houseBorder Collie1581
IPnSh Wars Super girl is shakingStaffordshire Bull Terrier101356
Super loverMiniature Pinscher11176
ExFT WYRA SvenGerman Shorthaired Pointer35945
JAH Wars SwampBorder Collie191115
ANSh Wars Sweather weatherBorder Collie61558
GCSc Wars SwunaGerman Shepherd Dog44488
AFr Wars t.A.T.u 17HHEnglish Foxhound25307
AO Wars Taste's Like ChristmasMudi191352
JPnSh Wars Temara - 12 Hh - 1American Bully71231
NRO TestLhasa Apso31334
JPnW TXBM TestIrish Setter6915
NH TestBorder Collie11336
NO TestCentral Asian Shepherd11336
NA TestLarge Munsterlander31333
NSh TestNewfoundland11330
NSh Test 1Korean Jindo11336
NSh Test 1Central Asian Shepherd11336
NS Test 2Greenland Dog31334
NSh Test 2Korean Jindo31334
NT Test 2Border Collie11336
NSh Test 2Newfoundland11330
NS Test 3Chinook31334
NS Test 4Chinook31334
NP Test 5Chinook31334
NSc Wars Thanks For The MemoriesAkita41416
JPnH That One Bright LightAustralian Koolie81672
JPnH Wars The Angel from hellBorder Collie71558
The bamboo loverBorder Collie11463
MS the best appleAlaskan Husky271780
ANFr Wars The beyond the topBorder Collie61558
NT Wars The black historyShetland Sheepdog61558
NSh Wars The blue dreamFinnish Lapphund1580
The blue wayBorder Collie11465
The candy manBorder Collie11465
ANA Wars The China loverBorder Collie71558
ANH Wars The cloud in the skyShetland Sheepdog61558
The cool guyBorder Collie11465
APnS The cup of sakeAmerican Indian Dog101837
NH Wars The date of itBorder Collie1581
IPnT The dearest I have my loveHarrier101681
IPnA The devil is hereBorder Collie101863
ANT Wars The dream blueShetland Sheepdog71558
IPnHu The dreamer of the packDachshund91671
NSh Wars The gold ticketPapillon1581
ANO Wars The internet girlBorder Collie61558
PnSh The Isabella in hideBorder Collie101602
NA Wars The Isabella in meBorder Collie61558
APnSh Wars The last of her kindMudi141336
ChSh IPnH Wars The light of meCardigan Welsh Corgi461421
ANFl Wars The little oneBorder Collie61558
ANHu Wars The look outBorder Collie61558
The mad mamBorder Collie11465
IPnSh Wars The masked dragonStaffordshire Bull Terrier101356
IPnFl The Merle in meBorder Collie101602
NSh Wars The name of loveEnglish Springer Spaniel11177
ANHu Wars The new areaBorder Collie61559
IPnHu The new chocolate boxDachshund91671
NSc Wars The ocean eyesStaffordshire Bull Terrier1580
JPnHT The power of the nightGreat Dane71848
PnSh The Queen of the landAidi111671
The red loverBorder Collie11465
ANT The running for lifeXoloitzcuintle31665
ExHu Wars The Shark Inside MeNorwegian Lundehund371327
NSh Wars The story of luciStabyhoun1581
APnSh Wars The tiger in my heartAmerican Bully131366
The tiger kingBorder Collie11465
IPnSh Wars The trust of loveAmerican Bully91349
JPnFl Wars The twin in meBorder Collie71558
The uber in my lifeBorder Collie11465
JAFl The war they looseBorder Collie151875
NM Wars The wildness inside meBorder Collie61558
MSh NCO FFFMS Think of MeGerman Shepherd Dog441871
APnSh Wars This is crazyAmerican Bully131366
APnSc Wars This is itAmerican Bully131366
ANP Wars This most be hellBorder Collie61558
NA ThunderShetland Sheepdog41588
JPnA Wars Tiger in jungleCarpathian Shepherd101390
APnSh Wars Tiger me upAmerican Bully131366
MSh Wars TillyBasenji321397
MSh Wars TinaBasenji321396
GCS MEGS TinselAlaskan Husky301755
To be honestKorean Jindo11358
JPnH Wars Toasted heartBorder Collie8599
NT Wars Told my storyBorder Collie1580
NM Wars Toxic loveBorder Collie11178
MP Wars Tramadol - 4E 19/5/0 x4 str • 1.155x (Available 101) 1Bulldog27642
APnT Wars Trapped in my heartMudi141236
JPnS True beautyAlaskan Husky81792
IPnO Wars True loverAmerican Bully91350
NT Trying to have me closeDachshund31656
AFl Turn around and see the truthFinnish Lapphund231671
ANFT Wars Turn my word aroundStabyhoun7602
JASh Wars Two of youAmerican Bully131366
ANH Wars Two shotsBorder Collie71558
JASh TyraAmerican Bully161393
NA Wars Up to the endAustralian Shepherd11178
MSh UrukaBasenji311317
NRO Wars ValentineAustralian Shepherd71406
MSh Wars ValmayStandard Poodle291414
NA Wars ViljaBorder Collie1580
MH THF's VirtualAustralian Cattle Dog291255
MSh Wars VitanGreat Pyrenees321319
APnP TXBM VivianMiniature Australian Shepherd121067
ASh Wars VoidAfghan Hound191423
JASc Wars Wait For MeHovawart161148
ANFl Wars Walls could talkBorder Collie71558
APnSh Wars Wants the world to knowAmerican Bully121357
NA Warning SignsFinnish Lapphund41656
ChO Wars watermelon ice TacoMudi371366
APnO Wars Watson Open The Door- EEEE bb spsw RR TtGerman Shorthaired Pointer12132
PnA Way up in the skyBorder Collie101602
ExSh We deserve itMudi351366
AM JMC’s Weeping WillowBasset Hound251316
APnSh Wars WelnaAustralian Shepherd141281
NH Wars What Montenegro is made ofAustralian Shepherd11178
APnSh Wars When duty calls lalaAustralian Shepherd121426
ChR Wars When Irish Eyes Are GrowlingItalian Greyhound401594
JAS WhiteWest Siberian Laika131817
JPnR Wars White brownBorzoi8600
ChD Wars White CrownPortuguese Water Dog32749
ChS COBRA White DoveAlaskan Husky281731
AO Wars White dreamMudi161399
JPnP Wars White dream is trueAmerican Bully91349
JPnSh Wars White topChinese Crested7601
PnSh Wars Whole thing is greatAmerican Bully121366
ChFr Wars WilburNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever491448
IPnT WillowBorder Collie91880
CCRO Wars Wilma nee ID#6728303ID#6670035English Shepherd521232
ANFl Wars Wind dayAustralian Shepherd7599
JPnS Wars Winn my heartGreenland Dog51337
MA Wars WinnaGreenland Dog301317
ChO Wars Winner in heartMiniature Bull Terrier411230
AA Wars Winner in my heartGreenland Dog201408
ASc Wars WinterHovawart261304
PnH Wars Wolf's secret loverSaarloos Wolfdog121147
ND Wars Women’s FireStandard Poodle11401
MP Wars WonderCatahoula Leopard Dog281327
NO Wonder womanFinnish Lapphund21303
Work with meNorfolk Terrier11177
NFl Wars World of goodBorder Collie1581
NSc Wars Yankee RoseDoberman Pinscher1581
NSh Wars Yellow dudeWhippet1581
ANA YodaBorder Collie51871
AA Wars You and iAustralian Shepherd211250
NCA WCW Wars You Are My SunshineGerman Shepherd Dog411416
NW Wars You got thisGerman Shorthaired Pointer11361
MM Wars Youtube 1.105x | 16HH | Lla B2American Bully281065
ASh ZeviaAkita181404
ExRO Wars ZionEnglish Cocker Spaniel34648
APnH JLM Zoomin AlongAustralian Koolie141515
JPnA ZuesAustralian Koolie61438
PnH ZyronBorder Collie111379
MSc Wars [RESCUE] Bongo CatCane Corso28855
ExFl Wars [spd] Don't let it down [1.048x 24HH EEEE]Shetland Sheepdog351466
ChA Wars [spd] Let it all go [1.048x 21HH EEEE]Shetland Sheepdog361466
MSh Wars ÖnskaLarge Munsterlander311311
Önskan som blev sannMudi11177
JPnW NCSc Wars |v:S| A Retired ChampionGerman Shepherd Dog531055
ChH Wars |v:S| A Retired ChampionGerman Shepherd Dog391204
CCFl Wars ~WalnutAzawakh Hound591449

Game Time

03:39am on Mar 24

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