Murphy's Mutts

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Dogs Bred By Murphy's Mutts

JASh SMHM !.0 -DS- 1.217 TBDToy Poodle1321
JASh SMHM !.0 -DS- 1.272 TBDAmerican Indian Dog1421
JASh 3.10.1 -DS- 1.037 SantiBull Terrier1323
PnSh BY: 6/7 Lla 0.962xStandard Poodle1222
A Dashing of Dark MatterBorder Collie17
NH A Dusting of StardustBorder Collie114
NH SMHM A Starship Called StarsongBorder Collie113
A Whisper of GloryToy Poodle17
ANA Around the WorldBorder Collie114
Ashen DoveGerman Shepherd Dog16
Ashen LuteGerman Shepherd Dog16
Atmospheric DustBorder Collie17
Atmospheric PressureBorder Collie17
JPnSh SMHM BuddyBull Terrier618
NH SMHM Celestial BearBorder Collie113
ANH SMHM Celestial DuskBorder Collie114
Centuari's LegacyBorder Collie17
NA Cosmic LegacyBorder Collie111
NA Cosmic LightBorder Collie111
NT Dancing across Saturns RingsBorder Collie111
NH SMHM Dancing on NeptuneBorder Collie113
ANH SMHM Dancing Through the StarsBorder Collie114
JPnT SMHM Dancing Under a Blue MoonBorder Collie516
NSh SMHM Desert RocksToy Poodle110
Desert RoseToy Poodle17
Desert ThornsToy Poodle17
NH Don't Stop Me NowBorder Collie114
NA SMHM Echo's LegacyShetland Sheepdog113
NFl SMHM Epsilon ThalassaBorder Collie110
NFl SMHM Galactic EclipseBorder Collie111
NH SMHM Galactic MajorisBorder Collie111
NT SMHM Galactic SolarflareBorder Collie111
NA Galactic SuperclusterBorder Collie113
PnH ANT SMHM Galaxy’s EdgeBorder Collie1020
JPnT SMHM Galelio's SuperclusterBorder Collie114
Glorious GritToy Poodle17
Glorious RangerToy Poodle17
NH SMHM Going SupernovaBorder Collie114
NH SMHM Golden SunlightBorder Collie114
Have a SnickersGerman Shepherd Dog16
JPnH SMHM Head in the CloudsBorder Collie517
NA SMHM I'm Running on SunshineSchipperke110
NH SMHM Indigo StardustBorder Collie111
JPnSc SMHM Ivory FeathersGerman Shepherd Dog917
For StudANSh SMHM Jelly Cat PlushieToy Poodle122
NSh SMHM Just a Cloud Floating Through the SkyPekingese110
APnSc JSSPK KeiraGerman Shepherd Dog1323
APnM *AN* KudzuBull Terrier1320
Latte No SugarGerman Shepherd Dog17
NH SMHM Like a Diamond in the SkyBorder Collie113
NH SMHM Little AstronautBorder Collie113
NSh SMHM Little Cowgirl DreamingToy Poodle110
NSh SMHM Little KiwiPekingese110
NH SMHM Little SupernovaBorder Collie113
NH SMHM Lla • 100.0 • 24,0,0 • 48:0 • EEEEBorder Collie116
NSc SMHM Love at First SightGerman Shepherd Dog413
NH SMHM Lunar EclipseBorder Collie114
NH SMHM Mercury's Missing MoonsBorder Collie113
Moondust and DancingBorder Collie17
NO SMHM Murphy's MoonBorder Collie113
ANH SMHM NadiaBorder Collie615
NH SMHM Neptune's LegacyBorder Collie110
NA SMHM Not Sure if I'm a DustcloudPekingese110
NA SMHM Oceanic AdventureShetland Sheepdog113
NHu SMHM Oh No I Left The Stove OnPekingese110
JPnH SMHM Omega CentauriBorder Collie719
NA SMHM On a Dark Dusty RoadSchipperke110
ANH On Jupiters MoonBorder Collie515
JPnT SMHM Once Under a Silver MoonBorder Collie114
NA SMHM One Piece at a TimeSchipperke110
NH SMHM Ontop of The WorldBorder Collie111
NH Out of This WorldBorder Collie113
NH SMHM Over the MoonBorder Collie113
Over the Moon and StarsBorder Collie17
NSh SMHM Over the Old Oak TreeToy Poodle110
NA SMHM Over the StratosphereBorder Collie113
NFl SMHM Past the StarsBorder Collie111
NH SMHM Past the StratosphereBorder Collie113
NH SMHM Planetary OrbitBorder Collie114
NH SMHM Pluto's DemandBorder Collie113
NH Pluto's LegacyBorder Collie114
Pocket Full of Daisy'sGerman Shepherd Dog17
Pocket Full of LintGerman Shepherd Dog17
For StudANSc ANSh SMHM PoeGerman Shepherd Dog615
PnP Puppy 1Alaskan Husky1022
Puppy 10Border Collie16
Puppy 2Border Collie16
Puppy 3Border Collie16
Puppy 4Border Collie16
Puppy 5German Shepherd Dog123
NA SMHM Puppy 5Border Collie17
Puppy 5Border Collie16
Puppy 5Border Collie16
Puppy 6Border Collie16
Puppy 7Border Collie16
Puppy 7Toy Poodle16
NH SMHM Puppy 8Shetland Sheepdog113
Puppy 8Toy Poodle16
NS SMHM Puppy 9Alaskan Husky110
Running Down to the SeasideShetland Sheepdog17
Sagebrush GritToy Poodle17
NRO SMHM Sand and GloryToy Poodle110
NH SMHM Saturn's StarBorder Collie111
IPnSc SMHM Silver Ivory KintsugiGerman Shepherd Dog917
ANH SMHM Soaring Through the MesosphereBorder Collie114
NH SMHM Solar FlareBorder Collie114
NT SMHM Space CowboyBorder Collie111
NH SMHM Space CowgirlBorder Collie111
JPnH SMHM Sprinkling of Dark MatterBorder Collie719
Starlight GritToy Poodle17
NH SMHM Starstruck WonderBorder Collie110
NM JPDK StormyBorder Collie121
Sunflower's in JuneGerman Shepherd Dog16
NH SMHM Sunrise on JupiterBorder Collie110
NSh SMHM Sunset Over the PlainsToy Poodle113
Sunset Over the RiptideShetland Sheepdog17
NSc SMHM Three Little BirdsGerman Shepherd Dog113
NH SMHM To the StarsBorder Collie114
For StudANH SMHM TobyBorder Collie615
JPnA ANFl SMHM TurnoverGerman Shepherd Dog817
NH SMHM Under TitaniaBorder Collie113
NH SMHM Ursae CelesteBorder Collie113
NH SMHM Ursae in The StarsBorder Collie113
NFl SMHM Ursae StormBorder Collie113
NH SMHM Venus RisingBorder Collie114
JPnP SMHM Vodka on the RoxxGreat Dane717
Wandering GhostGerman Shepherd Dog17
Western GritToy Poodle17
IPnSc SMHM White BeetleGerman Shepherd Dog1017
NH Winter EclipseBorder Collie114
JPnT SMHM Zenith StarBorder Collie114
ANH SMHM Ziggy StardustBorder Collie515
NH SMHM || GVF's °Call It What It Is° ® || 1.182Border Collie112
JPnH SMHM || GVF's °Dazed and Confused° ® || 1.347Border Collie613
IPnH SMHM || GVF's °Time Of The Season° ® || 1.357Border Collie714
LockedNSc SMHM 24HH LALAGerman Shepherd Dog413
LockedANT SMHM 24HH LALAGerman Shepherd Dog412
LockedMT SMHM 24HH lala || Different WorldsGerman Shepherd Dog2880
LockedJPnT A Summers DreamGerman Shepherd Dog817
LockedNH SMHM AnnBorder Collie19
LockedFor StudGCSc SMHM AntonioGerman Shepherd Dog4792
LockedMT SMHM Bell-birds songGerman Shepherd Dog3496
LockedNH SMHM BerraBorder Collie19
LockedNFr SMHM Black Is The NightAzawakh Hound16
LockedFor StudJAFl SMHM BlazeGerman Shepherd Dog1740
LockedANA SMHM Caught in a RiptideShetland Sheepdog513
LockedNM Ciconia nigraBull Terrier18
LockedNW *LoD Custodian Of The Forbidden FiresVizsla16
LockedJAT IPnSc SMHM Dancers Brilliant Diamond- EEEE EmE Bb dd Ayasa spsp cwcwGerman Shepherd Dog1633
LockedNO SMHM DelilahBorder Collie16
LockedANSh SMHM Desert MiracleToy Poodle112
LockedPnRO SMHM Desert MirageToy Poodle919
LockedJPnSh SMHM Desert OasisToy Poodle614
LockedJPnSh SMHM Desert RustToy Poodle615
LockedJPnSh SMHM Diamond in the RoughToy Poodle112
LockedJPnSc SMHM Double DipGerman Shepherd Dog515
LockedPnSh SMHM Dusted SpiritsToy Poodle1018
LockedNH SMHM EllieBorder Collie18
LockedNSc SMHM Guy of torrment(New bloodline)German Shepherd Dog19
LockedNT SMHM HazelBorder Collie19
LockedJPnSc SMHM January BeamingGerman Shepherd Dog513
LockedNFl SMHM JerryBorder Collie16
LockedAT SMHM JulietteGerman Shepherd Dog2235
LockedJPnRO SMHM JustineToy Poodle513
LockedNH SMHM KaylaBorder Collie16
LockedNT SMHM LakaBorder Collie16
LockedPnM SMHM lala • 93.8 • 18,6,0 • 42:6 • EEEEToy Poodle715
LockedFor StudNH SMHM Land of lost(New bloodline)Border Collie112
LockedNH SMHM LeapordBorder Collie16
LockedNP MRTK LintStandard Poodle16
LockedANSc SMHM Little BirdGerman Shepherd Dog513
LockedJPnA SMHM Little Ocean's LegacyShetland Sheepdog513
LockedJPnH SMHM Midnight SeaShetland Sheepdog514
LockedJPnSc Murphy's TemptationGerman Shepherd Dog513
LockedPnHu SMHM OatmealGerman Shepherd Dog720
LockedJPnA SMHM Ocean's CurrentShetland Sheepdog514
LockedPlutoToy Poodle16
LockedJPnSh SMHM PortlandStandard Poodle618
LockedASc SMHM Puppy 1German Shepherd Dog1969
LockedJPnT SMHM Puppy 2German Shepherd Dog513
LockedNRO SMHM Puppy 5Toy Poodle110
LockedSMHM Puppy 9Bull Terrier17
LockedNH SMHM RyleBorder Collie19
LockedPnSh Sagebrush SymphonyToy Poodle817
LockedNFr SMHM Samantha BarbaraBorder Collie18
LockedFor Public SaleNSh SMHM Scouts HonourBull Terrier111
LockedJPnA SMHM Sea Salt on the AirShetland Sheepdog515
LockedNH SMHM Seaside SunsetShetland Sheepdog112
LockedJPnFl SMHM Serpents JewellShetland Sheepdog515
LockedNT SMHM SilverBorder Collie18
LockedIPnSh Silver SpiritToy Poodle817
LockedNA SMHM TammyBorder Collie17
LockedNSh SMHM There's a Snake in My BootToy Poodle112
LockedIPnSh Thunderbolt TangoToy Poodle717
LockedSMHM Up above the cloudsGerman Shepherd Dog135
LockedNHu SMHM ViennaGerman Shepherd Dog119
JPnP JPnD SMHM 24HH lala 3strStandard Poodle51219
IPnSc SMHM A grey ducks featherGerman Shepherd Dog81228
BeuaGerman Shepherd Dog1948
JAHu SMHM Big bad wolfGerman Shepherd Dog141254
JAP SMHM Bumble beeGerman Shepherd Dog151252
ANP SMHM ChookMaremma Sheepdog61213
IPnSc SMHM Diamond in the roughGerman Shepherd Dog81229
AS SMHM Dust 'n' the breezeWest Siberian Laika181262
SMHM DutchGerman Shepherd Dog11249
SMHM Ember of lifeGerman Shepherd Dog11249
NFT SMHM Fallen spiritsWest Siberian Laika1169
AND Falling timbersStandard Poodle41223
AD SMHM Fire awayGerman Shepherd Dog151252
IPnSc SMHM Forest of shadowsGerman Shepherd Dog81228
CCFr SMHM GritAzawakh Hound491215
ASh SMHM Jumping to the moonWest Siberian Laika191266
JupiterGerman Shepherd Dog1948
NCFr SMHM Knights of the summers twilightScottish Deerhound57892
NP SMHM Lily Jefferson cakeGerman Shepherd Dog41081
IPnW SMHM Lovely LadyGerman Shepherd Dog61249
AT SMHM Olivia Gen 1German Shepherd Dog181247
NH SMHM PeepGerman Shepherd Dog11250
MFT SMHM PETERNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever301191
IPnSc PrinceGerman Shepherd Dog91073
NFT SMHM Puppy 2West Siberian Laika11212
SMHM Puppy 3German Shepherd Dog11251
NH Puppy 5Border Collie31217
ND SMHM Puppy 7German Shepherd Dog11252
JPnP SMHM Raising hellfireStandard Poodle71229
PnD SMHM RangerGolden Retriever101060
JPnT SMHM S - FG - L2West Siberian Laika71228
ANSh SMHM SammyGerman Shepherd Dog91252
APnHu SMHM SaturnWest Siberian Laika131250
APnSh SMHM Smoke 'em outWest Siberian Laika131249
JPnHu SMHM SP - FG - L1West Siberian Laika71228
IPnD SMHM SP - FG - L3West Siberian Laika71228
NA SMHM SP - SG - L1West Siberian Laika21216
NCSc SMHM Steel Blue MoonGerman Shepherd Dog491214
ANHT Temper tantrumStandard Poodle11223
NSc Temper TemperGerman Shepherd Dog31026
NSh TheodosiaToy Poodle436
SMHM TipGerman Shepherd Dog11250
SMHM WinstonGerman Shepherd Dog11249
SMHM WinterGerman Shepherd Dog11251
MW SMHM ZiggyGerman Shepherd Dog251075

Game Time

09:36pm on Mar 6

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