Name | Breed | Level | Age |
AH Atlas | German Shepherd Dog | 21 | 62 |
ANSc Lizzy | German Shepherd Dog | 7 | 114 |
NSc Nero | Rottweiler | 4 | 91 |
NT Puppy 10 | German Shepherd Dog | 1 | 6 |
NSc Puppy 3 | German Shepherd Dog | 1 | 6 |
IPnSc Raven | German Shepherd Dog | 11 | 92 |
IPnSc ace | German Shepherd Dog | 9 | 1014 |
JAT ~~ August | German Shepherd Dog | 15 | 1037 |
Baloo | German Shepherd Dog | 1 | 1461 |
JPnA Baymax | German Shepherd Dog | 6 | 1515 |
AH Ben | Beauceron | 19 | 1542 |
NP Benny | Beauceron | 1 | 1443 |
Berkley | Kelpie | 1 | 1434 |
JPnA Betty cooper | Border Collie | 5 | 998 |
NP Blossom | German Shepherd Dog | 1 | 1477 |
IPnP Blue | German Shepherd Dog | 8 | 1519 |
APnSh CREWE Bronco | German Shepherd Dog | 13 | 663 |
JAO Bucking bronco | Belgian Malinois | 14 | 1068 |
JAFl buddy boy | Border Collie | 15 | 1072 |
AFr Callie | Doberman Pinscher | 18 | 1541 |
JPnA Cherly blossom | Border Collie | 6 | 998 |
APnO Chico | Miniature Pinscher | 13 | 1523 |
JPnH Coal | German Shepherd Dog | 7 | 1517 |
ANFr Cream pop | German Shepherd Dog | 4 | 996 |
NA Crow | German Shepherd Dog | 1 | 1463 |
ANA Dancer | German Shepherd Dog | 6 | 1513 |
NH Daple | Border Collie | 5 | 1509 |
AHu Dean | Belgian Malinois | 18 | 1542 |
JPnRO ~~ Delagado | German Shepherd Dog | 9 | 646 |
JASc Delgado | German Shepherd Dog | 17 | 1542 |
Diablo | German Shepherd Dog | 1 | 1467 |
Diego | Doberman Pinscher | 1 | 1434 |
NSc Diesel | Doberman Pinscher | 1 | 1441 |
APnW Dublin | German Shepherd Dog | 8 | 1520 |
Echo | Belgian Malinois | 1 | 1477 |
JPnSc Eddie | Beauceron | 7 | 1513 |
ND Electra | Standard Poodle | 1 | 1482 |
JPnFl Eli | Border Collie | 7 | 1519 |
NO Ewok | Doberman Pinscher | 1 | 1443 |
NO Farley | Belgian Malinois | 1 | 1477 |
NT Felice | Kelpie | 1 | 1477 |
AO Fisher | Border Collie | 17 | 1543 |
NRO Frosty | Standard Poodle | 1 | 1467 |
NSh Gabby | Dalmatian | 1 | 1467 |
NO Geneva | German Shepherd Dog | 1 | 1484 |
NP Ghost | German Shepherd Dog | 1 | 1473 |
NHT Glen | German Shorthaired Pointer | 1 | 1467 |
IPnFr Glitter | Miniature Pinscher | 9 | 1520 |
JPnFl Go go gidget | Border Collie | 6 | 998 |
Gold | German Shepherd Dog | 1 | 1492 |
APnD Good goose | Border Collie | 11 | 1012 |
NT Hailey | Doberman Pinscher | 1 | 1464 |
NHu Ian | German Shepherd Dog | 1 | 1442 |
JPnM Jasper | Border Collie | 6 | 1509 |
NP Jess | German Shepherd Dog | 2 | 1504 |
NSh Joey | Belgian Malinois | 3 | 1504 |
NFT Jughead | Labrador Retriever | 1 | 989 |
NHu Katie | German Shepherd Dog | 1 | 1480 |
NSc Kilo | German Shepherd Dog | 3 | 1505 |
Koda | Cardigan Welsh Corgi | 1 | 1434 |
NSh Lavender | Beauceron | 4 | 1507 |
NP Layla | Bernese Mountain Dog | 3 | 1490 |
Little Bit | Doberman Pinscher | 1 | 1434 |
PnA Look at that shiner | Border Collie | 11 | 1008 |
NSc Lucky | German Shepherd Dog | 1 | 1487 |
AW Lunar Eclipse | German Shepherd Dog | 12 | 1086 |
JPnSh Maple | German Shepherd Dog | 6 | 1515 |
APnFl Mattis | German Shepherd Dog | 13 | 1529 |
NHu Max | German Shepherd Dog | 4 | 1510 |
NO May | German Shepherd Dog | 1 | 1455 |
APnHT midnight blue | Boxer | 12 | 1011 |
CCSc Midnight Rain | Belgian Malinois | 60 | 1458 |
NSh Minnie | German Shepherd Dog | 1 | 1441 |
NW Monty | Newfoundland | 1 | 1487 |
NHu MoonDust | Border Collie | 1 | 1505 |
JAD Ms maniac | Border Collie | 13 | 1014 |
JARO murder crow | German Shepherd Dog | 14 | 1074 |
NP Nala | German Shepherd Dog | 1 | 1503 |
NA Noodle | Border Collie | 3 | 1510 |
NM Ophelia | Chihuahua | 1 | 1464 |
NSc Pain | Beauceron | 1 | 1459 |
NT Paint | Border Collie | 1 | 1448 |
NM Panda | German Shepherd Dog | 4 | 1510 |
AP papi | Miniature Pinscher | 17 | 1538 |
NSh parker | German Shepherd Dog | 1 | 1483 |
Patches | Dalmatian | 1 | 1461 |
JPnSc peppermint candy | German Shepherd Dog | 6 | 999 |
ND Petunia | Standard Poodle | 1 | 1470 |
JASc Phoebe phoenix | Belgian Malinois | 13 | 1068 |
Pickles | German Shepherd Dog | 1 | 1434 |
AA Pipi | Miniature Pinscher | 20 | 1074 |
JPnFr Polly cooper | Border Collie | 5 | 998 |
JAH Princess | Rottweiler | 15 | 1534 |
Puppy 1 | Border Collie | 1 | 986 |
Puppy 10 | German Shepherd Dog | 1 | 1477 |
NT ANA Puppy 3 | German Shepherd Dog | 5 | 1382 |
Puppy 3 | Border Collie | 1 | 985 |
Puppy 6 | Border Collie | 1 | 986 |
AA pyro 2.0 | Border Collie | 18 | 976 |
NHu Q | Doberman Pinscher | 1 | 1477 |
NT Quest | German Shepherd Dog | 1 | 1441 |
NFl Quill | Border Collie | 1 | 1441 |
NT Quince | Beauceron | 1 | 1440 |
JPnR Rain storm | Saluki | 6 | 999 |
AA Reaper | Belgian Malinois | 17 | 1080 |
NHT Regenald | Labrador Retriever | 1 | 989 |
JASh Rollie pollie ollie | Border Collie | 14 | 1084 |
Rose | Kelpie | 1 | 1494 |
AO rumor has it | Border Collie | 16 | 1072 |
NSc Sage | German Shepherd Dog | 1 | 1446 |
JAH salt and pepper | Border Collie | 14 | 1072 |
APnSh Sasha Ash | German Shepherd Dog | 12 | 1014 |
APnFr Savannah Desert | German Shepherd Dog | 11 | 1014 |
PnP Shining Shimmer | Border Collie | 10 | 1008 |
NSc Sierra | German Shepherd Dog | 2 | 1461 |
JAA snow queen | German Shepherd Dog | 14 | 1071 |
NW Solar | Standard Poodle | 1 | 1463 |
JAFl sound of the sirens | German Shepherd Dog | 14 | 1072 |
JAT Spots N dots | Border Collie | 14 | 1084 |
JAT Spring flowers | German Shepherd Dog | 15 | 1072 |
NHT Squeaky toes | Standard Poodle | 1 | 992 |
ND Steel | Standard Poodle | 5 | 1073 |
NHu Stella Bella | German Shepherd Dog | 1 | 992 |
JAT Stellar stars | German Shepherd Dog | 14 | 1074 |
IPnSc swisher | German Shepherd Dog | 9 | 1014 |
ND Taggert | German Shepherd Dog | 1 | 1443 |
NSh Tinker | Toy Poodle | 1 | 1443 |
Toby | German Shepherd Dog | 1 | 1496 |
PnA Toodles | Border Collie | 12 | 1530 |
NHu Trinity | Border Collie | 1 | 1460 |
NA Tucker | German Shepherd Dog | 1 | 1503 |
NA Vader | German Shepherd Dog | 4 | 1508 |
NO Veronica lodge | Standard Poodle | 1 | 992 |
JPnRO Victor | German Shepherd Dog | 8 | 1519 |
APnD Vixen | Standard Poodle | 11 | 1526 |
NSh Winston | Rottweiler | 3 | 1508 |
NHu Xavier | German Shepherd Dog | 1 | 1491 |
NH yoda | Beauceron | 1 | 1440 |
AA you should see me in a crown | German Shepherd Dog | 21 | 991 |
NFr Yuna | Border Collie | 4 | 1509 |
IPnO Zada | German Shepherd Dog | 8 | 1519 |
NT Zane | Border Collie | 2 | 1505 |
PnSc Zues | Beauceron | 13 | 1530 |