ARMY Kennel

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Dogs Bred By ARMY Kennel

LockedJAP BTSAK AbbyGerman Shepherd Dog1424
LockedJAFr BTSAK AdanGreyhound1528
LockedJPnHu BTSAK AlexaGerman Shepherd Dog512
LockedJASh BTSAK AnakinSaarloos Wolfdog1525
LockedAFr BTSAK AndreCzechoslovakian Wolfdog1525
LockedJPnT BTSAK AngusSaarloos Wolfdog513
LockedNT BTSAK ArgonGerman Shepherd Dog19
LockedANT BTSAK AriGerman Shepherd Dog512
LockedJAA BTSAK AshGerman Shepherd Dog1526
LockedAA BTSAK BaileySaarloos Wolfdog2337
LockedNSc BTSAK BaxterGerman Shepherd Dog19
LockedNSc BTSAK BeccaGerman Shepherd Dog19
LockedAPnFl BTSAK BeckSiberian Husky1252
LockedJASc BTSAK BeckhamGerman Shepherd Dog1728
LockedMT BTSAK BeckyGerman Shepherd Dog3151
LockedJPnHu BTSAK BennyCzechoslovakian Wolfdog113
LockedJAT BTSAK BethGerman Shepherd Dog1728
LockedNT BTSAK BlitzGerman Shepherd Dog19
LockedASc BTSAK BlueGerman Shepherd Dog2033
LockedAFl BTSAK BoskySiberian Husky1933
LockedJPnP BTSAK CalSaarloos Wolfdog513
LockedAPnFr BTSAK CallieWest Siberian Laika1120
LockedNSc BTSAK CaramelGerman Shepherd Dog17
LockedANSc BTSAK CarlaGerman Shepherd Dog512
LockedNH BTSAK CarmenGerman Shepherd Dog19
LockedNSc BTSAK CarminaGerman Shepherd Dog19
LockedJPnA BTSAK CarsonSiberian Husky816
LockedAT BTSAK CassieSiberian Husky1833
LockedJAM BTSAK CharlesCzechoslovakian Wolfdog1425
LockedJASc BTSAK CharlotteGerman Shepherd Dog1524
LockedANO BTSAK CharmGerman Shepherd Dog512
LockedNP BTSAK ChaseGerman Shepherd Dog19
LockedIPnD BTSAK ChaserSiberian Husky816
LockedMP BTSAK ChazGerman Shepherd Dog2745
LockedMH BTSAK ChazBorder Collie2892
LockedJPnD BTSAK Choc SpotsSiberian Husky635
LockedMSh BTSAK ChocoGerman Shepherd Dog2848
LockedAPnA BTSAK CocoBorder Collie1352
LockedAD BTSAK DanSaarloos Wolfdog1525
LockedNO BTSAK DanylaGerman Shepherd Dog19
LockedJPnH BTSAK DanylaMiniature Australian Shepherd635
LockedJAA BTSAK DarcyGerman Shepherd Dog1423
LockedJAT BTSAK DarkGerman Shepherd Dog1627
LockedJAHu BTSAK DarkMiniature Dachshund1352
LockedAFr BTSAK DarkSaarloos Wolfdog2237
LockedJAFr BTSAK DawnSaarloos Wolfdog1525
LockedAPnT BTSAK DaxGerman Shepherd Dog1323
LockedNT BTSAK DaxGerman Shepherd Dog19
LockedNSh BTSAK DaxterGerman Shepherd Dog19
LockedNSc BTSAK DrakonGerman Shepherd Dog19
LockedJPnT BTSAK DuskSaarloos Wolfdog513
LockedMM BTSAK EJGerman Shepherd Dog2742
LockedNT BTSAK EllieGerman Shepherd Dog19
LockedJAFl BTSAK FireGerman Shepherd Dog1626
LockedAPnM BTSAK FluffPomeranian1352
LockedNP BTSAK FranGerman Shepherd Dog17
LockedANSc BTSAK FrankGerman Shepherd Dog512
LockedNSc BTSAK GageGerman Shepherd Dog19
LockedIPnS BTSAK GarrusSiberian Husky816
LockedChS BTSAK GoggydogSiberian Husky3573
LockedNSh BTSAK Golden TouchGerman Shepherd Dog19
LockedASc BTSAK GraceGerman Shepherd Dog2237
LockedARO BTSAK HaileyCzechoslovakian Wolfdog2237
LockedAHu BTSAK HayderGerman Shepherd Dog1933
LockedAM BTSAK HayderCzechoslovakian Wolfdog2237
LockedAS BTSAK HoneySiberian Husky2192
LockedAFr BTSAK HopeSiberian Husky2545
LockedMO BTSAK HuffPomeranian2743
LockedMS BTSAK HugoSiberian Husky2492
LockedExSh BTSAK HunterAlaskan Klee Kai3676
LockedNFl BTSAK IrishGerman Shepherd Dog17
LockedMW BTSAK IzzyGerman Shepherd Dog2137
LockedNP BTSAK J-HopeGerman Shepherd Dog19
LockedJAA BTSAK JadeCzechoslovakian Wolfdog1525
LockedNT BTSAK JakeGerman Shepherd Dog19
LockedIPnA BTSAK JamesSiberian Husky916
LockedJPnSh BTSAK JanylaGerman Shepherd Dog512
LockedAPnT BTSAK JaxGerman Shepherd Dog1424
LockedNW BTSAK JaxonGerman Shepherd Dog19
LockedJAHu BTSAK JaxonCzechoslovakian Wolfdog1425
LockedIPnP BTSAK JaydenGerman Shepherd Dog917
LockedAT BTSAK JazzGerman Shepherd Dog2238
LockedNHu BTSAK JazzGerman Shepherd Dog19
LockedAP BTSAK JennaSaarloos Wolfdog2337
LockedPnW BTSAK JiminGerman Shepherd Dog716
LockedJPnP BTSAK JinGerman Shepherd Dog816
LockedNSc BTSAK Jinx IIGerman Shepherd Dog19
LockedAW BTSAK JKGerman Shepherd Dog1324
LockedJASc BTSAK JordyGerman Shepherd Dog1527
LockedAT BTSAK JulesGerman Shepherd Dog2339
LockedJAFl BTSAK KaidanGerman Shepherd Dog1524
LockedJAT BTSAK KailaSaarloos Wolfdog1525
LockedAPnH BTSAK KalahiraGerman Shepherd Dog1424
LockedMT BTSAK KaliGerman Shepherd Dog3258
LockedNSc BTSAK KaliGerman Shepherd Dog19
LockedMD BTSAK KarlyGerman Shepherd Dog2845
LockedMA BTSAK KaylaBorder Collie3092
LockedJAFl BTSAK KenobiSaarloos Wolfdog1525
LockedNO BTSAK KurtSaarloos Wolfdog18
LockedChRO BTSAK KyraPomeranian41100
LockedNRO BTSAK KyraGerman Shepherd Dog17
LockedAS BTSAK KyserSiberian Husky2037
LockedMA BTSAK LadyMiniature Australian Shepherd3397
LockedANA BTSAK LanaSaarloos Wolfdog513
LockedJAP BTSAK LaylaSaarloos Wolfdog1525
LockedND BTSAK LazGerman Shepherd Dog17
LockedJPnA BTSAK LeoCzechoslovakian Wolfdog113
LockedMW BTSAK LexGerman Shepherd Dog2339
LockedANH BTSAK LexiGerman Shepherd Dog512
LockedJPnP BTSAK LiamCzechoslovakian Wolfdog113
LockedAP BTSAK LightSiberian Husky2037
LockedAT BTSAK LightSaarloos Wolfdog2337
LockedAW BTSAK LilaGerman Shepherd Dog1833
LockedNHu BTSAK LilaGerman Shepherd Dog17
LockedExS BTSAK LillyAlaskan Husky2956
LockedNP BTSAK LionSiberian Husky17
LockedASc BTSAK LockiGerman Shepherd Dog2033
LockedASh BTSAK LokiGerman Shepherd Dog2033
LockedJAT BTSAK LucasBorder Collie1634
LockedPnA BTSAK LucyCarolina Dog1222
LockedJAH BTSAK LucySaarloos Wolfdog1625
LockedMO BTSAK LukePomeranian3255
LockedJARO BTSAK LuluCzechoslovakian Wolfdog1425
LockedNT BTSAK LunaGerman Shepherd Dog19
LockedNFT BTSAK LunaWest Siberian Laika17
LockedMA BTSAK MabelBorder Collie2792
LockedANT BTSAK MattGerman Shepherd Dog512
LockedARO BTSAK MaxIcelandic Sheepdog2343
LockedJARO BTSAK MaxCzechoslovakian Wolfdog1425
LockedJPnT BTSAK MaxSaarloos Wolfdog513
LockedNSc BTSAK MelinaGerman Shepherd Dog17
LockedJPnT BTSAK MiaGerman Shepherd Dog917
LockedFor StudPnA BTSAK MichaCarolina Dog1226
LockedPnO BTSAK MichaelaGerman Shepherd Dog917
LockedMSc BTSAK MidnightGerman Shepherd Dog3049
LockedNT BTSAK MikaGerman Shepherd Dog17
LockedJAT BTSAK MileyCzechoslovakian Wolfdog1425
LockedNT BTSAK MischiefGerman Shepherd Dog17
LockedJPnD BTSAK MissySaarloos Wolfdog613
LockedJPnO BTSAK MistyCzechoslovakian Wolfdog113
LockedNSh BTSAK MochaGerman Shepherd Dog17
LockedAFr BTSAK MoonshineIcelandic Sheepdog2443
LockedAO BTSAK NataliaGerman Shepherd Dog1727
LockedJPnHu BTSAK NateSaarloos Wolfdog513
LockedJPnH BTSAK NikkiCzechoslovakian Wolfdog113
LockedAM BTSAK NixSaarloos Wolfdog1525
LockedNW BTSAK NixonGerman Shepherd Dog111
LockedNH BTSAK NixonMiniature Australian Shepherd17
LockedNT BTSAK OscarGerman Shepherd Dog19
LockedMSc BTSAK PabloGerman Shepherd Dog3151
LockedASh BTSAK PaleoGerman Shepherd Dog2438
LockedAHu BTSAK PandaGerman Shepherd Dog1626
LockedNW BTSAK PandaGerman Shepherd Dog17
LockedJAO BTSAK PaxGerman Shepherd Dog1424
LockedJAT BTSAK PedroGerman Shepherd Dog1524
LockedIPnSh BTSAK PepperGerman Shepherd Dog916
LockedME BTSAK PeteMiniature Dachshund2645
LockedJPnFl BTSAK PipSaarloos Wolfdog513
LockedNR BTSAK PrincePharaoh Hound17
LockedMHu BTSAK PuffPomeranian3488
LockedJPnP BTSAK Puppy 1Siberian Husky816
LockedIPnP BTSAK Puppy 2Siberian Husky816
LockedJPnFl BTSAK Puppy 3Siberian Husky816
LockedMSc BTSAK Puppy 4German Shepherd Dog2852
LockedJASh BTSAK Quick SilverCzechoslovakian Wolfdog1324
LockedPnO BTSAK RexGerman Shepherd Dog1018
LockedNO BTSAK RextonGerman Shepherd Dog17
LockedNRO BTSAK Ri'nelaGerman Shepherd Dog19
LockedAFl BTSAK RikkiAlaskan Husky2643
LockedAP BTSAK RikkiGerman Shepherd Dog1933
LockedAW BTSAK RilaGerman Shepherd Dog1224
LockedIPnH BTSAK RileyGerman Shepherd Dog1018
LockedAA BTSAK RisaAlaskan Husky2643
LockedNSc BTSAK RMGerman Shepherd Dog19
LockedFor StudAFl BTSAK RonanBorder Collie1933
LockedNA BTSAK RoseSaarloos Wolfdog18
LockedAW BTSAK RubyGerman Shepherd Dog1528
LockedJAW BTSAK RyderGerman Shepherd Dog918
LockedAPnH BTSAK SageGerman Shepherd Dog1424
LockedNT BTSAK SallyGerman Shepherd Dog111
LockedAPnM BTSAK SamCarolina Dog1222
LockedNSc BTSAK SamGerman Shepherd Dog19
LockedAD BTSAK SamSaarloos Wolfdog1425
LockedPnM BTSAK SammyWest Siberian Laika1020
LockedASh BTSAK SanaCzechoslovakian Wolfdog2237
LockedNT BTSAK SandmanGerman Shepherd Dog19
LockedAH BTSAK SandmanCzechoslovakian Wolfdog2237
LockedNRO BTSAK SarahShih Tzu17
LockedAT BTSAK Scar JrGerman Shepherd Dog2033
LockedExW BTSAK ScottGerman Shepherd Dog2745
LockedJPnSh BTSAK SebCzechoslovakian Wolfdog113
LockedNSc BTSAK SerenaGerman Shepherd Dog111
LockedNSh BTSAK ShainaGerman Shepherd Dog111
LockedNT BTSAK ShannonGerman Shepherd Dog19
LockedAD BTSAK SilentGerman Shepherd Dog1526
LockedMHu BTSAK SilverGerman Shepherd Dog2948
LockedJAH BTSAK SilviaGerman Shepherd Dog1527
LockedAM BTSAK SnowCzechoslovakian Wolfdog2137
LockedMFl BTSAK SpotsSiberian Husky3058
LockedNFT BTSAK SpotsWest Siberian Laika19
LockedAW BTSAK StarGerman Shepherd Dog1326
LockedMSh BTSAK StormGerman Shepherd Dog3049
LockedNT BTSAK SugaGerman Shepherd Dog19
LockedIPnSc BTSAK SuranaGerman Shepherd Dog817
LockedJPnSc BTSAK TaliGerman Shepherd Dog714
LockedAFl BTSAK TaliaBorder Collie2267
LockedAD BTSAK TaliaCzechoslovakian Wolfdog2137
LockedJPnT BTSAK TanyaGerman Shepherd Dog714
LockedNP BTSAK TerrorGerman Shepherd Dog17
LockedMFl BTSAK TessaAlaskan Husky3356
LockedNT BTSAK ThunderGerman Shepherd Dog19
LockedJPnA BTSAK TiaSaarloos Wolfdog513
LockedMFr BTSAK TracyMiniature Dachshund2845
LockedJPnSc BTSAK TysonGerman Shepherd Dog614
LockedAFl BTSAK UlaGerman Shepherd Dog2237
LockedIPnSh BTSAK VGerman Shepherd Dog816
LockedNSc BTSAK VannyWest Siberian Laika17
LockedJPnFl BTSAK VarricSaarloos Wolfdog513
LockedJPnT BTSAK ViSaarloos Wolfdog513
LockedJPnH BTSAK VickyCzechoslovakian Wolfdog113
LockedMT BTSAK VilkasGerman Shepherd Dog2948
LockedNSc BTSAK ViserysGerman Shepherd Dog19
LockedNSc BTSAK VixGerman Shepherd Dog19
LockedNT BTSAK White ChocGerman Shepherd Dog17
LockedAP BTSAK White ChocSaarloos Wolfdog2337
LockedFor StudIPnM BTSAK WolfAkita716
LockedNT BTSAK XaviGerman Shepherd Dog111
LockedMT BTSAK XavierMiniature Australian Shepherd2952
LockedNT BTSAK ZanderGerman Shepherd Dog19
LockedJPnRO BTSAK ZelinaGerman Shepherd Dog512
LockedJPnHu BTSAK ZuriGerman Shepherd Dog512
LockedNSh BTSAK ZuriPomeranian17
AA BTSAK AminaCarolina Dog28263
NHT BTSAK BaileyAkita1240
AHu BTSAK BalooBorder Collie18250
ChFr BTSAK Brax FEFFAkita41285
AA BTSAK Brinsworthy Blue Tears for the WaterBorder Collie20266
JAR BTSAK CarusoGreyhound16251
MA BTSAK Cyprus von EisenfeuerBorder Collie28241
NS BTSAK Down by the RiverSiberian Husky1238
WCHu BTSAK DuskCarolina Dog60133
ANT BTSAK GhostMiniature Australian Shepherd5240
MSh BTSAK HazelShih Tzu28281
AD BTSAK HumphreyBorder Collie19250
AH BTSAK KiriIcelandic Sheepdog20215
JAR BTSAK LeeroyGreyhound16251
JAFr BTSAK LennoxGreyhound15251
APnH BTSAK LucasBorder Collie13239
JAT BTSAK MoxieDoberman Pinscher18261
AO BTSAK NixBorder Collie20250
ANSh BTSAK NuffinPomeranian6240
JAFr BTSAK PatriceGreyhound15251
JPnT BTSAK PierreDoberman Pinscher8242
ExS BTSAK Puppy 2Siberian Husky20217
MH BTSAK RiarneBorder Collie28278
PnO BTSAK RockyDoberman Pinscher9125
AT BTSAK RoxieDoberman Pinscher20216
MSc BTSAK SaraDoberman Pinscher30281
NP BTSAK TannerSiberian Husky1238
AR BTSAK TashaGreyhound21261
AD BTSAK TillyGreyhound20261
NM BTSAK TinaCarolina Dog1243

Game Time

10:59pm on Feb 14

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