The Gilded Claw

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Dogs Bred By The Gilded Claw

LockedAP CarterCaucasian Ovtcharka1752
LockedNCR Frisky HunterSaluki4889
LockedNHu Help AchievementPharaoh Hound18
LockedAFr InezSloughi2093
LockedJAFl R0YA1 LeeeSaluki1732
LockedNFl Miles To RunSaluki114
LockedIPnFr Osiris WisdomPharaoh Hound824
LockedPuppy 2Stabyhoun16
JAFr < EEEg Red Heart Card SharkAfghan Hound14881
JPnR 4gggE Saddle Up the Great Ride AwaitsBorzoi6866
NFl Alley Cat With A Bow gEgESilken Windhound11446
NFl Amber TigressSilken Windhound11445
ANFr Anubis CrystalAzawakh Hound11608
Aria Of StarsAzawakh Hound11713
NFl Auctioning Pantaloons and PourpointsAlaskan Husky31610
NFl B-retire betterSilken Windhound11445
JPnP Babs|EgEg [2/18/4] KK ee BB DD slsl Ayaw sisw mm rr Tt cecw gg Uu llaCaucasian Ovtcharka7174
NFl Beam of Pure MagicAfghan Hound31609
IPnFl Bentley ClassicSaluki101696
MFl Best ChanceAfghan Hound271726
IPnSh Betty EEgg [3/13/8] kk Ee BB DD slsl Ayat spsp mm rr tt cecw gg uu LlChinese Crested9179
PnD Bewitched ConfectionersStandard Poodle71694
ANR Black Banded QuartzsiteAzawakh Hound31684
JPnR Blink 155Saluki61688
IPnD Blue Flame Yukon FiresCanadian Eskimo Dog61693
IPnM Blue Shaded French PhotographySilken Windhound61691
NP Botticelli's Little MuseAlaskan Husky21679
NFl Botticelli's Nosey NeighborAlaskan Husky21608
ANFr Braveheart the CourageousAkita31606
ANR Bright Beaming LightAfghan Hound31609
JPnSh Bright Texas SunshineSilken Windhound51686
NR Brilliant Beaming BrightnessAfghan Hound31609
JAFl Brilliant Shining PennyAfghan Hound151701
JPnP Burglars Stole My BritchesAlaskan Husky41654
JPnFl By Bigfoots Royal CommandAfghan Hound51454
NT Caffeine Or I QuitLapponian Herder31678
AFl Captain CornflowerBorzoi241719
JPnP Caravaggio's CatAlaskan Husky31679
ANFl Caravaggio's Cheese SensationAlaskan Husky51653
ANS Caravaggio's MedusaAlaskan Husky21606
NFl Catburglar And The Missing MasterpieceAlaskan Husky31679
JPnR Championship Trophy Shined and PolishedAfghan Hound61454
JAFl Changing GravityAfghan Hound171714
JPnHu Chocolate Sprinkles And A Cherry On TopDalmatian31666
JPnM Cinnamon Sugar CookiesAkita41453
PnFr Classic Car Show SeasonSaluki81697
NFl Classic Chocolate Chip CookieSaluki51668
JPnFr Classic Giant VillianySaluki61680
ANR Classic SilhouettesSaluki41668
JPnFr Classoc Vanquish HotrodSaluki41668
ANH Cloak And Dagger World Renowned SpyCaucasian Ovtcharka31689
ANS Contraband BingoAlaskan Husky11606
IPnFr Copper KigdomAfghan Hound91680
JAR Countess CashewBorzoi131700
JPnR Counting On Going HomeSaluki71682
NFr Crowned Anubis GatesAzawakh Hound11608
PnT Crowned In MidnightAzawakh Hound111699
PnA Crowned Is StarsAustralian Koolie91532
AR Crystal Rose CrownAzawakh Hound161712
PnM Culinary LegendSaluki91698
JPnS Da Vinci's Missing PantsAlaskan Husky21680
NFr Daisy Chains and BoomerangsGreyhound51656
NH Demonic Magnolia TreeAnatolian Shepherd31652
ANFr Desert Dragon EEEgPharaoh Hound11452
JPnHu Diamonds And SapphiresDalmatian21666
NR Did I Miss The CircusSaluki31668
NP Do Demons Dream In ScreamsAnatolian Shepherd11607
JPnD Doe A DeerStandard Poodle21682
NP Dog Days Of SummerAnatolian Shepherd11607
NP Dog Demon And The Flower FestivalAnatolian Shepherd21669
JPnR Don't BlinkSaluki41668
MFr Draconic PrinceSilken Windhound251725
ANFl Dungeon DreamsAfghan Hound51667
JPnHT Dwarven Silver SenseThai Ridgeback Dog31691
NA EEEE A Duke Twice OverFinnish Lapphund3854
EEEE Afterhours Gin & TonicBorzoi1754
EEEE Betty Boop Goes WestGerman Shepherd Dog1754
NT EEEE Boop-Boop-A-DoopGerman Shepherd Dog2854
EEEE Cookie Baking ContestPomeranian1857
EEEE Coyboy CassaroleGerman Shepherd Dog1754
NT EEEE Crm/W Irish Blk Sbl LiUndSaluki11452
IPnSc EEEE DeeDeeGerman Shepherd Dog9873
EEEE DoWaDiDi DiDiDum DiDiDoGerman Shepherd Dog1857
EEEE Glimmering In The CloudsBorzoi1754
NT EEEE I'm Blue DaBa Dee DaBa DiGerman Shepherd Dog3854
EEEE I'm Singing In RainGerman Shepherd Dog1857
EEEE Moving Up In The EmpireDalmatian1752
EEEE Puppy 2German Shepherd Dog1752
EEEE Red Velvet Cupcake ChallengePomeranian1857
EEEE Replacement Bla PieGerman Shepherd Dog1754
EEEE Replacement DonutsAfghan Hound1754
EEEE Replacement for EternityFinnish Lapphund1754
EEEE Replacement for SilenceGerman Shepherd Dog1754
IPnA EEEE Run Away DuchessFinnish Lapphund7869
JPnFr EEEE Shark King of the SeasAfghan Hound4862
EEEE Standing In The DarkBerger Picard1754
NFl EEEE Turning into a Temper TantrumSilken Windhound1863
EEEE Way Of The RogueDalmatian1752
JPnFl EEEg Gadahar Glowing Lunar KnightScottish Deerhound61168
NFl EEEg Gentlemen Do Not SulkSilken Windhound1863
JPnSh EEEg Pie In The Sky EuphemieToy Poodle51166
JPnFr EEEg Red Wind WildfireAfghan Hound7867
JAFr EEgE After the Storm Mist Rolls InAfghan Hound14884
JARO EEgE Height of Victorian Fashion KenziToy Poodle121183
JAFr EEgE Wind Over the Mountain MistAfghan Hound14884
ANFl EEgg Bright Morning ViperIbizan Hound4864
NR EEgg Ginger Cloud SkiesBorzoi1853
JPnFl EEgg Lady Zelda's Turn TableSilken Windhound7869
NFl EEgg Red Knit Ski CapIbizan Hound1859
ANFr EEgg Slvr LiUndSaluki11452
JAHu EEgg [3/10/11] KKbr EE BB DD slsl AyAy swsw mm rr tsts cchcw gg uu LlaDalmatian13194
NFr EgEE Black Rolling MistAfghan Hound3854
APnFl EgEE Boors' Knight of the RealmScottish Deerhound111184
NHu EgEE Which Way is UpDalmatian1862
APnFl EgEg Contemplating the CosmosPharaoh Hound11181
APnFl EgEg Stellas' Midnight SnackScottish Deerhound121184
JAFr EgEg Table Top Fruit BowlAfghan Hound13882
JPnHu EggE Black Sun Rising ZipporahToy Poodle51166
JPnFr Eggg F/W PiebaldIbizan Hound71456
NH Eggg Light up the Dark SpacesBerger Picard1863
NFr Eggg Shining Sky BelltowerAfghan Hound2853
NFr Eggg Two Dozen Glazed DonutsAfghan Hound3859
APnD Eli ggEg [4/14/6] Kk ee BB DD slsl AyAy sisi mm rr tt CC Gg uu LlaStandard Poodle9181
JPnM Enchanted Magical KingdomAfghan Hound71680
ANFr Enthroned In StoneAzawakh Hound51653
JPnFl Ephraims ReplacementScottish Deerhound51163
JAR Epic Cookie CarnivalSaluki141703
JPnFl Epic Round Of Freeze TagSaluki51688
JPnR Even A Monkey Could Do ItSaluki31668
JAFl Eye-Searingly Bright Magical SparkAfghan Hound151701
PnHu Faded BeautySaluki111696
JPnFr Fantastical CoinageAfghan Hound71655
NFl Fantastical Fanatic Ramphastidae FanAfghan Hound21609
NFl Fantastical Melanistic ToucanAfghan Hound31609
IPnR Feed The Winter BirdsBorzoi71688
JPnP Feline Cheddar ObsessionAlaskan Husky41653
JPnR Fighting the Desert EEggPharaoh Hound51454
IPnFr Final Cut And PolishAfghan Hound81532
JPnFl Fire Fox EgEEPharaoh Hound51454
IPnR Fire Lord of the Rings EEgEPharaoh Hound51454
IPnFr First Magical Spark Of LightAfghan Hound91689
JPnFl First Season Of My ShowSilken Windhound61691
ANRO Flames Flickering In The NightStabyhoun21687
NHT FlashpointAkita11452
AFl Flower BombPharaoh Hound181715
JPnP Flower Picking DaemonAnatolian Shepherd61687
Foot Race Trophy won by BigfootAfghan Hound11442
JPnHu Forget About FoodDalmatian31666
JPnR Fuzzy SlippersSaluki41668
APnFl Garden of AresPharaoh Hound121703
ANFl gEEE Cream Blk Sbl LiUngSaluki11452
NR gEEE Flaming Gummy BearsSloughi3854
JPnR gEEE Front Row Opening NightBorzoi6866
AFl gEEg Phoenix Blessed IdeasPharaoh Hound23247
JAFr gEEg Ring the Bell a Dozen TimesAfghan Hound13884
APnFl gEgE Lizas' Magical MarmaladeScottish Deerhound111184
NR gEgE Momma Bears' DinnerSloughi1858
JPnFl gEgE Riskey BusinessIbizan Hound5868
ANR gEgg Aidens Dark Side of the MoonScottish Deerhound51184
APnR gEgg Charlottes Adept Traveling TricksScottish Deerhound111184
NR gEgg Fwn/W Pie Blk SblSaluki11452
JPnFl gEgg Gentleman Nemo CallingSilken Windhound7869
AFr gEgg King's Dark Steel CrownAfghan Hound18906
IPnP gEgg Sultan of SnowflakesCaucasian Ovtcharka9179
NFl gEgg Tall Tails and Snake ScalesIbizan Hound3854
NFl Get To The PointGreyhound61656
NR ggEE Float like a Butterfly Sting like a BeeSloughi4864
NR ggEE Frenzied Wolf EyesSloughi1859
APnSh ggEE Sun Bathing Beauty AstoriaToy Poodle111183
IPnP ggEE [2/14/8] KKbr ee BB DD Slsl awaw SS mm rr Tt cchcw gg Uu llaCaucasian Ovtcharka8176
AP ggEg Blessed Powered MetalsCaucasian Ovtcharka22247
IPnFr ggEg Gideons Dark StallionScottish Deerhound61168
ANFr ggEg Slvr/W Pie Chocolate SblSaluki11452
JAP gggE Burnt Lips, Sore KissCaucasian Ovtcharka13194
APnFr gggE Carolines First Shot FiredScottish Deerhound111184
JPnR gggE R/W PieSaluki41453
APnRO gggE Swimming the Reef FelicityToy Poodle101183
PnFr gggE Whistling Bright Sky WindsAfghan Hound10877
IPnRO gggg Cookies N' Cream Hersheys KissesPomeranian8873
NFr gggg Wind ChimesAfghan Hound2853
JPnD Ghastly Ghostly Grunge MusicStandard Poodle31688
NA Glimmer and Gleam EEEEAustralian Koolie11446
IPnFl Glimmering KingAustralian Koolie91532
NFl Going Home for the HolidaysSaluki31668
NT Going To Cinderella's Banquet BallBelgian Sheepdog31682
JPnA Golden BrailleAustralian Koolie51688
ANA Golden SparksAustralian Koolie11609
AFl Good Luck Clover PuzzleSaluki181709
NP Gordian Ritual ChantsAlaskan Husky31679
JPnM Got Some Pep In My StepAkita61688
APnR MJDK Grandest FortuneGreyhound131727
ANFl Greatest MetalsmithAfghan Hound71655
AA Golpa GreenAzawakh Hound201249
IPnFl Grog and Frogs EEgg F/W IrishPharaoh Hound51456
IPnR Growing Magical SeedsAfghan Hound101702
NFr Grumbling GrumpybearAkita31668
JPnHT Grumpy Bear The Sad HeartAkita41653
PnP Guardian Of The Crystal CavernsCaucasian Ovtcharka111700
IPnSh HaloAkita101422
NFr Hero Of The Shadow WoodsSilken Windhound11692
NFr Heroic Dragoness DeedsSilken Windhound11699
JAFr Home Among The StarsSaluki141704
JAHT Horns Keep Her Halo On StraightAkita81532
JPnR Hostess GreeterGreyhound61656
IPnFr Hot Rod Red ToucanAfghan Hound81532
JPnFl HRH Sultana of the Squash CourtAfghan Hound61454
JPnFr I'm On Top Of The Enchanted WorldAfghan Hound51667
NFr Illuminate the Thinking BearAkita31608
IPnM Illumination In Dark PlacesAkita91532
NFr Incredible ImpressionsSaluki31668
JPnH Inu DaiYoukaiAnatolian Shepherd51687
PnRO Jack-Jack Is BackLarge Munsterlander81175
JPnFl Jasmine Scented Tiger LilySilken Windhound61691
ANA Keep Me In MindDalmatian41682
PnS King of The Frozen NorthCanadian Eskimo Dog51693
IPnFr King Stanley The BenevolentBorzoi71687
NFl Kingmaker and WorldenderAzawakh Hound11608
JPnT Kings Royal StarAustralian Koolie61454
ANFr Knight In Gem Encrusted ArmorAzawakh Hound51653
PnP Knight Of DancingCaucasian Ovtcharka121700
JPnFl Lady Luna's Velvet DressSloughi71694
IPnR Last Dune in the DesertPharaoh Hound51454
NR Leap Across The MilkywaySaluki31668
NFr Leather And PearlsChart Polski31681
NFr LionHeart The Loving BearAkita41653
JPnS Little Burglar Boy In TrainingAlaskan Husky31654
JPnS Little Ricky's Italian PizzeriaAlaskan Husky31608
JAFl Lone Star DragonSilken Windhound181711
JPnFl Lots Of Love To Give gEggPharaoh Hound81532
NFr Lucrative CommerceAfghan Hound31655
MFl Magic PennyAfghan Hound241719
JPnM Magical CoinsAfghan Hound61680
NCP GMMC Making Music (52)Caucasian Ovtcharka49720
MFr Malted ChocolateStandard Poodle231719
JPnR Man Of Your DreamsSaluki81697
ANP Mandala Fishing ShantyAlaskan Husky31607
NFr Marble MausoleumAzawakh Hound31653
AR Mark of a ProfessionalIbizan Hound171713
NFl Market Hidden in the DunesPharaoh Hound11452
MFr Markings On The MoonIbizan Hound241726
NR Marple's Mysterious Mixed Up MonkeysSaluki11689
AA Marvelous ChangeAfghan Hound181705
JPnFr MAYBESaluki31453
JPnFl Mechanical GreetingsSaluki71688
JPnHu Mei Li OrchidDalmatian31666
JPnD Melt In Your Mouth Not In Your HandStandard Poodle21682
AD Metaphysical MilkshakeStandard Poodle141707
NFl Midnight QuartzAzawakh Hound21608
NP Milkshake MustachesStandard Poodle31682
ANHu Mindfulness and MemoriesAkita21608
JAFr Miss Your Home Cookin'Saluki141703
JPnR Missed The Last CookieSaluki41680
NS Missing Melted ChocolateAlaskan Husky11607
ANFl Missing Renaissance PaintingsAlaskan Husky41692
NP Missing The Fish For The FinsAlaskan Husky11607
AP Misty|gEgg [5/13/6] Kk Ee BB DD Slsl awaw Ssp mm rr Tt cchcw gg UU llaCaucasian Ovtcharka21247
AR Mixed Up FantasySaluki171709
IPnSc TGC Montana's Own Cinderfella Star Of The ShowBelgian Sheepdog71694
IPnFr Moon DustIbizan Hound81697
JPnD Mr Clean Mr CleanStandard Poodle21682
JPnFr Mr Right When You Need MeSaluki51668
JPnS Musing On The Art Of StealingAlaskan Husky31654
NFr Night Blooming RoseAzawakh Hound21608
AFl No Chance To CryAfghan Hound191714
ANFl Obsidian Obelisk Night CelebrationAzawakh Hound51687
AR On The RunSaluki131703
MR Order of the RoseAzawakh Hound231726
NFl Painting Fish On A BicycleAlaskan Husky31607
NFr Pale Ale Slate And StoneAzawakh Hound11608
AD Paranormal ProclivitiesStandard Poodle161712
JPnR Parapet and BalustradeAfghan Hound71655
IPnD PB-O Shadow SeasSloughi61694
AR PB-O Wonderous EmpireAfghan Hound161705
AD SPK! PennySloughi151433
JPnHT Peppy Little CheerbearAkita31668
JPnO Perennial Stargazing LilyAnatolian Shepherd31652
ANFr Phenomenal Vulcan HearingAfghan Hound31609
NFl Planning Our Next VentureAlaskan Husky31606
NFl Porcelain Tiger gEEgSilken Windhound11446
NH Possessed Floating FlowerAnatolian Shepherd31652
JAH Preheat The OvenCaucasian Ovtcharka131702
ANFr Professor's Clean SlateAzawakh Hound31608
NR Puppy 1Saluki11668
Puppy 1Pharaoh Hound11440
Puppy 1Pharaoh Hound11440
Puppy 1Silken Windhound11439
Puppy 1Pomeranian1752
Puppy 10Afghan Hound11441
Puppy 2Australian Koolie11442
Puppy 2Afghan Hound11442
Puppy 2Pharaoh Hound11441
Puppy 2Afghan Hound11439
JPnT Puppy 2Otterhound51165
Puppy 3Pharaoh Hound11542
Puppy 3Afghan Hound11442
Puppy 3Pharaoh Hound11441
Puppy 3Saluki11440
Puppy 3Dalmatian11440
Puppy 3Ibizan Hound1752
NFl Puppy 3 checkAzawakh Hound21684
Puppy 4Pharaoh Hound11542
Puppy 4Dalmatian11440
Puppy 4Scottish Deerhound11439
Puppy 5Pharaoh Hound11441
Puppy 5Akita11440
Puppy 5Scottish Deerhound11439
Puppy 5Ibizan Hound1752
Puppy 5Afghan Hound1752
Puppy 5Pomeranian1752
Puppy 6Afghan Hound11442
Puppy 6Afghan Hound11439
JPnFl Puppy 6Scottish Deerhound41163
Puppy 7Pharaoh Hound11440
Puppy 8Pharaoh Hound11440
Puppy 9Australian Koolie11442
JPnFr Puzzled Bear ChallengeSaluki61682
NH Queen Merida of the DunBroch Clan EEEgAustralian Koolie11446
IPnFl Queen of the Sasquach Garden PatchAfghan Hound81532
AT Queen Susan the GentleBorzoi181706
NFr Queen's Midnight StrollAzawakh Hound11608
JPnFr Questionable Employment ReferencesAfghan Hound51456
JPnP Raphael's PortraitAlaskan Husky51692
NFl Reclaiming Her EmpireAfghan Hound31610
NFl Red Rover Red Rover SendAlaskan Husky11607
JPnFl Remember Work Smarter Not HarderSaluki71692
IPnSh Replacement Bat My Bambi EyesChinese Crested9177
NHu Replacement Bear TrapperSaluki11689
JPnH Replacement Charcoal MerrigoldTibetan Mastiff8173
AR Replacement Fly me to the MoonIbizan Hound171713
Replacement Gifted HeartSaluki11683
NP Replacement Miss MistletoeCaucasian Ovtcharka4160
APnHu Replacement Pocket WatchDalmatian10181
NRO Replacement Princess PeachLarge Munsterlander11153
NFr Replacement Rising to the topAfghan Hound21655
IPnR Replacement Starting My Cinderella StorySloughi8174
JAFl Replacement Strength of SamsonSilken Windhound13189
IPnHu Replacement Troublesome Twist off TopDalmatian7174
Replacement Whistling Bright Sky WindsAfghan Hound1858
JPnFr Replacement Wonderous EmpireAfghan Hound71655
ANP Riot In RedAlaskan Husky31607
AFl Roasted ChestnutBorzoi191712
AM Rock GardenAzawakh Hound171709
JPnFr Rock N RosesAzawakh Hound41684
JPnS Rookie Of The Auction HouseAlaskan Husky21654
PnFr Rose Quartz CrystalsAzawakh Hound101697
JPnFl Rose Runner ggEEPharaoh Hound51454
IPnFr Royal Barkeep and Bridge TrollAfghan Hound51456
JPnRO Run Fast and Turn LeftSaluki41682
JPnD Running Across The SkySaluki41682
ANR Running The RabbitSloughi21682
JPnS Self Defense Cat ClassAlaskan Husky31606
ANP Selling Stolen GoodsAlaskan Husky31610
NFr Shadow Puppet Hare and TortoiseSloughi31682
NFl Shale and SlateAzawakh Hound31653
JPnFr Shimmering FantasyAfghan Hound71655
JPnFl Shining Shimmering Copper CoinsAfghan Hound81669
JPnHT Silver CycloneAkita31609
PnFr Silver Thorned Diamond BloomsAzawakh Hound101697
NM Sliver of SunlightAkita21609
NA Soaring Into The Wild Blue YonderDalmatian21666
WCSc SootpeltBelgian Sheepdog611124
ANT Sparkling Golden CrownAustralian Koolie11609
JPnFr Sparks In The Mage SightAfghan Hound51655
JASh Spices From Around The WorldCaucasian Ovtcharka121702
IPnFr Stanford High Prom QueenBorzoi71687
NR Stars And Comets PuzzleSaluki31668
JPnR Stars In Her EyesSaluki81697
JAFl State Fair Pork QueenSilken Windhound131703
JPnR Stellar Wine Valley TourGreyhound61687
NFl Storm Cloud ChaserSilken Windhound11445
JPnD Stratospheric SuspensionStandard Poodle21682
ANP Streaking In A Blaze Of Pasty GloryAlaskan Husky31607
PnFr Summon To Hear And TestifyAfghan Hound101532
PnFr Summoned By Order Of The KingAfghan Hound101532
NFr Super Koi Defender Of The PondSilken Windhound11699
JPnFr Taking Back His MagicAfghan Hound61667
NP Taking The Art World By StormAlaskan Husky31654
IPnP Tangled Forest's Rogue FiendSilken Windhound71691
ANFl Tangled in a Sandy OasisPharaoh Hound51454
JPnFr Tempering Time fEEEPharaoh Hound51454
JPnRO Terrible TendenciesStandard Poodle31688
JPnFl Testing Bigfoots Long JumpAfghan Hound61456
IPnFr Texan Sized MarshmallowSilken Windhound71686
PnR The Beast Of VulcanAfghan Hound101532
APnFl The Magnetic Magic MarpleSaluki121704
IPnFr Tiger Scent TrailSilken Windhound61691
NFl Tiki Torches And Surf BoardsSilken Windhound11692
JAD Tina EgEE [2/15/7] KK ee Bb DD slsl AyAy sisi mm rr tt Ccw Gg uu llaStandard Poodle10182
IPnA Toasted StrawflowerBorzoi71688
JPnFr Top of the VolcanoAfghan Hound51456
PnFr Torched WoodsSilken Windhound101704
Touching Toucan TestimonyAfghan Hound11442
AR Tourists FavoriteGreyhound211714
IPnD Trick Chocolate TreatsStandard Poodle61694
JPnD Trickster Trial-And-ErrorStandard Poodle31682
IPnFl Truffle Hunting FiendSilken Windhound101704
IPnFl Twist The TopAfghan Hound91532
NFr Twisted and TornAfghan Hound21609
JPnFl Twisted Chili Lime TacoAfghan Hound51456
NFl Twisted King of his Twisted KingdomAfghan Hound31609
JPnFl Twisting His TestimonyAfghan Hound61456
JPnS Universal Food For Thought Is CheeseAlaskan Husky31607
NFl Ursidae ConstellationsSaluki31668
IPnFr Volcanic Ash and FlamePharaoh Hound51454
NFr Volcanic CopperAfghan Hound21609
NR Well Loved TwistAfghan Hound21609
IPnR Well Worn Well Loved Magical CoinAfghan Hound101689
JAHu What Did I MissSaluki171709
AFl WillowPharaoh Hound201274
ANFr WintersHeart Bear DogAkita31606
PnH Wisdom Of The EtherCaucasian Ovtcharka111700
NH Worldly WisdomCaucasian Ovtcharka21680
IPnFl Yeti Twister ChampionAfghan Hound101532
NH  Annual Stargazing FestivalAnatolian Shepherd31652

Game Time

01:06pm on Feb 8

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